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countries, Bolivia, or Paraguay, it being understood that if any such preference should be extended by Uruguay to any third country it would be extended immediately and unconditionally to the United States; (2) the Government of the United States of America will not invoke the provisions of articles III and IV of the trade agreement for the purpose of obtaining the benefit of any exchange or quota preferences accorded by Uruguay to contiguous countries, Bolivia, or Paraguay on the understanding that such preferences shall cease when the present world conflict shall have terminated, except as may be otherwise agreed upon by the Governments of the United States of America and Uruguay upon the recommendation of the Mixed Commission provided for in the second paragraph of article XII of the trade agreement.

Accept, Mr. Ambassador, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

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I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's note of today's date with reference to the agreement reached between representatives of the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Uruguay, in connection with the Trade Agreement signed this day, in regard to trade relations between Uruguay and contiguous countries, Bolivia, and Paraguay.

I have the honor to confirm Your Excellency's statement of the agreement reached with reference to this matter.

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. WILLIAM DAWSON

To His Excellency


Minister of Foreign Affairs,


Exchange of notes at Washington November 23, 1942
Entered into force November 23, 1942
Terminated October 11, 1943 1


1942 For. Rel. (VI) 700

The Secretary of State to the Uruguayan Ambassador



WASHINGTON November 23, 1942

I have the honor to refer to the recent conversations held by the representatives of your Government and of the Government of the United States of America concerning the unsold portion of the Uruguayan wool clip of the 1941-1942 season and the Uruguayan wool clip of the 1942-1943 season. The Defense Supplies Corporation, an agency of this Government, has agreed to purchase Uruguayan wool of these two clips on the terms and conditions set forth in the attached memorandum of understanding 2 reached as a result of the conversations referred to.

It is my hope that this agreement will aid in the stabilization of the economy of Uruguay and will decrease the dislocations to its economy caused by the war demand.

It has been agreed between the two Governments that they will from time to time consult with the joint objective of limiting exports of wool from Uruguay in such manner that Uruguayan wool required by the United States of America for the conduct of the War is made available for that purpose and in such manner that it does not become available, directly or indirectly, for purposes disadvantageous to the conduct of the War.

I believe that the agreement which has been reached between our Governments substantially furthers the effectiveness of the Resolutions adopted at the Third Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics held at Rio de Janeiro and is a step forward in the development of mutually advantageous economic relations between our two countries. Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

His Excellency

Dr. JUAN CARLos Blanco,

Ambassador of Uruguay.




Pursuant to notice of termination given by the United States July 13, 1943.
Not printed.

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I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's note of today in which you refer to the conversations recently held between the representatives of the Government of the United States of America and my Government relative to the unsold part of the 1941-1942 crop of Uruguayan wool and of the 1942-1943 crop of Uruguayan wool.

At the same time Your Excellency informs me that an agency of your Government, The Defense Supplies Corporation, has agreed to buy Uruguayan wool of these two crops on the terms and conditions established in the annexed memorandum of the understanding reached as a result of the conversations mentioned.

Your Excellency indicates, further, that this agreement will contribute to the stabilization of the economy of Uruguay and will reduce the disturbances in its economy caused by the demands of the war.

Reference is also made in Your Excellency's note to the agreement of both Governments with respect to consultations from time to time with the double purpose of limiting the wool exports of Uruguay in such manner that the Uruguayan wool required by the United States of America for conducting the war may be obtainable for this purpose and may not be obtainable, directly or indirectly, for purposes detrimental to the conduct of the war.

Taking note of these declarations, I have the pleasure to express that the Government of the Republic of Uruguay shares in the statements made and that it believes that the agreement which has been reached between our Governments substantially broadens the efficacy of the Resolutions adopted at the Third Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Relations of the American Republics, held at Rio de Janeiro, and that it is a forward step in the development of mutually advantageous economic relations between the United States of America and the Republic of Uruguay.

I remain, Mr. Secretary, with my highest consideration,

His Excellency

The Honorable CORDELL HULL,

Secretary of State of the United States of America,



Exchange of notes at Washington October 1 and November 1, 1943
Entered into force November 1, 1943

Modified by agreements of April 8 and 23, 1946;1 November 10, 1947,
and January 3, 1948;2 June 25 and July 20, 1948;3 July 21, 26,
and 27, 1949;* October 4, 1950, and March 7, 1951;5 and
January 16 and March 26, 1952 °


Extended by agreements of April 8 and 23, 1946;1 November 10, 1947, and January 3, 1948;2 June 25 and July 20, 1948;3 July 21, 26,


and 27, 1949; and October 4, 1950, and March 7, 19515

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I have the honor to refer to your note of August 17 regarding the matter of a cooperative health and sanitation program in Uruguay and to my acknowledgment of September 9.

In accordance with Resolution XXX approved at the Third Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics held at Rio de Janeiro in January 1942,' the Government of the United States, if it is so desired by the Government of Uruguay, is prepared to provide an amount not to exceed $500,000 (U.S. currency) to be expended for the execution of a health and sanitation program in Uruguay. The funds provided by my Government for this purpose will be made available by the Office of the Coordi

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For text, see Department of State Bulletin, Feb. 7, 1942, p. 117.

nator of Inter-American Affairs through the Institute of Inter-American Affairs.

The Institute of Inter-American Affairs is also prepared to provide a group of technicians, skilled in public health work, to cooperate with the appropriate officials of the Government of Uruguay in execution of the proposed program of public health and sanitation. A member of this group of technicians will be the representative of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs in Uruguay.

The salaries and expenses, including traveling expenses, of all personnel furnished by the Institute of Inter-American Affairs will be paid by the Government of the United States from funds exclusive of those provided for the cooperative program of public health and sanitation.

It is understood that the Government of Uruguay will provide $1 (U.S. currency) for every $5 (U.S. currency) contributed by my Government and will furnish such other funds, personnel, services, equipment and supplies as it may consider necessary for the development of the proposed collaborative program of public health and sanitation.

It is further understood that a special cooperative service of public health and sanitation will be established within an appropriate ministry of the Government of Uruguay and that the detailed arrangements for the establishment of such a special service subsequently will be effected by agreement between the appropriate official of the Government of Uruguay and a representative of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs.

The funds provided by the Government of the United States for the execution of this cooperative program will be expended in accordance with mutual agreements between the appropriate official of the Government of Uruguay and the representative of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs in Uruguay. The projects constituting the proposed collaborative program will be determined upon and executed in accordance with mutual agreements between the appropriate official of the Government of Uruguay and the representative of the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, and upon completion will become the property of the Government of Uruguay.

It is understood that no project will be undertaken that will require materials or supplies, the procurement of which would handicap any phase of the war effort.

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
A. A. BERLE, Jr.
Acting Secretary of State

His Excellency,


Ambassador of Uruguay.

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