CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF STATUTES RELATING TO THE TOWN Of kingston-UPON-HULL, THE COUNTY OF THE SAME TOWN, AND THE PARISH OF SCULCOATES, FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO The end of THE REIGN OF GEORGE IV. With the substance of such of the more curious and important Statutes as are obsolete, have expired, or been repealed; and of such Statutes as have not been considered of sufficient importance for insertion in this collection. N. B. The Dates up to and including the reign of Queen Anne, are according to "The Statutes of the Realm," published in consequence of the recommendation of the Parliamentary Commissioners. 1464-5 4 Edw. IV. 2 1529 21 Hen. VIII. 17 That the Act is obsolete. Subject. R.* The Ordinance of the Staples. R. Of the ordinances made in the 38th year. R. For compelling the exportation of wool English wool shall be exported to Calais 0. An Act for repealing a grant lately made Recital of the tenor of letters patent, dated the ⚫ The Statutes relating to the S'aple were repealed by 3 Geo. IV. c. 41, s. 5. Page. Subject. to the port of Hull and thence to foreign parts, The said letters patent repealed. o. An Act concerning the repealing of certain Recital of patent to the corporation of King- Tenor of the letters patent dated 21st June, 24 Henry VIII. and the mischief of said letters patent as well to Lincoln, Beverley, Newcastle, Nottingham as York, (whereunto the said town of Kingston-upon-Hull is port) and all other towns and boroughs in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, and Yorkshire. The said letters patent repealed. R. * An Act for avoiding of exactions taken at Recital of excess in toll taken on the sale of Rates of toll to be taken in future. Sellers of fish there shall be well treated. Officers taking excessive toll, &c. shall be fined by the lords of the council. None but freemen of Hull shall sell fish there by retail. E. An Act for re-edifying of towns. Recital of the decay of houses in York, If the owners of grounds on which decayed In their default persons having rent charges thereout may enter and re-build within one year then next ensuing. In their default the mayors, &c. of towns And in their default the first owners may o. A Bill for the privileges of Kingston-upon- Recital of the expence of maintaining the Recital of duties on fish formerly payable for these purposes. Recital of 27 Henry VIII. c. 3. repealing the said duties and granting small tonnage duties. Decay of the walls in consequence. Recited act repealed. Repealed by 33 Hen. VIII. c. 33. Páge. Mayor, &c. may collect certain duties on herrings, &c. None shall be charged with any higher duty than before the 27 Hen. VIII. c. 3. An Act for the erection of the honors of Westminster, Kingston, Saint Osythe and Donington. The King empowered by patent during his life to erect an honor at the town of Kingstonupon-Hull and other places therein mentioned. Free and copyhold tenants owing suit to any of the said manors shall preserve their tenures. Provisoes for leases of the said manors. General saving of titles of strangers. The said honour to be under the survey, &c. of the court of augmentations. An Act limiting the times for laying on land merchandise from beyond the seas, and touching customs for sweet wines. All goods (except fish) shall be laden and discharged in the day time, and at open wharfs, &c. where officers of customs are resident (Hull only excepted.) Customer of Hull shall have a deputy constantly resident at the city of York. E. An Act touching certain politic constitutions made for the maintenance of the navy. Corporation of Hull may take toll under 33 Henry VIII. c. 33, but shall not export salt fish. An Act for the bringing in of staple fish and herrings into this realm. Herrings, staple fish, and ling may be imported into York, Boston, Grimsby, Kingstonupon-Hull, &c. E. A subsidy granted to the King of tonnage and poundage, and other sums of money payable upon merchandise exported or imported. Schedule. The merchants of York, Kingston-superHull and Newcastle-upon-Tine, and the mem bers thereof, shall be allowed free of custom and subsidy, two of the northern cloths and kersies in tenn to be shipped in those ports in the names of double wrappers as formerly hath been there allowed them. An Act for dividing Trinity Church, Kingston. upon-Hull, from Hassle. An Act for preventing frauds, and regulating abuses in his Majesty's customs. Wharfinger, &c. landing, or suffering to be landed prohibited or uncustomed goods (except in the port of Hull under Stat. 1 Eliz. c. 11. without the presence of, or notice to officer, subject to penalties. Recites 1 Eliz. c. 11. Further ports may be assigned by commis sions out of the Exchequer (except Hull.) |