THE CIVIL SERVICE IN INDIA. Sir John Strachey, in his work, India, 1894, already referred to, says: "It was long ago laid down as a maxim in regard to the employment of European officers in the more important branches of the public service in India, that the first selection shall not be made in that country, but shall rest with the authorities in England, while after the first selection those authorities shall exercise no interference. The distribution of offices and all questions of appointment and promotion are left absolutely to the governments in India itself. It is a historical fact' (I am quoting from an official paper) 'that the observance of this wholesome rule has more than anything else conduced to the purity of Indian patronage and to its general freedom from party and political bias.' * *The first appointments * to the covenanted service were employed by the directors of the East Indian Company by nomination. In that year the nomination system was abolished and the service thrown open to competition of all British subjects. In 1854 regulations for the competitive examinations were prepared, the main object being to secure for the Indian civil service young men who had received the best, the most liberal, the most finished education that this country affords. The scheme of examination was accordingly made to embrace most of the subjects of the honor schools of the universities of Great Britian and Ireland. The limits of age for candidates have varied. Since 1892 they have been from 21 to 23. Successful candidates remain for one year on probation, at the end of which time they have to pass a special examination on subjects connected with the duties they will have to perform in India. Candidates who are found to have a competent knowledge of these subjects then receive their appointments to the civil service in India; candidates are encouraged by the grant of a special allowance of £100 to pass their year of probation at one of the universities or colleges approved by the secretary of state. No one now doubts that this competitive system has been successful in its results. No country has ever possessed a more admirable body of puplic servants than the civil service of India, and in this term I must include not only its covenanted member, but those of its other branches. Although the competitive examinations are open to all classes of British subjects, the number of natives of India who have been successful in obtaining appointments has been small. ONE BRITISH OFFICER TO EACH 300,000 OF NATIVE POPULATION. "It is a common but complete mistake to suppose that the greater part of the civil administration in India is maintained in the hands of Englishmen and that natives are excluded from important posts. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The number of Englishmen in the civil service is so small that it is not the least extraordinary fact connected with our Indian dominion that we should be able with such a handful of men to control the administration of so vast an empire. Roughly speaking, it may be said that including military officers and others, less than 1,000 Englishmen are employed in the government of 221,000,000 people and in the partial control of 67,000,000 more. In British India there is about one English civil officer to every 300,000 of native population and every 1,200 square miles. Although the highest offices of control are necessarily held by Englishmen, by far the greater part of the administration is in native hands. Excluding the 765 offices held by members of the covenanted service and excluding also all posts of minor importance, nearly all of which are held by natives, there are about 2,600 persons in the superior branches of the executive and judicial services, and among then there are only about thirty Europeans. Notwithstanding the constantly increasing demand for improved administration the strength of the covenanted service recruited in England has been reduced in the last thirty years by more than 22 per cent, and further gradual reduction is in progress. During the same period the number of natives employed in the executive and judicial services has gone on constantly increasing, and with exceptions so rare that they deserve no consideration they now hold all offices other than those held by the comparatively small body of men appointed in England. Native officers manage most of the business connected with all branches of the revenue and with the multifarious interests in land; natives dispose of the greater part of the magisterial work; the duties of the civil courts, excepting the courts of appeal, are almost entirely intrusted to native judges; a native judge sits on the bench in each of the high courts, and for many years past native judges have exercised jurisdiction in all classes of civil cases over natives and Europeans alike. Nothing in the recent history of England has been more remarkable than the improvement in the standard of morality in the higher classes of native officials, much of which has been due to the fact that their position and salaries are far better than they were and that temptations to corruption have been removed. SALARIES PAID IN THE INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE. "The salaries given to natives in posts of importance are very liberal, and with possibly the exception of England there is no country in Europe in which judicial and executive officers receive salaries equal to those given in the native civil service of India. In Bengal a native high court judge receives 50,000 rupees a year (value of rupee about 33 cents). The salaries of native subordinate judges range from 7,200 to 12,000 rupees and those of the munsifs, the lowest class of judges, from 3,000 to 4,800. In France the salaries of the higher judicial and executive officers are smaller than those given to natives in India. A great majority of the prefects in France who hold offices second in importance to hardly any in the country receive less