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What two discoveries of America were made? How did they differ in conditions? What caused the nations of Europe to seek a new route to India? What do the years 1000 and 1492 suggest? What discovery aided navigation in the fifteenth century? What theories were held about the shape of the earth? What were the results of the voyages of Columbus? Was Columbus in any way to blame for his ill-treatment? Who were the first English explorers? What parts of the continent did the Spanish settle? The French? The English? What were the leading purposes of each?

Why were the natives named Indians? What relation did the Mound-Builders bear to the modern Indians? What was the character of the Indian government? Name the Indian families east of the Mississippi. What were the leading characteristics of the Indians? What was the effect of Champlain's attack on the Iroquois? Where are the Indians settled now? How many are there?

Name a noted discoverer and discovery of each nation in America. Describe an important discovery. Why was the continent named America? What events are suggested by the names St. Augustine, Jamestown, Quebec? By the names Columbus, John Smith, John Winthrop, Miles Standish? Upon what did England rest her claim to American territory? What caused the decline in Spanish enterprise? What region was named Acadia? What was its original and what its later extent? Why did Raleigh's colonies prove failures? Why Popham's? What was the purpose of Frobisher? Of Hudson? Why was it important to find a new route to Asia? By whom was it learned that America is a separate continent? How?

Has a northwest passage to Asia ever been discovered? Is it of any use to commerce? Where may geographical discovery still be sought? Is the discovery of America yet complete? How did the Spanish treat the Indians? How the English and French? Why did Menendez treat the French colonists so cruelly? What historical events gather about the site of Ticonderoga?

What do you know about the American fisheries? What fish and other animals are sought? What are the principal localities of the

fisheries? From what animals are furs obtained? What historical results arose from the fur-trade? What trouble has arisen about the fur seal?

Where was the first English settlement made? The second? How did these two settlements differ in character? What system of property-holding was first established at Jamestown and Plymouth? What brought it to an end? Why were slaves of value to the settlers? What are the chief objections to slavery? Does it now exist in any civilized nation? Where may slavery now be found? Why was the apprentice system founded? What became of the apprentices when set free? What do the dates 1619, 1787, 1808 suggest about slavery?

How did the English colonial governments differ from the French and Spanish? What was the system of government in England? Where was the first representative assembly established in America ? The second? Did the English kings favor free government in America? What kings sought to overthrow it? Where was the first confederacy formed? For what purpose? What were Governor Berkeley's views about free education? What those of the Puritans? Was Berkeley right in calling Bacon a rebel? What is a rebel?

What is now the usual route from Europe to Asia? What new route may be opened in the future? (via Panama and Nicaragua Canals.) What reasons induced Englishmen to emigrate to America in early times? Why was Massachusetts so rapidly settled? Did the English kings demand any return for their grants of land? Name some instances. What was the first colony within the United States limits? The second? The third? The fourth? Does a new country call for harder work than an older one? Why? Name some things which the whites obtained from the Indians; the Indians from the whites. What classes of settlers were there? From what class of settlers did Washington descend?

What were the ideas of religious liberty at the time of Charles I.? What are they to-day? What were the religious views of the Puritans? What those of the Pilgrims? How did Roger Williams differ in opinion from the Puritans? What is meant by intolerance in religion? What was Roger Williams's idea of religious tolerance? What Lord Baltimore's? What made the Puritans bitter against the Quakers? How did the Quakers triumph over persecution?

Who were the-regicides? Why did Charles II. annul the charter of Massachusetts? What rights were lost? What colonies kept their

charters? Tell the story of Charter Oak. Why has Rhode Island two capitals? Why had Connecticut? What is meant by Navigation Laws? Why were these laws not obeyed? Is it ever right to disobey laws? When? Did England find the New England colonies easy to govern? What kind of government did they establish? What events are suggested by the names Plymouth, Salem, Boston, New Amsterdam? How came New Netherland to be named New York? Tell about the estates of the patroons. What was done about the pirates? Was Jacob Leisler treated justly? In what way did William Penn have less power than Lord Baltimore? What was the purpose of Mason and Dixon's line? Did it separate all the free and slave States?

What colonies were tolerant in religion from principle? What forced to become tolerant? What is meant by a state church? What three religious sects refrained from persecution? What sects were intolerant? Why is the word New added to so many American names? Why did Manhattan Island sell so cheaply in 1626? What idea have you of its value to-day? What is meant by hereditary right? Has there ever been a nobility in America? Can any American have a title of nobility? Why not? What were the large cities of colonial times? When was each founded, and by whom? Name some of our largest cities to-day. What historic buildings exist in Philadelphia? In Boston? In New York? How do our cities compare in age with those of Europe? Who were the dissenters? Who the Huguenots? Did any Huguenots settle in the French and Spanish colonies? Why not? Where did the Scotch-Irish come from? What was the condition of debtors in Oglethorpe's time? By what classes of people was Georgia settled? How did the various colonies treat the Indians? By which proprietaries were they treated justly?

