The Hills of Wilkes County, Georgia and Allied Families |
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The Hills of Wilkes County, Georgia, and Allied Families (Classic Reprint) Lodowick Johnson Hill No preview available - 2016 |
The Hills of Wilkes County, Georgia, and Allied Families Lodowick Johnson Hill No preview available - 2018 |
Common terms and phrases
Abraham Hill acres of land aforesaid Andrew Dalton Anthony April assigns forever Athens Atlanta Barnaby Barrow Benjamin Billups Burwell Pope Calloway Capt Chowan Clark Colquitt Court Creek daughter decd deceased Deed Book died DuBose Edgecombe Edward Eliza Elizabeth Executors Exrs Exum Feby Genl George Georgia give and bequeath granted Halifax heirs and assigns Henderson Henry Hill Henry Pope Isaac Isaac Hill Isle of Wight Issue Item James Jany John Pope Johnson Jordan Joseph Lane Jossey July June Lewis living Lodowick Lucy Lumpkin March married Martha Mary McGehee McKinnie Meriwether named Nancy Nansemond County negro Oglethorpe Parish patent plantation Pope Barrow record Richard Richardson Robert Sarah Sarah Hill seal Sept Tabitha Testament Thomas Walton Thomas Wootten Thos Timothy Walton unto Walker Washington Webster Wellborn Wilkes County William Pope William Walton Willis Wylie Pope