His said Majesty, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Ferdinand and of Merit, Knight of the Royal and Most Illustrious Order of St. Januarius, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Britannic Majesty, (and His Ambassador Extraordinary to His Most Christian Majesty), who, after having communicated their full Powers, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following Articles: Į. His Britannic Majesty consents that all the privileges and exemptions which His subjects, their commerce and shipping, have enjoyed, and do enjoy, in the Dominions, Ports and Domains of His Sicilian Majesty, in virtue of the Treaty of Peace and Commerce concluded at Madrid the + of May, 1667, between Great Britain and Spain; of the Treaties of Commerce between the same Powers, signed at Utrecht the 9th of December, 1713, and at Madrid the 13th of December, 1715; and of the Convention concluded at Utrecht, the 25th February, 1712,-13, between Great Britain and the Kingdom of Sicily shall be abolished; and it is agreed upon, in consequence, between Their said Britannic and Sicilian Majesties, Their heirs and successors, that the said privileges and exemptions, whether of persons or of flag and shipping, are and shall continue for ever abolished. 8th March, II. His Sicilian Majesty engages not to continue, nor hereafter to grant to the subjects of any other Power whatever, the privi leges and exémptions abolished by the present Convention. III. His Sicilian Majesty promises that the subjects of His Britannic Majesty shall not be subjected within His Dominions to a more rigorous system of examination and search by the officers of customs, than that to which the subjects of His said Sicilian Majesty are liable. IV. His Majesty the King of the Two Sicilies promises that British Commerce in general, and the British subjects who carry it on, shall be treated throughout His Dominions upon the same footing as the most favoured nations, not only with respect to the persons and property of the said British subjects, but also with regard to every species of article in which they may traffic, and et les impôts ou autres charges payables sur le dits articles, ou sur les bâtimens dans lesquels l'importation aura lieu. V. Par rapport aux priviléges personnels dont les sujets de Sa Majesté Britannique jouiront dans le Royaume des Deux Siciles, Sa Majesté Sicilienne promet, qu'ils auront un droit libre et non douteux de voyager et de résider dans les Territoires et Domaines de Sa dite Majesté, sauf les précautions de police dont on se sert avec les nations les plus favorisées. Ils auront droit d'occuper des maisons et magazins, et de disposer de leurs propriétés personnelles de toute espèce et dénomination par vente, donation, échange, ou testament, et de toute autre manière quelconque, sans qu'il leur sera donné à cet effet, le moindre empêchement ou obstacle. Ils ne seront point obligés à payer, sous aucune prétexte quelconque, d'autres taxes ou impositions que celles qui sont payées, ou qui pourront être payées, par les nations les plus favorisées, dans les Etats de Sa dite Majesté Sicilienne. Ils seront exempts de tout service militaire, soit par terre, soit par mer: Leurs habitations, magazins, et tout ce qui en fait partie et appartenance, pour objets de commerce ou de résidence, seront respectés. Ils ne seront point sujets à aucune visite ou recherches vexatoires. Aucun examen arbitraire et inspection de leurs livres, papiers, ou comptes, ne seront faits sous l'apparence de l'Autorité Suprême de l'Etat, mais elles ne pourront être autrement exécutées que par sentence légale des tribunaux compétens. Sa Majesté Sicilienne s'engage, dans toutes les occasions, à garantir aux sujets de Sa Majesté Britannique qui résideront dans Ses Etats et Domaines, la conservation de leurs propriétés et de leur sûreté personnelle, de la même manière qu'elle est garantie à Ses sujets, et à tous les étrangers appartenans au nations les plus favorisées et les plus privilégiées. VI. D'après la teneur des Articles I et II de ce Traité, Sa Majesté Sicilienne s'engage de ne pas déclarer nuls et abolis les priviléges et exemptions qui existent actuellement en faveur du Commerce Britannique dans Ses Etats, qu'au même jour, et par le même Acte par lequel les priviléges et exemptions de toutes les autres nations, quelqu'ils soient, y seront déclarés nuls et abolis. VII. Sa Majesté Sicilienne promet de faire, à dater du jour the taxes or other charges payable on the said articles, or on the shipping in which the importations shall be made. V. With respect to the personal privileges to be enjoyed by the subjects of His Britannic Majesty in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, His Sicilian Majesty promises that they shall have a free and undoubted right to travel, and to reside in the Territories and Dominions of His said Majesty, subject to the same precautions of police, which are practised towards the most favoured nations. They shall be entitled to occupy dwellings and warehouses, and to dispose of their personal property of every kind and description, by sale, gift, exchange, or will, and in any other way whatever, without the smallest loss or hindrance being given them on that head. They shall not be obliged to pay, under any pretence whatever, other