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other Diplomatic Agents of Austria, Russia, and Prussia, now at The Hague, should receive from His Royal Highness his formal Accession to the Conditions of the Union of the 2 Countries, according to the invitation made to the Prince Sovereign, in the said Protocol; the Undersigned has laid before His Royal Highness the Copy of the Protocol, and the Official Note of the said Ambassador, which contained the substance of his Instructions on this subject.

His Royal Highness the Prince Sovereign acknowledges, that the Conditions of the Union, contained in the Protocol, are conformable to the following 8 Articles:

ART. I. This Union shall be entire and complete, so that the 2 Countries shall form but one and the same State; governed by the Constitution already established in Holland, and which shall be modified by common consent, according to existing circumstances.

II. No innovation shall be made in the Articles of this Constitution, which assure equal protection, and favour to every sect, and guarantee the admission of all Citizens, whatever their religious belief may be,/ to public employments and offices.

III. The Belgic Provinces shall be suitably represented in the Assembly of the States-General, of which the Ordinary Sessions shall be held, in time of Peace, in a City in Holland, and in a City of Belgium, alternately.

IV. All the Inhabitants of The Netherlands being thus placed by the Constitution upon the same footing, the different Provinces shall equally enjoy all such commercial and other advantages as are consistent with their respective situation; and no kind of impediment or restriction shall be imposed on either, to the advantage of the other.

V. Immediately after the Union, the Provinces and Towns of Belgium shall participate in the Commerce and Navigation of the Colonies, upon the same footing as the Provinces and Towns of Holland.

VI. As the Expences as well as the Receipts are to be jointly shared, the Debts contracted, up to the period of the Union of the Dutch Provinces, on the one side, and the Belgic Provinces on the other, shall be at the charge of the Treasurer-General of The Netherlands.

VII. Upon the same principles, the expences necessary for the establishment and preservation of the Frontier Fortresses of the New State, shall be defrayed by the Treasurer-General, as resulting from an object connected with the safety and independence of all the Provinces and of the whole Nation.

VIII. The expences of establishing and repairing the Dykes, shall be defrayed by the Districts more immediately interested in this part of the public convenience; the State in general, however, shall not be exempted from contributing towards the same, in case of extraordinary disaster; in such manner as has hitherto been the custom in Holland.

And His Royal Highness having accepted these 8 Articles, as the Bases and Conditions of the Union of Belgium with Holland, under the Sovereignty of His Royal Highness;

The Undersigned, Anue William Charles Baron de Nagell, Chamberlain of His Royal Highness the Prince Sovereign of The United Netherlands, and His Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, is charged and authorized, in the name and on the part of His August Master, to accept the Sovereignty of the Belgic Provinces, upon the conditions contained in the 8 preceding Articles, and to guarantee, by the present Act, their acceptance and execution.

In faith of which, the Undersigned, Anne William Charles Baron de Nagell, Chamberlain of His Royal Highness the Prince Sovereign of The United Netherlands, and His Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, has confirmed the present Act by his signature, and has caused to be affixed thereunto the Seal of his Arms.

Done at The Hague, the 21st of July, 1814.

[blocks in formation]

The Secretary-General of the Department for Foreign Affairs,

[See French Version. Page 141.]

TREATY between Great Britain and Sardinia, relative to the Kingdom of Sardinia.-Signed at Vienna, the 20th May, 1815.*

Au Nom de la Très-Sainte et Indivisible


Sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne, &c. &c. étant rentrée dans la pleine et entière possession de ses Etats de Terre-Ferme, de la même manière qu'elle les possédoit au ler Janvier, 1792, et dans leur totalité, à la réserve de la partie de la Savoie cédée à la France par le Traité de Paris, du 30 Mai, 1814; des changemens ayant été depuis convenus pendant le Congrès de Vienne relativement à l'étendue et aux Limites de ces mêmes Etats;


In the Name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity.

