MECHANICS' FIRE INSURANCE CO., Office 271 Broadway, SHOE AND LEATHER BANK BUILDING, CORNER CHAMBERS-STREET. CAPITAL, $150,000. This Company Insures against Loss and Damage by Fire, on the most favorable Terms, Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Vessels in Port and their Cargoes, and also against the Risks of Inland Navigation. ▼ Orders by Post, or in Person, will be promptly attended to. JAY & WHITEHEAD, Counsel. New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Chartered April, 1835. BRANCH OFFICE IN METROPOLITAN BANK BUILDING, 110 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. CAPITAL AND ACCUMULATION OF PREMIUMS TO MEET LOSSES, $750,000, after paying a five years' dividend to all insured, (in cash, not in scrip,) of 30 per cent, amounting to $141,000. The entire surplus profits are divided among all the members every five years, thus avoiding the unnecessary and uncertain tendency of large accumulations of unpaid dividends, erroneously called capital, and also affording a certain and good rate of interest upon the outlay of premiums. $100,000 is deposited with the Controller of the State of New York, to meet the requirements of the law, to secure policy holders in this State. This is the oldest American Mutual Life Insurance Company, and one of the most successful. Insurance may be effected for the benefit of a Married Woman, beyond the reach of her husband's creditors. Creditors may insure the lives of Debtors. A blank form for application for Insurance, or a copy of the company's pamphlet, containing the Charter, Rules, and Regulations, also the Annual Reports showing the condition of the company, will be furnished gratis. WILLARD PHILLIPS, President. Directors: Charles P. Curtis, Thomas A.. Dexter, Sewell Tappan, A. W. Thaxter, Jr., Charles Hubbard, Marshall P. Wilder, William B. Reynolds. B. F. STEVENS, Secretary. Messrs. W. W. Stone, (Lawrence, Stone & Co.,) Wm. G. Lambert, (A. & A. Lawrence & Co.,) and Henry ry L. Pierson, of New York City, consent to be referred to relative to the character and standing of this institution. JOHN HOPPER, Attorney and Agent for New York. JACOB CHICKERING, 300 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON, Has recently invented new machines for manufacturing PIANO-FORTES, by which he is able to make those instruments in the most perfect manner, and with far greater rapidity than they have been made heretofore. He has spared neither labor nor expense in establishing one of the first STEAM-MILLS in the country for their manufacture, the steam used affording increased facilities for the seasoning of stock, which is done in a most thorough manner. He is now able to supply orders at wholesale or retail. Persons wishing for Piano-fortes of the first class, warranted to give entire satisfaction, are invited to call and examine his instruments, or send their orders, which will be punctually attended to. wishing for The Manhattan Life Insurance Company, OFFICE 146 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. $270,000. This Company being conducted by a Board of Directors owning Stock in the Company, has the advantage of the stock plan of management, with the mutual feature of sharing in the profits of the business, without being liable to assessments. $100,000 deposited with the comptroller of the State of New York, for the protection of all policy holders. The Triennial Division of Profits of this Company has resulted in a Bonus of more than FIFTY PER CENT On the whole amount of premium paid. Persons insured may cross and recross the Atlantic Ocean, in first-class vessels, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE at any season of the year, and by paying an additional charge, may visit California, or other countries lying beyond the limits of the policy. Prospectuses and all necessary information furnished gratis and free of postage. N. D. MORGAN, President. C. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary FIRE INSURANCE. The Providence Washington Insurance Co., AT PROVIDENCE, R. I. Chartered, 1787. Capital, $200,000, all paid in (in cash) and securely invested. Take risks against Fire on application at their office in Providence; and on Merchan dise and Buildings in the city of New York, on application at the office of ASA BIGELOW, Jr., 46 Pine-street, corner of William. Providence, R. 1. April 1 1847. SULLIVAN DORR, President HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YORK. CASH CAPITAL $500,000. BUILDINGS, MERCHANDISE, AND OTHER PROPERTY, INSURED AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, ON FAVORABLE TERMS. OFFICE No. 4 WALL-ST., A. F. WILLMARTH, Secretary. CHARLES J. MARTIN, Vice-President. wed. Th led to Mo MR. FREEMAN HUNT. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF PARIS, Paris, 26 December, 1850. SIR:-The Chamber of Commerce of Paris, having had occasion to consult the Magazine which you have published for so many years past, could not but fully appreciate its great merit. It has remarked the, sustained zeal and care with which you have brought together in its pages, statistical matter of the highest interest, as well as disquisitions of the utmost importance and utility; and the Chamber knows of no better way of testifying its appreciation of your work, than by subscribing for the Magazine for its Library. The Treasurer ha been directed to charge one of our correspondents in New York with this duty, and also to forwards to you this letter, which we conclude Sir, by offering you the assurances of our highest consideration. HORACE SAY, Secretary. LEGENTIL, President of the Chamber. At a stated meeting of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, held on Monday evening, April 21st, 1851, the following resolutions were adopted, without a dissenting voice: Resolved, That the Board of Trade viewing the importance of a publication, which condenses in an attractive and enduring form, general information and statistics relating to the commercial and industrial pursuits of our country, venture to recommend "Hunt's Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review," as possessing these requisites in an eminent degree, and trust their fellow-citizens may be induced to encourage FREEMAN HUNT, Esq., in his arduous labors by becoming subscribers to his periodical. Board. Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing Resolution be furnished Mr. HUNT, by the Secretary of the CINCINNATI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, February 4th, 1851. At a meeting of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, February 4th, 1851, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That HUNT's Merchants' Magazine and Commercial Review, is a work of great interest and utility, and is signally adapted to inform the merchants upon the numerous facts relative to the foreign and internal trade of the country, its manufactures and agricultural statistics; and that the thanks of the mercantile community are due to its editor, FREEMAN HUNT, Esq., for the industry and ability with which he has conducted it for so many years. Resolved, That we recommend its more general circulation, and that a copy of these Resolutions be ! : MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE AND COMMERCIAL REVIEW. CONDUCTED BY FREEMAN HUNT, A.M., MEMBER OF THE NEW YORK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, BALTIMORE, LOUISVILLE, VOLUME THIRTY-THREE. FROM JULY TO DECEMBER INCLUSIVE, 1855. New York: PUBLISHED AT 142 FULTON-STREET. 1855. |