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In faith of which, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and affixed thereunto the Seal of their Arms.

Done at Vienna, the 9th day of April, in the year of our Lord, 1815.






(9).—TREATY of Accession of Saxony to the Treaty of Alliance of the 25th March, 1815, between the 4 Powers.-Signed at Vienna, the 27th May, 1815.

In the name of the Most Holy and indivisible Trinity.

THEIR Majesties the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, the Emperor of all the Russias, and the King of Prussia, having invited His Majesty the King of Saxony to accede to the Treaty of Alliance concluded at Vienna on the 25th of March last, by a formal Act of Adhesion; His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of Saxony have named, in order to regulate, resolve upon, and sign whatever relates to this object;

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Right Honourable Richard Le Poer Trench, Earl of Clancarty, Viscount Duulo, Baron Kilconnel, one of His Most Honourable Privy Council in Great Britain and also in Ireland, President of the Committee of the former for the Affairs of Trade and Plantations, Joint Post-Master General, Colonel of the Galway Regiment of Militia, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and one of His said Majesty's Plenipotentiaries at the Congress of Vienna ;

And His Majesty the King of Saxony, the Sieur Frederic Albert Count de Schulenburg, His Chamberlain, Knight of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem; and the Sieur Hans Augustus Fürchtegott de Globig, Councillor of Court and of Justice, and Confidential Referendary :

Who, after exchanging their Full Powers, found in good and due form, have agreed on the following Articles :

ART. I. His Majesty the King of Saxony accedes to all the Stipulations of the Treaty above mentioned of the 25th of March 1815, as inserted hereafter, with the exception of the modifications mutually agreed upon by the IIIrd Article.

[See the Treaty, Page 443.]

II. In consequence of this Accession, His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, engages to consider as equally binding in favour of His Majesty the King of Saxony, all the

Stipulations of the Treaty inserted here above, which become thus completely reciprocal amongst all the Powers, Parties to the present Transaction, and who may hereafter accede thereto.

III. In consideration of the exhausted state of the part of the Kingdom of Saxony remaining to the King of Saxony, the aid which His Majesty will find himself enabled to furnish for active co-operation against the Enemy, shall be regulated by the means which shall be at the disposition of His Majesty.

It has therefore been stipulated, that this aid shall amount to 8,000 men, Troops of the Line, including the Saxon Troops already on the left of the Rhine, and an equal number of Landwehr, with the Reserves necessary for maintaining these Corps at their full establishment.

His Majesty the King of Saxony reserves to himself to accredit a Minister to the Grand Head-Quarters.

IV. The Saxon Troops which shall take the field shall remain united, and the military jurisdiction over them shall be exercised by the General whom His Majesty the King of Saxony shall name for this special command.

V. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the Ratifications exchanged within 6 weeks, or sooner, if possible.

In faith of which, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and affixed the Seals of their Arms thereto.

Done at Vienna, the 27th of May, in the year of our Lord, 1815. (L.S.) CLANCARTY.


(10.)—TREATY of Accession of Switzerland to the Treaty of Alliance of the 25th March, 1815, between the 4 Powers.-Signed

at Zurich, the 20th May, 1815.

EN SUITE des ouvertures faites à la Diète de la Confédération Suisse de la part de leurs Majestés le Roi de la Grande Bretagne, l'Empereur d'Autriche, l'Empereur de Russie et le Roi de Prusse, en date du 6 Mai, 1815, et de la Réponse adressée aux Ministres le 12 du même mois, des Conférences ayant eu lieu dans le but de fixer les rapports de la Suisse durant la guerre actuelle, et de déterminer les mesures nécessaires pour faire face au danger


AFTER the Overtures made to the Diet of the Swiss Confederation on the part of their Majesties the King of Great Britain, the Emperor of Austria, the Emperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia, dated the 6th May, 1815, and the Answer addressed to the Ministers on the 12th of the same month, Conferences having taken place in order to fix the relations of Switzerland during the actual war, and to determine the necessary measures to face the common danger,

commun, les Fondés de Pouvoirs respectifs, savoir:

De la part de la Grande Bretagne, Monsieur Stratford Canning, Ministre Plénipotentiaire et Envoyé Extraordinaire de Sa Majesté le Roi du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande;

De la part de l'Autriche, Monsieur François Alban de Schraut, Chevalier de l'Ordre Royal de St.Etienne de Hongrie, Ministre Plénipotentiaire et Envoyé Extraordinaire de Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale Apostolique ;

De la part de la Russie, Monsieur Paul Baron de Krudener, Chevalier des Ordres de Ste.Anne, St.-Wladimir et St.-Jean de Jérusalem, Chambellan de Sa Majesté et son Chargé d'Affaires; De la part de la Prusse, Monsieur Jean-Pierre, Baron Chambrier d'Olleyres, Chevalier Grand-Croix de l'Ordre de l'Aigle Rouge, Chambellan de Sa Majesté et son Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire;


Et de la part de la Diète de la Confédération Suisse, Messieurs David de Wyss, Bourgmestre du Canton de Zurich, et Président de Ja Diète; Nicolas Frédéric de Mulinen, Avoyer de la Ville et République de Berne, et Député à la Diète, Jean-Henri Wieland, Bourgmestre du Canton de Bâle, Député à la Diète;

Ont arrêté la Convention suivante:

ART. I. L'Alliance contractée par les Cours de la Grande Bre

the Plenipotentiaries of the respective Powers, viz.

