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" Annuities shall from time to time be paid, by order of the said Court, to the Person or Persons who would for the time being have been entitled to the Rents and Profits of the said Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, so hereby directed to be purchased,... "
A collection of statutes relating to the town of Kingston-upon-Hull, the ... - Page 24
by William Woolley (solicitor ed.) - 1830
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The Senator; or, Clarendon's parliamentary chronicle, Volume 20

756 pages, and the dividends and annual produce thereof fhall, from time to time, belong to the perfon, who would, for the time being, have been entitled to the rents and. profits of the manors, mefluages, or tenements purchafed. " That it is ;he opinion of this Committee, that if...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., Volume 63; Volume 1225

Great Britain - Law - 1823 - 1102 pages
...sold for the Purposes aforesaid, the Dividends and annual Produce of the said Consolidated or Reduced Bank Annuities shall from time to time be paid by Order of the said Court, to the Body or Bodies, Person or Persons, who would for the Time being have been entitled to the Rents and...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1810 - 620 pages
...then, and m all fuch Cafes, M»ibunrt. the fame mail be applied to the Ufe. of the Perfen or Perfon» who would for the time being have been entitled to the Rents and Profiti of the Hereditaments and Premifca fo purchafed, taken or ufed for the Purpofes of this Act,...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., Volume 51; Volume 1225

Great Britain - Law - 1811 - 628 pages
...Bank Annuities, fhall fror.i time to time be paid by Order of the faid Court, to the Perfon cr Perfons who would for the time being have been entitled to the Rents and Profits of the faid Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, fo hereby direfted to be purchafed iu cafe fuch Purchafe...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., Volume 52; Volume 1225

Great Britain - Law - 1812 - 1096 pages all fuch cafes the lime fliall be applied to the Ufe of the Perfon or Perfons who would •'•т the time being have been entitled to the Rents and Profits of the I.;nds. Tenements or Hereditaments fo purchafed, taken or ufed as iforefaid, in fuch manner as...
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An Historical Account of Peterhead, from the Earliest Period to the Present ...

James Arbuthnot - Fishes - 1815 - 258 pages
...the mean time, and until such purchase shall be made, the interest, or annual produce of such money shall, from time to time, be paid by order of the...being, have been entitled to the rents and profits of the grounds from which such stones, gravel, or other materials, shall be taken, or to which such damage...
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An act for taking down and rebuilding ... Folly bridge ... and for improving ...

Parliament acts - 1815 - 70 pages
...sation.iflesg Twenty Pounds, then, and in all such cases, the same shall be applied to the than Twen- use of the person or persons who would, for the time being have been entitled ty Pounds, to the rents and profits of the Messuages, Houses, Tenements, Lands, or Hereditaments, so...
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A Collection of Statutes Connected with the General Administration ..., Volume 1

Great Britain - Law - 1817 - 698 pages
...of the Public Funds of this Kingdom, and the Dividends and Annual Produce thereof shall from tim : to time be paid by Order of the said Court to the Person or Persons who would have been entitled to the Rents, Issues and Profits of the said Lands or Hereditaments, in case no...
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Form of Process Before the Court of Session, the New Jury Court ..., Volume 2

James Ivory (Lord Ivory.) - Procedure (Law) - 1818 - 508 pages
...for the same, as " shall be effectual to secure the person or per•' sons who would, for the tkne being, have been " entitled to the rents and profits of the said * manors, messuages, lands, tenements, and he" reditaments, in case such sale, mortgage, or •* grant,...
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Statutes at Large ...: (29 v. in 32) Statutes or the United Kingdom, 1801 ...

Great Britain - 1820 - 626 pages the meantime, and until such Purchase shall be made, the Interest or Annual Produce of such Money shall from time to time be paid, by Order of the said...being have been entitled to the Rents and Profits of the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments so hereby directed to be purchased, in case such Purchase or...
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