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The highest rates of increase in the Free States for the last 10 years were in Wisconsin, 884 per ct.; Iowa, 347 per ct.; Michigan, 86 per ct.; Illinois, 77 per ct. The highest in the Slave States were, in Arkansas, whites, 111 per ct.; Missouri, whites, 83 per ct.; Florida, 66

per ct.; Mississippi, 62 per ct. The highest Mississippi, 54 per ct.; Missouri, 50 per ct. mont, 7 per ct.; New Hampshire, 11 per ct. in South Carolina, 6 per ct.; North Carolina, 14 per ct. In North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Arkansas, the Slaves have increased more than the Whites. In all the other States the proportion of Slaves has diminished, especially in Maryland, Virginia, and Kentucky.

increase of Slaves was in Arkansas, 135 per ct. ;
The lowest rate in the Free States was, in Ver-
The lowest in the Slave States of whites, was

General ratio of increase of the whole United States.
From 1830 to 1840, white, 34-72

66 1840 to 1850 66 38.20

Colored, 23.81
66 26.16

The centre of Representative population in 1790, was 46 miles north and 22 east of Washington, in Baltimore county, Maryland. In 1800, the centre was 64 miles north and 30 west of Washington, in Adams county, Pennsylvania. In 1820, it was 47 miles north and 71 west of Washington, in Morgan county, Virginia. In 1830, it was 43 miles north and 108 west of Washington, in Marion County, Virginia. By these calculations, the accuracy of which we see no reason to question, the representative power, in its rapid and accelerated movement westward, has for fifty years kept nearly the same parallel of latitude. In that time it has moved 10 miles south, and 182 miles westward. The advance westward was as follows:

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The calculation is that the census of 1850 will show the centre of representative population in the State of Ohio.

PHYSICIANS were formerly ecclesiastics. It was during the nunciate of Cardinal d'Etouteville in France, in 1452, that he obtained permission for them to marry.-Menage. Sir William de Butts, physician to Henry VIII., and mentioned as such by Shakspeare, was paternal ancestor of Mrs. Sherwood, the popular authoress, who died in Sept., 1851.

POET-LAUREATE (England). Alfred Tennyson appointed Nov., 1850. POST OFFICE, U. S. A. Year ending June 30, 1849; length of mail routes 167,703 miles; amount of annual transportation, in miles, 42,544.069; gross revenue $4,905,176; net revenue $426.127. In 1850, the length of mail routes was 178,672 miles; revenue $5,552,971; expenditures $5,212,953; of which amount the transportation charges were $2,965,786. The actual receipts during the year ending June 30, 1851, were, Less amount received for Brit. Postages,

Gross Revenue for the year,

$6,786,493 22
58,626 44
$6,727,866 78

Being an increase of $999,006 41 over the proper revenues of the preceding year. The ordinary expenditure of the department, year ending June 30, 1851, was $6.024.566 79. Number of post offices in 36 states, and District Columbia in 1837, was 19,604.-P. Mas. Gen. Report.

POST OFFICE, NEW YORK. For the quarter ending Sept. 30, 1851, there were received by steamers and packet ships 577.885 letters and 261,426 papers; despatched by mail per steamer and ship, during same period, papers 305,448; letters 584,038; which latter, added to the daily average correspondence, shows the receipt and transmission of nearly 7 millions of letters by the New York office, in three months. During same quarter, 5.100 official letters were received, and 3.018 written and despatched. In addition to all this, 637 Dead Letters were sent to the proper office at Washington, containing property of value, gold dust, bank bills, drafts, &c., in amounts varying from $1 to $10,000, a large portion of which were returned to the writers, and the balance remain subject to the order of the proper owners. Increase of business under the new law is 10 per cent,, and about 75 per cent. of all letters are prepaid. Number of stamps sold to Sept. 30, was 1,475,555. PROTESTANTISM IN U. S. In the year 1800, the Episcopal Church, the oldest in the Union, numbered 320 churches; 260 ministers; 16 000 members; and 7 bishops. In 1850 it had increased fourfold, viz. ; churches, 1,560; ministers, 1,504; members, 73.000; bishops, 28. The congregation lists in 1850, comprised 1,971 churches; 1,687 ministers; and 197,175 members. The Baptists enumerated 18, 455 churches; 9,018 ministers; and 948,867 members. Pres

byterians 4 General Assemblies; 65 Synods; 360 Presbyteries; 4,578 ministers; 1,014 students and licentiates; 5 672 churches; and 490.259 members, being an increase of eleven-fold since 1800. The various bodies of Methodists speaking the English language, had. in 1850, 30.000 places of worship; 6,000 regular preachers; 8.000 local preachers; and more than a million and a quarter of members. The Methodist Protestant churches of German origin, have 1,827 regular and 559 local preachers; 5.356 congregations; and 333 000 members. The orthodox Friends had 300 congregations. More than 10.000 places of worship were erected in 1849, and $1,670,150 were paid in voluntary subscriptions to ministers.-Dr. Baird before Lon. Evan. Soc. To these may be appended the following, viz. :

Dutch Reformed,

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Ministers. Members.

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Dr. Baird estimates the number of Protestants in the world as follows:

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Australia, Cape of Good Hope, and British possessions in Asia, Africa,
and Polynesia,


81,000,000 PRUSSIA. New edict against the press enforced; 37 journals forbidden to pass through the post, June 5, 1850. The treaty of Olmutz announced at Berlin, Dec. 3, 1850. May 31. 1851, Inauguration of Rauch's Colossal Equestrian statue of Frederick the Great. Berlin. In Oct., 1851, the question of the admission of Jews to judicial office, brought to a partial termination by their permission to study law.-Illus. News.

