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in Caernarvon, a gentleman highly beth, countess dowager of Mayo, reesteemed for his classical knowledge lict of the late archbishop of Tuam and taste: He published, in 1780, a and earl of Mayo. She was the sister volume of sermons on several occa- of John, earl of Clanwilliam, and sions, preached before the univer- left issue the present earl of Mayo.sity, most of which had appeared be- At Bath, Gilbert Petrie, esq. of the fore singly. These discourses, and island of Tobago.-in Seymour-str. the elegant prefixed dissertation on aged 77, Ferdinando Andeidon, e-a. that species of composition, have At Clifton, Lady Elizabeth Mabeen highly admired as polished spe- gennis, daughter of the late earl of cimens in their kind, and place the Enniskillen.-At Bristol, Capt. Dungenius and judgment of their author ning, of the Wiltshire militia.-At in a most respectable point of view. Bath, Sir Henry Dillon Massey, bart, He also published a few occasional -At Bath, Mr. Thomas Mann, aged single sermons since the above date; 24, grandson of the late M. Thoms and was engaged, in a controversy Vernor, an eminent bookseller in the with the late bishop Halifax, about Poultry, the proper way of quoting passages of scripture also, a sermen at the primary visitation of Dr. Butler, bishop of Hereford.


On the 30th of April, at six o'clock in the evening, the thermometer without doors, in the shade, at Bath, stood at the unprecedented height, for the time of year, of 70.


The Worcester and Birmingham canal was opened on the 30th of March, from Hopwood to Tardebig, an extension of five miles, and in consequence a very considerable increase of tonnage will take place. This barge-canal is completed from Birmingham upwards fourteen miles, half the way to the Severn, near WorDied.] Sir Edward Harrington, cester, without a lock. The conclukut. He was the only son of the ve- sion of this important work will be of nerable Dr. Harrington, of Bath. He very great advantage to the port of was a member of the corporation of Bristol, as this canal is intended to that city, and received the honour enter the deep water in the Severa, of knighthood on presenting an ad- below Worcester, which will render dress to his Majesty from his col- the conveyance between the port of leagues, at the time Margaret Ni- Bristol and Birmingham, also the cholson attempted to stab the King. conveyance by the Stratford, WarHe was a man, whose writings disco- wick, and Knapton canals, to Loa ver that he possessed a considerable don, certain, cheap, and expeditious. share of genius mixed with a profu- Died.] At Madeira, in February, sion of eccentricity. He published, where he went for the benefit of his in 1786, an account of an Excursion health, the Rev. Edward Wigley, B.D. from Paris to Fontainbleau, which was vicar of Yardley, and formerly fellow written in a humourous and animated of St. John's-college. B.A. 17872 manner. In 1793, he published an M.A. 1799. B.D. 1797.-At Weroctavo volume, principally relating cester, on his return from Bath to to painting, under the affected title Edinburgh, John Bonar, esq. soliof A Schizzo on the Genius of Man. citor of excise in Scotland. This was a medley of a peculiar sort, but it was intended by its author to Died.] At Corsham, aged 78, the sound the praises of Mr. Thomas Rev. Charles Page, rector of LittleBarker, a painter of Bath, and to re- ton Drew, and of Biddestone, both in view his pictures, and the body of this county. the work was confined to these subjects. In 1796, Sir Edward published Remarks on a letter relative to the late Doncaster, were lately visited by one Petitions to Parliament for the safety of the most alarming phenomena ever and preservation of his Majesty's person, remembered. The clouds had porin which he was very lavish of inyec- tended rain, though none had fallen, tive against the philosophic levellers when suddenly a torrent of water apof the day. Sir Edward died early pearing, from four to six feet in diain March, 1807.-At Clifton, Liliza- ineter, deluged the town, which is



The inhabitants of Silkstone, near

situated in a valley, and several persons were unfortunately drowned.

