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Britannic Majesty, in 'consideration of their being called upon to exercise their functions at a distance from their Country; and of a Sum of £500 to each of them, at the close of the Commission, for their return home.

It was also agreed by us, that the Compensation of the Secretary of the said Board of Commissioners, shall be at the rate of £450, or 2,000 Dollars a-year, to commence from the period of his Appointment, until the final Dissolution of the Board.

And it was lastly agreed by us, that the said Salaries and additional Allowances shall, like the contingent Expences of the Commission, be defrayed jointly by The United States and His Britannic Majesty; the said Expences to be laid before the Board at the end of each Quarter, and after being ascertained and allowed by a Majority of the Board, to be divided, including Salary and Allowance, as above, into two Moieties, for each of which the Commissioners on either side shall draw, respectively, on the proper Departments of their own Governments.

In Witness whereof, we have hereunto set our Hands and affixed our Seals, at Washington, this 10th Day of January, 1823. (L.S.) JOHN QUINCY ADAMS.


TREATY of perpetual Union, League and Confederation, between Colombia and Mexico.-Signed at Mexico, the 3rd of October, 1823*.





El Gobierno de la Republica de Colombia por una parte, y por otra el de la Nacion Mexicana, animados de los mas sinceros deseos de terminar las calamidados de la presente Guerra, à que se han visto provocados por el Gobierno de S. M. C. El Rey de España, desididos à emplear todos sus Recursos y Fuerzas Maritimas y Terrestres, para sostener eficazmente su libertad ó Independencia, y deseosas de que esta liga sea general entre todos los Estados de la America antes Española,

OF THE UNIverse.

The Government of the Republic of Colombia on the one hand, and that of the Mexican Nation on the other, animated with the sincerest desire of terminating the calamities of the present War, into which they have been provoked by the Government of His Catholic Majesty The King of Spain; decided on availing themselves of all their Resources and Land and Sea Forces, effectually to sustain their liberty and independence; and desirous that this League should be gene

• As Ratified by the Two Governments.

para que unidos, fuertes y poderosos sostengan en comun la cauza de su Independencia, qua es el objeto primario de la actual contienda, han nombrado Plenipotenciarios para discutir, arreglar y concluir un Tratado de Union, Liga y Confederacion, à saber:-S. E. El Libertador, Presidente de Colombia, Al Honorable Señor Miguel de Santa Maria, Ministro Plenipotenciario y Enviado Extraordinario de esta Republica cerca del Gobierno de Mexico, y El Supremo Gobierno de la Nacion Mexicana, Al Exmo. Sr. D. Lucas Alaman, Secretario Interino de Estado y del Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores é Interiores:-Los cuales despues de haber cangeado sus Plenos Poderes, hallados en buena y debida forma, han convenido en los Articulos siguientes:

ral, between all the States of what was formerly Spanish America; in order that, united, strong and powerful, they may sustain in common, the cause of their independence, which is the primary object of the present Conflict; have named Plenipotentiaries to discuss, regulate, and conclude a Treaty of Union, League, and Confederation; namely, His Excellency the Liberator, President of Colombia, The Hon. Miguel Santa Maria, Minister Plenipotentiary, and Envoy Extraordinary from that Republic to the Government of Mexico; and the Supreme Governor of the Mexican Nation, His Excellency Don Lucas Alaman, Secretary ad interim, of Foreign and Interior Affairs; who, after having exchanged their respective Full Powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following Articles:

1. The Republic of Colombia and the Mexican Nation, unite, league and confederate, from this time forward for evermore, in Peace and War, to sustain by their influence, and Forces by Sea and Land, as far as circumstances will permit, their independence of the Spanish Nation, and of every other Foreign Dominion, and to secure after the recognition of their said Independence their 3 E

1. La Republica de Colombia y la Nacion Mexicana, se unen, ligan y confederan, desde ahora para siempre, en Paz y Guerra, para sostener con su influxo, y Fuerzas Maritimas y Terrestres, en quanto lo permitan las circunstancias, su Independencia de la Nacion Española y de qualesquiera otra Dominacion Estrangera, y asegurar, despues de recono cida aquella, su mutua prospe1823-1824]

ridad, la mejor armonia y buena inteligencia, asi entre los Pueblos, Subditos, y Ciudadanos de ambos Estados, como con las demas Potencias con quienes

deban entrar en relaciones.

[blocks in formation]

Pacto perpetuo de Alianza intima Amistad firme y cony stante, para su defensa comun, obligandose á socorrerse mutuamente y à rechazar en comun todo ataque ó invasion que pueda de alguna manera amenazar la seguridad de su Independencia y Libertad, y su bien reciproco y general.

3. A fin de concurrir à los objetos indicados en el Articulo anterior, las Partes Contratantes se comprometen á auxiliarse reciprocamente, con el numero de Fuerzas Terrestres que se acuerden par Convenios particulares, segun lo exigan das circunstancias, y mientras dure la nececidad ó conveniencia de ellas.

4. La Marina Nacional de ambas Partes, qualquiera que sea, estará asimismo dispuesta al cumplimiento de las precedentes Estipulaciones.

