PREFACE. THE sole object of the Author of this Treatise is to present the public (and especially that portion of it which cannot afford to purchase expensive law-books), with a familiar statement of the Law of Wills, as it at present stands, and this at a price within the reach of every person to whom the subject is likely to be of interest. Every one is aware of the existing prejudice against cheap works of this kind, but it will be admitted that, in the present instance, the alterations effected by the recent Act of Victoria, in the laws respecting Wills, should, by every possible means, be publicly known and understood, and the author hopes that the following Instructions will contribute to that desirable object, and be acceptable to a large class of persons. London, January, 1838. CONTENTS. Of Codicils, and their proper execution Of altering, or revoking, Wills or Codicils ..... What may be disposed of by Wills made under the PLAIN INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAKING WILLS. CHAP. I. WHO MAY MAKE THEIR WILLS-WHO CANNOT. ALL persons may make their wills, except1. A minor, now absolutely disqualified by the new statute, under the following enact ment: "That no will made by any person under the age of twenty-one years shall be valid." 1 Vict., c. 26, s. 7. 2. A married woman, who (except with the license and assent of her husband, or in the execution of a power of appointment vested in her by some other deed or will, or for the mere purpose of appointing an executor or executrix to B |