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of irrigation districts, and to provide for the acquisition of water and other property, and for the distribution of water thereby for irrigation purposes," approved March seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, commonly known as the Wright law, signed by a majority of the assessment-payers within said district, whose names appear upon the last precedAbandon- ing assessment roll of said district, asking for the abandonment ment of of further operations by the district, the board of directors of said district shall call a special election, as provided in other cases for holding special elections in irrigation districts, at which the question of such abandonment of further operations by the district shall be submitted; provided, that no district shall take advantage of the provisions of this Act if there is any existing bonded indebtedness at the time of the presentation of such petition to said board.


SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect and be in force on and after its passage.

Retaliatory charges


An Act to amend section six hundred and twenty-two of the Political Code of the State of California, relating to the retaliatory clause concerning insurance companies.

[Approved March 31, 1897.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


Section six hundred and twenty-two of the Political Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

622. When by the laws of any other State or country, any taxes, fines, penalties, licenses, fees, deposits of money, or of imposed securities, or other obligations, or prohibitions, are imposed insurance on insurance companies of this State, doing business in such companies. other State or country, or upon their agents therein, in excess

on foreign

of such taxes, fines, penalties, licenses, fees, deposits of securities, or other obligations or prohibitions, imposed upon insurance companies of such other State or country, so long as such laws continue in force, the same obligations and prohibitions of whatsoever kind must be imposed upon insurance companies of such other State or country doing business in this State. Character And whenever under this section any deposit of security shall of deposits be made in this State, such deposit shall be made in stocks or bonds of the United States Government, or in those of the State of California, or in interest-bearing bonds of any of the counties or incorporated cities and towns of the State of California not in default for interest on such bonds, which said securities must be estimated at not exceeding their par value nor their market value.

of security.


An Act to repeal an Act entitled "An Act imposing a tax on the issue of certificates of stock corporations," approved April 1, 1878.

[Approved March 31, 1897.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


SECTION 1. An Act entitled an Act imposing a tax on the Tax on issue of certificates of stock of stock corporations, approved issues, April ane, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, is hereby repealed. repealed.

SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect from and after its passage.


An Act to amend section eighteen hundred and eighty-five of the Political Code of the State of California, relating to form of bonds, when payable.

[Approved March 31, 1897.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section eighteen hundred and eighty-five of the
Political Code is hereby amended to read as follows:

when pay

1885. The Board of Supervisors, by an order entered Form of upon its minutes, shall prescribe the form of said bonds, and bonds; of the interest coupons attached thereto, and must fix the time able. when the whole or any part of the principal of said bonds shall be payable, which shall not be more than twenty years from the date thereof.

SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.


An Act making an appropriation to pay for the repairs and construction of buildings in Yosemite Valley, and for the improvement of the valley.

[Approved March 31, 1897.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

tion for re

SECTION 1. The sum of eight thousand dollars ($8,000) is Appropriahereby appropriated to pay for the repairs and construction of pairs, etc., buildings in the Yosemite Valley, and for the improvement of Valley.


the valley; and the State Controller is hereby authorized to
draw his warrant for the same; and the State Treasurer is
directed to pay the same, on the order of the Commissioners to
Manage Yosemite Valley and Mariposa Big Tree Grove.
SEC. 2. This Act shall take effect immediately.





An Act to promote the horticultural interests of the State by providing county boards of horticulture, and repealing the Act entitled "An Act to protect and promote the horticultural interests of the State," approved March 14, 1881, and certain Acts amendatory thereof, approved March 19, 1889, and March 31, 1891.

[Approved March 31, 1897.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Whenever a petition is presented to the Board of boards of Supervisors of any county, and signed by twenty-five or more persons, each of whom is a resident freeholder and possessor of an orchard, stating that certain or all orchards, or nurseries, or trees of any variety are infested with scale insects of any kind, injurious to fruit, fruit trees, and vines, codlin moth, or other insects that are destructive to trees, and praying that a commission be appointed by them, whose duty it shall be to supervise Supervis- the destruction of said scale insects, as herein provided, the Board of Supervisors shall, within twenty days thereafter, appoint a board of horticultural commissioners, consisting of three members, who shall be qualified for the duties of horticultural commissioner. Upon the petition of twenty-five resident freeholders and possessors of an orchard, the Board of Supervisors may remove any of said commissioners for cause, after a hearing of the petition.

