| John Elihu Hall - Law - 1809 - 538 pages
...exchange." The 1st, 3d, 4th and 8th sections of this statutes are in force. — To be Incorporated. "An act for the amendment " of the law, and the better " advancement of justice." The first 13 sections, and the 20th and 27th sections of this statute are in force.— To be incorporated.... | |
 | Richard Preston - Conveyancing - 1817 - 600 pages
...like " force and effect as if this statute had not " been made." And the statute of 4th Anne e. 16. " for the amendment of the law, and " the better advancement of justice," after reciting that " it had been doubted whe" the-r, since the making of the said last" mentioned... | |
 | Great Britain - Law - 1817 - 698 pages
...lOi, it is also said, that there is no Ground for the Distinction. No. 23. 4 Anne, c. 16. — An Act for the Amendment of the Law, and the better Advancement of Justice.* 4 Anne, CI«. F OR the Amendment of the Law in several Particulars, and for the easier, speedier, and... | |
 | 1821 - 418 pages
[ Sorry, this page's content is restricted ] | |
 | New York (State) - Session laws - 1822 - 386 pages
...Taghkanick, be and the same are hereby repealed. CHAP. CCXVIL AN ACT to amend an act entitled " An act for the amendment of the Law, and the better advancement of Justice," paused the fflh day of April, one thousand eight hundred nnd thirteen. Passed April 16, 1822. L BE... | |
 | Richard Burn - Ecclesiastical law - 1824 - 626 pages
...no more than the copy of a copy. 3 Salk. 154. By the statute of the 4 An. c. 16. intitled, " An act for the amendment of the law and the better advancement of justice," no advantage or exception shall be taken of or for the default of alleging the bringing into court... | |
 | Jared Sparks, Edward Everett, James Russell Lowell, Henry Cabot Lodge - American fiction - 1827 - 532 pages
...progress of legislation, in this country, except, that by an act passed in, 1788, entitled ' an act for the amendment of the law, and the better advancement of justice,' it was enacted, ' that none of the statutes of England, or Great Britain, shall be considered as laws... | |
 | Jared Sparks, Edward Everett, James Russell Lowell, Henry Cabot Lodge - American fiction - 1827 - 538 pages
...progress of legislation, in this country, except, thai by an act passed in 1788, entitled ' an act for the amendment of the law, and the better advancement of justice,' it was enacted, ' that none of the statutes of England, or Great Britain, shall be considered as laws... | |
 | Joseph Parkes - Courts - 1828 - 670 pages
...to the Lords at a conference upon the amendments, made by this house to the bill, intituled, an act for the amendment of the law, and the better advancement of justice ; that they had drawn up reasons accordingly, which they had directed him to report to the house :... | |
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