Great Britain March 26th 1846 Treaty | 9 |
Hamburg January 8th 1848 Treaty | 15 |
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Treaties and Conventions Concluded Between the Hawaiian Kingdom and Other ... Hawaii No preview available - 2015 |
Treaties and Conventions Concluded Between the Hawaiian Kingdom and Other ... Hawaii No preview available - 2023 |
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A. P. CARTER agreed arrest ARTICLE II ARTICLE VII authorities Bremen Britain cargoes charges Colonies Commerce and Navigation competent tribunals Consular Agents Consuls Consuls-General crew Danish deserters dominions emigrants enjoy established exempt exportation favored nation flag French German Empire granted Hamburg harbor Hawaii Hawaiian Islands Hawaiian Kingdom Hawaiian Majesty's Hawaiian ports Hawaiian subjects Hawaiian vessels hereafter hereby high contracting parties higher duties Honolulu immunities imported imposed KAMEHAMEHA KAMEHAMEHA III Kingdom of Hawaii laws levied liberty Majesty the King ment merchandise Minister of Foreign money orders mutual national vessels native subjects Norwegian Majesty office of exchange opened to foreign paid payable postage present Convention present treaty Privy produce or manufacture protection R. C. WYLLIE ratifications reciprocal regulations reside respective Plenipotentiaries salvage Sandwich Islands seals Spain stipulations subjects and citizens subjects or citizens Swedish and Norwegian thereof thousand eight hundred tion tonnage tracting parties trade United waiian wrecked