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heria, muniçoens, e mais pertences que trouxe de Portugal; e mais huma Peça

tomada no combate da India Morta. Da mesma forma os Corpos de Cavallaria e Infantaria da Divizao, embarcarao com o seu armamento, e equipamento pessoal, e mais huma rezerva de cinco armamentos por Companhia, e as competentes muniçoens das suas patronas: ficando nos Depositos Os armamentos, equipamentos, muniçoens, e abarracamento pertencentes ao Imperio do Brasil.

5. Nao obstante a negativa do Exmo. General em Chefe das Tropas Imperiaes, sobre o garantir a dívida pública contrahida em Montevideo pelo Governo de Sua Magestade Fidellissima, para a manutenção das Tropas, Esquadra Real desde Janeiro do corrente anno, athe agora, a cuja dívida estávao obrigadas as rendas publicas da Cidade, para com os Fosnecedores, e prestamistas, de quem se exigíraō taes suprimentos, e a quem se déraō Documentos legaes; se tratará deste artigo em separado, e da mesma forma a do fardamento da Divizaö.

given up to His Excellency General Dom Alvaro da Costa. The Division shall take away all the cannon, ammunition, and other stores which it brought from Portugal; and likewise a piece of artillery, captured in the Battle of India Morta. In the same manner the Regiments of Cavalry and Infantry composing the Division, shall embark with their arms and personal equipments, besides a reserve of five stand of arms per Company, and the competent ammunition for their cartouchboxes; but the arms, accoutrements, ammunition, and furniture for barracks, belonging to the Empire of Brazil, shall remain in the Depôts.

5. Notwithstanding the refusal of His Excellency the General-in-Chief of the Imperial Troops to guarantee the public debt contracted at Montevideo, by the Government of His Most Faithful Majesty, on account of the maintenance of the Troops and the Royal Squadron, from January, of the current year, to this time, and as a security for which debt the public revenue of the City was pledged to such of the Contractors and Capitalists as had been applied to for similar supplies, and as had received bonds; this point shall be made the subject of a separate negotiation, as shall also that of the clothing of the Division.

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8. As Authoridades Civis e Militares Locaes, e em geral os Habitantes, que athe agora tem estados adherentes, ou postos debaixo da protecçao, authoridade, e armas de Sua Magestade El Rey, nao poderáò ser molestados nas suas pessoas, e bens, por isso, ou por outras opinioens politicas, o que está prevenido pela magnanima generosidade de Sua Magestade Imperial, com a condiçaõ de reciprocidade, e que oito dias depois de ratificada a Convençao, devem estas recolhidas no Arsenal do

6. The Frigate Thetis shall remain in deposit until the two Cabinets of Portugal and Brazil shall have agreed to which of the two Governments she belongs. The Maria Theresa Schooner, which was detached from the Imperial Squadron, and the Restauradora, Corvette, as belonging to Montevideo, shall both remain at the disposal of His Excellency General Baron de Laguna.

7. The 1st and 2d Battalions of Free Blacks, and the Provincial Dragoons shall, within three days after the ratification of the Convention, join the Imperial Army, excepting the Officers, Subalterns, and Non-commissioned Officers of Portugal, and without prejudice to their respective allow


8. The Local Authorities, both Civil and Military, and the Inhabitants in general, who, up to this moment, have adhered to, or have been placed under the protection, authority, and arms of His Majesty the King, shall not be molested in their persons and property, either on this account, or for their political opinions; all which His Imperial Majesty, in his magnanimous generosity, has directed, on condition of reciprocity, and that within eight days after the ratification of the Con

Exercito as armas, que seraõ destribuidas aos Civicos, Milicias, e

Guerrilhas desde

Septembro de mil oitocentos e vinte e dous, athe ao prezente. Tambem os Prizioneiros de Guerra de parte a parte, ratificada a Convençaõ, serao postos em liberdade.


