federate within any His own seas, channels, or waters, but that they have and retain the same in as full and ample manner, as they have hitherto had, or as of right belongs to them. XVI. It being the primary intent of this League and Amity, that each Confederate, their people and subjects, might enjoy such freedom of Navigation and Commerce, as is described in the foregoing Articles, within the Baltic, Sound, Northern, Western, and British Seas, Mediterranean, and Channel, and other the seas in Europe; therefore all sincere endeavour shall be used on both sides, by common advice, aid, and assistance, that the aforesaid mutual liberty of Navigation and Commerce be established, promoted, and (as occasion is) defended against all the disturbers thereof, who shall go about to interrupt, prohibit, hinder, or restrain and limit the same to their own will and pleasure, in prejudice of the said Confederates: and either Part shall, with all willingness and readiness promote the good, and prevent the hurt of each other, saving the Treaties which either Nation hath made with other Kingdoms, commonwealths, and nations; but neither Confederate shall hereafter make any league or agreement in prejudice of this present, with any other people or nation, without the privity and consent of the other; or if any such agreement be hereafter made, the same shall be reputed null and void, and give place to this present Treaty. XVII. Whatever is agreed on in the foregoing Articles, shall be in force and virtue from this present time, and be truly observed on both sides by all such as are within each other's allegiance. And for the further confirmation thereof, shall be subscribed, signed, and ratified, as well by His Majesty of Great Britain, as by His Majesty of Sweden, under their hand-writing and seals, within six months next ensuing the date of these presents. Done at Whitehall, the 21st day of October, 1661. de Janvier, 1791; et tous les Traités et les Conventions subsistans entre les deux états à cette époque seront regardés comme renouvellés et confirmés, et sont ainsi, par le présent Traité, renouvellés et confirmés. Fait à Orebro, le 18 Juillet, 1812. Signé EDWARD THORNTON, (L.S.) LE BARON D'ENGESTRÖM, G. BARON DE WETTER- TRAITÉ entre la Grande Bretagne et La Suède. Signé à Stockholm, le 3e Mars, 1813. EXTRAIT. V. Les deux hautes Parties Contractantes voulant donner une garantie solide et durable à leurs relations tant politiques que commerciales, Sa Majesté Britannique, animée du désir de donner à Son Allié des preuves évidentes de Son amitié sincère, consent de céder à Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède, et à Ses successeurs à la Couronne de Suède, d'après l'Ordre de succession établi par Sa dite Majesté, et les Etats Généraux de Son Royaume, en date du vingt-six Septembre mil huit cent et dix, la possession de la Guadeloupe dans les Indes occidentales, et de transférer à Sa Majesté Suédoise tous les droits de Sa Majesté Britannique sur cette île, telle que Sa dite Majesté la possède actuellement. Cette colonie sera remise aux mandataires de Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède, dans le courant du mois d'Août, de la présente année, ou trois mois après le débarquement des troupes Suédoises sur le Continent; le tout aux conditions convenues entre les deux hautes Parties Contractantes par l'Article séparé joint au présent Traité. VI. Par une suite réciproque de ce qui a été statué dans l'Article précédent, Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède s'engage d'accorder, pendant la dureé de vingt ans, à compter de l'échange des ratifications du présent Traité, aux sujets de Sa Majesté Britan they stood on the 1st day of January, 1791; and all the Treaties and Conventions subsisting between the two countries at that epoch, shall be regarded as renewed and confirmed, and they are, by the present Treaty, renewed and confirmed accordingly. Done at Orebro, the 18th of July, 1812. Signed EDWARD THORNTON, (L.S.) BARON D'ENGESTROM, (L.S.) G. BARON DE WETTER- TREATY between Great Britain and Sweden. Signed at Stockholm 3d March, 1813. EXTRACT. (Translation, as laid before Parliament.) V. The two high Contracting Parties being desirous of giving a solid and lasting guarantee to their relations, as well political as commercial, His Britannic Majesty, animated with a desire to give to His Ally evident proofs of His sincere friendship, consents to cede to His Majesty the King of Sweden, and to His successors to the Crown of Sweden, in the order of succession established by His said Majesty, and the States-General of His