Whereas the undersigned, Edmund Roberts, a citizen of the United States of America, and a resident of Portsmouth, in the State of New Hampshire, being duly appointed a Special Agent by letters-patent, under the signature of the President and seal of the United States of America, bearing date, at the city of Washington, the twenty-sixth day of January, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, for negotiating and concluding a treaty of amity and commerce between the United States of America and His Majesty Seyed Syeed Bin, Sultan of Muscat: Now, know ye, that I, Edmund Roberts, Special Agent as aforesaid, do conclude the foregoing treaty of amity and commerce, and reserved for Presi- every article and clause therein contained, reserving the dent United States. same, nevertheless, for the final ratification of the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States. Final ratification Done at the Royal Palace, in the city of Muscat, in the Kingdom of Aman, on the twenty-first day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the fifty-seventh, corresponding to the sixth day of the moon, called Iamada Alawel, in the year of Allhajra (Hegira) one thousand two hundred and forty-nine. EDMUND ROBERTS. NASSAU. [As a result of the war of 1866, Nassau lost its independence and was absorbed in the Kingdom of Prussia.] NASSAU, 1846. CONVENTION FOR THE MUTUAL ABOLITION OF THE DROIT D'AUBAINE AND TAXES ON EMIGRATION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF NASSAU. CONCLUDED MAY 27, 1846; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED AT BERLIN OCTOBER 13, 1846; PROCLAIMED JANUARY 6, 1847. . Preamble. The United States of America and His Royal Highness the Duke of Nassau, having resolved, for the advantage of their respective citizens and subjects, to conclude a convention for the mutual abolition of the droit d'aubaine and taxes on emigration, have named for this purpose their respective Plenipotentiaries, namely: Negotiators. The President of the United States of America has conferred full powers on Henry Wheaton, their Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Royal Court of Prussia, and His Royal Highness the Duke of Nassau upon his Minister Resident at the Royal Court of Prussia, Colonel and Chamberlain, Otto Wilhelm Carl von Roeder, comthur of the 1st class of the Ducal Order of Henry the Lion, etc., etc.; Who, after having exchanged their said full powers, found in due and proper form, have agreed to and signed the following articles: ARTICLE I. Every kind of droit d'aubaine, droit de retraite, and droit de détrac tion or tax on emigration is hereby and shall remain abol- Droit d'aubaine, ished between the two contracting parties, their States, citi- &c., abolished. zens, and subjects, respectively. ARTICLE II. erty allowed to sell Where, on the death of any person holding real property within the territories of one party, such real property would, by the Heirs to real prop laws of the land, descend on a citizen or subject of the other, the same and withwere he not disqualified by alienage, such citizen or subject draw the proceeds. shall be allowed a term of two years to sell the same-which term may be reasonably prolonged according to circumstances-and to withdraw the proceeds thereof without molestation, and exempt from all duties of detraction. ARTICLE III. may dispose The citizens or subjects of each of the contracting parties shall have power to dispose of their personal property, within the States Citizens and subof the other, by testament, donation, or otherwise, and their Jets of each party heirs, legatees, and donees, being citizens or subjects of the will or otherwise, other contracting party, shall succeed to their said personal the other, &c. property, and may take possession thereof, either by them- ties to be the same selves, or by others acting for them, and dispose of the ants. their personal property in the States of Du as paid by inhabit same at their pleasure, paying such duties only as the inhabitants of the country where the said property lies shall be liable to pay in like cases. Property of absent ARTICLE IV. In case of the absence of the heirs, the same care shall be taken,provisionally, of such real or personal property, as would be heirs to be taken care taken in a like case of property belonging to the natives of the country, until the lawful owner, or the person who has a right to sell the same, according to Article II, may take measures to receive or dispose of the inheritance. of. ARTICLE V. If any dispute should arise between different claimants to the same inheritance, they shall be decided, in the last resort, according to the laws and by the judges of the country where the property is situated. Disputes to be settled by local laws. Stipulation of pres ent convention to apply to property al ARTICLE VI. All the stipulations of the present convention shall be obligatory in respect to property already inherited or ready inherited, &c. bequeathed, but not yet withdrawn from the country where the same is situated, at the signature of this convention. but not yet withdrawn. ARTICLE VII. This convention is concluded subject to the ratification of the Presi dent of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of their Senate, and of His Royal Highness the Duke of Nassau, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Berlin, exchanged in twelve Within the term of twelve months from the date of the sig nature hereof, or sooner if possible. Ratifications to be months. In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the above articles, as well in English as in German, and have thereto affixed their seals. Done in triplicata, in the city of Berlin, on the 27th day of May, one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, in the 70th year of the Independence of the United States of America and the seventh of the reign of His Royal Highness the Duke of Nassau. HENRY WHEATON. [L. S.] OTTO WILHELM CARL V. ROEDER. [L. S. NETHERLANDS. NETHERLANDS, 1782. TREATY OF AMITY AND COMMERCE BETWEEN THEIR HIGH MIGHTINESSES THE STATES GENERAL OF THE UNITED NETHERLANDS AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, TO WIT: NEW HAMPSHIRE, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE ISLAND AND PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, CONNECTICUT, NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, PENNSYLVANIA, DELAWARE, MARYLAND, VIRGINIA, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, AND GEORGIA. CONCLUDED OCTOBER 8, 1782; RATIFIED JANUARY 22, 1783. Their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands and the United States of America, to wit, New Contracting parties. Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticutt, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, desiring to ascertain, in a permanent and equitable manner, the rules to be observed relative to the commerce and correspondence which they intend to establish between their respective States, countries, and inhabitants, have judged that the said end cannot be better obtained than by establishing the most perfect equality and reciprocity for the basis of their agreement, and by avoiding all those burdensome preferences which are usually the sources of debate, embarrassment, and discontent; by leaving also each party at liberty to make, respecting commerce and navigation, such ulterior regulations as it shall find most convenient to itself; and by founding the advantages of commerce solely upon reciprocal utility and the just rules of free intercourse; reserving withal to each party the liberty of admitting at its pleasure other nations to a participation of the same advantages. On these principles their said High Mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands have named for their Plenipotentiaries, from the midst of their assembly, Messieurs their Deputies for the Foreign Affairs; and the said United States of America, on their part, have furnished with full powers Mr. John Adams, late Commissioner of the United States of America at the Court of Versailles, heretofore Delegate in Congress from the State of Massachusetts Bay, and chief justice of the said State, who have agreed and concluded as follows, to witt: ARTICLE I. Peace and friend There shall be a firm, inviolable, and universal peace and sincere friendship between their High Mightinesses the Lords the States General of the United Netherlands and the United ship between the two States of America, and between the subjects and inhabitants nations. of the said parties, and between the countries, islands, cities, and places situated under the jurisdiction of the said United Netherlands and the said United States of America, their subjects and inhabitants, of every degree, without exception of persons or places. ARTICLE II. Subjects of United Netherlands shall States as the most The subjects of the said States General of the United Netherlands shall pay in the ports, havens, roads, countries, islands, have the same privi- cities, or places of the United States of America, or any of leges in the United them, no other nor greater duties or imposts, of whatever favoured nation. nature or denomination they may be, than those which the nations the most favoured are or shall be obliged to pay; and they shall enjoy all the rights, liberties, priviledges, immunities, and exemptions in trade, navigation, and commerce which the said nations do or shall enjoy, whether in passing from one port to another in the said States, or in going from any of those ports to any foreign port of the world, or from any foreign port of the world to any of those ports. Citizens of United same privileges in United Netherlands nations. ARTICLE III. The subjects and inhabitants of the said United States of America shall pay in the ports, havens, roads, countries, islands, States shall have the cities, or places of the said United Netherlands, or any of as the most favoured them, no other nor greater duties or imposts, of whatever nature or denomination they may be, than those which the nations the most favoured are or shall be obliged to pay; and they shall enjoy all the rights, liberties, priviledges, immunities, and excemptions in trade, navigation, and commerce which the said nations do or shall enjoy, whether in passing from one port to another in the said States, or from any one towards any one of those ports from or to any foreign port of the world. And the United States of America, with their subjects and inhabitants, shall leave to those of their High Mightinesses the peaceable enjoyment of their rights in the countries, islands, and seas, in the East and West Indies, without any hindrance or molestation. Liberty of con to the citizens of each party in the ARTICLE IV. There shall be an entire and perfect liberty of conscience allowed to the subjects and inhabitants of each party, and to their science, & secured families; and no one shall be molested in regard to his worship, provided he submits, as to the public demonstration of other's dominions. it, to the laws of the country: There shall be given, moreover, liberty, when any subjects or inhabitants of either party shall die in the territory of the other, to bury them in the usual burrying-places, or in decent and convenient grounds to be appointed for that purpose, as occasion shall require; and the dead bodies of those who are burried shall not in any wise be molested. And the two contracting parties shall provide, each one in his jurisdiction, that their respective subjects and inhabitants may henceforward obtain the requisite certificates in cases of deaths in which they shall be interested. Both parties to protect vessels of the other in their domin ARTICLE V. Their High Mightinesses the States General of the United Netherlands and the United States of America shall endeavor, by all the means in their power, to defend and protect all ions, to restore then Vessells and other effects, belonging to their subjects and inhabitants, respectively, or to any of them, in their ports, roads, havens, internal seas, passes, rivers, and as far as their jurisdiction extends at sea, and to recover, and cause to be restored when captured, and to convoy in certain cases. |