9. O Destacamento Tropas da Divizaõ de Voluntarios Reaes d'El Rey, que no acto do embarque guarnecer as fortalezas, portas da praça, guardas, e estabelecimentos publicos, e mantiver a policia da Cidade, será rendido por outro Destacamento de igual Força do Exercito Imperial; e as fortalezas, portas da praça, guardas, e estabelecimentos publicos, lhe seraõ entregues em dereitura sem intervençaõ de outra alguma Authoridade: e visto o Exmo. General Commandante do Exercito Imperial, ter formalmente declarado, que nao annue receber as chaves da Municipalidade, em cujas maons o Exmo. Commandante das Forças de Sua Magestade Fidellissima instou por entrega-las, desiste desta instancia, por assim convir ao bem publico na sua retirada para Portugal.


vention, there shall be lodged in the arsenal of the Army, the arms distributed to the civic bands, to the Militia, and to the Guerillas, from September, 1822, to the present time. The Prisoners of War of both Parties, shall also, after the ratification of the Convention, be set at liberty.

9. The Detachment belonging to the Division of the King's Volunteers which, during the embarkation, may garrison the forts, the gates of the fortress, the guard-houses, and the public establishments, and keep the police of the City, shall be relieved by another Detachment of the same strength from from the Imperial Army; and the forts, gates of the fortress, guard-houses, and public establishments, shall be given up to it directly, without the intervention of any other Authority; and since His Excellency the General commanding the Imperial Army has formally declared that he will not consent to receive the keys of the Municipality, though His Excellency the Commander of the Forces of His Most Faithful Majesty was solicitous to deliver them into his hands, he desists from pressing this request, because the Public Service renders such conduct advisable at the moment of his departure for Portugal.


Esta Convençaõ será ratificada, e assignada dentro de vinte e quatro horas, pelos Exmos. Generaes respectivos assima indicádos, e cumprida quaesquer que forem as circunstancias supervenientes.

Pastoreio de Pereira, nascentes do Miguelete, dezoito de Novembro de 1823, pelas onze horas da noite.

FELIPPE NERI GORJAO, Coronel Q. M. General da Divizao de V. R. d'El Rey.



This Convention shall be ratified and signed, within twenty-four hours, by their Excellencies the respective Generals above mentioned, and shall be fulfilled without regard to any events that may occur hereafter.

Pastoreio de Pereira, sources of the Miguelete, the 18th November, 1823, at eleven o'clock at night.

FELIPPE NERI GORJAO, Col. Q M. Gen. of the Division of Royal Volunteers.


Coronel Chefe da Legiao da Chief Colonel of the Legion of

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de Novembro, de 1823, ás November, 1823, at 12 o'clock

doze horas do dia.



O Excellentissimo General Barao da Laguna, Commandante em Chefe do Exercito de Sua Magestade o Imperador do Brazil, promette, que Forte do Serro, evacuado no prazo de tres dias, depois de ratificada a Convençaỡ, naỡ será guarnecido por Tropas Imperiaes, em quanto se nao effeituar o embarque das Tropas da Divizaõ de Voluntarios Reaes d'El Rey, e saída da Praça de Montevideo.

Pastoreio de Pereira, nascentes do Miguelete, dezoito de Novembro, de 1823, ás onze horas e meia da noite. IGNACIO JOZE VICENTE DA FONCECA, Coronel Chefe da Legiao de S. Paulo.

WENCESLAO D'OLIVEIRA BELLO, Tenente-Coronel Commandante da Artilheria da Corte.


Os Abaixo assignados General Commandante, e mais Officiaes Superiores da Divizaõ de Voluntarios Reaes d'ElRey, se compromettem pela sua parte á execuçaõ da Convençao amigavel ajustáda no dia dezoito do corrente mez, entre o

at noon.



His Excellency General Baron de Laguna, Commander in Chief of the Army of His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, promises, that the Fort of Serro, to be evacuated within three days after the ratification of the Convention, shall not be occupied by the Imperial Troops, unless the Troops of the Division of Royal Volunteers be embarked, and have quitted the Fortress of Montevideo.

Pastoreio de Pereira, sources of the Miguelete, the 18th November, 1823, at half-past eleven o'clock at night.


Chief Colonel of the Legion of
St. Paulo.

WENCESLAO D'OLIVEIRA BELLO, Lieut.-Colonel Commanding the Artillery of the Court.


The Undersigned Commanding General, and the other Officers of Rank of the Division of Royal Volunteers, engage, on their part, to see to the execution of the amicable Convention entered into on the 18th inst. between His

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