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to predict that I was for ever to be exiled from it. I took pen, ink, and An apology is due to the unfortunate paper, and resolved to write a few JULIA, for the delay in inserting the lines to my mother, which I would following letter; but, from its con- leave upon my table, to assuage the clusion, she is, perhaps, ere now, be- first paroxysm of grief that would be yond the reach of human voice. MORS felt, when my flight was discovered. I had just folded it up when the village clock struck twelve.


TO THE CONTEMPLATIST. Perfida, sed quamvis perada, cara tamen. Sir,

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Gracions God! Had it tolled the fatal knell that was to conduct me to a scaffold, I should hardly have felt a

I sat for a few moments, lost in con

YOUR prompt insertion of my more appalling dread come o'er me! last (see Univ. Mag. Vol. Vilf. p. 413.) induces me to continue my flicting sensations. But I had apnarrative without further apology. Every thing was arranged for my take the leap. I gently opened my proached the verge, and now must departure from my father's house. door. I had to pass the chamber Night was the time fixed on, as being where my father and mother slept. the least liable to impertinent intru- Heaven knows with what a bursting sion. Henry was to have a post- heart I did so. Oh! it was a horrid chaise waiting, which would conduct us to a place of safety; and on the following morning we were to be married. My mind dwelt with raptures upon the scheme, in proportion to its romantic character. It suited my ardent and enthusiastic temperament, There was something so singular, and therefore so pleasing, that the inno; cence of virtue was scarcely startled at the contemplation of it. I felt no emotion but that of joy, as I prepared the little package that was to accompany me. I took nothing that was not absolutely requisite, for my heart seemed to tell me, that a parent's forgiveness would not be withheld.

moment! How like a guilty thief Ithought myself, who robbed the innocent of all their little wealth, while they slept the sleep of peace. I was all their wealth, and yet I could inhu manly snatch it from them. I pictured to myself the distraction they would feel when they awoke and found their ruin. But even then, the sophistry of self-gratification came across my mind, and I hushed the terrors of my heart, by whispering to myself that I should soon return, and repair the evil I had done.

selt, breathless and weeping, into the I gained the gate, and threw myarms of Henry. He kissed my tears away, and led me trembling to where the carriage was waiting.

time to think; we were seated in the

These were the gaieties of expectation, in which the present is forgot ten, and the future is decorated in all the fair colours that our wishes which, added to the solemn silence of It was a clear moonlight night, prompt. Yet, when the moment ar the hour, awoke a thousand emorived, my resolution failed, my heart tions in my breast. Henry spoke only sunk within me, my eyes filled with in a whisper; and even this seemed tears. Twelve o'clock was the hour to throw so much of guilt into our fixed that Henry would be in waiting conduct, that I half recoiled from the at the outer gate. Eleven had struck, and I was sitting in my room, with step I was taking. But I had no my small bundle before me, dread carriage, and it drove off at a rapid ing, yet wishing the hour. to come. During this silent, solemn interval, the mind had time to revert upon itWe travelled all night, and in the self, and conjure up a thousand pain- morning alighted at an inn, about 30 ful images. Thought became opmiles from my father's house. pressive, and yet I had no means to was with a rapture which words canescape from it. I surveyed my cham- not express, that I saw the first break ber, and its dear familiar contents, of day glimmering in the east. I felt with eyes that swam in tears; a mo- relieved; and I anticipated the commentary pang smote me, and seemed ing morning as the moment which



was to give a holy sanction to my to my mind more hideous than words rashness, by uniting me to Henry. can represent." Heavens! how shall I proceed!

As we sat at breakfast, I spoke of marriage. Henry smiled. I thought it a smile of love and joy, and my heart was gay. When our repast was over, Henry drew near to me, and taking my hand in his, addressed me.

As I uttered these words, a food of tears gushed from my eyes, and I resigned myself to all the influence of distracting grief.

