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874. Iceland settled by the Northmen. 986. Greenland settled by the Northmen. 1000. The American continent visited by Northmen.

1492. Columbus discovers America, October 12.

1497. The Cabots discover North America. 1507. The name America is suggested. 1513. Ponce de Leon discovers Florida. 1513. Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean. 1519-22. Magellan's fleet sails round the globe.

1524. Verrazano explores the North Atlantic coast.

1528. Narvaez explores the Gulf region. 1535. Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence; names Montreal.

1540-42. Coronado explores the pueblo region.

1541. De Soto discovers the Mississippi. 1542. Cabrillo explores the California coast.

1562. Huguenots reach America. 1565. St. Augustine founded; Huguenots massacred.

1576. Frobisher explores the Arctic region. 1577-79. Drake sails round the globe. 1578-83. Gilbert's voyages.

1582. Santa Fé founded by Espejo. 1585-87. Raleigh plants colonies on Roanoke Island.

1602. Gosnold discovers Cape Cod. 1604. Port Royal, Acadia, settled by the French.

1607. Jamestown settled; first permanent English colony.

1608. Quebec founded by Champlain. 1609. Lake Champlain discovered. 1609. Hudson sails up the Hudson River. 1612. Cultivation of tobacco begins. 1614. The Dutch take possession of New Netherland.

1619. The first representative assembly meets at Jamestown.

1619. Negro slavery introduced.

1620. The Pilgrims land at Plymouth, December 21.

1620. Mayflower compact signed. 1623. First settlements in New Netherland. 1625. Pemaquid Point, Maine, settled. 1626. New Amsterdam founded. 1628. The Puritans settle at Salem. 1630. Boston founded by the Puritans. 1633. First settlement in Connecticut, at Windsor.

1634. St. Mary's, Maryland, settled. 1634. Religious liberty granted all Christians in Maryland.

1636. Roger Williams founds Providence, Rhode Island.

1636. Religious liberty granted all persons in Rhode Island.

1636. Harvard College founded. 1637. The Pequot War.

1638. New Haven colony founded. 1638. Delaware settled by Swedes at Christiana.

1639. The Connecticut Constitution (the first written one in America). 1643. The New England Confederacy formed.

1654. The Dutch capture New Sweden. 1659-61. Quaker persecution in Massachusetts.

1663. Settlement in North Carolina. 1664. New Jersey settled at Elizabethtown. 1664. New Netherland seized by the English; New Amsterdam renamed New York.

1668. Sainte Marie, Michigan, settled by the French.

1669. La Salle discovers the Ohio and Illinois Rivers.

1670. South Carolina settled on Ashley River.

1673. Marquette explores the Mississippi to Arkansas River. 1675-76. King Philip's War.

1676. Bacon's Rebellion in Virginia. 1680. Charleston, South Carolina, settled. 1682. La Salle explores the Mississippi. 1682. William Penn visits America. 1683. Philadelphia founded.

1686-89. The Andros tyranny in New England.

1692. The Salem witchcraft.

1692. William and Mary College founded in Virginia.

1693. Rice culture begun in South Carolina.

1701. Yale College founded.

1702. Mobile settled by the French.

1704. The Boston News Letter (first news

paper in America).

1718. New Orleans founded by the French. 1729. Carolina divided into North and South Carolina.

1729 Baltimore founded.

1733. Georgia settled at Savannah.

1741. Indigo culture begun in South Carolina.

1745. Louisburg taken by the British. 1753. Washington's mission to the French forts.

1754. The French and Indian War begins. 1754 Convention of the colonies at Al


1755. Braddock's defeat.

1755. Expulsion of the Acadians.

1757. Massacre at Fort William Henry. 1758. Washington takes Fort Duquesne. 1758. Louisburg taken.

1759. Wolfe captures Quebec. 1763. Treaty of peace signed. 1763-64. Pontiac's war.

1765. The Stamp Act passed.

1765. The "Stamp Act Congress" meets. 1766. The Stamp Act repealed.

1767. Duties laid on tea and other articles.

1768. British troops enter Boston. 1770. The Boston massacre.

1773. Tea sent to American ports. 1773. The Boston "Tea Party," December 16.

1774. The port of Boston closed. 1774. The First Continental Congress meets at Philadelphia, September 5. 1775. Battles of Lexington and Concord, April 19.

1775. Ethan Allen takes Ticonderoga, May 10.

1775. The Second Continental Congress meets, May 10.

1775. Washington made commander-inchief, June 15.

1775. Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17. 1775. The assault and repulse at Quebec, December 31.

1776. The British evacuate Boston, March 17.

1776. The Declaration of Independence, July 4.

1776. Battle of Long Island, August 27. 1776. Washington retreats across New Jer. sey, November 19 to December 8. 1776. Victory at Trenton, December 26. 1777. Victory at Princeton, January 3. 1777. The battle of Oriskany, August 6. 1777. The battle of Bennington, August 16.