What colonies were founded under proprietaries? What under charters? What under royal government? In what did these classes of colonies differ? What was the greatest extent of New France? What territory did Spain hold within the United States region? How far west did the English grants of land go? On what did the English base their claims? On what did the French? In what way did Irdian wars differ from white wars? What justification had the English in the expulsion of the Acadians?

What wars took place between the English and French? What results came from the first three wars? What gave rise to the French and Indian War? Describe Braddock's campaign. Where was the

decisive battle fought? What was the result of this war? What new arrangements of territory took place? How did this war prepare the colonies for the Revolutionary War? What nations successively possessed New York? What nations the lands on the Delaware? Describe the Swedish settlement of 1638. How did it end? Where was Fort Duquesne? What made its location important? Where was Fort Ticonderoga ?

What is meant by a stamp act? Why is it a convenient form of taxation? Why did America object to being taxed by England? What principal provocations drove the colonies to rebellion? Why was the tea rejected? Why did the Revolutionary War begin in Massachusetts ? Describe Paul Revere's ride. What was its result? What events led to the Declaration of Independence? Who wrote it? What was the result of its adoption? What causes led to the Constitution? What objections were made to it? What rights does the Declaration of Independence claim for all men? What does it say on the sources of government? How many Continental Congresses were there? What was done by the first? What by the second? How does the organization of the present Congress compare with that of the Continental Congress? Why were the Articles of Confederation unsatisfactory? Why was a new Constitution necessary? Is there any authority higher than the Constitution? Can State laws and Federal laws conflict? What body decides if laws are constitutional?

What was the condition of the American cause in December, 1776? What event changed this condition? Describe the taking of New York; of Philadelphia. What was the purpose of Burgoyne's campaign? What effect did his capture have on Europe? Why were Hessian soldiers hired by England? How did the Americans regard them? Which were the leading battles of the Revolution? How was Washington treated? Wherein was Washington especially great? What important plan did the British seek to carry out in the North? How was the war conducted in the South? What induced Arnold to turn traitor? What led to the capture of Cornwallis? What was the financial condition of the country in the Revolution?

Name the compacts or state papers connected with 1620, 1776, 1787, 1863. Who were the Tories? What did the battle of Bunker Hill teach the British? Give three important incidents in the life of Washington. Why were the Massachusetts militia called minute-men? State some of the leading features of the Constitution. How did the Cabinet originate? Who were the leaders in the Constitutional Con

vention? To what great series of state papers did the adoption of the Constitution give rise?

What part of the continent did the United States originally embrace? What does it now embrace? What was the Northwestern Territory? How obtained? Into what States divided? What department of the government has charge of foreign affairs? What was the latest department instituted? Which department has charge of Indian affairs? Of the signal service? Name three acts of England that led to the Revolution. Who were the most prominent statesmen in the Constitutional Convention? What were the principles of the Anti-Federal party? What of the Federal? What events are suggested by the names of Franklin? Hamilton? Jefferson? Of Saratoga? Detroit? Gettysburg?

State some fact about financial affairs in Washington's administration. In Jackson's. What can you say about the Louisiana purchase? What were the causes of the war of 1812? Could it have been honorably averted? What is meant by right of search? What was the purpose of the embargo? How did it work? How did Napoleon treat this country? Why was war declared against England rather than France? Where was the war of 1812 principally fought? Why had the United States such success on the sea? What caused the failures of the first year of the war? What excuse did the English give for burning Washington? What were the results of the war of 1812? Name some evils of war. Some benefits. How can nations avoid war? What conditions indicate high civilization? What indicate low? What have been the causes of most of our Indian wars? Were the whites just to the Indians in the past? Are they to-day?

When was the first United States bank established? When the second? Why did Jackson veto the bank charter? What President was elected without a contest? What was meant by the "era of good feeling"? What parties were there before 1820? What caused the decline of the Federal party? What party advocated internal improvements? What great road was built by the government? What great water-way by the State of New York? How was the opening of the Erie Canal announced to New York City? What effect had the Erie Canal on commerce? What important event is associated with the 4th of July, 1826? What other President died on the 4th of July? What was the Missouri Compromise? Name a statesman connected with it. What was the purpose of the Liberator newspaper? By whom published? What is meant by the "spoils system"? What

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