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" Lordship should not propose to attend in person at the next general quarter sessions of the peace, to be holden in and for the county... "
A collection of statutes relating to the town of Kingston-upon-Hull, the ... - Page 203
by William Woolley (solicitor ed.) - 1830
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volume 59

Edmund Burke - History - 1819 - 822 pages
...this subject ; and 1 have to request, that if your lordship should not propose to attend in person at the next general quarter sessions of the peace, to be. holden in and for the county under your lordship's charge, you would make known to the chairman of such sessions tho substance...
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The Laws of the Island of Antigua: Consisting of the Acts of the ..., Volume 2

Law - 1805 - 672 pages
...p"t*^ ?" ap? the said Order, or else personally to appear at the next Court of King's Bench and Grand Sessions of the Peace, to be holden in and for the said Island, and also to abide such Order as the said Justices, or the major Part of them, then and there...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Passed in ...

Great Britain - Law - 1823 - 1102 pages
...has been accustomed, and not by the said Mayor and Aldermen as Magistrates at the General or Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden in and for the said City ; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. XIV. And...
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The Whole Law Relative to the Duty and Office of a Justice of the ..., Volume 4

Thomas Walter Williams - Justices of the peace - 1808 - 1262 pages
...required to find sufficient sureties to be bound Kith him in a recognizance for hii personal appearance at the next general quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the said county, and in the turn .',,-;,-. to keep the peace [or. be of the good behaviour] to. surds our said...
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A Treatise on the Game Laws, and on Fisheries: With an Appendix, Containing ...

Joseph Chitty - Fisheries - 1812 - 710 pages
...prisoners, in and for such county, riding, or division, there to remain until the then next assizes, or then next general quarter sessions of the peace, to be holden in and for such county, riding, or division,whichever shall first happen next after such person or persons shall...
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An act for inclosing lands in the parish of Bampton, in the county of Oxford

Parliament acts - Bampton (Oxfordshire, England) - 1812 - 30 pages
...there assembled shall and they are hereby authorized and required, at the fame or at the next Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden in and for the said County, to inquire into and ascertain by t>r from the London Gazette, or by such other ways and means...
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A Digested Abridgment, and Comparative View, of the ..., Volume 2, Part 2

Joseph Gabbett - Law reports, digests, etc - 1812 - 590 pages
...being convicted upon any indictment found in any court of ajer and tcrminer, or general or quarter sessions of the peace to be holden in and for the said county, ike. wherein the offence was committed, shall be committed to the common gaol for such county....
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The Law and Practice of Summary Convictions on Penal Statutes by Justices of ...

William Paley - Criminal procedure - 1814 - 448 pages
...keeper of the said house of correction of and for the said county of Leicester, there to remain until the next General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden in and for the said county, or until he should be discharged by due course of law : Whereupon the said VV. Patchett, otherwise,...
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The Clerk and Magistrate's Assistant

Paraclete Potter - Forms (Law) - 1814 - 276 pages
...shall well ami truly observe and perform the said order, or shall personally appear nt the next geaeral sessions of the peace, to be holden in and for the said county ; and shall then and there abide such order as shall be then made by the court, concerning the...
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The County and Town Officer: Or, A Concise View of the Duties and Offices of ...

John Tappen - Forms (Law) - 1816 - 392 pages
...peace of the said county, to find surety as well for his personal appear* ance at the next general sessions of the peace, to be holden in and for the said county,.as also for his keeping the peace (or forhis being of good behaviour) in the mean time, towards...
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