PART II. POOR.* 1 Persons not to gain a Settlement by paying the Rates That Bastards, if born in the Gaol, &c. shall follow the Settlement of the Mother. An Act for building a New Goal, &c. (for Title see page 3.) XXXV. And be it further enacted, That no person or persons who shall be charged with or pay any rate or assessment to be made by virtue and in pursuance of this act, shall gain, or be thereby deemed or construed to gain, any settlement in the said parish of the Holy Trinity, for himself, or any of his or their family. XXXVIII. And be it further enacted, That from and after the passing of this act no bastard which shall be born in the Workhouse or House of Correction, now made use of, or hereafter to be made use of as such, or in the new intended Goal for the said town of Kingston-upon-Hull, or in the General Infirmary or Hospital intended to be erected near the said town, shall obtain or be entitled to a settlement within the parish or parishes respectively wherein such Workhouse or House of Correction, Gaol, or General Infirmary or Hospital, do or shall stand, by means of such birth, but shall follow the settlement of the mother of such bastard, in case the settlement of such mother can be known or proved; but if the settlement of the mother cannot be known or proved, then such bastard shall be entitled to settlement by birth. Preamble recites 5 Geo. IV. Cap. 13. Royal Assent, 31st March, 1824. An Act for the better Maintenance, Employment and Regulation of the Poor of the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, and for repairing or rebuilding the Workhouse there. I. WHEREAS an act was passed in the ninth and tenth years of the 9 and 10 Will.111. reign of King William the Third, intituled, "An Act for erecting Workhouses and Houses of Correction in the town of Kingston-upon-Hull, for the employment and maintenance of the poor there," whereby the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the said town for the time being, and four-andtwenty other persons, to be chosen out of the honestest and discreetest inhabitants of the said town, by the six wards in the said town; (that is to say,) four out of each ward, to be eleeted and constituted as is therein mentioned, There is no local Act for the Poor of Sculcoates, they are managed by the general Law of the land, and particularly by the 22 Geo. III. c. 83, commonly called Gilbert's Act, and several Acts subsequently passed for amending the same. were and are incorporate by the name of "The Governor, Deputy Governor, Assistants and Guardians of the Poor in the said town of Kingston-uponHull," and were empowered in their courts or assemblies, from time to time, to set down and ascertain what sum or sums of money would be needful for the building and erecting of Hospitals, Workhouses or Houses of Correction, so that the same did not exceed the sum of two thousand pounds; and also, what sum or sums of money would be needful for the maintenance of the poor, and the other purposes therein mentioned, so that the same did not exceed what had beed paid in the said town towards the maintenance of the poor thereof in any one of the three last years; and under their common seal to certify the same unto the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the said town for the time being, who were thereby required from time to time to cause the same to be raised and levied by taxation of every inhabitant and of all lands, houses, tithes impropriate, appropriation of tithes, and all stocks and estates in the said town, and the lordship of Myton, adjoining and belonging to the said town, in equal proportion, according to their respective worths and values; and in order thereunto, the said mayor and aldermen were empowered indifferently to proportion out the said sum and sums of money upon each parish and precinct within the said town, and by their warrants to authorize and require the churchwardens and overseers of the poor of each respective parish and precinct to assess the same respectively; and after such assessment made and returned, the said mayor and aldermen were empowered to approve confirm or alter such assessments, and by warrant to authorize the collection thereof, and the recovery of the same, by distress and sale, or by the commitment of any offenders; and divers other powers and authorities were thereby given to and vested in the said governor, deputy governor, assistants and guardians, for the care, maintenance and employment of the poor of the said town. 5 Geo. IV. c. 13. II. And whereas an act was passed in the eighth year of the reign of 8 Anne. Queen Anne, intituled, "An Act for the more effectual provision for the poor in the town of Kingston-upon-Hull," whereby the said corporation were empowered, in such manner and by such ways and means as by the said recited act of the ninth and tenth years of King William the Third was prescribed for the raising the assessments thereby intended from time to time, as need should require, to assess such further sum or sums of money annually, not exceeding the sum of one hundred and thirty pounds per annum, as should be needful, to be employed for the purposes in the said recited act mentioned. III. And whereas an act was passed in the fifteenth year of the reign of King George the Second, intituled, "An Act for explaining, amending