ors shall


Duty of county

boards of horticul


SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the county board of horticultural commissioners in each county, whenever it shall deem it necessary, to cause an inspection to be made of any orchards, or nursery, or trees, plants, vegetables, vines, or fruits, or any fruit packing-house, storeroom, salesroom, or any other place or articles in their jurisdiction, and if found infested with scale insects, or codlin moth, or other pests injurious to fruit, plants, vegetables, trees, or vines, or with their eggs or larvæ, they shall notify the owner or owners, or person or persons in charge or in possession of the said places, or orchards, or nurseries, or trees, or plants, vegetables, vines, or fruit, or articles as aforesaid, that the same are infested with said insects, or other pests, or any of them, or their eggs or larvæ, and they shall require such person or persons to eradicate or destroy the said insects, or other pests, or their eggs or larvæ, within a certain time to be specified. Said notices may be served upon the person or persons, or either of them, owning, or having charge, or having possession of such

places are


infested place, or orchard, or nursery, or trees, plants, vegetables, vines, or fruit, or articles, as aforesaid, by any commissioner, or by any person deputed by the said commissioners for that purpose, or they may be served in the same manner as a summons in a civil action. Any and all such places, or orchards, or Infested nurseries, or trees, plants, shrubs, vegetables, vines, fruit, or public articles thus infested, are hereby adjudged and declared to be nuisances. a public nuisance; and whenever any such nuisance shall exist at any place within their jurisdiction, or on the property of any non-resident, or on any property the owner or owners of which cannot be found by the county board of horticultural commissioners, after diligent search, within the county, or on the property of any owner or owners upon which notice aforesaid has been served, and who shall refuse or neglect to abate the same Abatewithin the time specified, it shall be the duty of the county ment. board of horticultural commissioners to cause said nuisance to be at once abated, by eradicating or destroying said insects, or other pests, or their eggs or larvæ. The expense thereof shall Expense a be a county charge, and the Board of Supervisors shall allow lien on and pay the same out of the general fund of the county. Any and all sum or sums so paid shall be and become a lien on the property and premises from which said nuisance has been removed or abated, in pursuance of this Act, and may be recovered by an action against such property and premises. A notice of such lien shall be filed and recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the county in which the said property and premises are situated, within thirty days after the right to the said lien has accrued. An action to foreclose such lien Action to shall be commenced within ninety days after the filing and foreclose recording of said notice of lien, which action shall be brought in the proper court by the District Attorney of the county, in the name and for the benefit of the county making such payment or payments, and when the property is sold, enough of the proceeds shall be paid into the county treasury of such county to satisfy the lien and costs; and the overplus, if any there be, shall be paid to the owner of the property, if he be known, and, if not, into the court for his use when ascertained. The county board of horticultural commissioners is hereby vested with power to cause any and all such nuisances to be at once abated in a summary manner.



SEC. 3. Said county boards of horticultural commissioners Division of shall have power to divide the county into districts, and to county appoint a local inspector, to hold office at the pleasure of the districts. commissioners, for each of said districts. The State Board of Horticulture may issue commissions as quarantine guardians to the members of said county board of horticultural commissioners and to the local inspectors thereof. The said quaran- Powers of tine guardians, local inspectors, or members of said county quarantine boards of horticultural commissioners, shall have full authority to enter into any orchard, nursery, place or places where trees or plants are kept and offered for sale or otherwise, or any house, storeroom, salesroom, depot, or any other such place in their jurisdiction, to inspect the same, or any part thereof.


County boards to report to

of Horti


SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of said county board of horticultural commissioners to keep a record of their official State Board doings, and to make a report to the State Board of Horticulture, on or before the first day of October of each year, of the condition of the fruit interests in their several districts, what is being done to eradicate insect pests, also as to disinfecting, and as to quarantine against insect pests and diseases, and as to carrying out all laws relative to the greatest good of the fruit interest. Said board may publish said reports in bulletin form, or may incorporate so much of the same in their annual reports as may be of general interest.


Monthly report to Supervisors.


SEC. 5. The salary of all inspectors working under the county board of horticultural commissioners shall be two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per day. In the case of the commissioners themselves, their compensation shall be four dollars per day, when actually engaged in the performance of their duties, and itemized necessary traveling expenses incurred in the discharge of their regular duties as prescribed in this Act.

SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the county board of horticultural commissioners to keep a record of their official doings and make a monthly report to the Board of Supervisors; and the Board of Supervisors may withhold warrants for salaries of said members and inspectors thereof until such time as said report is made.

SEC. 7. An Act entitled "An Act to protect and promote the horticultural interests of the State," approved March fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and certain Acts amendatory thereof, approved March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and March thirty-first, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, are hereby repealed.

SEC. 8. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

Corporations for



An Act to amend section five hundred and ninety-nine of the
Civil Code, relating to what may be provided for in their by-
laws, ordinances, constitutions, or articles of incorporation, by
corporations for purposes other than profit.

[Approved March 31, 1897.]

The People of the State of California, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


Section five hundred and ninety-nine of the
Civil Code is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

599. What may be provided for in their by-laws, etc.

599. Corporations now organized or that may hereafter be organized for purposes other than profit, may, either in their other than by-laws, ordinances, constitutions, or articles of incorporation, profit. provide for:

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