than deputy magistrates of higher grades in Bengal.” SHARE OF NATIVES IN THE INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE. Sir George Chesney, in his Indian Polity, describing the share of the natives in the civil service of India, especially in its higher grades, says: "The development of the native civil service to its present position has taken place in comparatively recent times. The great increase in the cost of the civil administration which has occurred during this period is due mainly to the creation of new offices required by the needs of improved administration, to be held by Indians only, and to an advance in the rates of salary paid to the Indian members of the service, which are now sensibly higher than the rates obtaining in the indigenous civil services of France, Germany, and other European countries. * * %% NO MONOPOLY FOR BRITISH ASPIRANTS. "The monopoly, not of the civil service, but of Englishmen to appointments in that service, was put an end to by the introduction in 1854 of the competitive test for admission. That test, however, was imposed wholly in view of its substitution for nomination as the means of maintaining the supply of Englishmen. That Indians would come to England in large numbers to take part in the competition appears not to have been contemplated by the authors of the scheme. At any rate the opening has in fact been taken advantage of to * * * only a very limited extent, and so far as it has occurred the result has been to substitute for those whom it was designed to secure, young Englishmen of superior ability and education, a class of Indians having these qualifications also, but drawn mainly from one country of India and from one class of that country, and in no proper sense representative of the people of India generally. "In 1886 the whole subject of the constitution of the civil service, outside the covenanted service, was referred to a strong commission presided over by a distinguished public servant, Sir Charles Atchison, then lieutenant-governor of the Punjab, and composed of fifteen members, English and Indian, representing many phases of opinion and much diversity of interests. The commission, after visiting various parts of India and taking a great quantity of evidence, submitted their report in the spring of 1888, which was referred to the secretary of state with the opinions and recommendations on it of Lord Dufferin's government in the autumn of that year. The final conclusions and orders of the secretary of state in council on the whole case were embodied in a dispatch to the government of Lord Lansdowne, of September, 1889, to the following effect: 666 'Heretofore, as has been explained, the administrative and judicial staff of the public service (omitting the special and technical branches, public works, telegraph, education, etc.) had been divided into two parts; one the small covenanted civil service, the other the whole body of public servants, who, down to the humblest clerk, were dealt with under the general title of the uncovenanted service. The salaries of these, who outnumber the covenanted service in the proportion of some hundreds to one, were determined by the office held in each case, but they were all placed under the same conditions as to leave, length of service for pension, and other general regulations. This organization, if such it could be called, was altogether anomalous and out of date, and is to be replaced by a new system. In every province the civil employees are to be divided into two bodies, a subordinate civil service, comprising the holders of clerical and minor offices, and a provincial civil service, to embrace the class engaged on executive and administrative duties. To these last, to be styled the Bengal civil service, Madras civil service, and so on, admission will be obtained under tests to be laid down by the government of the province (subject to confirmation by the higher authorities) and also by promotions of deserving members of the subordinate civil service. Further, which is the important point in this connection, the members of these provincial services are to be eligible for any of the offices heretofore reserved for the covenanted service. The advancement will be gradual. The secretary of state anticipates, and the opinion will be shared by everyone acquainted with India, that while men fit for promotion to the higher judicial posts will soon be forthcoming to the extent required, the development in any considerable number of Indian officials qualified to take executive charge of districts can be looked for only by degrees. Meanwhile the recruitment of the civil service in England is to be so regulated that it may suffice eventually to fill only five-sixths the posts now held by it.' * * * With that change it may be said that the road is now fully open to the Indian which leads to the highest offices of state." REQUIREMENTS FOR ENTERING THE CIVIL SERVICE IN INDIA. The following official announcement for an open competitive examination for admission to the civil service of India in August, 1901, with the regulations attached thereto, indicates the high training required of those entering or proposing to enter the Indian civil service: EXAMINATIONS FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE OF INDIA. An open competitive examination for admission to the civil service of India will be held in London, under the subjoined regulations, commencing on the 1st of August, 1901. The number of persons to be selected at this examination will be announced hereafter. No person will be admitted to compete from whom the secretary, civil service commission, has not received, on or before the 1st of July, 1901, an application on the prescribed form, accompanied by a list of the subjects in which the candidate desires to be examined. The order for admission to the examination will be posted on the 18th of July, 1901, to the address given on the form of application. It will contain instructions as to the time and place at which candidates will be required to attend and as to the manner in which the fee (£6 sterling) is to be paid. (Civil service commission, August, 1900.) REGULATIONS. The following regulations, made by the secretary of state for India in council, are liable to alterations from year to year: 1. An examination for admission to the civil service of India, open to all qualified persons, will be held in London in August of each year. The date of the examination and the number of appointments to be made for each province will be announced beforehand by the civil service commissioners. 