A few months after this, in the under the orders of the Duke of year 1787, the Duke of Brunswick Brunswick, who, by a variety of skilwas appointed to the command of a ful and judicious movements, stopped Prussian army, for the express pur- the progress of the French armies. pose of reinstating the Stadtholder. Three times did they attack him on This expedition, so short in point of the Blise, and three times were they duration, so complete in respect to beaten and repulsed with consideraexecution, and so brilliant when con- ble loss. But above all, after the sidered as a scheme conceived and two French armies under Pichegru natured within the short space of a and Hoche had forced the lines of month, reflected great glory on the Weissemburg, and defeated the general who conducted it; and the Austrian army, who in the greatest statesmen and politicians of that day disorder, sought their safety behind considered him as the most skilful warrier and ablest counsellor, that modern Europe had beheld since the time of the Great Frederick. the Rhine, having their retreat protected only by the corps of Condé. Then it was that the Duke of Brunswick convinced Europe of the high On the breaking out of the French estimation of the pupil and the solrevolution, when all Europe became diers of Frederick. By wise and bold terrified at the gigantic projects of manoeuvres he stopped the French the revolutionary government, the armies, saved the Austrians, and Duke of Brunswick was looked up to after having held the French in check, as the only general capable of resisting retired slowly to Mentz, to put his its progress, and the courts of Vienna troops into winter quarters. Of all and Berlin united in the choice the campaigns of the present war on of him as the leader of their armies, the part of the allies against France, now about to contend with that of this was the most wise, and would France. Accordingly in July 1792, alone have sufficed to rank the Duke he prepared to advance from Coblentz of Brunswick among the most skilful with the combined armies under his generals. command, and entering France after He, however, soon after retired from some successes which were not of long the command of the Prussian army duration, he was obliged by untoward in disgust, and was replaced by geevents to retreat in the best mnnner an army consuming with disease in the plains of Champagne could effect. Scarcely, however, was the Prussian army out of France, when the Duke, notwithstanding the wretched condition it was in, the despondency and disease which prevailed, did every thing necessary for the safety of Germany; he hastened to occupy Coblentz, took Frankfort sword in hand, and thus deprived France of the power of uniting the armies of Dumourier and Custine. neral Mollendorf, one of the companions of his youth. His Serene Highness immediately returned to Brunswick, and, as usual, occupied himself without ceasing in the prosperity of his own dominions. But he was addicted to war from habit and from disposition, and notwithstanding he despised the intrigues of the court of Berlin, he pined for active employ ment in camps, and at the head of armies, where he had spent his youth. With respect to the disastrous events which have occurred on the continent Having re-established order and since October 1806, it is not our indiscipline, and recruited the Prussian tention to enter into any detail of the army, the siege of Mentz in 1793 had causes which produced them; the the double advantage of restoring to King of Prussia having determined the troops the high opinion of their on war with France, the Duke of prowess, which the retreat of Cham- Brunswick, who was already at the pagne had somewhat diminished, and head of an army of observation, colto make Germany secure by the re- lected troops from all parts; and in occupation of its best bulwark. After order to augment his forces, the guards the reduction of this fortress, the left Berlin for the first time nearly King of Prussia, who had command- for half a century. He then entered ed his own army in person, left it Saxony, and having advanced to its frontier, began to menace the states of he heard that the royal family was the new confederation of the Rhine. fled; that nearly all his troops had Bonaparte having on the 23d of been intercepted in their retreat, and September left Paris, and put himself that the tyrant-conqueror had wrested at the head of his army, advanced by his dominions from him. In this Bamberg, and Chronach to Schleitz, melancholy condition, after having where, on the 8th of October, he was lost his sight in consequence of his present at the first battle fought be- wound, overwhelmed with pain and tween the French and the Prussians. grief, and surrounded with misery, Notwithstanding the disastrous events died this virtuous and gallant prince, which followed, and which in some who, until eclipsed by a more sucmeasure rendered the French masters cessful, though not more able, but of