rectors of the British and Imperial Died.] At Welburne, near Castle of liberality. The extent of the loss, as Fire Offices less entitled to the praise Howard, aged 38, Mr. George Da- far as it was possible to ascertain a loss niel, late of Hull, bookseller, and of such vast and various magnitude, formerly one of the proprietors of the has been estimated with great ability, Hull Advertiser.-At Tadcaster, aged perspicuity, and judgment, by Mr. 81, the Rev. Edward Marshall, A.M. Abbott, who acted as agent for the formerly Fellow of Clare-hall, Cam- adjustment of the claims upon both bridge, and late vicar of Duxford.- offices. At Pocklington, in an advanced age, account of the supposed origin of this The following is a succinct the Rev. Kingsman Baskett, many lamentable occurrence. years master of the grammar-school at On the 18th of March, 1807, at a that place, and formerly of St John's- quarter past three in the morning, Mrs. college, Cambridge.-At Pontefract, Johnes discovered that the house was aged 76, Major Fox, formerly town on fire, and immediately alarmed the major of Carlisle.-At Gilling, Lieut. family. John Sotheran, aged 62, commandant Colebrook, Monmouthshire, was viMr. Hanbury Williams, of of the Hensley volunteer infantry. siting at the house. Mrs. Johnes atAt Ferham, near Rotherham, Jona- tempted to save some of the principal than Walker, esq. one of his Majes- books in the gallery, but could not rety's Justices of the peace for the West main there long enough to render Riding of the county of York.-At much service. Mr. Williams and his Barchincliffe Lindley, near Hudders- servant completely cleared four book field, Mr. David Haigh, aged 83, and cases below of their contents, at which on Thursday morning following, time the lead pouring down in showers, Frances, his wife, aged 90. They drove them from thence. The plate, and were both interred in the same grave some furniture,pictures,china, andglass at Huddersfield. It is remarkable, were saved, but the major part of the that the husband, on the Friday be- books, furniture, including magnififore his death, had a presentiment cent French glasses, wine, linen, stores, that they would be both carried to marble busts, Mosaic, musical instruthe grave at the same time.

couple had been married above sixty vate library, dressing-plate, jewels, This ments, ornaments, Mrs. Johnes's pri




trinkets, laces, and all her wardrobe, together with the mansion, were conA melancholy accident happened at sumed in about three hours. Holywell early in April, by which 27 Johnes and Mr. Williams are of opimen were killed in a coal-mine, owing nion, that, when they arose, the to the fire damp arising. The distress flames were on the garret floor, and of the wives and children of the de- Mrs. J. attributed the misfortune to ceased on this occasion is more easily conceived than described.

A bill has been brought into Parliament, to enable the Rev. A. J. T. Gwynne to repair and enlarge, or rebuild the pier within the harbour of Aberayron in Cardiganshire, to improve the said harbour, to establish a market there, and two fairs yearly.

the careless use of a warming-pan in
the housekeeper's chamber: all the
servants agree in saying, that they
discovered the fire on the staircase
west of the ante-library: the house-
keeper charges the house-maids with
taking hot ashes from under the grate,
and leaving them in scuttles under the
proper place.
stairs, instead of emptying them in the

The fire which happened at Hafod, in Cardiganshire, the seat of Thomas The secluded situation of Hafod Johnes, esq. was an event of so unfor- prevented assitance; none could be tunate a kind, that our readers will obtained but from the inmates, three doubtless be gratified in knowing more men and the gardener, who were called particulars respecting it. The con- from below the hill, three ladies, and duct of Mr. Johnes, who has suffered so severely by the melancholy event, is in the highest degree honourable to his character; nor is that of the DiUNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. VII.

about eight female servants. An en-
gine was kept upon the premises,
but no one there could work it, and
the flames were uninterrupted in their

3 Q

progress until they had spent their fury, and (excepting the walls and turrets) had levelled to the ground the pride of Wales.