2. No person will be deemed qualified who shall not satisfy the civil service commissioners (a) That he is a natural-born subject of Her Majesty. (b) That he had attained the age of 21 and had not attained the age of 23 on the first day of the year in which the examination is heid. (N. B.-In the case of natives of India it will be necessary for a candidate to obtain a certificate of age and nationality signed, should he be a resident in British India, by the secretary to government of the province or the commissioner of the division within which his family resides, or, should he reside in a Native State, by the highest political officer credited to the State in which his family resides.) (c) That he has no disease, constitutional affection, or bodily infirmity unfitting him, or likely to unfit him, for the civil service of India. (d) That he is of good moral character. 3. Should the evidence upon the above points be prima facie satisfactory to the civil service commissioners, the candidate, on payment of the prescribed fee, will be admitted to the examination. The commissioners may, however, in their discretion, at any time prior to the grant of the certificate of qualification hereinafter referred to, institute such further inquiries as they may deem necessary, and if the result of such inquiries in the case of any candidate should be unsatisfactory to them in any of the above respects he will be ineligible for admission to the civil service of India, and if already selected, will be removed from the position of a probationer. 4. The open competitive examination will take place only in the following branches of knowledge: English composition..... Sanskrit language and literature. Arabic language and literature Marks. 500 500 500 750 750 500 1 Candidates are at liberty to name any or all of these branches of knowledge. None is obligatory. Greek language and literature. Latin language and literature English language and literature (including special period named by the commissioners)1. French language and literature (including special period named by the commissioners) Advanced mathematical subjects (pure and applied) Natural science, i. e., any number not exceeding three of the following subjects: (N. B.-Some changes may possibly be made under this head (natural science) for the examination to be held in 1902.) Elementary chemistry and elementary physics. (N. B.-This subject may not be taken up by those who offer either higher chemistry or higher physics.) Higher chemistry Higher physics Geology Botany Zoology General modern history (one of the periods specified in the syllabus issued by the commissioners)1 Logie and mental philosophy (ancient and modern).. Moral philosophy (ancient and modern). Political economy and economic history Political science (including analytical jurisprudence, the early history of institutions, and theory of legislation) Marks. 500 500 900 900 . 600 600 600 600 600 600 400 400 500 500 400 400 500 500 English law. (Under the head of "English law" shall be included the following subjects, viz: (1) Law of contracts; (2) law of evidence; (3) law of the constitution; (4) criminal law; (5) law of real property; and of these five subjects, candidates shall be at liberty to offer any four, but not more than four) .. 500 500 5. The merit of the persons examined will be estimated by marks; and the number set opposite to each branch in the preceding regulation denotes the greatest number of marks that can be obtained in respect of it. 6. The marks assigned to candidates in each branch will be subject to such deduction as the civil service commissioners may deem necessary in order to secure that no credit be allowed for merely superficial knowledge. 7. The examination will be conducted on paper and viva voce, as may be deemed necessary. 8. The marks obtained by each candidate, in respect of each of the branches in which he shall have been examined, will be added up and the names of the several candidates who shall have obtained, after the deduction above mentioned, a greater aggregate number of marks than any of the remaining candidates will be set forth in order of merit, and such candidates shall be deemed to be selected candidates for the civil service of India, provided they appear to be in other respects duly qualified. Should any of the selected candidates become disqualified, the secretary of state for India will determine whether the vacancy thus created shall be filled up or not. In the former case the candidate next in order of merit and in other respects duly qualified shall be deemed to be a selected candidate. A candidate entitled to be deemed a selected candidate, but declining to accept the nomination as such which may be offered to him, will be disqualified for any subsequent competition. 9. Selected candidates, before proceeding to India, will be on probation for one year, at the end of which time they will be examined, with a view of testing their progress in the following subjects: Complusory: 1. Indian penal code... 2. Code of criminal procedure. 3. The Indian evidence act. 4. The principal vernacular language of the province to which the candidate is assigned.. Optional. Not more than two of the following subjects: 1. The code of civil procedure and the Indian contract act.. 2. Hindu and Mohainmadan law.. 3. Sanskrit 4. Arabic.. 5. Persian 6. History of British India 7. Chinese (for candidates assigned to the province of Burma only).. Marks. 