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Conclusion, the, 221.

Constitution, no control beyond the nation, 105.
Constitutional equality; chapter on, 181; Mayflower com-
pact, 182; class laws now the rule, 182; public prop-
erty equal to all, 181; constitutional extracts, 183;
taxes laid by all for benefit of all, 185; seek class
laws as religious duty, 187; government maxims, 188;
state's property belongs to all, 188; one rule for rich
and poor, 189; men under state should be equal, 189;
social equality given by higher power, 189; "Satel-
lites less than Jove," 189.

Colombia; U. S. attempts to buy from, 34; failure, 35; ten
years after, 37; new treaty signed by, 37.

Columbus; his discoveries, 8; never saw the Pacific, 9;
his arrest, 8.

Cortez, proposed to build canal, 10.

Choate, Joseph; helped to secure English treaty, 26.
Cocoli river, 129.

Colon, 130.

Congress; passes repeal bill, 56; arguments before, 57, 58;
patriotism claimed by both sides, 57; sovereignty
plea, 59; influenced by citizens, 3.

Congressional documents, 205.

Congressional oratory; chapter on, 135; Knowland's sym-
posium, 135; arguments by senators, 135; Root and
O'Gorman the leaders in debate, 136; O'Gorman's
speech, 136; Root's speech, 147.

Cromwell, Wm. Nelson, 206.

Culebra Cut, 130; slides, 36, 46, 128, 133.

Dams, 129, 130, 207.

Darien, 9.

Davis, Senator; report as chairman of committee, 91.
Department of State, 6.

DeLesseps; at Suez and Panama, 30; Congress of En-
gineers, 30; Suez Canal, 171; Panama Canal, 207, 208;
before Congress, 210.

Diplomacy, conducted by officials, 122.

Dobson, C. E., says canal not like river, but connects two
oceans, 62.

Domestic arguments made at home by citizens, 122.

Eads, J. B., 224.

England; early colonies, 12; called for arbitration, Nica-
ragua dispute, 18; questions toll exemption, 54.

Earthquakes, 212.

Equality under government, 181.

Eminent domain, 40; international, 195.

Evarts, William M., said treaty no protection in war, 88,

Every Evening, Wilmington, 6, 105.

Exemption Act, 48; repeal, 54; Sims bill passed, 56; vote
on repeal, 66; Americans made arguments for and
against, 122; private citizens took part in discussion,

Equilibrium; government cannot create personal, 189.
France; early colonies, 12; sold canal to U. S., 29, 44; on
the isthmus, 30; people divided on canal, 33; received
pay for canal, 45.

Fairbanks, Senator, remarks by, 219.

Ferdinand, King, 8, 9.

Fish, Hamilton; tried to have changed, Clayton treaty, 22.
Fortification; chapter on, 99; right of granted by Pan-
ama, 43.

Garfield, President, 210.

Gatun dam, 129; dam site fixed, 207.

Grant, U. S.; and the canal, 21, 208; crossed the isthmus,
21; created a commission, 21; "American canal on
American soil," 22.

Gleanings, 205.

Goethals, George W.; chief engineer, 46.

Grey, Sir Edward; important statement, 121.
Government cannot create a personal equilibrium, 189.

Harrison, President, 210.

Hayes, President; spoke of canal, 88, 208, 210.

Hay, John; secures English treaty, 26; signs Panama
treaty, 35; favored canal equality, 95, 221; construed
Panama treaty, 214.

Hay-Varilla treaty; made, 35; full discussion of, 39; text
of, see Appendix.

Hay-Pauncefote treaty; full discussion of, 23; only Eng-
land and U. S. bound by, 27; six Suez rules, 27;

equal rates, 28; full text of, see Appendix.
Hanna, Senator; remarks by, 219.

Hepburn bill, 210, 213.

Historic pledges; American pledges, for seventy-five
years, 87; for equal rights to all countries and peo-
ples, 87; further pledges, 219, 220.

Highways; nation may build, 85.

Holland; early colonies, 12.

Humboldt, Von; settlements by, 12; proposed canals by,


Interoceanic Canal Committee; in Senate, 63; hearing tes-
timony, 63, 64.

International Eminent Domain; chapter on, 195.

Inventory of French property purchased by U. S., 211.

Jefferson, Thomas; cherished friendship for England, 123;
favored equality, 183.

Johnson, Emory R.; book on canal statistics, 176.

Johnson, Willis F.; book on Panama, 11.

Khedive of Egypt, 171.

Knowland, J. R., 135.

Limon Bay, 130.

Lepinay, Godin de; for lock-canal, 30.

