FROM BLACKSTONE'S COMMENTARIES, CAREFULLY ADAPTED TO The Use of Schools and Young Persons; WITH A GLOSSARY, QUESTIONS, AND NOTES, AND A GENERAL INTRODUCTION. BY SAMUEL WARREN, Esq. F.R.S. OF THE INNER TEMPLE. Est quôdam prodire tenus, si non datur ultra.-HoR. LONDON: A. MAXWELL, 32, BELL YARD, LINCOLN'S INN, Law Bookseller to His Majesty : BLACKWOOD AND SON, EDINBURGH; MILLIKEN AND SON, DUBLIN. MDCCCXXXVII. ADVERTISEMENT. MR. Warren's share of this work is limited to the original suggestion, plan, and general superintendence of it while passing through the press-the framing of the "Questions," and a few of the Notes, as well as the composition of the "Introduction" and "Glossary." The principal selection of the ensuing Extracts, together with almost all the Notes, and the "Continuation" of the last chapter of the Commentaries down to the present time, have been undertaken by a gentleman at the Common Law Bar, of very great general, as well as professional acquirements and experience. Bell Yard, Lincoln's Inn Fields, 20th Nov. 1836. A. M. |