all the future operations, the Duke certainly not so honourable a race of of Brunswick wished to attack Bona- warriors, was considered as the greatest parte, though Marshal Davoust had commander of his time, and to whom unexpectedly arrived at Nauenberg on at an extremely critical period, all the the 19th of October, and seized on sovereigns of Europe looked to for the magazines of the Prussians, and safety and protection. even obtained possession of their pontoons. In consequence of the wounds received in the battle of Jena, on the On the 18th the Duke drew up his 14th of October, the Duke of Brunstroops, supposed to amount to nearly wick breathed his last on November 140,000 men, in battle array, and the the 10th, 1806, in the 71st year of his two hostile armies lay upon their arms age, having been born on the 2d of during the night, within half a can- October, 1735. His body was emnon shot of each other, and by break balmed on the 19th, and on this occaof day prepared for battle. The in- sion it was found that the contutervention of a thick fog, prevented sion in the forehead had proved morthis for some time, but having cleared tal; a messenger was then dispatched up, a dreadful conflict ensued, and to the French camp, requesting that victory finally declared for the French. the corpse of his Serene Highness It is allowed however, by themselves, "that at one moment there was room for doubt," and it is supposed that the arrival of a body of 10,000 under Marshal Ney decided the fate of the day. This confession enables us to judge that the Prussians were well led on and ably directed; but though this was certain, yet the result of this terrible battle may be considered as likely to prove fatal to the Prussian Monarchy. might be interred in the same grave with those of his ancestors; but posterity can hardly credit the refusal of the savage and brutal tyrant who now holds in his hands the destinies of the continent of Europe.-His family were denied even the sorrowful satisfaction of mixing the dust of the departed hero, whose bosom was the depositary of every honourable principle, with that of his forefathers, and he was then destitute even of a place of interment ! ! ! It is generally understood that the Duke of Brunswick, while recon- His character as a sovereign and a noitering the enemy at an advanced man was of the most estimable kind: post, with a telescope in his hand, was his father left his dominions burdened Wounded in the face by a grape shot. with immense debts, but notwithstandHe was obliged in a short time after ing, the Duke administered the affairs to be carried off the field in a lit- of his dominions with such skill and ter, in which he was conducted to economy, that in the course of a few the capital of his dominions on the years he liquidated every demand 21st of October. But on the ap- brought against him. M. de Ferouce proach of the enemy, he left his little was his principal minister, and though metropolis for the last time, and re- an able man, yet the Duke superintired by easy jou nies to an obscure tended every department himself, village, near Altona, in Denmark. and took particular care that every There, in a small and inconvenient person in office performed his duty. lodging, attended by his consort, the His subjects, more properly his peosister of the King of Great Britain, ple, were happy and contented under his government; for in few of the during his father's life time, the Herestates of Europe was liberty so truly ditaryPrince; born on the 18th of Feb. enjoyed. Though he was a military 1766, and married Feb. 14, 1790, to man, yet his dominions were govern- Frederica Louisa Wilhelmina, daughed by laws founded on the basis of ter of Prince William of Nassau wisdom, and he wielded the sceptre Orange. with a lenient and merciful hand. 2. Carolina Amelia Elizabeth, PrinThe system under which he acted, cess of Brunswick, born May 17th, being equally just and politic, be- 1768, married April 8th, 1795, to his came productive of the greatest ad- Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, vantages; his people grew rich under by whom she has an only daughter, his wise administration; and his reve- Princess Charlotte Augusta, born Jan. nues encreased according as his peo- 7th, 1796. ple were prosperous. The children whom he had by the Princess Augusta of England were as follows: 3. George William Christian, born June 7th, 1769. 4. Augustus, born Aug. 18th, 1770. 5. Frederick William, born Oc 1. Charles George Augustus, termed 9th, 1771. MODERN DISCOVERIES, AND IMPROVEMENTS IN ARTS, SCIENCES, AND LITERATURE; With Notices respecting Men of Letters, Artists, and Works in Hand, &c. Sc. GENTLEMAN recently deceased tory of the House of Austria, from Account of North Britain, from the most ancient to the present times, with a dictionary of places. This work will be illustrated by maps and plans. 