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Lima to the Liberating Army, and accompanied by Gazettes giving the details of that important event. Yesterday morning this great event was announced to this City, by salvos of Artillery from the Fort and national Vessels, which were repeated at noon, and at sunset. At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, the Governor, attended by his Ministers, and all the publick Functionaries, went to the Cathedral to attend a Te Deum, and in the evening the City was brilliantly illuminated; other publick festivities are said to be contemplated, among which a ball by the Chilian Minister at the Theatre, and another by the Government, are spoken of. In fact this event is generally considered as a finishing blow in the Contest for Independence. Enclosed, is a Paper just published here, containing a familiar Letter from San Martin, (addressed I presume to his father-in-law, Mr. Escalada,) signed Pepe, which is the familiar abbreviation of Joseph; also, various publick Documents relating to the taking possession of Lima, a Correspondence between San Martin and the Arch Bishop of Lima, the Declaration of the Cabildo, &c. By these Publick Papers, it appears that San Martin has added to his fame by the moderation and respect for publick opinion which he has manifested on this great occasion. Every thing here breathes joy, and the brightest hope of the perfection of their political happiness. The Congress at Cordova is now entirely lost in the contemplation of a Grand Congress, which it is said will be agreed on by the three great Republicks of Peru, Chili, and La Plata. Perhaps the Sister Colombia may be invited to this family party.

Inclosed, I send you Copies of my Letter to Mr. Rivadavia, on the subject of Privateering, or rather of Piracy, dated 14th September, Copy of that Minister's reply, under 15th September, and of a Minute of a Conference I had with him on the 17th of same month. Inclosed is also Minute of a previous Conference with said Minister, on the 5th August last.

Among the important events which have occurred on this side of the mountains, I must not omit to notice the total destruction of the Party of Jose Miguel Carrera, and the publick execution of that active, intelligent, and extraordinary Man. Inclosed I herewith transmit two Bulletins published here concerning this event. By the first it will appear, that a Colonel Don Manuel Arias had organized a Revolution in Carrera's Band, which he communicated to the Governor of Mendoza, on the condition of saving his own life and those of some of his adherents. By the second, entitled "Detail of the destruction of Carrera," it will be seen that Carrera's Party was totally defeated by the Mendozinos on the 31st August, and that, on the 4th of this month, Carrera was shot on the publick square at Mendoza; he died with the most heroic courage, asking for only favour of his Conquerors, that he might be buried in the same grave with his 2 brothers, who were shot in the same City on a former occasion; it would be well for humanity

if the story of this event stopped here; but I again have to state another act of savage ferocity: the murdered body of this brave and distinguished man was shockingly mutilated, his head was cut off and exposed in the Square of Mendoza; his right arm was sent to the Governor of Cordova, and his left to the Punta San Luis. When these particulars were known here, they excited a sentiment of horror; and it has even been said, that if this victim of the ferocity of their half-savage brethren at Mendoza had been sent to this Place, even his life would have been probably spared.

Carrera, by his great personal resources, had proved the most dangerous enemy of the present state of things in these Provinces, and had San Martin failed in Peru, and Carrera had survived that failure, he would have menaced the tranquillity of Chili; thus his death is a great event for the present Rulers here, although the manner of it may be very revolting to their more civilized breasts.

October 1, 1821.

Since writing the foregoing, there has been a further publication of Papers connected with the occupation of Lima, containing certain Proclamations of Generals San Martin and Arenales: this publication I herewith inclose. The new Ministers have very judiciously availed themselves of the present moment, to propose to the Junta a general Amnesty, and that all those who have been exiled for differences of political opinion, should be recalled to the bosom of their Country; this proposition, so worthy the high-minded Cause of the present Ministry, and so well calculated to conciliate all Parties, is to be discussed this evening at the Junta. I shall attend the debate, seats being assigned to the Foreign Agents. Among the events tending to consolidate the moral and physical force of these Provinces, it is said, that a Revolution has taken place in the Entre Rios against the brother of the slain Ramirez. At the head of this Revolution is a Mr. Mansilla, of whose rank and history I am ignorant. The Flotilla of this Province is cooperating, and further assistance has been asked of Lopez, the Governor of Santa Fé. The trade of the Baxada has been opened in consequence of this Revolution. I just now met Mr. Rivadavia in the street, and took the occasion to remind him of the Decree which he had promised to send me on the subject of Privateering: he said, it depended only on him to reduce it to writing, which he had not yet had time to do; he has given me reason to hope that he will call on me tomorrow; but the herculean labour of cleansing the Augean stables so entirely occupies him, day and night, I sometimes fear he will be quite exhausted before he can accomplish it.

The Hon. J. Q. Adams.



(5.)-Mr. Forbes to Mr. Rivadavia.

Buenos Ayres, 14th September, 1821. ALTHOUGH I have been more than 10 months in this City, I have never until now found a moment, when, under all circumstances, 1 deemed it expedient to lay before this Government the sentiments and views of that of The United States, in relation to many interesting subjects, as contained in the Instructions I received on my departure from Washington. On the recent organization of the Government, I intimated to you the desire to hold a full and frank Conference; which you had the goodness to promise me at the commencement of the past month, but which has been unavoidably delayed by your more pressing occupations.

Appreciating as I do the great and efficient efforts now making by you in the cause of your Country, I should most willingly continue to wait your convenience for the proposed Conference, were I not impelled by recent information, to press on the early attention of this Government one of the Subjects on which I am instructed by that of the United States; I mean those indiscriminate violences which are daily committed on the Ocean against the peaceful Commerce of unoffending Nations, under the various Flags of the South American Provinces. It is now a long time since those violences have called forth the most pointed reprobation of many Governments in Europe and of that of The United States. Several Governments have made active efforts to repress them by force. These efforts have been unavailing-these privileged plunderers

"Can add colours to the chamelion,

Change shapes with Proteus for advantage."

