97, 131, 132 97, 98, 100,
58, 173, 176
....133, 134
...102, 125
70, 174, 176
31, 132, 133
26, 131, 160
30, 159, 160
28, 131, 132
32, 134, 159
25, 129, 131
30, 132, 133
)2, 103, 118
..132, 177 a battle..57
....245 .312
or printing ..319 nd their re- ...245,326 .245 ...179, 323 ..290, 310 ...18
itendent of 4, 291, 292
3, 294, 295 .295
....293 .295
Clerk to the Committee on Clay, Henry, opinions of... Clayton-Bulwer treaty, call upon the President in regard to, and debate thereon......245, 246, 247, 257, 263, 266, 271, 280, 284
remarks, by- Mr. Clayton......245, 247, 258, 259, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271, 276 Mr. Douglas......256, 257, 258, 260, 267, 268, 269, 271, 274, 275, 276, 290 Mr. Mason.263, 270, 271, 280, 290 Mr. Butler.............274, 275, 276 Mr. Everett. ....280, 284 Clayton, John M., a Senator from Delaware, 243,
246, 266 resolutions by...245, 246, 284, 323 remarks concerning the Clayton-Bulwer trea- ..245, 247, 258, 259, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271, 276 correction of an error in the publication of the speech of, (note)... ...279 Clemens, Bryant & Co., leave to withdraw the papers of... ...279
Clemens, Jeremiah, a Senator from Alabama- remarks on the resolution of Mr. Cass relative to colonization in North America........156 Clerk, proposition for a reading, for the Senate,
Clerk to the Committee on Claims continued...257 Clerks to Committees. Cleveland, Chauncey F., a Representative from
Debates of the Senate-Continued.
proposition to contract with Mr. Rives for addi- tional copies of the, and with the editors of the Union and Intelligencer for the publication of the revised... ...311, 314
Debt-see Texas Debt. Delay of public business, remarks concerning..194 Dickins, Asbury, elected Secretary........ Diplomatic correspondence, concerning.......41, 78, 250, 255, 291, 303
District of Columbia, the affairs of the........22 Committee on the....
Dixon, Archibald, a Senator from Kentucky- remarks on Mr. Cass's resolution, relative to colonization in North America. .102. 125 Documents, proposition to continue the folding of, by messengers... ....307 Dodge, Augustus C., Senator from Iowa....283,
remarks on the proposition for extra compen- sation to the Superintendent of Public Print- ing..... .293, 294, 295 remarks in regard to the purchase of a machine for taking the yeas and nays... .322 remarks in favor of the principles of the home- stead bill.... ...202
remarks on the bill for the construction of a rail- road and telegraphic line from the Mississippi valley to the Pacific ocean...
Douglas, Stephen A., a Senator from Illinois, 243, 292, 294, 309, 314, 323 remarks on the resolution of Mr. Cass relative to colonization in North America.......159, 160, 170, 174, 176
remarks on the proposition for pay and mileage
Election of officers of the Senate...283 Estimates..
Evans, Josiah J., a Senator from South Carolina,
Everett, Edward, a Senator from Massachusetts, remarks concerning the Clayton-Bulwer treaty,
Executive proceedings of the Senate, proposition that the, shall be with open doors... 312, 319 remarks, by-
Mr. Chase... Mr. Phelps...
Exploration, of Africa, remarks concerning...231 of the Red river-see Marcy, Captain. Explorations, by Bartlett and Gray, in New Mex- ico, proposition for purchase of copies of, 312
remarks, by-
Mr. Borland
Mr. Butler..
Mr. Hamlin.
Mr. Houston....
Mr. Hunter... Mr. Mason Mr. Pearce......
.....312, 314 ..313 .313
.312, 313, 314 ..312, 313, 314 ....313, 314 .312, 314
Fees and costs in the circuit and district courts of the United States, remarks in the Senate on the bill to regulate, by Mr. Bradbury....207
sher, Harriet F., withdrawal of paj heries, coast, concerning the...... Cheries on the coasts of the British N Jean Provinces, proposition to 5pies of the.. France, Committee on Funces of Government, report on th Facial statistics.
more, Mrs., death of, announced.. Hamilton, Senator from New Yo stion by.... atrick, Benj., a Senator from Ale na, B. B., leave to withdraw the
mign policy of the Administration, the House of Representatives in br Mr. Marshall...
Relations, Committee on..... inns at Tortugas and Key We in the House of Representatives empletion of the, by Mr. Ca the Treasury of the United wis in the House of Represen prevent, by- Johnson, of Tennessee... Ids..
sephens, of Georgia..... uses, &c., Select Committee
Hale, John P., a Senator from New Hampshire, 138, 139 remarks in regard to the Tehuantepec grant, 160 remarks on Mr. Cass's resolution relative to col-
onization in North America.