66 twelve hundred pounds, to be paid to Rodolph, of Hapsburgh, in the 13th the person who shall write and lay be- century to the death of the late Emfore certain judges to be appointed for peror Leopold the Second, and it that purpose, a treatise, which shall will be illustrated by maps and geneaby them be determined to have most logical tables. merit on the following subject: "The Mr. George Chalmers intends to Evidence that there is a being, all publish in one large volume quarto, powerful, wise, and good, by whom an Historical and Topographical every thing exists: and particularly to obviate difficulties regarding the wisdom and goodness of the Deity, and this in the first place, from considerations independent of written revelation; and in the second place, A new weekly periodical work, enfrom the revelation of the Lord Jesus; titled The Director," the exclusive and from the whole to point out the object of which will be the promoinferences most necessary for, and tion of Science, Literature, and the useful to mankind." And to the per- Arts, has just commenced. It is proson who shall write the second best posed to offer information and distreatise, as above, the sum of four cussion on these subjects, and as hundred pounds, after deducting connected with them, to supply a retherefrom the expences of printing gular account of the Lectures at the and binding, or purchasing three Royal Institution, and of the prohundred printed copies of each of ceedings of that and the London and the said treatises. The time allowed British Institutions, and of the Royal for the composition of these treatises Society, Royal Academy, British is till the 1st of Janury, 1814, which Museum, and of the Societies of must be sent to Alexander Gallen, Antiquaries and Arts. Esq. of Aberdeen, previously to that time. The Rev. Wm. Coxe, has in the press, in two volumes quarto, the His A History of the City of Dublin, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, from the earliest accounts to the pre sent period, with an Appendix, con taining a view of the several Characters, &c. and an Abstract of all the Acts of Parliament relative to that City, is about to be published in one volume quarto, by John Warburton, Esq. and the Rev. James Whitelaw. Mr. Adolphus has in the press, in four volumes octavo, The Political State of the British Empire, containing a general view of the domestic and foreign possessions of the crown, the laws, commerce, revenues, of fices, and establishments, military as well as civil. An Essay on the Functions of Money and the Principles of Commerce, may soon be expected from the pen of John Wheatly, Esq. The Rev. Dr. Clarke, who lately presented the Statue of Ceres to the University of Cambridge, will shortly publish in a quarto volume, Travels through Russia, the Territories of the Don Cossacks, Kuban Tartary, the Crimea, &c. This work will be embellished with numerous engravings. The second volume of the Rev. J. S. Clarke's Progress of Maritime Discovery, illustrated by charts under the direction of Mr. Arrowsmith, and other engravings, may be expected to make its appearance in a short time. Dr. Buchanan has in the press, and will shortly publish in three volumes quarto, with a map and several engravings, a Journey through the Countries of Mysore, Cannare, and Malabar, performed under the orders of the Marquis Wellesley, for the express purpose of investigating the state of agriculture, arts, and commerce, the religion, manners, and customs, the history, natural and civil, and antiquities, in the dominions of the Rajah of Mysore, and the countries acquired by the East India Company in the late and former wars, from Tippoo Sultan. This work will appear under the authority and patronage of the Directors of the East India Company. Mr. Edward Scott Waring is engaged on a work, to be published in one quarto volume, entitled a Tour to Sheeraz, by the route of Kazroon and Feroozabad, with various remarks on the manners, customs, laws, language, and literature of the PerUNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. VII. sians. A History of Persia will be added to this work. Mr. T. E. Ritchie is employed on an Account of the Life and Writings of David Hume, which will appear in one volume octavo. The Rev. John Wooll will shortly publish a second volume of the Biographical Memoirs of the late Dr. Joseph Warton, with a selection from his poetical works, and a literary correspondence between eminent per-. sons, left by him for publication. The Rev. Dr. Graves, Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, has nearly completed at press, in two volumes octavo, a Series of Lectures on the four last books of the Pentateuch, designed to shew the Divine Original of the Mosaic Law, chiefly from internal evidence. Mr. W. Wood, has in the press, in three volumes octavo, The Beauties of Nature displayed, in select descriptions from the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms. This work will be illustrated by numerous plates. The Rev. W. Magee, Professor of Mathematics in the University of