His Majesty the King of Sardinia, &c. &c. being restored to the full and entire possession of his Continental States. in the same manner as he possessed them on the 1st of January, 1792, and to the whole of them, with the exception of the part of Savoy, ceded to France by the Treaty of Paris, of the 30th May, 1814; certain changes having since been agreed upon, during the Congress of Vienna, relative to the extent and Limits of the said States; His Majesty the King of the * See Page 152.

Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume

Uni de la Grande Bretagne et de P'Irlande, et Sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne, voulant confirmer et établir, par un Traité formel, tout ce qui est relatif à ces objets, ont en conséquence nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir;

Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et de l'Irlande, le Très-Honorable Richard Le Poer Trench, Comte de Clancarty, Vicomte de Dunlo, Baron de Kilconnel, Conseiller de Sa Majesté en son Conseil Privé de la Grande Bretagne et aussi d'Irlande, Président du Comité du premier pour les Affaires de Commerce et des Colonies, Directeur-Général de ses Postes, Colonel du Régiment de Milice du Comté de Galway, Chevalier Grand-Croix du TrèsHonorable Ordre du Bain, et l'un de ses Plénipotentiaires au Congrès de Vienne;

Et Sa Majesté le Roi de Sardaigne, &c. &c. les Sieurs Don Antoine Marie Philippe Asinari, Marquis de St.-Marsan et de Carail, Comte de Castigliole, Cartosio et Castelletto, Val d'Erro, Chevalier Grand-Croix de l'Ordre Militaire et Religieux des SaintsMaurice et Lazare, de ceux de l'Aigle Noir et de l'Aigle Rouge de Prusse, Général Major de Cavalerie, son Ministre d'Etat et Premier Secrétaire de la Guerre, et son Premier Plénipotentiaire au Congrès;

Et le Comte Don Joachim Alexandre Rossi, Chevalier GrandCroix, et Commandeur de l'Ordre Royal Militaire des Saints-Maurice

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of Sardinia, wishing to confirm and establish, by a formal Treaty,every thing relating to these points, have in consequce named for their Plenipotentiaries, viz;

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable Richard Le Poer Trench, Earl of Clancarty, Viscount Dunlo, Baron Kilconnel, one of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council in Great Britain, and also in Ireland, President of the Committee of the former, for the Affairs of Trade and of Plantations, Joint Post-Master-General in in Great

Britain, Colonel of the Galway Regiment of Militia, Knight Grand-Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and one of His said Majesty's Plenipotentiaries at the Congress of Vienna;

And His Majesty the King of Sardinia, &c. &c. the Sieurs Don Anthony Maria Philip Asinari, Marquis de St.-Marsan and de Carail, Count de Castigliole, Cartosio and Castelletto, Val d'Erro, Knight Grand-Cross of the Military and Religious Order of Sts.Maurice and Lazarus, of the Orders of the Black Eagle, and of the Red Eagle of Prussia, Major-General of Cavalry, His Minister of State, and Principal Secretary for the War Department, and His First Plenipotentiary at the Congress;

And Count Don Joachim Alexander Rossi, Knight GrandCross, and Commander of the Royal and Military Order of Sts..

et Lazare, Conseiller de Sa Maurice and Lazarus, His

Majesté, et son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire auprès de la Cour Impériale et Royale Apostolique, et son Second Plénipotentiaire au Congrès;

Lesquels, en vertu des Pleinspouvoirs produits par eux au Congrès de Vienne, et trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des Articles suivans:

Majesty's Councillor, and His
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister
Plenipotentiary to the Court of
His Imperial and Royal Apostolic
Majesty, and his Second Pleni-
potentiary at the Congress;

Who, in virtue of the Full Powers produced by them at the Congress of Vienna, found to be in due and proper form, have agreed upon the following Articles:

[See French Version. Page 158.]