97, 98, 100, 126, 131, 160 Hall, Willard P., a Representative from Mis- souri- ...190
remarks on the coinage bill Hamlin, William T., a Senator from Maine, 284, 292, 296, 312, 315, 317, 319, 323 resolutions by.. ...291, 292, 309, 311, 319 remarks in regard to the proposition for the im-
provement of C remarks on proposition for extra compensation to Superintendent of Public Printing, 291, 292 remarks concerning the printing the report of the explorations in New Mexico by Bartlett and Gray..
remarks in regard to the reporting and publish- ing the debates.... ...315, 316 remarks on the proposition for purchasing John- son's machine for voting ..322 Harris, Isham G., a Representative from Ten- ...58 Holland, Isaac, elected doorkeeper of the Senate, Homesteads, remarks in the House of Represent- atives on the subject of granting, by Mr. New- ..181
Houses for the Vice President and Cabinet officers, the propriety of building, discussed.......22 Houston, George S., a Representative from Ala- bama... ...2, 296, 299, 300, 301, 309 remarks in reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia, concerning the causes of delay in the trans- action of public business.
Houston, Sam, a Senater from Texas.......243, 279, 300, 309, 316, 322, 323 resolutions by.............309, 312, 317, 319 remarks on the bill to provide for the payment of the debts of Texas. .....153 remarks on the resolution of Mr. Cass relative to colonization in North America... 133, 176 remarks on the proposition for per diem and mileage to Mr. Yulee. .282 remarks concerning the printing of the report of the explorations in New Mexico by Bartlett and Gray... ..312, 313, 314 remarks in regard to the purchase of Johnson's machine for voting..
Howard, Volney E., a Representative from Texas, remarks on the duty of the United States to take possession of Cuba..
...79, 218 Hunter, Robert M. T., a Senator from Virginia,
243, 290, 300, 301, 317 319, 330
resolutions by..... remarks on the bill to provide for the payment of the Texas debt... ...150 remarks on the alleged frauds of Alexander Ramsay, on the Sioux Indians.........296, 297, 298, 302, 303 remarks concerning duties on iron.........304 remarks concerning the purchase of copies of Bartlett and Gray's report of the Mexican boundary. ...312, 313, 314
Inaugural ceremonies and address of the President of the United States... ....243 Index to the laws, public, see Index to the Ap-
private, see Index to the Appendix
Indian affairs, the condition of the....
14, 305, 311, 317 coin in Califor-
Indian Affairs, Committee on...
instructions to the Committee on....
remarks on the proposition for pay and mileage to Mr. Yulee .280
remarks on the proposition for the purchase of copies of Ringgold's charts, &c... 306 remarks on the proposition for a reading clerk in the Senate
.307, 308 remarks concerning the printing of the report of the explorations in New Mexico by Bartlett and Gray... .313, 314 remarks on the proposition in regard to report- ing and publishing the debates..........315 remarks concerning the construction of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty.....263, 270, 271,280.290
Pensioners, revolutionary...... Pettit, John, a Senator from Indiana....245, 283, 284, 296, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304, 305 remarks on the alleged frauds of Alexander Ramsay and others, on the Sioux Indians, 299 remarks on the proposition for the purchase of copies of Ringgold's charts.... ......317 Phelps, Samuel S., a Senator from Vermont- remarks on the proposition for purchasing a machine for voting
.....320 Phelps, John S., a Representative from Missouri, 218, 299, 308 Polk, William H., a Representative from Ten- ....55, 56 .23, 24
Postal statistics Postmaster General-see Post Office Department. Post Office Department, annual report from the, 22
communication from the.... Post Office and Post Roads, Committee on the, 245 Pratt, Thomas G., a Senator from Maryland, 306, President of the United States, annual message of
inaugural address of Franklin Pierce as ....243 committee to wait on the.... calls upon the..
communications from the.....
President pro tempore of the Senate, D. R. Atchi-
Rhode Island, resolutions of the Legislature of, 256 Rice, Francis W., late American consul at Aca-
.284, 304, 305, 311, 317
Mr. Hamlin......291, 292, 309, 311, 319 Mr. Houston..........309, 312, 317, 319
Mr. Hunter..
Mr. James.