There is nothing fixed, but the blackness of their purpose and the boldness of their atrocities. They are furnished with various Commissions, and navigated by Crews of Men, without Country, without morality, and without other ties than those of crime and plunder. By the Privateering Regulations of Buenos Ayres, a Privateer owned here, or commissioned by this Government, who shall be furnished with a Commission from any other Prince or Republick, even if allied with this "shall be adjudged a good prize, and her Captain or Commander punished as Pirates." It is therefore under the sanction of its own Laws, that I presume to call the early and efficacious intervention of this Government, to vindicate those violated Laws. But, Sir, it is above all, from a full faith in those sentiments of honour, that love of order and justice, which so eminently distinguish every step of the present Administration, that I derive the strongest hope that this call will not be disregarded. The publick Gazettes recently received from The United States contain several well authenticated statements of new outrages committed by these freebooters, whose numbers are multiplied, and the boldness of their wicked enterprizes increased, by their

impunity. I will not swell this written Communication by any Extracts from the information received; but hope that at an early day, it will be convenient for you to admit me to a personal Conference, when I shall be happy to communicate with you, in that spirit of frankness, which is the best pledge of friendship, as well the facts in my possession, as the feelings of the Government of The United States, on this highly interesting and important subject.

I avail myself with pleasure of this occasion, &c.

The Hon. Mr. Rivadavia,


Minister of Foreign Relations, Buenos Ayres.

(6.)-Mr. Rivadavia to Mr. Forbes.

Buenos Ayres, 15th September, 1821. THE Minister of Government and Foreign Relations has had the honour of receiving the Official Note from the Agent of The United States, under yesterday's date, and he considers it as his particular duty to make an acknowledgment of the honorable distinction the said Agent shews towards him. With respect to the principal affair therein contained, he can only repeat what he had the satisfaction to make him acquainted with in his last interview; which was, that the Government had adopted every measure in its power to suppress the evils committed by Privateers of this Country towards the Commerce of neutral Nations, from the abuse of their Commissions. Nevertheless, the Minister of Government and Foreign Relations, feeling desirous of contributing towards the completion of these measures, as far as they are capable of being made perfect, he will be happy to receive any further explanation on this subject that the Agent of The United States may think proper to give him. For which purpose it will be taken as an honour, if the Agent would take the trouble to call on the Minister at bis house on Monday morning, of the 17th instant, at 11 o'clock.

The Minister of Government and Foreign Relations expresses his thanks to the Agent for the distinction he confers upon him, and begs to return it by the assurances of his consideration and respect.

John M. Forbes, Esq.


Agent of The United States of North America.


(7.)-Minute of a Conference with Mr. Rivadavia.

Buenos Ayres, Monday, 17th September, 1821. I RECEIVED this morning at ten o'Clock, by the hands of one of the Clerks of the Department, an answer from the Minister of State to my Letter of the 14th instant, containing an invitation to a Conference at 11 o'Clock at his house. Although the notice was too short to admit of any preparation, I gladly accepted the invitation, taking with me my Instructions, including those intended for the late Commodore Perry. I found the Minister, Mr. Rivadavia, quite alone,

and was, as always, well received. I commenced my conversation by very sincere assurances of the enthusiasm I felt in the present march of Events, and compliments to the Minister on his zealous efforts for the establishment of order in the Administration, and the formation of a sound publick opinion in the Country. I then observed that, not having had time to prepare Extracts, I had brought my Instructions in extenso, and would ask permission, in frankness and friendship, to read certain parts of them in the original language in which they were written, which I was aware was well understood by him. I then read the assurances of the good will of The United States towards these Provinces, and the interest they had constantly felt in the success of their efforts for Independence; I continued through the history of our Diplomatic Correspondence and measures in relation to the South American Affairs, to all which the Minister listened with much attention and apparent approbation. When I communicated to him the fact, that The United States Government had proposed to those of France and England, to acknowledge, in concert with them, the Independence of Buenos Ayres; in reply to my question, he confessed his previous ignorance of that fact. I then continued the forcible expositions in the Instructions to Commodore Perry, of the evils and horrors of the system of Piracy as practised by Vessels carrying various Colours of the South American Provinces, and stated to him that The United States would not acknowledge as legal any Commission granted in blank; which, he said, was perfectly just, and continued by saying that he was fully sensible of all the injury which had been done to the cause and character of these Provinces, and deprecated as much as any one the atrocities which had been committed on neutral Commerce; that the Government had determined on an entire change of system, and that, probably, this day a Decree would be drawn up, revoking all Privateer Commissions, and ordering them all to return within a given period. But this Decree would be communicated to me, when it would be seen if any thing more efficacious remained to be done, within the scope of the Government's authority. I observed that the decision of the Government was in perfect unison with the whole system now going into operation, eminently wise and politie, and would have a most important influence on the opinion of other Nations in regard to this Country; that, as nothing had so much operated to damp the enthusiasm of my Countrymen in favour of South American liberty, as the enormities committed under the Patriot Flags, so nothing would so effectually tend to reanimate their good wishes as the suppression of those crying abuses. I stated to the Minister the measures adopted by Congress to repress the predatory system, and particularly the Act of 20th of April, 1818, of which he requested and I promised a Copy. I next read from the Instruction of 12th July, 1820, the remarks on the subject of commercial preferences, and the magnanimous feeling

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