PYRAMIDS. M. Persigny, in his "Destination," &c., "des Pyramides," lately published in France, appears to have made the nearest approach to the original design of these structures, viz., that they were intended as a barrier to arrest the progress of the sands from the desert, and thus to preserve the cultivated fields of Egypt from destruction. The great Pyramid at Ghizeh it is stated was first opened by the Caliph Al Mamoun, in the expectation of discovering treasure; when the people murmured at their disappointment, he ordered a sum of money to be secretly deposited, which, on its discovery by the laborers, is said to have satisfied their cupidity. RAILWAYS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Jan. 1850.

In Massachusetts,

In other New England States,

In New-York,

In other States,


1,889 miles.

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The estimate on page 154 was erroneous.

Railroad Jubilee at Burlington, Vt., celebrating the union by railroad of the waters of the lakes and the Atlantic, June 25, 1850. N. Y. & Erie R. Road opened with appropriate ceremonies, through the entire line, May 14, 1851. The Hudson River R. Road Co., organized March, 1847, road completed, Oct., 1851, at a cost of $6,666,681.

RAILWAYS, SOUTH AMERICA. The first Railway in PERU, from Callao to Lima, six miles, was opened Nov., 1850.

RAILWAYS, GREAT BRITAIN. During the year 1849, about 870 miles of new railways were opened in the United Kingdom, viz.: 630 miles in England, 108 in Scotland, and 132 in Ireland. The following table gives the progress of railways since 1844, with the average receipts per mile per week:


Miles open.

Per mile per week.




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Miles open. Per mile per week.



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The number of rail-road passengers in England and Wales in 1846, was 35,000,000; in 1850, 53 000 000; total United Kingdom in 1850, 66,000,000.-. Herald. The great Russian rail-road. from Moscow to St. Petersburgh, was opened Nov 13, 1851, the distance 420 miles, being run through in 18 hours, 234 miles per hour.-London Paper.

RELIGIOUS denominations in the United States, according to returns made 1844--51, and by estimate.


Roman Catholics,

Protestant Episcopalians,


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[blocks in formation]


Presbyterians, old school,

[blocks in formation]


Presbyterians, new school,

[blocks in formation]


Cumberland Presbyterians,

[blocks in formation]


Other classes of Presbyterians,

[blocks in formation]


Dutch Reformed,

[blocks in formation]


German Reformed,

[blocks in formation]


Evangelical Lutherans,

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[blocks in formation]


Methodist Episcopal (North)



Methodist Episcopal (South)

Methodist Protestant Church,

[blocks in formation]

Reformed Methodists,

[blocks in formation]

Wesleyan Methodists,

[blocks in formation]

German Methodists, (United Brethren)




Allbright Methodists (Evangelical Association)

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[blocks in formation]

Orthodox Congregationalists,


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[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]


Regular Baptists,

Six-Principle Baptists,

Seventh Day Baptists,

Free Will Baptists,

Church of God Baptists,

Reformed Baptists (Campbellites),

Christian Baptists (Unitarians),

Antimission Baptists,


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[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]




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[blocks in formation]


Am. Aimanac, 1852,


$39,668.696 42

Sale public lands,


Miscellaneous sources,


Loans and balance on hand,


1,688,959 1,038,649 28,742,284

1,859.891 25

1,847,218 33

6,230,914 28

[blocks in formation]

Aggregate receipts for fiscal year ending June 30, 1850, with balance in

Total expenditures to same period,

Imports for year ending June 30, 1851,

Of which there were in specie,

$52.312,979 87
48.005,578 68

215,725,130 00

4,967,901 00


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REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE (Great Britain), year ending Jan. 5, 1850. Revenue, £52,951,748. Expenditure, £50,853,622.

RICE. First planted in South Carolina, 1693, and has been grown in that state every year since that period.


At Philadelphia, between a set of white "rowdies," called "killers," and negroes. Military called out; 4 persons killed; 11 wounded; 4 houses burned, Oct. 10, 1849. Riot at Hoboken. N. J., between Germans and “short boy" rowdies from N. York, May 26. 1851. Riot at New Orleans in reference to Cuban affairs-the Spanish Consul's house attacked, and also those of the Spanish residents, Aug. 21, 1851. Christiana Treason trial, at Philadelphia, Nov., 1851; Hanneway and others acquitted Dec. 11, but the murderers of Mr. Gorsuch sent to Lancaster for trial.

ROMAN CATHOLICS. The appointment by the pope of several R. C. bishops and archbishops in England, causes great excitement in that country, and an indignant letter from Lord John Russell, the premier, Nov., 1850. A statistical account from the Vicar General's office at Rome, in April, 1851, shows the ecclesiastical body of that city to consist of 34 bishops, 1.240 secular and 1,892 regular priests, and 1,467 monks. The schools and seminaries under their supervision were 321.-See Eccl States.

ROME. The Council of State at Rome announces a political amnesty, excepting from it, however, the late Triumvirate, the chiefs of the assembly, and the military leaders, and about 13,000 persons supposed to be implicated in the late movements, Sept. 18, 1849. The pope returns to Rome, April 19, 1850. The total population of Rome in April, 1851, was 170,824.- Vicar Gen'ls Office. In 1848 the population numbered 179,000, and a proportional diminution is shown in the returns of the other Roman States.-Herald. In Oct. 1851, a mixed commission of cardinals, prelates, merchants, &c., and simple workmen, was formed by the Pope, for the examination and amendment, where susceptible, of all corporate laws.--Illus. News,

RUSSIA. The Russian troops repeatedly defeated by the Circassians, June 1851.

RUSSIAN ARMY, 1851. Infantry, 640,384; cavalry, 101,902; artillery, 41.902; adding to the above the engineer staff, the entire force amounts to 810,000

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