250 250 250 400 400 450 400 400 400 350 400 In this examination, as in the open competition, the merit of the candidates examined will be estimated by marks (which will be subject to deductions in the same way as the marks assigned at the open competition), and the number set opposite to each subject denotes the greatest number of marks that can be obtained in respect of it. The examination will be conducted on paper and vica voce, as may be deemed necessary. This examination will be held at the close of the year of probation, and will be called the "Final examination." If any candidate is prevented by sickness or any other adequate cause from attending such examination, the commissioners may, with the concurrence of the secretary of state for India, in council, allow him to appear at the final examination to be held in the following year, or at a special examination. 10. The selected candidates will also be tested during their probation as to their proficiency in riding. The examinations in riding will be held as follows: (1) Shortly after the result of the open competitive examination has been declared, or at such time or times as the commissioners may appoint during the course of the probationary year. (2) Again, at the time of the final examination, candidates who may fully satisfy the commissioners of their ability to ride well and to perform journeys on horseback, shall receive a certificate, which shall entitle them to be credited with 200 or 100 marks, according to the degree of proficiency displayed, to be added to their marks in the final examination. (3) Candidates who fail to obtain this certificate, but who gain a certificate of minimum proficiency in riding, will be allowed to proceed to India, but will be subjected on their arrival to such further tests in riding as may be prescribed by their Government, and shall receive no increase to their initial salary until they have passed such tests to the satisfaction of the Government. A candidate who fails at the end of the year of probation to gain at least the certificate of minimum proficiency in riding will be liable to have his name removed from the list of selected candidates. 11. The selected candidates who, on examination, shall be found to have a competent knowledge of the subjects specified in regulation 9, and who have satisfied the civil service commissioners of their eligibility in respect of nationality, age, health, character, conduct during the period of probation, and ability to ride, shall be certified by the said commissioners to be entitled to be appointed to the civil service of India, provided they shall comply with the regulations in force at the time for that service. 12. Persons desirous to be admitted as candidates must apply on forms, which may be obtained from "The secretary civil service commission, London, S. W.," at any time after the 1st of December in the year previous to that in which the examination is to be held. The forms must be returned so as to be received at the office of the civil service commissioners on or before 1st of July (or, if 1 Candidates are at liberty to name any or all of these branches of knowledge. None is obligatory. that date should fall upon a Sunday or public holiday, then on or before the first day thereafter on which their office is open) in the year in which the examination is to be held. The civil service commissioners are authorized by the secretary of state for India in council to make the following announcements: (1) Selected candidates will be allotted to the various provinces upon a consideration of all the circumstances, including their own wishes; but the requirements of the public service will rank before every other consideration. (2) An allowance amounting to £100 will be given to all candidates who pass their probation at one of the universities or colleges which have been approved by the secretary of state, viz, the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Dublin, Glasgow, Edinburgh, St. Andrews, and Aberdeen; Victoria University, Manchester; University College, London, and King's College, London, provided such candidates shall have passed the final examination to the satisfaction of the civil service commissioners and shall have conducted themselves well and complied with such rules as may be laid down for the guidance of selected candidates. The whole probation must ordinarily be passed at the same institution. Migration will not be permitted except for special reasons approved by the secretary of state. (3) The allowance of £100 will not be paid to any selected candidate until he has been certified by the civil service commissioners to be entitled to be appointed to the civil service of India, and every certificated candidate must, before receiving his allowance, give a written undertaking to refund the amount in the event of his failing to proceed to India. (4) All candidates obtaining certificates will be also required to enter into covenants by which, among other things, they will bind themselves to make such payments as, under the rules and regulations for the time being in force, they may be required to make toward their own pensions or for the pensions of their families. The stamps payable on these covenants amount to £1. (5) The seniority in the civil service of India of the selected candidates will be determined according to the order in which they stand on the list resulting from the combined marks of the open competitive and final examinations. (6) Selected candidates will be required to report their arrival in India within such period after the grant of their certificate of qualification as the secretary of state may in each case direct. (7) Candidates rejected at the final examination held in any year will in no case be allowed to present themselves for reexamination. SYLLABUS SHOWING THE EXTENT OF THE EXAMINATION IN CERTAIN SUBJECTS AT THE OPEN COMPETITION FOR THE CIVIL SERVICE OF INDIA, CLERKSHIPS (CLASS 1) IN THE HOME CIVIL SERVICE, AND EASTERN CADETSHIPS. English composition.