ARTICLE II. His Majesty the King of Hanover obligates himself moreover to the United States of America 1. To provide as hitherto, and to the extent of the existing obligations, for the maintenance of the works that are necessary for the free navigation of the Elbe; Works to tree navigation of the Elbe. 2. Not to impose, as a compensation for the expenses resulting from the execution of this obligation, upon the American marine, any charge whatever, in lieu and place of the Stade or Brunshausen dues. ARTICLE III. Indemnity. By way of damage and compensation for the sacrifices imposed upon His Majesty the King of Hanover by the above stipulations, the United States of America agree to pay to His Majesty the King of Hanover, who accepts the same, the sum of sixty thousand three hundred and fifty-three thalers, Hanoverian currency, this being the proportional quota part of the United States in the general table of indemnification for the abolition of the Stade or Brunshausen dues. ARTICLE IV. The sum of sixty thousand three hundred and fifty-three thalers courant, stipulated in Article III, shall be paid at Berlin, into the hands of such person as shall have been authorized by His Majesty the King of Hanover to receive it, on the day of the exchange of ratifications as hereinafter provided. In consideration of the fact that the stipulations contained in Articles I and II have already been applied to the American flag since the first day of July, 1861, the United States of America agree to pay besides, and the same time with the capital above named, the interest of that sum, at the rate of four per centum per annum, commencing with the first day of October, 1861. ARTICLE V. The execution of the obligations contained in the present treaty is especially subordinated to the accomplishment of such formalities and rules as are established by the constitutions of the high contracting Powers, and the compliance with these formalities and rules be brought about within the shortest delay possible. ARTICLE VI. Former treaty. The treaty of commerce and navigation concluded between the United States of America and His Majesty the King of Hanover on the tenth day of June, 1846, shall continue to remain in force, with the exception of the stipulation contained in paragraph 3, Article I, which shall cease to have effect after the present treaty shall have been ratified. ARTICLE VII, This treaty shall be approved and ratified, and the ratifications shall Ratifications. be exchanged at the city of Berlin, within six months from the present date, or sooner if possible. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles, both in the English and German languages, and they have thereto affixed their seals. Date. Done in duplicate at Berlin the sixth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and the Independence of the United States of America the eighty-sixth. N. B. JUDD. WILHELM AUGUST VON REITZENSTEIN. [L. S.] [L. S. Dues. PROTOCOLE. It remains understood that, until the execution of the stipulations contained in Articles V and VII of the treaty of to-day shall have taken place, the Hanoverian Government shall preserve the right, provisionally, by way of precaution, to maintain the dues which it has agreed to abolish. But as soon as the United States of America shall have fulfilled the stipulations therein mentioned, the Hanoverian Government shall order the discharge of that temporary measure of precaution, as regards merchandise transported in American vessels. Until, however, all the Powers, parties to the general treaty of the 22d day of June, 1861, concerning the abolition of Proof of nationality. the Stade or Brunshausen dues, shall have fulfilled the engagements contained in the Articles VI and VII of the last-named treaty, it shall have power to require of American vessels a proof of their nationality, without thereby causing them a delay or detention. Done at Berlin the 6th November, 1861. N. B. JUDD. [L. S. WILHELM AUGUST VON REITZENSTEIN. [L. S.] HANSEATIC REPUBLICS. [The Hanseatic Republics were incorporated into the North German Union, under the constitution of the latter, July 1, 1867.] HANSEATIC REPUBLICS, 1827. CONVENTION OF FRIENDSHIP, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE FREE HANSEATIC REPUBLICS OF LUBECK, BREMEN, AND HAMBURG. CONCLUDED DECEMBER 20, 1827; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED JUNE 2, 1828; PROCLAIMED JUNE 2, 1828. Object of said The United States of America on the one part, and the Republic and Free Hanseatic City of Lubeck, the Republic and Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, and the Republic and Free Hanseatic treats. City of Hamburg, (each State for itself separately,) on the other part, being desirous to give greater facility to their commercial intercourse, and to place the privileges of their navigation on a basis of the most extended liberality, have resolved to fix, in a manner clear, distinct, and positive, the rules which shall be observed between the one and the other, by means of a convention of friendship, commerce, and navigation. Negotiators. For the attainment of this most desirable object, the President of the United States of America has conferred full powers on Henry Clay, their Secretary of State; and the Senate of the Republic and Free Hanseatic City of Lubeck, the Senate of the Republic and Free Hanseatic City of Bremen, and the Senate of the Republic and Free Hanseatic City of Hamburg, have conferred full powers on Vincent Rumpff, their Minister Plenipotentiary near the United States of America; Who, after having exchanged their said full powers, found in due and proper form, have agreed to the following articles: ARTICLE I. Imports. The contracting parties agree, that whatever kind of produce, manufacture, or merchandise of any foreign country can be, from time to time, lawfully imported into the United States in their own vessels, may be also imported in vessels of the said Free Hanseatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg; and that no higher or other duties upon the tonnage or cargo of the vessel shall be levied or collected, whether the importation be made in vessels of the United States, or of either of the said Hanseatic Republics. And, in like manuer, that whatever kind of produce, manufacture, or merchandise of any foreign country can be, from time to time, lawfully imported into either of the said Hanseatic Republics, in its own vessels, may be also imported in vessels of the United States; and that no higher or other duties upon the tonnage