ART. I. The Frontiers of the States of His Majesty the King of Sardinia, shall be, on the side of France, such as they were on the 1st of January, 1792, with the exception of the changes effected by the Treaty of Paris, of the 30th May, 1814.

On the side of the Helvetic Confederation, such as they existed on the 1st of January, 1792, with the exception of the change produced by the Cession, in favour of the Canton of Geneva, as specified in the VIIth Article hereinafter inserted.

On the side of the States of His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, such as they existed on the 1st of January, 1792; and the Convention, concluded between their Majesties the Empress Maria Theresa, and the King of Sardinia, on the 4th of October, 1751,* shall be reciprocally confirmed in all its stipulations.

On the side of the States of Parma and Placentia, the Frontiers, so far as they concern the ancient States of the King of Sardinia, shall continue to be the same as they were on the 1st of January, 1792.

The Frontiers of the former States of Genoa, and of the Countries called Imperial Fiefs, united to the States of His Majesty the King of Sardinia, according to the following Articles, shall be the same as those which, on the 1st of January, 1792, separated those Countries from the States of Parma and Placentia, and from those of Tuscany and Massa.

The Island of Capraja, having belonged to the ancient Republic of Genoa, is included in the Cession of the States of Genoa to His Majesty the King of Sardinia.

II. The States which constituted the former Republic of Genoa, are united in perpetuity to those of His Majesty the King of Sardinia; to be, like the latter, possessed by him, in full property, sovereignty, and inheritance, in the male line, in the order of primogeniture, to the 2 Branches of his House, viz. the Royal Branch, and the Branch of Savoy Carignan.

See Note. Page 154.

III. His Majesty the King of Sardinia shall add to his present titles, that of Duke of Genoa.

IV. The Genoese shall enjoy all the rights and privileges specified in the Act, intituled "A. A. Conditions which are to serve as the Bases"of the Union of the Genoese States to those of His Sardinian Majesty," and the said Act shall be considered as an integral part of the present Treaty, and shall have the same force and validity, as if it were textually inserted in the present Article.


V. The Countries called Imperial Fiefs, formerly united to the ancient Ligurian Republic, are definitively united to the States of His Majesty the King of Sardinia, together with, and in the same manner as the rest of the Genoese States; and the Inhabitants of these Countries shall enjoy the same rights and privileges as those of the States of Genoa, specified in the preceding Article.

VI. The right that the Powers who signed the Treaty of Paris of the 30th May, 1814, reserved to themselves, by the IIIrd Article of that Treaty, of fortifying such Points of their States as they might judge proper for their safety, is equally reserved, without restriction, to His Majesty the King of Sardinia.

VII. His Majesty the King of Sardinia cedes to the Canton of Geneva, the Districts of Savoy specified in the Act annexed, intituled "B. B. Cession made by His Majesty the King of Sardinia to the Canton of Geneva," and on the conditions specified in the same Act. That Act shall be considered as an integral part of the present Treaty, and shall have the same force and validity as if it were textually inserted in the present Article.

VIII. The Provinces of Chablais and Faucigny, and the whole of the Territory of Savoy to the North of Ugine, belonging to His Majesty the King of Sardinia, shall form a part of the Neutrality of Switzerland, as recognized and guaranteed by all the Powers.

Whenever, therefore, the neighbouring Powers to Switzerland are in a state of open or impending hostility, the Troops of His Majesty the King of Sardinia, which may be in those Provinces, shall retire, and may for that purpose pass through the Valais, if necessary. No other armed Troops of any other Power, shall have the privilege of passing through, or remaining in the said Territories and Provinces, excepting those which the Swiss Confederation shall think proper to place there, it being well understood, that this state of things shall not in any manner interrupt the administration of these Countries, in which the Civil Agents of His Majesty the King of Sardinia may likewise employ the Municipal Guard for the preservation of good order.

IX. The present Treaty shall form part of the definitive arrangements of the Congress of Vienna.

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