-An essay to be written on one of several subjects specified by the civil service commissioners on their examination paper. English language and literature.-The examination will be in two parts. In the one the candidates will be expected to show a general acquaintance with the course of English literature, as represented (mainly) by the following writers in verse and prose, between the reign of Edward III and the accession of Queen Victoria: Verse: Chaucer, Langland, Spenser, Shakespeare, Milton, Dryden, Pope, Gray, Collins, Johnson, Goldsmith, Crabbe, Cowper, Campbell, Wordsworth, Scott, Byron, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats. Prose: Bacon, Sir Thomas Browne, Milton, Cowley, Bunyan, Dryden, Swift, Defor, Addison, Johnson, Burke, Scott, Macaulay (essays and biographies). A minute knowledge of the works of these authors will be looked for in this part of the examination, which will, however, test how far the candidates have studied the chief productions of the greatest English writers in themselves and are acquainted with the leading characteristics of their thought and style, and with the place which each of them occupies in the history of English literature. Candidates will also be expected to show that they have studied in these authors the history of the English language in respect of its vocabulary, syntax, and prosody. The other part of the examination will relate to one of the periods named below, which will follow each other year by year in the order indicated:" 1. (1901), 1600 to 1700 (Shakespeare to Dryden). 2. (1902), 1700 to 1800 (Pope to Cowper). 3. (1903), 1800 to 1832 (nineteenth century writers to the death of Scott). 4. (1904), 1360 to 1600 (Chaucer to Spenser). The examination in this part will require from candidates a more minute acquaintance with the history of the English language and literature, as illustrated in the chief works produced in each period, and will be based to a considerable extent, but by no means exclusively, on certain books specified each year by the commissioners. The names placed under the dates are intended to suggest the general character of the literary development of the period, and consequently the natural limits of the examination. All the works of Shakespeare, for example, will be regarded as falling within the period 1600 to 1700; all the works of Swift within the period 1700 to 1800; all the works of Scott and Wordsworth and all the works of Macaulay within the period 1800 to 1832. French language and literature.-Translation from French into English, and from English into French; critical questions on the French language and literature. German language and literature.-As in French. Latin language and literature.-Translation from Latin into English. Composition in prose and verse, or (as an alternative for verse composition) a Latin essay or letter. Critical questions on the Latin language (including questions on philology) and literature. Greek language and literature.-Translation from Greek into English. Composition in prose and verse, or (as an alternative for verse composition) a Greek dialogue or oration. Critical questions on the Greek language (including questions on philology) and literature. Sanskrit language and literature.-Translations from Sanskrit into English, and from English into Sanskrit. History of Sanskrit literature (including knowledge of such Indian history as bears upon the subject); Sanskrit grammar; Vedic philology. Arabic language and literature.-Translations as in Sanskrit; history of Arabic literature (including knowledge of such Arabic history as bears upon the subject); Arabie grammar; Arabic prosody. English history.--General questions on English history from A. D. 800 to A. D. 1848; questions on the constitutional history of England from A. D. 800 to A. D. 1848. General modern history.-Candidates may, at their choice, be examined in any one of the following periods: (1) From the accession of Charlemagne to the Third Crusade (800 to 1193); (2) from the Third Crusade to the Diet of Worms (1193 to 1521); (3) from the Diet of Worms to the death of Louis XIV (1521 to 1715); (4) from the accession of Louis XV to the French Revolution of 1848 (1715 to 1848). Periods 3 and 4 will include Indian history. Greek history.-Questions on the general history of Greece to the death of Alexander; questions on the constitutional history of Greece during the same period. Roman history.-Questions on the general history of Rome to the death of Vespasian; questions on the constitutional history of Rome during the game period. In Greek and Roman history candidates will be expected to show a knowledge of the original authorities. Mathematics.-Pure mathematics: Algebra, geometry (Euclid and geometrical conic sections), plane trigonometry, plane analytical geometry (less advanced portions), differential calculus (elementary), integral calculus (elementary). Applied mathematics: Statics, dynamics of a particle, hydrostatics, geometrical optics; all treated without the aid of the differential or integral calculus. Advanced mathematics.-Pure mathematics: Higher algebra, including theory of equations, plane and spherical trigonometry, differential calculus, integral calculus, differential equations, analytical geometry, plane and solid. Applied mathematics: Statics, including attractions, dynamics of a particle, rigid dynamics, hydrodynamics, the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism. Political economy and economic history.-Candidates will be expected to possess a knowledge of economic theory as treated in the larger text-books; also a knowledge of the existing economic conditions, and of statistical methods as applied to economic inquiries, together with a general knowledge of the history of industry, land tenure, and economic legislation in the United Kingdom. Logic and mental philosophy (ancient and modern).