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coming towards us, and on our ap- the preceding night. He said it was. proaching him, we ordered him to We met again on the Monday, when stop, which he immediately did. Hol- I told Holloway that he acted impruloway went round him, and told him dently in wearing the hat, as it might to deliver. He said, we should have lead to a discovery. He put the hat his money, and hoped we would not into my hand, and I observed the ill-use him. The deceased put his name of Steele in it. I repeated my hand into his pocket, and gave Hag- fears. At night, Holloway brought gerty his money. I demanded his the hat in a handkerchief, and we pocket-book. He replied that he had went to Westminster-bridge, filled the none. Holloway insisted that he had hat with stones, and having tied the a book, and if he did not deliver it he lining over it, threw it into the would knock him down. The de- Thames." ceased again said that he had no book, The principal head of evidence was and Holloway knocked him down. that collected from Holloway and I then laid hold of his legs. Holloway Haggerty themselves. It appeared, stood at his head, and swore if he that they were confined in separate cried out he would knock out his apartments after their separate exbrains. The deceased again said, he aminations; but as there was only a hoped we would not ill-use him. Hag- slight partition betwixt them, they gerty proceeded to search him, when were enabled to converse together. the deceased made some resistance, An officer had taken the precaution of and struggled so much that we got placing himself in a situation where across the road. He cried out se- he could overhear their conversation, verely, and, as a carriage was coming and by that means became, possessed up, Holloway said, "Take care, I will of every thing they said to each other. silence him, and immediately struck They deprecated the villainy of Hanhim several blows on the head and field, and flattered themselves that the body. The deceased heaved a heavy crime could not be brought home to groan, and stretched himself out life- them, and that Hanfield might suffer less. I felt alarmed, and said, 'John, for his perfidy. They confided to you have killed the man!' Holloway each other that they had denied havreplied, that it was a lie, for he was ing any acquaintance with the accomonly stunned. I said, I would stay plice, and, in fact, recapitulated to no longer, and immediately set off to- each other the whole of their exami wards London, leaving Holloway and nations. Haggerty with the body. I came to Elizabeth Godfrey was also found Hounslow, and stopped at the end of guilty, for the murder of Richard the town for near an hour, when Hol- Prince, by running a pen-knife into loway and Haggerty came up, and his eye, which occasioned his death. said, they had done the trick, and, as One of the most dreadful accidents, a token, put the deceased's hat into for a long time experienced in this my hand. The hat Holloway went city, took place on the morning of down in was like a soldier's hat. I the execution of these three unfortu told Holloway it was a cruel piece of nate culprits :-The populace began business, and that I was sorry I had to assemble so early as five o'clock, any band in it. We all turned down and continued to accumulate until a lane, and returned to London. As eight. (It is supposed, that the conwe came along, I asked Holloway course of people was greater than at if he had got the pocket-book. He the execution of Governor Wall.) At replied, it was no matter, for as I had eight o'clock, the prisoners ascended refused to share the danger I should the scaffold. Haggerty came forward not share the booty. We came to the first, attended by the Rev. Mr. DeveBlack Horse, in Dyot-street, had half- reux, a Roman Catholic clergyman. a-pint of gin, and parted. Haggerty His deportment was correct, and afwent down in shoes, but I don't know forded a striking contrast with the if he came back in them. The next day brutal ferocity of Holloway. As soon I observed Holloway had a hat upon as he appeared upon the scaffold, he his head which was too small for him. exclaimed, "I'm innocent, gentleI asked him if it was the same he got men, I'm innocent, no verdict, no

verdict!" He seemed hardened, and den, John Ward, Charles Okford, to have made up his mind to what is Richard Steele, Dennis Maund, James called dying game. The woman fol- Sylvester, and four others. Total 15, lowed next, and appeared very peni- making 42, in St. Bartholomew's Hostent. She was dressed in white. As pital.

