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Sect. VIII. Josiah cleanses the temple of the Lord, and

destroys idols. He fulfils a prophecy concerning

himself, spoken in the days of Jeroboam the son

of Nebat, and slays the idolatrous priests...... 27

Sect. IX. Josiah repairs the house of the Lord. The
book of the law found. A covenant made. A
great passover kept

Sect. X. Part of the prophecy of Jeremiah. He warns
the nations of impending judgments, and calls
upon them to humble themselves and reform
their lives



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Sect. XXX. Jeremiah released by Zedekiah
Sect. XXXI. The princes conspire against Jeremiah
for his prediction. He is cast into a dungeon.
Ebed-melech procures his deliverance. Zede-
kiah consults him privately ....


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Sect. XXXV. Jeremiah's predictive lamentation for

the miseries of Judah................... 106

Sect. XXXVI. Jeremiah set at liberty. He continues

with others of the Jewish nation in Judea...... 110

Sect. XXXVII. Gedeliah made governor over the
Jews in Judea. Ishmael and others conspire
against him. Gedeliah is treacherously slain.
Johanan succeeds him

Sect. XXXVIII. Ishmael and the people form a de-
sign to take refuge in Egypt. They consult Je-
remiah. He commands them in the name of the
Lord to remain in Judea............

Sect. XXXIX. The people discredit Jeremiah's pre-

diction, and scorn his counsel. They depart

from Judea and go to Egypt. Jeremiah prophe-

sies the destruction of Egypt by Nebuchad-


captive into Babylon. The piety of Daniel,

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.......... 127

Sect. XLII. Nebuchadnezzar's prophetic dream for-
gotten by himself, but recalled to his memory
and interpreted by Daniel. Daniel and his

friends promoted


Sect. XLIII. Nebuchadnezzar sets up a golden image.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, cast into a
fiery furnace for refusing to worship it. They
are miraculously delivered


Sect. XLIV. Prophecies of Isaiah designed for the
comfort of the people of God, under the pros-
pect of captivity, and during its continuance.
Cyrus named as their deliverer

Sect. XLV. Prophecies of Jeremiah respecting the

restoration of God's people


Sect. XLVI. A prophecy of Ezekiel relating to the


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Sect. LI. The kindness of Evil-merodach king of Ba-

bylon to Jehoiachim king of Judah in his capti-


Sect. LII. Isaiah's predictions concernining the down-
fall of Babylon. Cyrus mentioned by name as the
Sect. LIII. Predictions of Jeremiah concerning Ba-
bylon and her idols



Sect. LXII. The foundation of the temple laid at Je-
rusalem. The sacrifices restored



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