and from Ribrice, in Glenshiel, to the new road leading across the country to the road called the Loch Housn, or Glengary road, and thence to Fort From the period of the destruction William road. By these two roads an of the Alexandrian Library, no greater easy access will be opened from Infoss has perhaps befallen literature verness to the isle of Skye and adjacent than the conflagration at Hafod, by islands, and from these islands an which, in three hours, was consumed easy communication to the south of a collection of precious books, that Scotland. The difficulty of driving would have given honour to a sove- the cattle of the Isle of Skye, and reign, splendor to a palace-a collec- from the neighbourhood of Bernera, tion the fruit of 40 years pursuit, to Fort Augustus, is generally adformed with a liberality truly magnifi- mitted. It is even said, that the ancent, a judgment correct, a taste re- nual injury and dangers suffered by fined, and a fortune ample, by a gen- droves, in their way over this small tleman whose learned labours will portion of the road to Falkirk, is transmit his name to posterity, and greater than that of the whole of the who can never cease to lament the rest of the journey. calan ity here recorded. No catalogue The Dutch frigate Utrecht, of 38 of this invaluable treasure was com- guns, from Helveotsluys to Curacoa, piled, so that it is now become im- was wrecked on the island of Sanda, possible to specify the different articles one of the Shetland isles, in one of that adorned this celebrated mansion; the late storms. The crew (including weeks, even months, might be occu- about 200 artillery) amounted to 450 pied (with catalogues of all other li- men, about 100 of whom were braries to assist Mr. Johnes's memory) drowned. The remainder surrendered before an enumeration of the major to the people of the island. It was part could be committed to writing, her first voyage. The dispatches she And here it will be proper to premise, had on board have been saved, and that the best copies of the finest edi- transmitted to the British Governtions were studiously sought for, and ment. purchased, regardless of expense.

A bill has been brought into Parliament for raising and securing a fund for the relief of widows and children of burgh and parochial schoolmasters in Scotland.

The magistrates of Glasgow have By great and unwearied exertions, contracted for building the new Mr. Johnes was able to effect a church. It is to be placed in Busalvage, amounting to about 3,500l.: chanan-street, and will form, not only but the candid manner in which the an excellent termination to that street, British and Imperial Fire Offices had but also an elegant ornament to all conducted themselves towards him, that part of the city. induced him to conceive that the benefit arising from that salvage should not be exclusively his own, and therefore he relinquished it entirely in their favour as they were such great sufferers as well as himself by His Majesty has been pleased to the fatal occurrence. Mr. Johnes institute a Professorship of Natural testified his sentiments on this occa- History in the University of Glasgow, sion, by a letter, addressed to the Di- and to appoint Mr. Lockhart Muirrectors, in which he takes an oppor- head, A.M. to be the first professor. tunity of expressing in high terms his Died.] At Glasgow, Mrs. Margaret entire satisfaction with Mr. Abbott's Buchanan, relict of Dugald Buchadelicacy and propriety of behaviour nan, esq. of Craigievearn. This lady while making his survey, as well as has left great estates both heritable with the ability which he manifested in performing his duty. The loss altogether was adjusted at 20,5841.


It is intended to open a communication by the north side of Loch Ness, through Glenshiel to the Isle of Skye,

and moveable; but having first exe cuted a deed, leaving the same to Mi-s Janet Buchanan, daughter of the said Dugald Buchanan, now spouse of Mr. Charles M'Nab, in St.Ninian's, and afterwards deeds conveying the whole to Mr. David Snodgrass, eldest

nister of that parish.-At the Manse of Kelton, the Rev. Thomas Halliday, minister of that parish-At Edin burgh, Lady Maxwell, relict of Sir Wm. Maxwell, of Monreith, bart, and mother of her Grace the Duchess of

son of Neil Snodgrass, esq. of Con-
ninghamhead, mutual reductions have
been executed by the parties: so that,
until the issue of these questions, it
is uncertain to whom the properties
will belong. At Tillicoulty Manse,
the Rev. Ď. Alexander Stirling, mi- Gordon,

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BANKRUPTCIES AND Dividends, APRIL 21, 1807, to MAY 19, 1807, inclusive.

