Portugal, that may be shewn to Portugueze ships and vessels within the Dominions of His Britannic Majesty, and vice versâ. The two high Contracting Parties do also covenant and agree, that goods and merchandizes coming respectively from the ports of either of them, shall pay the same duties, whether imported in British or in Portugueze ships or vessels; or otherwise, that an increase of duties may be imposed and exacted upon goods and merchandizes coming into the ports of the Dominions of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal from those of His Britannic Majesty in British ships, equivalent, and in exact proportion to any increase of duties that may hereafter be imposed upon goods and merchandizes coming into the ports of His Britannic Majesty from those of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, imported in Portugueze ships. And in order that this matter may be settled with due exactness, and that nothing may be left undetermined concerning it, it is agreed, that Tables shall be drawn by each government, respectively, specifying the difference of duties to be paid on goods and merchandizes so imported in British or Portugueze ships and vessels; and the said Tables (which shall be made applicable to all the ports within the respective Dominions of each of the Contracting Parties) shall be declared and adjudged to form part of this present Treaty. In order to avoid any differences or misunderstanding with respect to the regulations which may respectively constitute a British or Portugueze vessel, the high Contracting Parties agree in declaring, that all vessels built in the Dominions of His Britannic Majesty, and owned, navigated, and registered according to the laws of Great Britain, shall be considered as British vessels: and that all ships or vessels built in the countries belonging to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, or in any of them, or ships taken by any of the ships or vessels of war belonging to the Portugueze government, or any of the inhabitants of the Dominions of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, having commissions or letters of marque and reprisal from the Government of Portugal, and condemned as lawful prize in any Court of Admiralty of the said Portugueże Government, and owned by the subjects of His Royal Highness the Prince prêsa em algum Tribunal do Almirantado do refferido governo Portuguez, e possuidos por vassallos de Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal, ou por algum delles, e do qual o mestre e trez quartos, pelo menos, dos marinheiros forem vassallos de Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal. VI. O mutuo Commercio e Navegação dos vassallos da Grande Bretanha, e de Portugal respectivamente nos Portos e Mares da Asia, são expressamente permittidos no mesmo gráo, em que até aqui o tem sido pelas Duas Corôas: e o Commercio, e Navegação assim permittidos serão postos d'aqui em diante, e para sempre sobre o pé do Commercio, e Navegação da Nação mais favorecida que Commerceia nos Portos e Mares da Asia; isto he, que nenhuma das altas Partes Contractantes concederá favôr, ou privilegio algum, em materias de Commercio, e de Navegação, aos vassallos de algum outro Estado que Commerceie nos Portos e Mares da Asia, que não seja tambem concedido quam proxime nos mesmos termos aos vassallos da outra alta Parte Contractante. Sua Magestade Britannica se obriga em Seu proprio nome, e no de Seus herdeiros e successores a não fazer regulação alguă que possa ser prejudicial, ou inconveniente ao Commercio e Navegação dos vassallos de Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal nos Portos e Mares da Asia em toda a extensão que he, ou possa ser para o futuro permittida á nação mais favorecida. E Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal se obriga igualmente no Seu proprio nome, e no de Seus herdeiros, e successores, a não fazer regulações algumas, que possão ser prejudiciaes, ou inconvenientes ao Commercio e Navegação dos vassallos de Sua Magestade Britannica nos Portos, Mares, e Dominios que lhes são franqueados em virtude do presente Tratado. VII. As duas altas Partes Contractantes resolvêrão, a respeito dos privilegios que devem gozar os vassallos de cada huma d'ellas nos Territorios, ou Dominios da outra, que se observasse de ambas as partes amais perfeita reciprocidade. E os vassallos de cada huma das altas Partes Contractantes terão livre e inquestionavel direito de viajar, e de residir nos Territorios ou Dominios da outra, de occupar casas, e armazens, e de dispôr da propriedade pessoal, de qualquer qualidade, ou denominação, por venda, doação, troca, ou testamento, ou por outro qualquer modo, Regent of Portugal, or any of them, and whereof the master and three-fourths of the mariners, at least, are subjects of His Royal' Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal, shall be considered as Portugueze vessels. VI. The mutual Commerce and Navigation of the subjects of Great Britain and Portugal, respectively, in the Ports and Seas of Asia, are expressly permitted to the same degree as they have heretofore been allowed by the Two Crowns: and the Commerce and Navigation thus permitted, shall hereafter, and for ever, be placed on the footing of the Commerce and Navigation of the most favoured nation trading in the Ports and Seas of Asia; that is, that neither of the high Contracting Parties shall grant any favour or privilege in matters of Commerce and Navigation, to the subjects of any other State trading within the Ports and Seas of Asia, which shall not be also granted quam proxime on the same terms to the subjects of the other Contracting Party. His Britannic Majesty engages in His own name, and in that of His heirs and successors, not to make any regulation