soon as the platform fell, the woman Married.] At St. George's Hanoverand Holloway appeared dead. Hag- square, Thomas Lee, esq. of Dovergerty was extremely convulsed. Im- street, to Miss Helen O'Grady, sister mediately after they were launched of Viscountess Haberton.-By special off a most dreadful scene took place. licence, at the Hon. Col. St. Leger's The approaches to the place were house in Sloane-street, the Hon. and completely blocked up with carts, Rev. Edward Taylour, brother of the filled with spectators, and when some Marquis of Headfort, to Miss St. of the crowd began to move away the Leger, eldest daughter of Colonel St. pressure became dreadful. Some Leger, and niece to Viscount Donefell, and others fell over them, they raile.-At St. George's Hanover-sq. were trampled to death. Terror took Sir Daniel Fleming, bart, to Miss possession of the crowd, they became Fleming, daughter and sole heiress of desperate, and their efforts only con- the late Sir Michael Le Fleming, bart. tributed to encrease their danger. As of Rydall-ball, in Westmorland, and soon as this frightful confusion ceased, grand-daughter of Thomas Howard, forty-two sufferers in the scene were late Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire.-carried to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. At Barham-court, the seat of the Rt. Of these, twenty-seven were dead; Hon. Ld. Barham, W. H. Hoare, esq. and though every effort was made for eldest son of H.Hoare, esq. to MissNoel, their resuscitation, in not one instance eldest daughter of Gerard Noel, esq. was it crowned with success. Of of Exton Park, Rutlandshire, and forty-three, the whole number, five grand-daughter of Lord Barham.were women, and three of these are At St. George's, Bloomsbury, Edw. among the dead. Of the remaining Barnwell, esq. of Demerara, to Miss twenty-four bodies, five were men, Lucy Brotherson, of Charlotte-street. and the rest lads, from twelve to se- At Mary-le-Bone Church, Captain venteen years of age. Among the Henry Onslow, of the Royal Artillery, dead men, is Tom the pie-man, who second son of Admiral Sir Richard was said to have fallen first, and Onslow, to Miss Caroline Bond, of caused the dreadful catastrophe.- Mitcham.-Robert Harry Ingliss, esq. Two other bodies of boys were taken only son of Sir Hugh Ingliss, bart. to to St. Sepulchre's church, and a third Miss Biscoe, eldest daughter of J. S. to the Swan Inn. A great number of Biscoe, esq. of Pendhill, Surrey.the pupils in attendance happened to Captain Irvine of the 6th Dragoon be collected at St. Bartholomew's Guards, son of the late Rt. Hon. Sir Hospital, at the time, and afforded John Irvine, K.B. to Miss Antrobus, prompt assistance; and Dr. Powell of Grove-house, Knutsford, Cheshire. and a surgeon, who were both upon the spot, directed their humane exertions.

Died.] Lately, Mrs. Gulston, relict of Joseph Gulston, esq. and only sister of the Rev. J. Woodham, rector of St. List of the Killed. Catherine's, Jamaica.-Jan. 24. MurSarah Fry, Joseph Thorn, Joseph dered by his own servant, Mr. Chivers, Field Hurst, Richard Russel, Thomas of Clapham Common. He had gone Cooper, Joseph Taylor, Charlotte into the garden to walk, his daily cusPonton, Mr. Bradford, Thomas Blair, tom, inspecting the gardener at his Master Roderiguez, -Welch, work; when, about half-past eleven, Cross, George Wilson, Samuel How- the latter ran into the house, and in ard, William Platt, John Woodcock, great agitation and terror exclaimed William Bochter, Mr. Cuttel, John to the servants, "Lord, what have I Harrington, and nine others. Total 28. done! I have struck my master, and he has fell!" and immediately left Thomas Worcester, James Devise, the house and made for Clapham. He William Wight or Wigats, Dagnet was pursued and apprehended, and Mitchel, James Manning, John Hams has since been committed for trial.


Mr. Chivers was between 70 and SO sea to this city; an undertaking which years of age.-29. InWellclose-square, must in the end have been attended Capt.Wright, of the 2d Royal Regt. of with very important benefits. Indeed Tower Hamlets Militia.-30. In Park- by his lamented death, the city has lost street, Grosvenor-square, aged 88, H. a benefactor, and, as a public chaSutherland, esq. one of the pages of racter, one of its brightest ornaments. the presence to her Majesty.-In Love- The last testimony of gratitude and lane, Mr. Alex. Crawford, many years confidence which he experienced from of the London Assurance Office.-In his fellow-citizens was, by being unaQueen-street, Edgware-road, Mr. W. nimously elected a representative in Taplin, veterinary surgeon, author of parliament for their ancient city; an the Gentleman's Stable Directory, and honour thus handsomely and deservedvarious other publications.-Feb. 4. ly conferred upon him, he felt like a Mr. Benj.Jett, the eldest chorus singer man; and, when elected, addressed of Covent-Garden Theatre.-In Up- them in the most pathetic language, per-Grafton-street, Fitzroy-square, G. with his usual energy. His popularity Wright, esq. many years a Major in at this moment appeared to overwhelm the East-India Company's service.- him with gratitude: and his choice was In Portland place, James Law, esq. the general theme of admiration: but, aged 60, formerly a Major in the ser- alas! the web of life was nearly spun, vice of the East-India Company. At and their hopes destroyed; for scarcely Edmonton, Mrs. Bigg, wife of Mr. had he witnessed this new scene, than Bigg, solicitor. The death of this lady he ceased to live.--Feb. 5. At his was occasioned by an accident, from house near the Edgware-road, after a which so lamentable a result was not short illness, General Paoli. After to be apprehended. About a fortnight having employed the early and best since, in adjusting the skewer used in part of his life at the head of his countrussing a pheasant, she perforated her trymen, in rescuing Corsica from the thumb, and the bird being in a slight tyranny of the Genoese Government, degree tainted, an inflammation en- and defending its liberties against sued, which terminated in her death. Gallic invasion, overpowered at last -At his residence in Old-Palace-yard, by the superior force of the French aged 66, James Simmons, esq. senior arms, he retired, with a few followers, alderman and representative for the to this country, where he has, with the city of Canterbury. In a long and short interruption of a few years, reactive life, he distinguished himself as mained ever since. [Further particu a firm and persevering friend to his lars of the General in a future Number.] native city, devoting a great part of Feb. 8. At her house in Hind-street, his attention to its improvement and prosperity. In the respective branches of business in which he has been engaged, he displayed a very superior ability and sound judgment; and, by indefatigable attention and industry, amassed air extensive fortune, which enabled him at all times to exercise his liberality and public spirit for the benefit of Canterbury. Among the numberless instances that have occurred we shall mention the following, which are alone sufficient to prove his regard. In the year 1790, he cultivated, at an expense of more than a thousand pounds, that beautiful promenade the Dungeon Field, solely for public accommodation; and, as another instance of his active spirit, he proposed, patronised, and has hitherto supported, the expense of plans, &c. for cutting a navigable canal from the