[Extracted from the London Gazette. ]-----The Solicitors' Names are between Parenthesis.

[ocr errors]

Co. Clement's Inn). Dawson W. N. Ta-
bernacle-square, Finsbury, draper, (Hinrich,
Palsgrave-place, Strand). Davis P. Man
chester, liquor-merchant, (Kearsley and Co.
Dutton J. Burwardsley,
Cheshire, cheese-factor,(Allen andCo Fur
nival's Inn). Dewhurst R. Preston, Lan
cashire, upholsterer, (Blakelock, Temple).
Dudfield D. Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire,
innkeeper, (Windus and Co. Chancery
lane). Darnall W. George-yard, Lombard.

thamptonshire, draper, (Egerton, Old Pay Office, Broad-street). Davis H. Gray's Inn). Allen J. Rotherhithe, coal- Old-street-road, cabinet-maker, (Pike, Air. merchant, (Flexney, Chancery-lane). street, Piccadilly). Dent R. Stoke Gold. Abel T. Attleburgh, Norfolk, grocer, ing, Leicestershire, grocer, (Ruddail and (Baxters and Martin, Furnival's Inn). Agar M Austin-friars, ship owner, (Crowder and Co. Frederick's-place, Old Jewry). Bennett M. St. Thomas the Apostle, Devonshire, yarn-manufacturer. (Pearce, Honiton). Burke J. D. Queen's Elms, Chelsea, merchant, (Bousfield, Bouverie-street), Brown W. Liverpool, tailor, (Battye, Chancery-lane). Bowyer J. Cheapside, warehouseman, (Ellis, Cursitor-street). Braid A. Frith-street, baker, (Martelli, Norfolkstreet). Bonwick, J. Fair-street, Horsley- street, stationer, (Turner, Edward-street, down, grocer, (Sherwood, Cushion-court, Cavendish-square). Broad-street). Barrowclough T. Leeds, clothier, (Sykes and Co. New Inn). Benge W. Park place, St. James-street, broker, (Wadeson and Co. Austin-friars). Barnes J. Newport, Isle of Wight, carpenter, (Gilbert, Newport). Bisshop J. St. Swithin'slane, merchant, (Hester and Co. Lincoln's Inn). Bell J. Fleur-de-lis-street, Spital fields, soap-manufacturer, (Vincent and Co, Bedford-street, Bedford-square).

Cox S. Gillingham, Dorsetshire, miller, (Dyne, Serjeant's Inn). Cross H. Albany house, Piccadilly, cook and tavern keeper, (Blake and Co. Essex-street). Chapman J. Martin's-lane, Cannon-street, drysalter, (Gregson and Co. Angel-court, Throgmorton-street). Cassano A. Piccadilly, auctioneer, (Popkin, Dean-street, Soho). Clayton R. Staley-bridge, Lancaster, victualler, (Ellis, Cursitor-street). Colquhoun A. High-street, Lambeth, yeast-merchant, (Marson, Church-row, Newington Butts). Cox R. Castle street, Southwark, carpenter, (Yates, Temple). Clark J. and Hall H. Market-Harborough, Leicestershire, carpet-manufacturers, (Kinderley and Co. Gray's Inn). Cranston W. Drury-lane, currier, (Street and Co. Philpot-lane).