and making more effectual two Acts of Parliament, one passed in the ninth and tenth years of the reign of his late majesty King William the Third, for erecting Workhouses and Houses of Correction in the town of Kingstonupon-Hull, for the employment and maintenance of the poor there; and the other passed in the eighth year of the reign of her late majesty Queen Anne, for the more effectual provision of the poor in the said town;" whereby amongst other things, the said corporation were empowered, in such manner, and by such ways and means, as by the said recited act of the ninth and tenth years of King William the Third, was prescribed for the raising the assessments thereby intended to be raised, from time to time to certify and assess such sum or sums of money as should be necessary for the maintenance of the poor of the said town within or under the care of the said corporation, so as that the same should not in any one year exceed the sum of six hundred and fifty pounds. IV. And whereas an act was passed in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of King George the Second, intituled, "An Act for explaining amending and making more effectual several Acts of Parliament relating to the maintenance and employment of the poor of the town of Kingston-uponHull, and for better paving, preserving and cleansing the streets, squares, lanes and alleys, in the said town, and preventing obstructions therein, and for preserving the lamps which shall be set up to enlighten the streets of the said town, and securing the property of such lamps to the owners;" whereby, amongst other things, after reciting the said three former acts, and setting forth that by reason of the continual increase of the poor in the 15 Geo. 11. 28 Geo, II. said town, under the care of the said corporation, the sum of six hundred and fifty pounds in the last recited of such acts mentioned, together with the revenues and other income of the said corporation, were not sufficient to maintain the said poor, or to discharge the large debts contracted by the said corporation (part of which debts were contracted in building or repairing the workhouse in the said town,) the said corporation were and are empowered in any of their courts or assemblies from time to time, to set down, ascertain and certify, unto the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the said town, what weekly, monthly, or other sum or sums of money should be necessary for the maintenance of such poor, so as such sum or sums did not, in any one year, exceed in the whole the sum of one thousand pounds, except it should happen that the sum of one thousand pounds should in some years not be sufficient for maintaining and setting to work such poor, in which case, as often as any such deficiency should be foreseen or apprehended, the said corporation were and are empowered in any of their courts or assemblies to be called and held in the manner therein prescribed, to certify to the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the said town, what weekly, monthly, or other sum or sums of money would be necessary for such purposes in the next ensuing year, although amounting in the whole to more than the said sum of one thousand pounds; and the said mayor and aldermen were and are thereupon empowered to proportion, assess, raise and levy, or cause to be assessed, raised and levied, the sum or sums of money so certified, or so much thereof as they should judge necessary, although amounting in the whole to more than the sum of one thousand pounds. V. And whereas the mode in which the poor rates in the said town of Kingston-upon-Hull have, by virtue of the powers and provisions of the said recited acts, hitherto been ascertained, certified, apportioned and assessed, hath been found to create an unequal charge upon the persons and property rated, and to be otherwise inexpedient, and the powers and provisions of the said recited acts for assessing and collecting such rates, have been found defective and insufficient, and it would tend to facilitate the execution of the purposes of the said recited acts, if other powers and provisions were granted and made in lieu thereof, and whereby the said rates may be equalized, and the better collection thereof effected. VI. And whereas the said town of Kingston-upon-Hull consists of two parishes, videlicet, the parish of the Holy Trinity, and the parish of Saint Mary; which said two parishes are at present and have been for time out of mind, divided into six wards, called Austin Ward, Humber Ward, Trinity Ward, Saint Mary's Ward, Whitefriar Ward, and North Ward; and the ward called Trinity Ward, (one of the said six wards) has for a number of years past been divided into two parts, called first part Trinity Ward, and second part Trinity Ward; and besides the said six wards, the lordship or precinct of Myton, adjoining to and belonging to the said town, and which is within the said parish of the Holy Trinity, has of late years been considered as a ward or division of the said town, for the purpose of raising its proportion of the poor's rate, and overseers have been appointed to it, who have collected the proportion of the general rate laid upon it. VII. And whereas overseers of the poor have hitherto been appointed to the said several wards of the said town, and the said precinct