—Logic will include both deductive and inductive logic. Mental philosophy will include psychology and metaphysics. Political science. The examinations will not be confined to analytical jurisprudence, early institutions, and theory of legislation, but may embrace comparative politics, the history of political theories, etc. Candidates will be expected to show a knowledge of original authorities. REGULATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO THE INDIAN POLICE FORCE THROUGH A COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION IN LONDON ON JUNE 25, 1901. I. Date of examination.—The examination will be conducted by the civil service commission. It will be simultaneous with and in the same subjects and papers as the examination for the Indian forest department, except that in the police examination German is not an obligatory subject, and botany is no longer included in the list of subjects. Place of examination.—Candidates may undergo the written part of their examination in London, Edinburgh, or Dublin, or at any of the provincial centers at which the simultaneous examination of candidates for admission to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, is to be held. A list of the probable centers may be obtained from the civil service commissioners at any time after January, 1901. The oral and practical parts of the examination will be held in London only. Examination fee.-A fee of £2 is required from candidates examined in London, but when the written examination is conducted elsewhere than in London, the fee is £3. Candidates examined at a college or school will probably be required to pay a local fee (in order to defray the expenses of superintendence), as to which they should obtain early information from the college or school authorities. The fee payable to the civil service commissioners must be paid by means of stamps of the specified amount. Instructions on this point will be issued to candidates about ten days before the examination. II. Number of appointments.-The number of candidates to be selected will be 17, viz: For Madras 4, Bombay 4, Bengal 2, Northwestern Provinces and Oudh 4, Punjab 2, and Central Provinces 1. III. Conditions of eligibility.-Candidates must be British born or naturalized British subjects. They must, without exception on any ground, be above 19 and under 21 years of age on the 1st of June, 1901. They must be unmarried, and if they marry before reaching India they will forfeit their appointments. IV. Documents to be furnished by candidates.-Candidates must notify their wish to compete at the examination to the secretary, judicial and public department, India office, on or before May 1, 1901, sending at the same time (a) Information as to their names and parentage, certificates (or other satisfactory evidence) of the date of their birth, and the written consent of parent or guardian to their candidature. (b) A statement of the places at which they have been educated, accompanied by satisfactory testimonials of good conduct during the last four years. (c) An intimation of their wishes as to the province or provinces in which they would prefer to serve, and of any special reasons for such preference. V. Medical examination.-Within the five weeks preceding the literary examination candidates will be required to undergo a strict examination by a medical board at the India office as to their physique and capacity for active outdoor work in the plains of India. The medical board meets on Tuesdays at 1 o'clock, and candidates are required to give some days' notice of their intention to appear for examination. VI. Subjects of examination.-Those candidates only who are passed by the medical board will be allowed to undergo the literary examination before the civil service commissioners. The subjects as classified and the marks assigned to each are given below. Only two of the subjects of Class II may be taken up, and if one of these subjects is a modern language it must be different from the modern language selected in Class I. Candidates must obtain such an aggregate of marks in the examination as a whole as may indicate, in the judgment of the civilservice commissioners, a competent amount of general proficiency. VII. Appointment of probationers. The secretary of state will nominate as probationers such competitors as attain the highest aggregate of marks (provided they obtain the minimum aggregate referred to above and satisfy the requisite conditions in other respects), VIII. Riding test.—Selected candidates will be examined by the civil service commissioners as to their ability to ride, and will be required to produce (a) A certificate from the civil service commissioners that they are able to ride well and to perform journeys on horseback, or (b) A certificate from the civil service commissioners of minimum proficiency in riding. In the latter case they will be subjected, on their arrival in India, to such further tests in riding as may be prescribed by their Government, and will not be appointed assistant superintendents of police until they shall have passed such tests to the satisfaction of their Government. IX. Allotment to provinces.-Selected candidates who have successfully passed the above-mentioned tests will be allotted, as probationers, to the various provinces upon a consideration of all the circumstances, including their own wishes; but the requirements of the public service will rank before every other consideration. The allotment will also be subject to the right of the government of India to make transfers, if necessary. X. Departure for India. The probationers will be required to start for India not later than October, 1901, so as to arrive in the course of November. Failure to embark in time will, in the absence of satisfactory explanation, lead to forfeiture of appointment. Free passages to India will be provided by the India office. XI. Salary during probation.-On arrival in India probationers will receive an initial salary of Rs. 250 a month during their period of probation. |