1777. The battle of the Brandywine, September 11.

1777. The British army occupy Philadelphia, September 26.

1777. The victory at Saratoga, October 7. 1777. Surrender of Burgoyne, October 17. 1777. Washington goes into winter quarters at Valley Forge, December 11. 1778. Treaty of Alliance with France, February 6.

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1778. Philadelphia evacuated, June 18. 1778. Battle of Monmouth, June 28. 1778. Massacre of Wyoming, July 3, 4. 1778. Savannah taken by the British, December 29.

1779. Wayne captures Stony Point, July 16. 1779. Paul Jones captures the Serapis, September 23.

1780. The British take Charleston, May 12. 1780. Gates defeated at Camden, August 16.

1780. Arnold's treason, September.

1780. Victory at King's Mountain, October 7.

1781. The Articles of Confederation adopted.

1781. Greene's campaign in the Carolinas. 1781. Surrender of Cornwallis, October 19. 1783 Treaty of peace signed, September 3. 1783. New York evacuated, November 25 1786. Shays's rebellion in Massachusetts.

1787. Constitutional Convention meets at Philadelphia, May 25.

1787: The Constitution adopted and signed, September 17.

1778. The Constitution ratified, June 21. 1789. Washington inaugurated President, April 30.

1790. Philadelphia selected as the capital for ten years.

1790. The first census taken.

1791. Vermont admitted to the Union.
1791. United States Bank established.
1792. United States Mint established.
1792. Second election of Washington.
1792. Captain Gray discovers the Columbia

1792. Kentucky admitted to the Union.
1793. Whitney invents the cotton-gin.
1794. The Whiskey Rebellion.
1794. Wayne defeats the Indians.

1795. Jay's treaty with Great Britain ratified.

1796. Tennessee admitted to the Union.
1797. John Adams inaugurated.
1798. Naval war with France.
1798. The Alien and Sedition Laws.
1799. Death of Washington, December 14.
1800. The city of Washington becomes the
national capital.

1801. Thomas Jefferson inaugurated.
1801. War with Tripoli declared.
1803. Ohio admitted to the Union.
1803. The purchase of Louisiana.
1804. The Lewis and Clark expedition.
1804. Second election of Jefferson.
1804. Burr kills Hamilton in a duel.
1805. The war with Tripoli ends.
1807. Burr tried for treason.
1807. Fulton invents the steamboat.

1807. The Leopard fires into the Chesapeake.

1807. The Embargo Act passed. 1808. The slave-trade abolished.

1809. James Madison inaugurated.

1809. The Non-Intercourse Act. 1811. The battle of Tippecanoe. 1812. Louisiana admitted to the Union. 1812. War declared against Great Britain,

June 19.

1812. Hull surrenders Detroit, August 16. 1812. The Constitution captures the Guerrière, August 19.

1812. Various other naval victories. 1812. Madison re-elected President. 1813. Perry's victory on Lake Erie, September 10.

1813. Battle of the Thames, October 5. 1814. Jackson defeats the Creeks at Tohopeka, March 27.

1814. Battle of Chippewa, July 5. 1814. Battle of Lundy's Lane, July 25. 1814. Washington captured by the British, August 24.

1814. Battle of Lake Champlain and Plattsburg, September 11.

1814. Hartford Convention, December 15. 1814. Treaty of Peace signed, December 24, 1815. Battle of New Orleans, January 8. 1815. War with Algiers.

1816. A new United States Bank estab


1816. Indiana admitted to the Union. -1817. James Monroe inaugurated. 1817. First Seminole War.

1817. Mississippi admitted to the Union.
1818, Illinois admitted to the Union.
1819. Alabama admitted to the Union.
1819. The first steamship-the Savannah-
crosses the ocean.

1819. Florida purchased from Spain.
1820. Re-election of Monroe.
1820. The Missouri Compromise passed.
1820. Maine admitted to the Union.
1821. Missouri admitted to the Union.
1823. The Monroe doctrine stated.
1824. Lafayette visits the United States.
1825. Protective tariff bill passed.
1825. John Quincy Adams inaugurated.
1825. The Erie Canal opened.

1826. Jefferson and Adams die, July 4.
1826. The temperance reform begins.
1828. New high tariff bill passed.
1829. Andrew Jackson inaugurated.
1829. Rotation in office instituted.

1830. First steam railroad, at Baltimore. 1831. Garrison starts the immediate aboli

tion movement.

1832. Jackson vetoes the United States Bank bill.

1832. Suppression of the Nullification movement.

1832. Jackson re-elected President. 1833. Compromise tariff bill passed. 1833. Chicago founded.

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