of Myton, adjoining and belonging thereto; (that is to say,) one overseer to each ward, and two overseers to the said precinct, and questions have frequently arisen as to the legality of such appointment, (there being no particular clause or power contained in any of the said recited acts for the appoint. ment of overseers to the said wards and precinct instead of the parishes of the said town, though by some, or one of the said recited acts, overseers of the wards are expressly mentioned and recognized. VIII. And whereas it would tend to facilitate the collection of the poor's rates, and the execution of the purposes of the said recited acts, and prevent much litigation and expence, if the lordship or precinct of Myton, adjoining and belonging to the said town, were to be divided into two parts or divisions, and if each of such parts or divisions were declared to be a ward of the said town, and if an equal number of guardians of the poor were to be elected and appointed for each of such new wards; and also, if express power and provision were made for the appointment of one overseer of the poor, as well for each of the before mentioned six wards as for each of such new wards; and it would also tend to facilitate the purposes aforesaid, if the present division of Trinity Ward were to be abandoned, and if what are now called and considered the first and second parts of Trinity Ward, in the said town, were constituted into one ward only. IX. And whereas it is expedient that the mayor, recorder and aldermen of the said town for the time being, individually, as well as in their official capacity, should in future be exonerated from the offices of guardians of the poor of the said town, and that other guardians of the poor should be elected in addition to the number of guardians heretofore elected under the powers and provisions of the said recited acts. X. And whereas the number of the poor in the said town of Kingstonupon-Hull, under the care of the said corporation, has of late years greatly increased, and the present workhouse in the said town is too small for the reception, classification, management and accommodation of such poor, and it is expedient that the corporation of the poor of the said town should be authorized to enlarge the said workhouse, and any of the buildings thereto belonging, or to take down the same, and in lieu thereof to provide, erect or build on the same site, or to purchase ground in any other part of the said town or lordship of Myton, and to erect or build thereon a more commodious work. house, with proper and suitable offices and conveniences for the maintaining, lodging, employment and accommodation of the poor, and for the use of the corporation of the poor of the said town; and also that the said corporation should be empowered to sell the present workhouse and other buildings, and the site or sites thereof, and the ground thereunto belonging, and also any other messuages, buildings, lands, tenements or hereditaments belonging to the corporation of the poor of the said town, or which have heretofore been purchased by the said corporation out of money raised for the relief of the poor under their care and management, or the rents and profits whereof have been hitherto applied towards the relief and maintenance of such poor, and to apply the monies arising from such sale or sales in or towards defraying the expences of such new works, and also to raise money towards such expences, and for other purposes towards the better regulation and general relief of the poor of the said town. XI. And whereas it hath been found extremely burthensome and inconvenient to the overseers of the poor of the respective wards and precinct of the said town of Kingston-upon-Hull, to collect, receive and pay over the several rates and assessments raised and levied therein; and it is therefore expedient that the said overseers should be assisted in the collection thereof, and that proper and efficient persons should be appointed assistant overseers for the collection of the said rates, and that more effectual powers and pro. visions should be granted and made for assessing and collecting the said rates. XII. And whereas the powers and provisions of the said recited acts, for the employment, accommodation, maintenance and regulation of the poor, have been found inadequate for the purposes thereby intended, and it is expedient that the same should be altered, amended and enlarged; and it would tend greatly to facilitate the execution of the purposes aforesaid if the said first three recited acts, and so much of the said last recited act as relates to the maintenance and employment of the poor were repealed, and if further and other powers and provisions were granted and made for those purposes. Former Acts repealed on the thirtieth day of September, 1824. XIII. May it therefore please your Majesty, that it may be enacted: and be it enacted by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, That from and after the thirtieth day of September next, the said recited acts of the ninth and tenth year of the reign of King William the Third, the eighth year of the reign of Queen Anne, and the fifteenth year of the reign of King George the Second, and also so much of the said recited act of the twenty-eighth year of the reign of King George the Second, as