or cargo of the vessel shall be levied or collected, whether the importation be made in vessels of the one party or of the other. And they further agree, that whatever may be lawfully exported, or re-exported, by one party in its own vessels, to any foreign country, may, in like manner, be exported or re-exported in the vessels of the other party. And the same bounties, duties, and drawbacks shall be allowed and collected, whether such exportation or re-exportation be made in vessels of the one party or of the other. Nor shall higher or other charges, of any kind, be imposed in the ports of the one party, on vessels of the other, than are or shall be payable in the same ports by national vessels. Duties to be paid parties. ARTICLE II. No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation, into the United States, of any article the produce or manufacby the contracting ture of the Free Hanseatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg; and no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation, into either of the said Republics, of any article the produce or manufacture of the United States, than are or shall be pay able on the like article being the produce or manufacture of any other foreign country; nor shall any other or higher duties or charges be imposed by either party on the exportation of any articles to the United States, or to the Free Hanseatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburg, respectively, than such as are, or shall be payable on the exportation of the like articles to any other foreign country; nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the importation or exportation of any article the produce or manufacture of the United States, or of the Free Hanseatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburg, to or from the ports of the United States, or to or from the ports of the other party, which shall not equally extend to all other nations. ARTICLE III. No priority or preference shall be given, directly or indirectly, by any No priority or pre- or either of the contracting parties, nor by any company, ference to be given. corporation, or agent, acting on their behalf, or under their authority, in the purchase of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of their States, respectively, imported into the other, on account of, or in reference to the character of the vessel, whether it be of the one party or of the other, in which such article was imported; it being the true intent and meaning of the contracting parties that no distinction or difference whatever shall be made in this respect. ARTICLE IV. In consideration of the limited extent of the territories of the Republies of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg, and of the intimate connection of trade and navigation subsisting between these Republics, it is hereby stipulated and agreed, that any vessel which shall be owned exclusively by a citizen or citizens of any or either of them, and of which the mas ter shall also be a citizen of any or either of them, and provided threefourths of the crew shall be citizens or subjects of any or either of the said Republics, or of any or either of the States of the Confedera tion of Germany, such vessel, so owned and navigated, shall, for all the purposes of this convention, be taken to be and considered as a vessel belonging to Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburg. ARTICLE V. Any vessel, together with her cargo, belonging to either of the Free Hanseatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburg, and coming from either of the said ports to the United States, shall, for all the purposes of this convention, be deemed to have cleared from the Republic to which such vessel belongs, although, in fact, it may not have been the one from which she departed; and any vessel of the United States, and her cargo, trading to the ports of Lubeck, Bremen, or Hamburg, directly, or in succession, shall, for the like purposes, be on the footing of a Hanseatic vessel and her cargo making the same voyage. ARTICLE VI. It is likewise agreed that it shall be wholly free for all merchants, commanders of ships, and other citizens of both parties, to manage, themselves, their own business, in all the ports and places subject to the jurisdiction of each other, as well with respect to the consignment and sale of their goods and merchandise by wholesale or retail, as with respect to the loading, unloading, and sending off their ships, submitting themselves to the laws, decrees, and usages there established, to which native citizens are subjected; they being, in all these cases, to be treated as citizens of the Republic in which they reside, or at least to be placed on a footing with the citizens or subjects of the most favored nation. ARTICLE VII. Power to dispose The citizens of each of the contracting parties shall have power to dispose of their personal goods, within the jurisdiction of the other, by sale, donation, testament, or otherwise; and of personal goods. their representatives, being citizens of the other party, shall succeed to their said personal goods, whether by testament or ab intestato, and they may take possession thereof, either by themselves or others acting for them, and dispose of the same at their will, paying such dues only as the inhabitants of the country wherein said goods are shall be subject. to pay in like cases; and if, in the case of real estate, the said heirs would be prevented from entering into the possession of the inheritance on account of their character of aliens, there shall be granted to them the term of three years to dispose of the same, as they may think proper, and to withdraw the proceeds without molestation, and exempt from all duties of detraction on the part of the Government of the respective States. ARTICLE VIII. Both the contracting parties promise, and engage formally, to give their special protection to the persons and property of the citizens of each other, of all occupations, who may be in to persons and propthe territories subject to the jurisdiction of the one or the Special protection erty. other, transient or dwelling therein, leaving open and free to them the tribunals of justice for their judicial recourse, on the same terms which are usual and customary with the natives or citizens of the country in which they may be; for which they may employ, in defence of their rights, such advocates, solicitors, notaries, agents, and factors as they may judge proper, in all their trials at law; and such citizens or agents |