Mr. Jones, of lowa
Mr. Mason.
pulco, leave to withdraw the papers of...309 Ringgold's maps, charts, &c., of the coast of Cali- fornia, proposition for the purchase of copies of, and debate concerning..284, 304, 305, 317
Roads and Canals, Committee on.. Rossemeyer, Mr., leave granted to withdraw the papers of.. Rule regulating the privilege of admission to the floor of the Senate, proposition to amend, 279, 284 Rules of the Senate, proposition to amend the..321 Rusk, Thomas J., a Senator from Texas....180, 222, 224, 245, 262, 266, 327, 330 remarks on the proposition for the purchase of copies of Captain Ringgold's charts......318
.303, 314, 321, 323 .243, 284, 296, 310
306, 307, 309, 315, 316, 324, 330 resolutions by..............303, 314, 321, 323 remarks in regard to the Tehuantepec grant, 140, 164
remarks on the amendment providing for the payment of the creditors of Texas.239 remarks on Mr. Cass's resolution in relation to colonization in North America, 125, 129, 131 remarks on the alleged frauds of Alexander Ramsay, on the Sioux Indians, 296, 297, 298 remarks on the call for information in regard to the amount of United States bonds held in Europe, &c.. remarks in regard to the reporting and publish- ing the debates.
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.to/books/content?id=xmEUAAAAYAAJ&output=html_text&pg=PP8&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&q=%22any+rights+or+advantages+in+regard+to+commerce+or+navigation+through+the+said+canal,+which+shall+not+be+offered+on%22&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U18INaRMqA33Ezr1NPxvl4KMDMXrA&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=597,1154,181,44)
Shields, James, Senator from Illinois...103, 280, 283, 284, 296, 304, 305,
308, 311, 316, 322, 323 resolutions by243, 284, 296, 310 remarks on the resolution of Mr. Cass relative to colonization in North America.......130, 132, 133
remarks on the proposition to continue pay to Robert Beale. ...305 Sibley, Henry H., a Delegate from Minnesota- remarks in favor of the policy of grants of land for railroad purposes in the West.......188 Skelton, Charles, a Representative from New Jer-
resolution by. remarks on Mr. Cass's resolution in regard to colonization in North America, 102, 103, 118 letter of, resigning his seat as Senator......330
remarks on the affairs of New Mexico.....103 Welch, Purser, letter of Mr. Kennedy, Secretary of the Navy, exculpatory of 302 Weller, John B., a Senator from California..136,
245, 257, 279, 284, 290, 301 .290, 323
resolutions by..... remarks on the proposition for publishing the debates in the Intelligencer. 326, 327, 328, 330 Wellington, the promotions of the Duke of....57 West, James H., imprisoned in Cuba, resolutions of the Legislature of Rhode Island in relation to, &c... ...256, 262 Widows of revolutionary soldiers, pensions under the law providing for the...... .........18 Woodward, Joseph A., a Representative from South Carolina-
remarks on the proposition to raise a select com- mittee on the tariff.
the bill establishing.......
remarks in the House of Representatives on the
on the proposition for continuance of compen-
bill establishing, &c., by-
sation to Robert Beale...
on the proposition for a reading clerk to the
Trade with Canada, concerning.
Treasury Department, annual report from the, on
on the proposition for the purchase of copies of
the condition of the finances.
Captain Ringgold's charts.
calls upon the, for information........304, 323
Treasury, frauds on the-see Frauds. Treaty-see Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.
on the proposition for the purchase of Johnson's machine for taking the yeas and nays...319,
Mr. Dodge, of lowa..........
Underwood, Joseph R., a Senator from the State
remarks on the resolution of Mr. Cass relative
to colonization in North America...132, 177
Voting, machine for-see Yeas and Nays.
Walker, Isaac P., a Senator from Wisconsin..202, 245, 305, 306, 307, 308 resolutions by245, 284, 296 remarks on the proposition for per diem and mileage to Mr. Yulee..... ........282 remarks on the alleged frauds of Alexander Ramsay, on the Sioux Indians..296, 297, 303 remarks on the proposition for a reading clerk in the Senate.......307, 308
Arms, inquiry as to expediency of manufacturing
of, by contract..
distribution of, to Iowa........
Almanac, (Nautical,) appropriation for the...353 || Armories, superintendent of...........352 American Archives, appropriation for.......343 Appeal, what papers necessary on...... ...335 from courts of Washington Territory......340 Appointment, of assistant postmaster generals, 363 of new registers and receivers.........334, 360 of surveyor general in California..........360 of assistant secretary of state, authorized...350 of additional appraiser general............ 347 Appraiser General, additional, to be appointed for the Pacific coast....
Appropriations, for Indian affairs, the army, the navy, pensions, light-houses, military acade- my, harbors and rivers, fortifications, ocean mail steamers, post offices, deficiencies. See those titles
Army, general appropriation bill for.........351 salary of military storekeepers in Oregon, Cali- fornia, and New Mexico.. companies of light artillery to be remounted, 351 arsenals may be abolished report to be made respecting manufacturing arms by contract...
extra pay to garrison of Fort Laramie.....352 promotion in the corps of topographical engi-
Western Military Asylum...352 survey of railroad route to the Pacific......352
dafajenow appropriation for
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