Dawson T. Portland-road, dealer and chapman, (Morgan, Bedford-row). Dodd J. Pall-mall, hatter, (Dawson and Co. Warwick-street, Golden-square). Drake

Gosling D. Nottingham, victualler, (Bromley and Co. Holborn-court, Gray's Inn). Gywn E. Belvidere-row, Lambeth, timber-merchant, (Clark, Lincoln's lan), Higham R. Preston, corn-merchant, (Windle, John-street, Bedford-row). Hughes T. Norfolk street, Strand, wine-merchant, (Palmore, Warnford court, Throgmorton street). Hope W. Manchester, grocer, (Ellis, Cursitor-street). Harris R. Fish street-hill, woollen-manufacturer, (Gale and Son, Bedford-street). Hewlett J. Glou cester, cabinet-maker, (Jenkins and Co, New Inn). Hickling D. Frisby, Leicestershire, butcher, (Rigge and Co Carey-street, Lincoln's Inn). Hubbard C. Norwich, haberdasher, (Geldard, Holborn-court, Gray's Inn). Hibbs R. and Saxby R. Weeley, Essex, grocers. Hawkins J.I. Dalby Terrace, City-road, manufacturer of musical instruments, (Smart, Clement's Inn),

James J. Sithney, Cornwall, woolstapler, (Roberts, Helston, Cornwall). Jarmy W, Norwich, fellmonger, (Harmer, Norwich). Johnson B. Liverpool, linen-draper, (Parr and Co Liverpool).

Kenyon R. Manchester, muslin-manufacturer, (Johnson and Co. Manchester).

Lolley W. Liverpool, wine-merchant, (Hannain, Covent-garden). Loveday C. Painswick, Gloucestershire, clothier, (Shep herd and Co. Bedford-row). Lansdown E.

Bridgewater, innholder, (Bleasdale and Co. field, coach and harness makers, (Becket, New Inn) Levy S. Mansell street, Good- Clement's-Inn). Stuart T. Bermondseyman's fields, jeweller, (Poole, Dowgate- street, hat-manufacturer, (Buffar, Gray's hill Lycett J. Manchester, calico-manu- Inn). Squire T. West-square, dealer and facturer, (Kinderly and Co. Gray's Inn). chapman, (Holmes and Co. Mark-'ane). Laird M. Redburn, Herts straw hat-manufacturer, (Mo.ton, Furnival's Inn).

Marke W. Liverpool, timber-merchant, (Blackstock, St Mildred's-court, Poultry). Medley C Fleet street, coach-master, (Chappell, New-Inn Buildings). May T. Shepperton, shopkeeper, (Rigge, Careystreet). Morley W. Drury-lane, warehouseman, Hutchinson and Co. Addlestreet, Wood-street)

Oates E. Leeds, drysalter, (Allen, Furnival's-Inn).

Tucker W. Exeter, merchant, (Williams and Co. New-square, Lincoln's-Inn), Thorp J. jun St. Ives, linen-draper, (Swain and Co Old Jewry). Tredgold W. Southampton, tallow-chandler, (Rake, Southamp'on).

Valentine R. and J. Mumford's-court, Milk st warehousemen, (Latimer, Gray'sInn-square). Vaughan R. Fore street, linen-draper, (Syddall, Aldersgate-s reet). Vandrant J. Wood-street, carpenter, (Ledwich, Baldwin's-court). Vipond J. Penrith, Cumberland, flax-dresser, (Wordsworth, Staple-Inn)

Whitaker W. Wakefield, Yorkshire, and Whitaker J. Lee green, colliers, (Willis, Warnford-court, Throgmorton-street). Wells W. Rosemary-lane, victualler,(Jones, New-court, Crutched-friars). Wyke W. Preston, linen-draper, (Blakelock, Temple), Williams J. Romney Iron Works, Mon mouth, shopkeeper, (Blandford and Sweet, Inner Temple). Wright J. Oldham, Lancashire, mercer, (Meredith and Co Lincoln's-Inn, New-square). Wilcock H. and J. Manchester, stay-makers, (Huxley,Tem ple). Williams J. Bristol, broker, (Berridge, Ha ton-garden).