taxes or rates than those which are paid, or that hereafter may be paid, by the most favoured nations in the Dominions of His said Sicilian Majesty. They shall be exempt from all military service, whether by land or sea; their dwellings, warehouses, and every thing belonging or appertaining thereto for objects of commerce or residence, shall be respected. They shall not be subjected to any vexatious search or visits. No arbitrary examination or inspection of their books, papers, or accounts, shall be made under the pretence of the Supreme Authority of the State, but these shall alone be executed by the legal sentence of the competent tribunals. His Sicilian Majesty engages ou all these occasions to guarantee to the subjects of His Britannic Majesty who shall reside in His States and Dominions, the preservation of their property and personal security, in the same manner as those are guaranteed to His subjects, and to all foreigners belonging to the most favoured and most highly privileged nations. VI. According to the tenor of the Articles I and II of this Treaty, His Sicilian Majesty engages not to declare null and void the privileges and exemptions which actually exist in favour of British Commerce within His Dominions, till the same day, and except by the same Act, by which the privileges and exemptions whatsoever they are, of all other nations, shall be declared null and void within the same. VII. His Sicilian Majesty promises, from the date when the où l'abolition générale des priviléges, selon les Articles I, II, et VI, aura lieu, une diminution de dix pour cent. sur le montant des impôts payables selon le tarif en vigueur le 1 de Janvier, 1816, sur la totalité des marchandises ou productions du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande, Ses Colonies, Possessions, et Dépendances, importées dans les Etats de Sa dite Majesté Sicilienne, d'après la teneur de l'Article IV de la présente Convention ;-bien entendu que rien dans cet Article soit construit d'empêcher les Roi des Deux Siciles d'accorder, si bon Lui semble, une pareille diminution d'impôt aux autres nations étrangères. VIII. Les sujets des îles Ioniennes, attendu qu'ils sont actuellement sous la protection immédiate de Sa Majesté Britannique, jouiront de tous les avantages qui sont accordés au Commerce et aux sujets Britanniques par le présent Traité.-Bien entendu, que pour empêcher tous abus, et pour constater Son identité, chaque bâtiment Ionien, sera muni d'une patente signée de la main propre du Lord Commissaire ou de son réprésentant. IX. La présente Convention sera ratifiée, et les ratifications en seront échangées à Londres dans l'espace de six mois, ou plutôt si faire se peut. En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires respectifs l'ont signé, et y ont apposé le cachet de leurs armes. Fait à Londres, le 26 Septembre, 1816. Signé CASTLEREAGH, (L.S.) CASTELCICALA, (L.S.) · ARTICLE SÉPARÉ ET ADDITIONNEL. Pour éviter toute équivoque par rapport à la diminution sur les impôts en faveur du Commerce Britannique, que Sa Majesté Sicilienne a promis dans l'Article VII de la Convention signée aujourd'hui entre Sa Majesté Britannique et Sa Majesté Sicilienne, il est déclaré par le présent Article Séparé et Additionnel, que par la concession de dix pour cent. de diminution, c'est entendu, que dans le cas que le montant de l'impôt soit de vingt general abolition of the privileges according to the Articles I, II, and VI shall take place to make a reduction of ten per cent. upon the amount of the duties, payable according to the tariff in force the 1st of January, 1816, upon the total of the merchandize or productions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, her Colonies, Possessions, and Dependencies, imported into the States of His said Sicilian Majesty, according to the tenor of Article IV of the present Convention-it being understood that nothing in this Article shall be construed to prevent the King of the Two Sicilies from granting, if He shall think proper, the same reduction of duty to other foreign nations. VIII. The subjects of the Ionian Islands shall, in consequence of their being actually under the immediate protection of His Britannic Majesty, enjoy all the advantages which are granted to the Commerce, and to the subjects of Great Britain by the present Treaty-it being well understood that, to prevent all abuses, and to prove its identity, every Ionian vessel shall be furnished with a patent, signed by the Lord High Commissioner or his representative. IX. The present Convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof exchanged in London, within the space of six months, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and thereunto affixed the seal of their arms. Done at London, the 26th of September, 1816. Signed CASTLEREAGH, (L.S.) CASTELCICALA, (L.S.) SEPARATE AND ADDITIONAL ARTICLE. In order to avoid all doubt respecting the reduction upon the duties in favour of British Commerce, which His Sicilian Majesty has promised in the 7th Article of the Convention, signed this day between His Britannic Majesty and His Sicilian Majesty, it is declared, by this present Separate and Additional Article, that by the concession of ten per cent. of diminution, it is understood, that in case the amount of the duty should be twenty per |