Manchester-square, aged 80, the Rt, Hon. Baroness Dufferin and Claneboye, of the county of Down, Ireland. She has left issue five sons and four daughters, all married, and by them fifteen grand-children. She was the mother of the gallant and brave Capt. Henry Blackwood, the confidential friend of the illustrious Lord Nelson. She is succeeded in her fortune and title by her eldest son, the Hon. Sir James Blackwood, now Lord Dufferin and Claneboye.-At his house in the Haymarket, aged 87, John Reid, esq. General of his Majesty's Forces, and Colonel of the 88th Regt. of Foot. His promotions in the army were, Colonel, 29th Aug. 1777; Maj.-General, 19th Oct. 1781; Lieut.-General, 12th Oct. 1798; and General, Jan. 1, 1798.-Feb. 8. Suddenly, at his house in Albion-buildings, Bartholomew.

close, Mr. Wm. Davis. He was born Alexander Hare, an inhabitant of the at Gresford, in the county of Denbigh, parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, for Sept. 16, 1771, at which place he prac- nearly fifty years. To innocence and tised some years as a land-surveyor. active philanthropy, the essential chaHaving arrived in London, he was racteristics of a good man, he united soon afterwards admitted a member the liberality of sentiment, and equaof the mathematical and philosophical nimity of conduct, which can alone Society in Spitalfields. He was author constitute the true philosopher. The of a Complete Treatise on Land- native integrity, the guileless simSurveying," a useful practical work, plicity, and the unostentatious benewhich met with general approbation, volence of his character, will long live it having already passed through three in the affectionate remembrance of editions. He also published a volume his family and friends. With a very on "The Use of the Globes." and a uncommon share of general and scíKey to Bonnycastle's Algebra, Men- entific information, he possessed a suration, and Arithmetic. He was mild and unaffected manner of deeditor of the Gentleman's Mathemati- livering his sentiments, which imcal Companion, which commenced pressed conviction on the minds of in 1798, and was published annually those who enjoyed his conversation, to the present year. He published without offending their feelings by new editions of Maclaurin's and Simp- any arrogant appearance of suson's Fluxions, Fenning's Algebra, periority. Such amiable qualities and his British Youth's Instructor. with the most undeviating temHe was also the editor of a new edition perence, could not but tend to the of Sir Isaac Newton's " Mathematical preservation of his mental and corPrinciples of Natural Philosophy," to poreal faculties; he consequently enwhich was added Sir Isaac's "System joyed them unimpaired to the last of the World ;" and a short Comment hour of his life. His death is thought on, and Defence of, the Principia, by to have been occasioned by the rupthe celebrated Wm. Emerson. His ture of some of the larger blood-vessels mathematical pursuits having brought in the breast, and was unattended by him acquainted with scarce and valuable scientific publications, he made it a rule to collect as many of those as he could find, and he had procured one of the best mathematical libraries of any person in London. His death will be a great loss to every person of similar pursuits, as well as to an extensive circle of friends, to whom his simplicity of manners and general good nature had particularly attached him. His death took place in the prime of life, and without any previous indisposition to make it expected. As a member of the society of Freemasons, he was attended to his grave by a great umber of persons of that order.Feb. 9. At Chelsea, Sam. Wyatt, esq. ——Mr. W. Williams, of Earl-street, Blackfriars, many years of the Fines and Forfeiture Office, Custom-house, A very brilliant ceremony took place London. At Laytonstone, aged 75, at Stutgard, on the 6th of January, Charles Lincoln, Esq. late Deputy of when the oath of allegiance was adthe Ward of Aldgate, and many years ministered to all the princes and counts a Member of the Corporation of Lon- whose sovereignties were, by virtue of don, and a Governor of Christ's and the treaty concluded at Paris, transSt. Thomas's Hospitals. Feb. 13. ferred to the King of Wirtemburg. Suddenly, at his house in Greville- Among these were the Princes of Hostreet, Hatton-garden, aged 74, Mr. henloe Langenburgh, Bartingstein, UNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. VIL 2 A

