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de renouveler à tous les changemens de Prince la même garantie; nous reservant également en vertu du droit acquis sur toute notre Famille, que ni le Prince, ni la Princesse, ni leurs Enfans quelconques ne puissent se marier que de notre consentement, et nous promettaut avec l'aide de Dieu, d'écarter par notre protection tout ce qui pourrait nuire à la prospérité du Peuple Lucquois, à son Indépendance et au bonheur de nos très-chers et très-aimés Sœur et Beau-Frère et de leurs Descendans.

Donné à Bologne, le 5 Messidor, an 13. (24 Juin, 1805.)

Par l'Empereur et Roi.

Le Ministre Secrétaire d'Etat,


Le Ministre des Relations Extérieures.

CONVENTION between Prussia and Russia, relative to the Claims of the Duchy of Warsaw.-Signed at Vienna, the 30th March, 1815.*



Is pursuance of the Convention of this day which annuls the Convention entered into at Bayonne, on the 10th May, 1808+, respecting Prussian Funds or Capital in the Duchy of Warsaw, attention has necessarily been

* See Publication.-Vienna, 17th April, 1815, Page 1089.

+ CONVENTION entre Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français et Sa Majesté le Roi de Saxe.-Bayonne, le 10 Mai, 1808.

SA Majesté l'Empereur des Français, Roi d'Italie, Protecteur de la Confédération du Rhin, et Sa Majesté le Roi de Saxe, en sa qualité du Duc de Varsovie, voulant s'entendre sur la liquidation et le payement de leurs Créances mutuelles, ont à cet effet nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir:

Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français, Roi d'Italie, Protecteur de la Confédé ration du Rhin, Monsieur Jean-Baptiste Nompère de Champagny, Ministre des Relations Extérieures, Grand-Croix de la Légion d'Honneur, Grand-Cordon de l'Ordre de la Fidélité de Bade, et de celui de St.-Joseph de Wurtembourg, et Commandeur de l'Ordre de la Couronne de Fer;

Et Sa Majesté le Roi de Saxe, Messieurs Stanislas Comte Potocki, Xavier Comte Dzialynski, et Pierre Comte Bielinski, Sénateurs Palatins du Duche de Varsovie, Chevaliers des Ordres de Pologne, Officiers de la Légion d'Honneur.

Lesquels, après avoir échangé leurs Pleins-pouvoirs respectifs, sont convenus des Articles suivans:

directed: 1st. To the absolute impossibility in which the Debtors find themselves of immediately and completely settling with their Creditors, the majority of them being, at the Midsummer of this present year, not less than 9 years' interest in arrear. 2ndly. To the fact, that the having

ART. I. Sa Majesté l'Empereur des Français, Roi d'Italie, voulant aider les Finances de Sa Majesté le Roi de Saxe dans le Duché de Varsovie, renonce à sa Créance de 4,352,176 francs sur le Gouvernement Polonais, pour papier timbré, cartes à jouer et autres produits du timbre. Elle renonce également à sa Créance de 349,805 francs pour effets d'habillement, équipement ou campement. livrés au Duché de Varsovie. Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale réduit de 3,148,732 francs à 1,500,000 francs, sa Créance pour les Sels, et pareillement de 1,997,270 francs à 1,500,000 francs, sa Créance pour l'Artillerie; retranchant 497,270 francs pour l'Artillerie prise aux Russes et remise au Gouvernement Polonais, de sorte que ces 2 Créances ne s'élèveront ensemble qu'à 3,000,000 de francs.

Ccs 3,000,000, joints au 1,000,000 prêté par Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale au Gouvernement Provisoire de la Pologne, seront versés avant le ler Juillet de cette année, dans la Caisse du Payeur Français à Varsovie, en 3 séries de Bons.

La lère et la 2de série seront chacune de 133 Bons, et la 3ème de 134. Chaque Bon sera de 10,000 francs, portant intérêt de 5 pour cent à compter du ler Juillet, 1808. L'intérêt sera payable tous les 6 mois.

Les Bons de la lère série seront remboursables en 1811, ceux de la 2de en 1812, ceux de la 3ème en 1813.

II. Ces 3 séries de Bons seront employées à acquitter les Ordonnances délivrées par l'Intendant-Général de l'Armée Française, au profit des Créanciers de Sa Majesté l'Empereur et Roi, dans le Duché de Varsovie.