On the part of Great Britain, Stratford Canning, Esq., Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland;

On the part of Austria, M. François Alban de Schraut, Knight of the Royal Order of St. Stephen of Hungary, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from His Imperial and Royal Apostolic Majesty;

On the part of Russia, M. Paul Baron de Krudener, Knight of the Orders of St. Anne, St. Wladimir, and St. John of Jerusalem, Chamberlain to His Majesty, and His Chargé d'Affaires ;

On the part of Prussia, M. John Peter Baron de Chambrier d'Olleyres, Knight Grand Cross of the Red Eagle, Chamberlain to His Majesty, and His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary;

And on the part of the Diet of the Swiss Confederation, Messrs. David de Wyss, Burgomaster of the Canton of Zurich, President of the Diet; Nicholas Frederick De Mulinen, A voyer of the Town and Republic of Berne, and Deputy to the Diet; John Henry Wieland, Burgomaster of the Canton of Bale, Deputy to the Diet;

Have concluded the following Convention:

ART. I. The Alliance contracted by the Courts of Great

tagne, d'Autriche, de Russie et de Prusse, ayant pour but de rétablir la tranquillité et de maintenir la paix en Europe, et les intérêts les plus chers de la Suisse s'y trouvant étroitement liés, la Confédération déclare son adhésion au même système. Elle s'engage à ne point s'en séparer, à ne former aucune liaison, à n'entrer en aucune négociation qui y seroit contraire, et à y co-opérer d'après ses moyens, jusqu'à ce que le but de cette alliance soit atteint. Leurs Majestés Impériale et Royale promettent, de leur côté, à l'époque de la pacification générale, de veiller au maintien des avantages assurés à la Suisse par les Actes du Congrès de Vienne des 20 et 29 Mars, 1815, et généralement de soigner tous ses intérêts autant que les circonstances pourront le permettre.

II. Pour remplir l'engagement de co-opération stipulé par l'Article précédent, la Suisse qui a déjà mis sur pied 30,000 hommes, et qui organise une réserve pour les soutenir au besoin, promet de tenir constamment en Campagne un Corps d'Armée suffisant pour garantir sa Frontière contre toute attaque de l'Ennemi, et pour empêcher de ce côté toute entreprise qui pourroit nuire aux opérations des Armées Alliées.

III. Dans le même but les Hautes Puissances s'engagent à destiner, aussi longtems que les circonstances l'exigeront, et d'une manière compatible avec le plan des opérations générales, une

Britain, of Austria, Russia, and Prussia, having for its end the reestablishment of tranquillity and the maintenance of peace in Europe, and the dearest interests of Switzerland being so closely connected with it, the Confederation declares its adhesion to the same system; it engages not to separate itself from it, not to form any League, not to enter into any Negotiation which shall be contrary to it, and to co-operate with it, according to its means, until the end of this Alliance may be attained. Their Imperial and Royal Majesties promise on their side, at the time of the general Peace, to watch the attainment of the advantages promised to Switzerland by the Acts of the Congress of Vienna of the 20th and 29th March, 1815, and generally to watch over all its interests, as far as circumstances will permit.

II. In order to fulfil the engagement of co-operation stipulated by the preceding Article, Switzerland, which has already on foot 30,000 men, and which organizes a Reserve, to assist them in case of need, promises to keep constantly in the field a Corps d'Armée sufficient to guarantee its Frontier against every attack of the Enemy: and to hinder, of its side, every enterprise that could hurt the operations of the Allied Armies.

III. For the same end the High Contracting Parties engage to allot, as long as circumstances will permit, and in a manner compatible with the plan of general operation, a sufficient part of their

partie suffisante de leurs Forces, pour se porter à l'aide de la Suisse, toutes les fois que ses Frontières seront attaquées et qu'elle réclamera des secours.

IV. En considération des efforts que la Suisse s'engage à faire de concert avec elles, les Puissances renoncent à former des établissemens de routes militaires, d'Hôpitaux et de Dépôts onéreux sur son Territoire.

Dans les cas d'urgence où l'intérêt commun exigeroit un passage momentané de Troupes Alliées à travers de quelques parties de la Suisse, on recourra à l'autorisation de la Diète. Les dispositions ultérieures, résultaut de son acquiescement, ainsi que les indemnités que la Suisse seroit en droit de réclamer, seront réglées de gré-à-gré par des Commissaires.

V. Les Puissances promettent de faciliter, d'après les demandes particulières qui leur seroient faites, des achats d'armes et de munitions dans les Pays voisins, aux Cantons qui en auront besoin.

VI. Voulant donner à la Suisse une preuve de leur bienveillance, et afin de subvenir aux besoins des Cantons qui pourroient se trouver hors d'état de faire face d'une autre manière aux dépenses d'un armement prolongé, les Puissances sont disposées à les secourir au moyen d'Emprunts.

Le montant de ces Emprunts et les autres conditions nécessaires seront réglés éventuellement par une Convention Spéciale.

Forces, to go to the aid of Switzerland, whenever its Frontiers shall be attacked, and when she shall demand succour.

IV. In consideration of the efforts which Switzerland engages to make in concert with them, the Allies renounce the formation of establishments of military routes, for hospitals and depôts, burthensome to its Territory.

In case of urgency, or where the common interest requires a momentary passage of Allied Troops across some parts of Switzerland, recourse will be had to the authority of the Diet. The ulterior dispositions resulting from this acquiescence, as likewise the indemnifications which Switzerland shall have a right to claim, shall be regulated by the mutual agreement of Commissioners.

V. The Allies promise to facilitate, according to the particular demands which shall be made to them, the purchasing of arms and ammunition in the neighbouring Countries, to the Cantons which shall be in want of them.

VI. Wishing to give to Switzerland a proof of their good will, and in order to alleviate the wants of the Cantons, which would not otherwise be able to bear the expenses of a prolonged armament, the Allies are disposed to assist them by way of Loan.

The amount of these Loans, and the other necessary conditions, shall be regulated eventually by a Special Convention.

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