Kingdom, under date the 26th of September, 1810, the possession of Guadaloupe in the West Indies, and to transfer to His Swedish Majesty all the rights of His Britannic Majesty over that island, in so far as His said Majesty actually possesses the same. This colony shall be given up to the Commissioners of His Majesty the King of Sweden in the course of the month of August of the present year, or three months after the landing of the Swedish troops on the continent; the whole to take place according to the conditions agreed upon between the two high Contracting Parties, in the separate Article annexed to the present Treaty. VI. As a reciprocal consequence of what has been stipulated in the preceding Article, His Majesty the King of Sweden engages to grant, for the space of twenty years, to take date from the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty, to the nique, le droit d'entrepôt dans les ports de Gothembourg, de Carlshamn, et de Stralsund, (lorsque cette dernière Place retournera sous la domination Suédoise) pour toutes les denrées, productions ou marchandises, soit de la Grande Bretagne, soit de ses colonies, chargés sur des bâtimens Britanniques ou Suédois. Les dites denrées ou marchandises, soit qu'elles soient de nature à pouvoir être introduites et douanées en Suède, soit que leur introduction y soit prohibée, payeront indistinctement, en droit d'entrepôt, un pour cent. ad valorem, pour l'entrée, et le même montant pour la sortie. Au reste on se conformera, pour tout ce qui a rapport à cet objet, d'après les réglemens généraux en Suède; en traitant les sujets de Sa Majesté Britannique sur le pied des nations les plus favorisées. Fait à Stockholm, le trois Mars, 1813. Signé ALEXANDER HOPE, (L.S.) LE COMTE D'ENGESTRÖM, (L.S.) EDWARD THORNTON, (L.S.) G.BARON DEWETTERSTEDT,(L.S.) ARTICLE SÉPARÉ. Par une suite de la cession faite par Sa Majesté Britannique, dans l'Article V du Traité signé aujourd'hui, de l'Isle de la Guadeloupe, Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède S'engage; 1. De remplir et observer fidèlement les stipulations de la Capitulation de la dite île, en date du cinq Février mil huit cent et dix; de sorte que tous les privilèges, droits, bénéfices et prérogatives assurés par cet Acte, aux habitans de la colonie, seront conservés et maintenus. 2. De prendre à cet effet, et avant la cession sus-mentionnée, tous les engagemens avec Sa Majesté Britannique qui seront jugés nécessaires, et de passer tous les Actes y relatifs. 3. D'accorder aux habitans de la Guadeloupe la même protection, et les mêmes avantages dont jouissent les autres sujets de Sa Majesté le Roi de Suède, conformément toutefois aux lois et stipulations actuellement existantes en Suède. subjects of His Britannic Majesty, the right of entrepôt in the ports of Gottenberg, Carlsham and Stralsund, (whenever this last-mentioned Place shall return under the Swedish Dominion) for all commodities, productions, or merchandize, whether of Great Britain or of her colonies, laden on board British or Swedish vessels. The said commodities or merchandize, whether they be of such kind as may be introduced and subject to duty in Sweden, or whether their introduction be prohibited, shall pay without distinction, as duty of entrepôt, one per cent. ad valorem, upon entry, and the same upon discharge. As to every other particular relating to this object, the general regulations existing in Sweden shall be conformed to; treating always the subjects of His Britannic Majesty upon the footing of the most favoured nations. Done at Stockholm, the third of March, 1813. Signed ALEXANDER HOPE, (L.S.) LE COMTE D'ENGESTROM, (L.S.) EDWARD THORNTON,(L.S.)G.BARON DEWETTERSTEDT,(L.S.) SEPARATE ARTICLE. As a consequence of the cession made by His Britannic Majesty, in the fifth Article of the Treaty signed this day, of the Island of Guadaloupe, His Majesty the King of Sweden engages; 1. Faithfully to fulfil and observe the stipulations of the Capitulation of the said island, under date the 5th of February, 1810, 'so that all the privileges, rights, benefices, and prerogatives, confirmed by that Act to the inhabitants of the colony, shall be preserved and maintained. 2. To take for this purpose, previous to the cession beforementioned, every engagement which may be judged necessary with His Britannic Majesty, and to execute all acts conformable thereto. 3. To grant to the inhabitants of Guadaloupe the same protection, and the same advantages which the other subjects of His Majesty the King of Sweden enjoy, conformably always to the laws and stipulations actually existing in Sweden. |