is for explaining, amending and making more effectual several acts of parliament, relating to the maintenance and employment of the poor of the town of Kingstonupon-Hull, shall be, and the same are and is hereby declared to be repealed. XIV. And be it further enacted, That from and after the said thirtieth day of September next, the present division of Trinity Ward shall, for the abandoned. The division of Trinity Ward 5 Geo. IV. с. 13. Lordship of purposes of this act, be discontinued and abandoned, and the two divisions thereof, now called and considered the first and second parts of Trinity Ward, shall thenceforth constitute and be one ward only, and be called Trinity Ward. XV. And be it further enacted, That from and after the said thirtieth Myton to consti- day of September next, the lordship or precinct of Myton, adjoining and tule two Wards. North Myton South Myton Making Eight Mode of Ap- In case of neglect or refusal to act, to forfeit not more than 40£. belonging to the said town, shall, for the purposes of this act, be divided into two divisions or wards, the line of such division being as follows; (that is to say,) from the west end of Mytongate, in the said town, along the centre of Castle Street to Waterhouse-Lane, and thence northward, along the centre of Waterhouse Lane to the east end of Carr-Lane, thence westward along the centre of Carr-Lane and the Hull and Anlaby turnpike road, as far as the tollgate upon the said road called Anlaby Bar; and such part of the said lordship or precinct as lies northward of the said line, shall be one of such wards, and shall be called "North Myton Ward," and shall be deemed and taken to be and the same is hereby declared to be a separate ward of and belonging to the said town; and such part of the said lordship or precinct as lies southward of the said line, shall be the other of such wards, and shall be called "South Myton Ward," and shall be deemed and taken to be, and the same is hereby declared to be a separate ward of and belonging to the said town, making (together with the said six old wards,) eight wards of and belonging to the said town of Kingston-upon-Hull. XVI. And be it further enacted, That from and after the said thirtieth day of September next, it shall and may be lawful for the justices of the peace of and for the said town of Kingston-upon-Hull, and county of the same town, or any two of them, and they are hereby authorized and required at such times in the year, and in such manner as by law is directed for the appointment of overseers of the poor for any parish, township. village or place, to nominate and appoint out of each of the said eight wards of and belonging to the said town, one fit and proper person, being a substantial householder and inhabitant of such ward, to be overseer of the poor for the same ward, for the year then next ensuing, and until a new overseer shall in like manner be nominated and appointed to succeed him; which persons, when so nominated and appointed, and having notice thereof under the hands and seals of the said justices, or any two of them, shall from thenceforth respectively be and be deemed overseers of the poor of the said respective wards, such nomination and appointment to be made subject to such regulations, provisions, exemptions, and power of appeal, as are prescribed by law for the appointment of overseers of the poor generally; and they and each of them, the said overseers so nominated and appointed as aforesaid, shall and they are hereby severally required to perform and execute their respective duty and duties, office and offices of overseer and overseers of the poor of the said respective wards accordingly; and the said overseers shall be and they are hereby declared to be invested with all and. every the powers and authorities, and shall have and enjoy the same privileges, immunities and exemptions, and shall be subject and liable to the same rules, penalties and forfeitures (save and except as may be herein excepted and otherwise provided,) as overseers of the poor, by the several laws made, or to be made, touching or concerning the relief, or management or employment of the poor, are or shall be invested with, and have and enjoy, and be subject and liable to; and if any such overseer or overseers so nominated and appointed, shall during the year for which he or they shall be so nominated and appointed as aforesaid, die, or become incapacitated or insolvent, or otherwise disqualified, or shall cease to be an inhabitant householder in the ward for which he shall be appointed, then and in all such cases it shall and may be lawful to and for the said justices, or any two of them, at any intermediate time of the year, and as soon as possible after such death, incapacity, insolvency, disqualification or removal shall take place, in like manner to nominate and appoint other fit and proper person and persons, qualified as aforesaid, in his or their stead, to be overseer or overseers for the remaining part of such year. XVII. And be it further enacted, That if any person nominated and appointed an overseer of the poor of any of the said respective wards in manner aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to take upon himself that office and not less than and duty within the space of seven days next after he shall have had such 10.£. |