III. Il sera fait compensation, valeur pour valeur, de la somme dûe par le Gouvernement Polonais, pour les denrées qui lui ont été livrées par le Maréchal Davoust, laquelle est portée de 4,000,000 à 5,000,000, avec le montant des fournitures faites à l'Armée commandée par le Maréchal Davoust, soit pour subsistances, soit pour les hôpitaux, depuis le 17 Septembre jusqu'au 31 Décembre, 1807, lesquelles sont estimées de 3,000,000 à 4,000,000.

L'Intendant-Général et le Payeur de l'Armée Française feront un Compte double et de clerc à maître, et seront Commissaires de Sa Majesté Impériale ot Royale pour cette liquidation.

Le Roi de Saxe nommera également des Commissaires.

IV. Les Créances que Sa Majesté l'Empereur et Roi s'est réservées par le Traité de Dresde, du 22 Juillet, celles qui sont présentement connues, lesquelles, suivant l'état qui en sera remis, par l'Intendant-Général de l'Armée et des Pays conquis, aux Commissaires de Sa Majesté le Roi de Saxe, montant à 43,466,220 francs 51 centimes de capital, plus à 4,000,000 pour les intérêts arrièrés ou échus depuis la conquête, et celles qu'on pourrait ultérieurement découvrir, sont cédées par Sa Majesté l'Empereur et Roi, à Sa Majesté le Roi de Saxe comme Duc de Varsovie, pour l'amélioration des Finances du Grand-Duché.

En échange, Sa Majesté le Roi de Saxe fera verser avant le ler Juillet prochain dans les Caisses de Sa Majesté l'Empereur et Roi, 3 séries de Bons, chacun de 10,000 francs ; la lère et la 2de série seront de 600 Bons chacune, et la 3ème de 800; de sorte que le versement total sera de 2,000 Bons, faisant 20,000,000 de francs.

recourse to any harsh or hasty proceedings against the said Debtors would peril and put in jeopardy, the Capitals themselves invested in their estates. 3rdly. To the prevention of the injurious consequences resulting therefrom, as the Russian Government of the Duchy of Warsaw would have no alternative, but that of prescribing certain modifications of payment, equally disadvantageous both to the Debtor and Creditor. The High Contracting Powers have, therefore, found it necessary to come to an understanding respecting such modifications of payment, and have agreed upon the following Articles :

ART. I. A Letter of respite (moratorium) for 6 years, to commence at Christmas of the present year, is granted to all Debtors, as well to those whose Capitals were included in the Convention of Bayonne, as to the other Debtors of Prussian Subjects in the Duchy of Warsaw. During this period, no recal of any capital is to be made; and after the expiration of it, one fourth part only of the capital can annually be called in, beginning with the earliest Claims.

II. The interest to be paid during the continuance of the Letter of respite is fixed at 4 per cent. without taking into consideration the interest which may have been fixed in the Deed itself.

III. With respect to the interests from and since the year 1806 one moiety of them, divided into equal parts, is to be paid off within 6 years, commencing at the Christmas of the present year, together with the current interests. As to the second moiety, the Creditors are not entitled to demand it until the Government shall have indemnified the Debtors for the War supplies advanced by them in money, and for other similar Contributions. This indemnification determines at the same time the mode in which this second moiety is to be paid off: that is, in such a way that the Creditors shall always retain their

V. Les Bons porteront intérêt de 5 pour cent, à compter du 1er Janvier dernier, 1808.

L'intérêt sera payable chaque semestre à Dresde. La lère série sera remboursable en 1809, la 2de en 1810, la 3ème en 1811, à raison de 50 Bons par mois pour les 2 premières séries, et de 66 et 67 pour la 3ème.

VI. Le Corps de Troupes Françaises, qui est dans le Duché de Varsovie, continuera d'être à la charge de Sa Majesté Impériale et Royale, et sa dépense sera payée exactement. On pourra employer à ce payement la partie des Bons mentionnés dans l'Article précédent, qui sera nécessaire cependant à compter du ler Juillet prochain, les bœufs, qu'on fera venir de l'étranger pour l'approvisionnement des Troupes Françaises seulement, seront achetés par l'administration Française, ou bien le prix en sera remboursé par elle en numéraire.