Dublin, has in the press a new Interpretation of the Prophecy of the Weeks of Daniel, accompanied by critical Dissertations; together with an appendix enumerating the different schemes that have hitherto been proposed for its solution. Dr. Davis of Sheffield has in considerable forwardness, an abridgement, which will be shortly committed to the press, of that part of Professor Pinel's celebrated work on Philosophical Nosography, which treats of febrile diseases. The seventh volume of the Asiatic Annual Register; or, a View of the History, Politics, Commerce, and Literature of Asia, for the year 1805, will shortly make its appearance. A new edition of the Rev. Dr. Vincent's Voyage of Nearchus and the Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, under the title of The Commerce and Navigation of the Antients in the Indian Ocean, may soon be expected, in two volumes quarto, with several maps. The Rev. Dr..Gregory has undertaken to be the editor of a new edition of the Holy Scriptures, which will H contain the various readings of all the contains a descriptive Account of editions and English Translations of Malmsbury Abbey Church, Wiltshire; the Old and New Testament; a Refer- an account of Colchester Castle, ence to parallel and corresponding Essex; and some account of a cuPassages, as in Canne's Bible; and a rious Door-way to South Ockendon Series of explanatory Notes, in the Church, Essex: the whole illustrated manner of those annexed to the Vari- with seven engravings. With the orum editions of the Classics. This next part the author intends to comedition will be illustrated with nearly plete the first volume of this work one hundred Copperplates, engraved with a copious index, &c. and eight after the most admired productions or nine engravings. On the wrapper of the greatest Masters of the various of the present part he has given Schools of Painting. a Nomenclature of ancient Architecture, which is certainly a desideratum in this branch of literature. A new edition of Mitford's History of Greece, in four volumes quarto, revised and considerably augmented The gold and silver medals offered in the three volumes before publish- by Dr. Wm. Turton, for the best ed, may be expected soon to make its poetical effusions to the memory of appearance. The fourth volume will Lord Nelson, have been adjudged to be composed entirely of new matter. two compositions. The first is the Dr. Gillies will shortly publish production of Mr. Raleigh Trevelyan in two quarto volumes, The His- of St. John's College, Cambridge; tory of the World, from the reign of and the second, of Mr. Mainwaring Alexander to that of Augustus, com- of Brombow-hall, Cheshire: These prehending the latter ages of Greece, compositions, together with some and the History of the Greek King- other fine pieces in the Latin and doms in Asia and Africa, from their English languages, will be published foundation to their destruction; with in the course of the ensuing spring. a preliminary Survey of Alexander's Eastern Conquests, and an Estimate of his Plans for their consolidation and improvement. Mr. Accum's Spring Course of Lectures on Chemistry and Mineralogy commence in the beginning of February. In the Press, and will be published The Rev. Edward Nares will shortly early in February, The Pleasures of publish an Answer to the Sermon Human Life:-Investigated cheer- lately preached at Danbury, by the fully; elucidated satirically; promul- Rev. Francis Stone, Rector of Cold gated explicitly; and discussed phi- Norton. losophically, in a Dozen Dissertations The publication of a Hebrew Bible, on Male, Female, and Neuter Plea- printed with a literal and interlineary sures. Interspersed with various English Translation is intended to Anecdotes, and elucidated by numer- commence immediately in numbers. ous Notes, historical, biographical, The more wealthy of the Jews in critical, and explanatory. This work England are mentioned as having is announced as an Antidote to "the liberally subscribed to this underMiseries of Human Life;" and is said taking. to abound with satirical, ironical, and humourous remarks on various popular subjects. A new Translation from the last Paris edition of Voltaire's History and Campaigns of Charles XII. King of Sweden, has lately made its appearance. A new edition of the Letters of Abelard and Heloise, with a particular account of their lives and misfortunes; with poems by Pope, Madan, Birch, Seymour, &c. is in the press. Britton's Architectural Antiquities, part vii. has recently appeared, and Miss Anna Maria Porter is engaged on a new Novel, entitled the Hungarian Brothers. A new edition of Captain Williamson's Wild Sports of India may be shortly expected in octavo. The fourth volume of Malcom's Londinum Redivivum will be published early in the spring. Mr. Weld has nearly ready for publication, the Topography of the Lake of Killarney, illustrated by some exquisite engravings. Mr. Cumberland and Sir James Bland Burgess have written in con |