which may be prejudicial or inconvenient to the Commerce and Navigation of the subjects of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal within the Ports and Seas of Asia, to the extent which is or may hereafter be permitted to the most favoured nation. And His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal does also engage in His own name, and in that of His heirs and successors, not to make any regulations which may be prejudicial or inconvenient to the Commerce and Navigation of the subjects of His Britannic Majesty within the Ports, Seas, and Dominions opened to them by virtue of the present Treaty. VII. The two high Contracting Parties have resolved, with respect to the privileges to be enjoyed by the subjects of each of them within the Territories or Dominions of the other, that the most perfect reciprocity shall be observed on both sides. And the subjects of each of the high Contracting Parties shall have a free and unquestionable right to travel, and to reside within the Territories or Dominions of the other, to occupy houses and warehouses, and to dispose of personal property of every sort and denomination, by sale, donation, exchange, or testament, or in sem que se lhe ponha o mais leve impedimento ou obstaculo. Elles não serão obrigados a pagar tributos, ou impostos algums, debaixo de qualquer pretexto que seja, maiores, do que aquelles que pagão, ou possão ser pagos pelos proprios vassallos do Soberano, em cujos Dominios elles residirem. Não serão obrigados a servir forçadamente como militares, quer por mar, quer por terra. As suas casas de habitação, armazens, e todas as partes, e dependencias delles, tanto pertencentes ao seu Commercio, como á sua residencia, serão respeitadas. Elles não serão sujeitos á visitas e buscas vexatorias, nem se lhes farão exames, e inspecções arbitrarias dos seus livros, papeis, ou contas, debaixo do pretexto de ser de authoridade suprema do Estado. Deve porem ficar entendido, que, nos casos de traição, commercio de contrabando, e de outros crimes, para cuja achada ha regras estabelecidas pelas leys do paiz, esta ley será executada, sendo mutuamente declarado, que não se admittiráŏ falsas, e maliciosas accusações como pretextos, ou excusas para visitas e buscas vexatorias, ou para o exâme de livros, papeis, ou contas commerciaes; as quaes visitas ou exames jamais terão lugar,` excepto com a sancção do competente magistrado, e na presença do Consul da Nação á que pertencer a parte accusada, ou do seu deputado, ou representante. VIII. Sua Alteza Real O Principe Regente de Portugal se obriga no Seu proprio Nome, e no de Seus herdeiros, e successores, a que o Commercio dos vassallos Britannicos nos Seus Dominios não será restringido, interrompido, ou de outro algum modo affectado pela operação de qualquer monopolio, contracto, ou privilegios exclusivos de venda ou de compra seja qual for; mas antes que os vassallos da Grande Bretanha terão livre, e irrestricta permissão de comprar, e vender de, e aquem quer que for, de qualquer modo ou forma que possa convir lhes, seja por grosso, ou em retalho, sem serem obrigados a dar preferencia alguma, ou favor em consequencia dos ditos monopolios, contractos, ou privilegios exclusivos de venda, ou de compra. E Sua Magestade Britannica se obriga da Sua parte a observar fielmente este principio assim reconhecido, e ajustado pelas duas altas Partes Con tractantes. Porem deve ficar distinctamente entendido, que o presente any other manner whatsoever, without any the smallest impediment or hindrance thereto. They shall not be compelled to pay any taxes or imposts under any pretext whatsoever, greater than those that are paid or may be paid by the native subjects of the Sovereign in whose Dominions they may be resident. They shall be exempted from all compulsory military service whatsoever, whether by sea or land. Their dwelling-houses, warehouses, and all the parts and appurtenances thereof, whether for the purposes of commerce or of residence, shall be respected. They shall not be liable to any vexatious visits and searches, nor shall any arbitrary examination or inspection of their books, papers, or accompts be made under colour of the supreme authority of the State. It is, however, to be understood that in the cases of treason, contraband trade, and other crimes, for the detection of which provision is made by the law of the land, that law shall be enforced, it being mutually declared that false and malicious accusations are not to be admitted as pretexts or excuses for vexatious visits and searches, or for examinations of commercial books, papers or accompts; which visits or examinations are never to take place, except under the sanction of the competent magistrate, and in the presence of the Consul of the Nation to which the accused party may belong, or of his deputy or representative. VIII. His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of Portugal engages in His own name, and in that of His heirs and successors, that the Commerce of British subjects within His Dominions shall not be restrained, interrupted, or otherwise affected by the operation of any monopoly, contract, or exclusive privileges of sale or purchase whatsoever, but that the subjects of Great Britain shall have free and unrestricted permission to buy and sell from and to whomsoever, and in whatever form or manner they may please, whether by wholesale, or by retail, without being obliged to give any preference or favour in consequence of the said monopolies, contracts, or exclusive privileges of, sale or purchase. And His Britannic Majesty does on His part engage to observe faithfully this principle thus recognized and laid down by the two high Contracting Parties. But it is to be distinctly understood, that the present Article is |