VII. La présente Convention sera ratifiée le plus promptement possible, et les Ratifications en seront échangées à Dresde, dans l'espace d'un mois, ou plus tôt, si faire se peut,

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claim upon the whole amount of this indemnification, so far as is necessary to cover this second moiety.

IV. In order that a Debtor who has conscientiously endeavoured to fulfil his obligations to the best of his power, may not be treated more harshly than one of an opposite description, it has been agreed, that all those sums which have been already paid upon the interests accruing since Midsummer day of the year 1806, may be considered as forming part of the first payable moiety of the interests, but in such a manner, that the rest of this moiety must be settled, pursuant to the stipulation of Article III, to commence at Christmas of the present year. A reclamation, however, of interests which the Debtor may have already paid over and above the first moiety is, under no circumstances, to take place.

V. Such Debtors as wish to participate in the benefits contained in Articles I to III, must, upon the publication of this Convention, immediately act up to the stipulations therein contained, and forward to their Creditors, within the course of 5 months (reckoned from the day of the publication) an authenticated legal Declaration, purporting that they submit, without law proceedings, to an execution, in case they fail to fulfil their engagements in the strictest manner; so that a delay of payment to the extent of 4 weeks, would entitle the Creditor to proceed immediately by process of execution.

VI. His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias considers the payment-alleviations contained in the preceding Articles for the benefit of conscientious Debtors, as fully sufficient, and it is his will, never to grant to a Debtor of a Prussian Subject greater benefits of payment, or to permit that such should be granted. On the contrary, His Imperial Majesty wills, that the Courts of Justice be strictly enjoined to afford effectual and speedy assistance, according to the tenour of this Convention.

VII. The stipulations contained in these Additional Articles shall have the same virtue and effect as if they had been inserted, word for word, in the principal Convention of this day, by which the Bayonne Convention was annulled.

In confirmation of which, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed and affixed their seals to these presents.

Done at Vienna, 30th March, 1815.

(L. S.)
(L. S.)



(Annex.)—Publication of the Prussian Government.-Vienna, 17th April, 1815.

By an Agreement concluded between His Majesty the King and His Imperial Russian Majesty, dated 30th March, of this year, the Convention entered into by the late Emperor of the French and the

King of Saxony, at Bayonne, on the 10th of May, 1808, by which the Capitals or Funds of Prussian Money Establishments and Institutions in the Duchy of Warsaw, were ceded to the King of Saxony and to the Duchy of Warsaw, has been annulled; and accordingly :

I. The free disposition of their property is restored to those Money Establishments and Institutions, as well as to those Private ludividuals whose capital, placed out in the Duchy of Warsaw, had been sequestrated and confiscated by virtue of the Bayonne Convention.

II. The Contracting Parties have mutually secured to each other, that the Subjects of the one Power, who are interested, as far as their property is concerned, in the other Power, shall enjoy the special protection of the Laws, and shall, in no manner and under no pretence whatsoever, be hindered and obstructed in the enjoyment of their consequent rights.

III. These Capitals which have been placed out upon, or invested in estates of the part remaining to Russia, and which belong to the Bank and the General Treasury of Invalids, are to be assigned over in proprietorship, with the interests in arrears as well as with the current interests (pursuant to a special agreement of His Majesty with the Emperor of Russia) for the account of the Russian part of the Duchy of Warsaw, Prussia being indemnified for the value of them, as agreed upon.

IV. The Owners of such Capital, as from being the supposed property of the State or of a Money Establishment, was reckoned among the Bayonne items, and was, in consequence, sequestrated, must inevitably submit, as well as the above named Institutions, to have deducted from the capital and interest, those sums which their Debtor can prove, by a proper Receipt, to have paid to the Duchy of Warsaw, whether such payment was made upon the capital or interest: but they will notify such deduction to the 2nd Section of the Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs at Berlin, which Section will obtain the repayment of such deducted sums, from the Government of the Duchy of Warsaw, and will restore them to their Owners.

V. The Creditors of the Subjects of the Duchy of Warsaw must, as to what remains, submit to the measures which time and circumstances dictate, which the securing of their own Capitals, and the preservation of the landed Proprietors in the Duchy of Warsaw require, and which have been agreed upon between the High Contracting Powers, in order to prevent all future misunderstanding in the following Additional Articles. [See Page 1086.]

Vienna, 17th April, 1815.

The Chancellor of State,


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