5. En los casos repentinos de mutuo auxilio, ambas Partes podrán obrar hostilmente con todas sus Fuerzas disponibles, en los Territorios de la Depen

mutual prosperity, together with the greatest harmony and good understanding, as well between their Countries, Subjects, and Citizens, as with such other Powers as they may form relations with.

2. The Republic of Colombia and the Mexican Nation therefore promise and spontaneously contract a perpetual Treaty of strict Alliance, and firm and constant Friendship, for their common defence, binding themselves to mutual succour, and to repel in common any attack or invasion that may in any manner threaten the security of their Independence and liberty, and their mutual and general good.

3. In order to promote the objects indicated in the preceding Article, the Contracting Parties bind themselves mutually to assist each other with the number of Land Forces that may be agreed on by special Conventions, as circumstances may require, during their necessity or convenience.

4. The National Navy of both Parties, whatever it may be, shall be also disposable for the accomplishment of the preceding Stipulations.

5. In sudden cases requiring mutual assistance, both Parties may act hostilely, with all their disposable Forces, in the Territories of either Party,

dencia de una ú otra, siempre in case the circumstances of

que las circunstancias del momento, no den lugar à ponerse de acuerdo ambos Gobiernos. Pero la Parte que asi obrase deberá cumplir y hacer cumplir los Estatutos, Ordenanzas y Leyes del Estado respectivo, en quanto lo permitan las mismas circunstancias, y hacer respetar y obedecer su Gobierno. Los gastos que se hubiesen impendido en estras Operaciones, se liquidarán por Convenios separados y se habonarán un año despues de la conclusion de la presente Guerra.

6. Ambas Partes Contratantes se obligan á prestar quantos auxilios esten á su alcance á los Bajelas de Guerra y Mercantes que llegaren á los Puertos de su pertenencia, por causa de averia ó qualquiera otro motivo, y como tal podrán carenarse, repararse, hacer viveres, armarse, aumentar su armamento y sus tripulaciones, hasta el estado de poder continuar sus viages ó cruceros, á espensas del Estado ó Particulares á quienes corresponda.

7. A fin de evitar los abusos escandalosos que puedan causa en alta mar los Corsarios armados, por cuenta de los particulares, en perjuicio del Comercio Nacional y el de los Neutrales, convienen ambas

the moment do not afford time for the Two Governments to concert together. But the contracting Party which may thus act, will observe and cause to be observed, the Statutes, Ordinances, and Laws of the respective State, as far as circumstances permit, and cause its Government to be respected and obeyed. The expences that may be incurred in these operations shall be settled by separate Conventions, and shall be discharged within one year from the conclusion of the present War.

6. Both Parties bind themselves to furnish such succour as may be in their power to Ships of War and Merchantmen, which may arrive at Ports belonging to either of them, on account of damage sustained, or from any other cause, and they may careen, repair, victual, arm, or increase their Armament or Crew, so as to enable them to continue their Voyages or Cruizes, at the expence of the State or of the Individuals to whom they may belong.

the Contracting

7. In order to avoid the scandalous abuses which may exist on the high Sea, in consequence of Privateers being armed on account of Individuals, to the prejudice of the National Commerce, as well as that of

Partes en hacer extensiva la Neutrals, both Parties agree

jurisdiccion de sus juzgados ó Cortes Marítimas á los Corsarios que navegan bajo el Pabellon de una y otra, y sus Presas indistintamente, siempre que no puedan navegar facilmente hasta los Puertos de su procedencia; ó que haya in dicios de haber cometido excesos contra el Comercio de las Naciones Neutrales, con quienes ambos Estados desean cultivar la mejor armonia y buena inteligencia.

8. Ambas Partes se garantirán mutuamente la integridad de sus Territorios en el mismo pie en que se hallaban antes de la presente Guerra, reconociendo igualmente por Partes integrantes de una y otra Nacion, todas las Provincias que aunque Governadas por autoridad del todo independiente de la de los antiguos Vireynatos de Mexico y Nueva Granada, se hayan convenido ó se convinieren de un modo legitimo enformar un solo cuerpo de Nacion con ellos.

9. La demarcacion especificada de todas y cada una de las Partes que componen la integridad expresada en el Articulo presente, se hará por expresa declaracion y mutuo reconocimiento de ambas Partes, luego que el proximo Congreso Constituyente Mexicano

to extend the jurisdiction of their Maritime Courts to all Privateers sailing under the Flag of either State, and to their Prizes indiscriminately; provided they cannot conveniently reach the Port to which they may be bound; or when excesses may appear to have been committed against the Commerce of Neutral Nations, with whom both States desire to cultivate the best harmony and good understanding.

8. Both Parties mutually guaranty the integrity of their Territories on the footing on which they stood before the present War, also recognising as integral parts of either Nation, every Province which, though formerly governed by an Authority entirely independent of the late Vice-Royalties of Mexico and New Granada, may have agreed or shall agree in a lawful manner to become incorporated with it.

9. The specific demarcation of all and each of the Parts composing the territories mentioned in the preceding Article, shall be arranged by a particular and mutual agreement between between the two Parties, SO soon as the approaching Constituent Congress of Mex

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