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any previous symptoms which could be considered alarming. He was born at Kirkpatrick, Irongray, in the vi cinity of Dumfries, Scotland.



The Grand Jury summoned in Kentucky, to inquire into the conduct of Colonel Burr, who had been represented as carrying forward treasonable practices against the American Government, returned the bill ignoramus.

[Want of room again obliges us ta defer the President's Speech.]` Germany.

The Elector of Saxony has assumed the regal dignity, with the title of Frederic Augustus, by the grace of God, King of Saxony,

Schillingsfurst, Neustein, Ingelfingen, Kirchburg, Prince of Walburg, &c. The recruiting service goes on briskly, the King of Wirtemburg being determined to make a considerable aug mentation to his army.


The King of Holland has ordered a legion of foot, horse, and artillery to be raised, composed of inhabitants of the department of Zealand, who are not to be employed on any other service than the defence of that depart


The neutral vessels which were under embargo in the ports of Holland, in consequence of Bonaparte's decree, have been allowed to depart, on the several captains giving bond not to land their cargoes in any British port. Indies, (West).

has lately returned from a voyage round the world, taken for the sole purpose of conveying the benefits of vaccination to all the transmarine possessions of the crown of Spain, and other countries in their vicinity. This expedition set out from Corunna, in November 1803, carrying out twentytwo children who never had the smallpox, as the means of preserving, in due efficacy, the vaccine matter, by successively transmitting it from one to another during the voyage. It stopped at the Canaries, at Porto Rico, and at the Caraccas; in that province, it was divided into two branches, one destined for South America, the other for the Havanna and Yucatan. The latter, by a subdivision, spread vaccination through New Spain; and, uniting again at The inhabitants of the island of Vera Cruz, proceeded with twenty-six Curaçoa having expressed a wish to fresh children across the Pacific place themselves under his Majesty's Ocean, to the Philippine Isles, where protection, Admiral Dacres sent a pro- this salutary disease was propagated per force to take possession of the island through all the islands subject to in his Majesty's name. The situation Spain, and among the natives of the of this island is of great importance; it Visayan Archipelago. It thence commands the islands to leeward of it, reached Macao and Canton, where viz. Porto-Rico, Cuba, St. Domingo, it was successful in bringing the and Jamaica. This small spot is in matter in an active state, in which every respect a complete military situ- the English practitioners had hitherto ation. It contains the best, safest, and failed. Dr. Balmis proceeded for Eustrongest harbour in the West Indies, rope in a Portuguese vessel, and which will hold upwards of 200 ships touched at St. Helena, where he preof any burthen; and the entrance may vailed upon the English settlers to be defended with a trifling force. The adopt vaccination, which they had island contains a population of about before neglected, though communi8000 whites, and 10,000 blacks and ated to them by Dr. Jenner. people of colour.The climate is healthy branch of the expedition sent to South and not subject to hurricanes. America, though it underwent shipwreck, was successful in saving the children, and the matter, in active state, and spread vaccination widely in New Granada, from whence, in March 1805, it proceeded to Peru.


The emperor has ordered that "all Frenchmen, Italians, Genoese, Hollanders, and inhabitants of those parts of the left Bank of the Rhine which have submitted to the sway of the usurper of the government of France shall leave the country." An exception is made in favour of such men as have resided fifteen years in Russia, and maintained an irreproachable character, on taking an oath that, during the war, they will hold no communication or correspondence with France, or any of the countries alluded to above. Heavy penalties are annexed to any breach of this order.


Dr. Francis Xavier Balmis, surgeon xtraordinary to the king of Spain,


The King of Spain has conferred on the Prince of Peace the same powers and rights which, under the titles of generalissimo, captain and governorgeneral of the seas, or admiral-general, were enjoyed by Don Juan of Austria, the son of Don Carlos I. the second Don Juan of Austria, the son of Den Philip IV. and the Infant Don Philip, uncle and father-in-law to his present Majesty, with the additional title, also enjoyed by Don Philip, of protector of the maritime commerce of his subjects throughout all his dominions. His Majesty, after technically describ

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