Lincoln, President, 89.

Lock canal plan adopted, 207.

Lodge, H. C., 6.

Lusitania, the, 218.

Miraflores dam, 129.

Modern realities, 12.

Morgan's bank; purchase money deposited in, 209.

Morgan, Senator; champion for Nicaragua, 20, 206.

Monopoly; U. S. has at Panama, 40; should protect it, 37.
Morning News, Wilmington, 6, 96, 99, 196.

Monroe doctrine; and the French, 31; Jefferson, 123; full
discussion of as applied to canal, 209.

McCumber, Senator, 6.

McKinley, William; urges England to modify Clayton
treaty, 90, 210.

Mann, Representative, 220.

New Panama Canal Co., 33.
Neutrality; of canal, 41; neutralization, 4; means peace
not war, 101; in business, and between belligerents,
103; generally inactive, 103; canal is active and may
be neutral, 104.

Neutralization; article upon, 102; used by Clayton and
Hay accurately, 103; neuter, meaning of, 103; the
"touchstone," 104.

Nicaragua Canal, 15; begun, 19; franchise expired, 19.
Nicaragua vs. Panama, 212.

O'Gorman, James A., 6; his leading speech, 136.

Obaldia, Minister, 214.

Oregon battleship, 208, 220.

Ownership and duty, 218.

Panama; seceded, 35, 83; Varilla, ambassador, 35; treaty
with U. S., 35; world powers recognized, 36, 94; re-
serves free tolls, 42; ratified treaty, 43; nation de jure,
54; zone passed to by secession, 83.
Panama Canal; French and sea-level, 31; Universal Canal
Co., organization and stock, 31; purchase of canal by
U. S., 32, 44, 45; new plan by French, 32; small canal,
33; American plan, 33; U. S. secures route, 34; cost
of, 37; ten years advance time to build, 38; analysis
of treaty, 39; rules of English treaty adopted, 42;
open to traffic, 46; dreadnoughts may use, 46; time
going through locks, 47; American canal with Ameri-
can money, 57; for general use, 58; international, 59;
not wholly domestic, 60; to destroy, world's calamity,
99; hostile ship not to use, 100; French initiative and
American force made it, 11; part of the U. S., 84, 99,
103; boundaries sufficient, 85; all can use in peace
not in war, 100; for legal use, 101; not neutral if our
guns are hostile, 103; six reasons, 124; too soon for
generosity, 125; mechanism and finance, chapter on,
127; sea-level and locks, 127; cost, 127; dimensions,
128, 131; dams, 129, 130; time passing through, 132,
133; locks, 132, 133; who owns? 215, 218; military
protection, 216.

Pan-American Conference, 94.

Peace Societies; chapter on, 190; American Peace Society,
Carnegie Peace Endowment and World's Peace Foun-

dation, 190; war is diabolical, 192; ban on bull-fights,
prize-fights and duels, 193; war makes crime by
wholesale, 193; God not always with belligerents, 194.
Press, The (Philadelphia), 6.

Pedro Miguel, 129.

Pennsylvania, the; first ship through canal, 46.
Pettus, Senator, remarks by, 219.

Pizzaro, 10.

Phillipe, King Louis; had canal route surveyed, aban-
doned, 30.

Pledges, sacred, 87, 219, 220.

Police powers; granted in treaty, 24, 41; use armed force,

Political platforms; exemption planks, 117; should have
avoided subject, 118; impolitic not binding, 119.
Public Ledger (Philadelphia), 6, 62, 121, 202.
Personal equilibrium, not created by state, 189.

Railroads; first American, 15; Panama railroad, 15.
Radicalism and conservatism, 5.

Rives to Palmerston, 87.

Rivers and canals not parallel cases, 60; free rivers not
rule for canals, 61.

Roosevelt, Theodore; messages, 93; Hay-Pauncefote treaty,
26; mentioned, 214.

Root, Elihu, 6; leading speech in Senate, 147; President
of Republican convention, 117; speeches circulated,

Rio Grande river, 30.

San Juan river, 16.

"Secret strait," 9, 10.

Spain; her discoveries, 8; had visions of canal, 10.

Senate Committee; members of, 63; hearing before, 64.
Stevens, John F.; chief engineer, 46, 207.

Seward, secretary, 89.

Ships; Pennsylvania first through, 46; Ancon first at
formal opening, 46, 47; time in passing, 132, 133;
battleship a moving fort, 101; first battleships to use
canal, Wisconsin, Missouri and Ohio, 213.

Ship railway, the, 224.

Spill-way at Gatun, 130.

South Sea; the Pacific called, 129.

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