Poole T. E. Drayton in Hales, Salop, currier, (Benbow and Co. Lincoln's Inn). Pearce E. Haymarket, music seller, (Dawson and Co. Warwick-street). Pawson W. Chatham, porter and British wine-merchant, (Cooper and Co. Southamptonbuildings, Chancery-lane). Poulden T. High st. Shadwell, cheesemonger, (Vincent and Co. Bedford-st Bedford square.) Parnell J. Manchester, linen-draper, (Wilson, Greville-street, Hatton-garden). Parry J. Great Portland-street, linen-draper, (Hollamby, Furnival's-Inn). Poole S. Cheapside, haberdasher, (Earnshaw, Red Cross-street). Pollard W and J. Manchest 1, cotton-spinners, (Ellis, Cursitorstreet). Paike R. Little Hempston, Devonshire, coal merchant, (Fowell, Finch-lane) Preston J. Barton-upon-Humber, Lincolnshire, tanner, (Marris and Co. Barton-uponHumber). Puckey M. of the parish of Alfrey J. jun. Carshalton, Surrey, May Probus, Cornwall, woolstapler, (Edwards, 26. Atkinson R. Watters H. and Ord W. Truro.) Parker J. Ringwood, Southamp- Fenchurch-street, June 2. Arden J and ton, grocer, (Jennings, Great Shire-lane). J. B. Beverley, Yorkshire, June 27. BeatParry M Pontypool, shopkeeper, (Whit- son W. and J St Mary-at-hill, May 26. combe and Co. Gloucester.)

Reid A. Lower East Smithfield, victualler, (Holmes and Lewis, Mark-lane).

Young W Leaton, in Holderness, Yorkshire, grocer, (Lowndes and Co. Red Lionsquare).


Booker, W. Clanfield, Oxfordshire, June 1. Baillie G and Jaffray J. Finsbury-place, June 2. Bryans J. Little Britain, June 2. Stevens W, Little St. Thomas Apostle, Blowers T. London-street, St. Pancras, money-scrivener, (Everest, Epsom, Surry). June 2. Botterill M Great Driffield, YorkShaw R. Ashby-de la-Zouch, cabinet-ma- shire, June 2 Einless T. Basinghall-street, ker, (Price and Co. Lincoln's-Inn). Short June 6. Bell J. Castor, Lincolnshire, June B. Finsbury-place, merchant, (Drewe and 8. Brooks M. Malmsbury, Wilts. June 9, Co. New-Inn). Sowley R. and Coles J. Bauck T. Queen-street, Cheapside, June 9. Knowle, Warwickshire, and of Banbury, Bingley J. Upper John-street, St Pancras, Oxfordshire, cornfactors, (Egerton, Gray's June 13. Budd T. Lyndhurst, Southamp Inn-square). Scot M. Bury, dealer and ton, June 22. Binyon T. Manchester, chapinan, (Milne and Parry, Old Jewry). June 22. Barnley J. Saffron-hill, July 4, Suler J. East Retford, Nottingham, mercer, Colwill C. Rathbone-place, May 9 Cun(Atkinson, Castle-street, Falcon-square). dall it. jun. of the Suburbs of the city of Skurray C. T. Lloyd's coffee-house, under- York, May 19. Counsell R. Bristol, May writer, (Robinson, New-square, Lincoln's- 26. Cheverton E. Newport, Isle of Wight, Inn). Spring T. jun. Great Grimsby, May 29. Cook W. Cannon street-road, Lincolnshire, ironmonger, (Barber, Gray's- May 20. Cox J L. High-street, Lambeth, Inn). Smith S. Gun-street, Spitalfields, June 2 Chandler R. Shoreditch, June 2. baker, (Wilkinson and Co. White Lion- Coleman J Clare-market, June 2. Cave street, Spital-sq.). Sayer J, Upper North- T. Pilton, Devonshire, June 9. Chalkien place,Gray's-Inn Lane, and Jeffery J. Titch- W. Deptford, June 9. Cullum E. Grun

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