Henry, not at all moved by the violence of my emotions, replied, with insulting coolness---" Pshaw! this is Julia, there is a native sanctity in but affectation! 'tis wearing the mask virtue, which no human forms can longer than even prudish coquetry increase. The heart that is embued demands. Come, my Julia! discard with honor and liberal sentiments, the mummery of a diseased mind; needs no other monitor to keep its come to my arms, lovely as thou thoughts in awe, than the proud con- art"sciousness that vice degrades, and sul- He attempted to embrace me: but lies the breast that owns it. Vulgar with the force and dignity of offended minds, a prey to every rude and law- virtue, I threw him from me, and the less passion, submit, without a mur- severity of my looks for a moment nur,to their tempestuous sovereignty; awed him into silence.

and, in the wild career, lose all recol- I was, myself, a prey to the most lection of themselves, and the society agonizing sensations that ever rent of which they form a part. To such, the human heart. To find in the only and such only, can restriction be need- object my soul had singled out for its ful. Ah! those looks tell me you un- stay and comfort through life, basederstand me: need I proceed?" ness, cruelty, and vice; to behold all A horrid thought now glanced my fondest hopes thus wrecked in an across my mind! I was breathless- instant; to reflect, that I had left my I felt too much-I could not weep father's hospitable and kindly roof, but in a voice, scarcely articulate, I and must now return to it fallen and bade him proceed. insulted.—Oh, what anguish would "Feel not incensed my Julia," he have been spared me at that moment, continued. When I would throw what miseries should I not have off the shackles with which a corrupt escaped thereafter, had heaven, in custom has laden us, I pay the most mercy to my affliction, relieved me exalted homage to your virtue, in be- from a life that had become hateful lieving that no ties can make it more to me. Yet it all appeared like a sacred, or, that because you have the dream. But my persecutor soon repower to err, your heart would let called me to reality.


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Julia," he continued, “ I will be The full conviction now flashed up- candid, condemn me as you may. on me. Merciful heavens! at that To marry you I never thought-my moment I could have annihilated situation, my circumstances forbid it. him. Love was extinguished, and Besides, would I condescend to steal rage alone possessed my breast. away my wife?" What! sink into his mistress? Hen- "Base, ungenerous man," I rery, a vile seducer, a crawling reptile, plied, 66 you would condescend to who could lay snares with subtle vil- ruin a helpless girl, to ruin a virlainy, and avouch his infamy with tuous father and mother-you would words! Oh! the thought was over- condescend to give me and my hopes powering! I looked at him: it was to endless infamy; to steep my heart in a look of scorn and defiance: words bitterness! Henry, hear me. I loved at length found utterance:


you once, for I thought you virtuous. Monster," I exclaimed-" Oh! You are not what you seemed; that for pity's sake, let me not think you love that seemed to dwell so sweetly so vile and abject. Tell me that it on thy deception, is now converted was but jest: tell me that you are ho- into hate: fly me leave me, or nourable. Let me not bewilder my- I'll alarm those within hearing, and self in horrid thoughts that paint you denounce your baseness."

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The firm, undaunted manner in ignorance of mercy. A daughter lockwhich I uttered these words had its due ed within a mother's fond embrace, effect. He quitted the room, and weeping, innocent, and repentant, shortly after the house. He looked who could turn her to the world's with a smile of scorn upon me as he scorn, infamy, and want, that ever closed the door. felt a father's transport in his child? When parents teach this cruel lesson, shall we wonder that indifferent minds learn it with too apt a perfec

I was now alone, and hesitated not a moment about what was to be done. I had money with me: and I resolved to return immediately to my parents, tion? and hoped to propitiate for my error He forcibly dragged my mother by the purity of my conduct. I from me, ordered the servants in, and knew that the alarm of my flight closed the door! I stood motionless: would soon be spread over the place, the magnitude of my feelings aband therefore took care not to arrive sorbed the power of perceiving them; till dusk. As I entered the street I looked towards my paternal roof, my that led to my abode, how my heart home, my asylum, my birth-place, and sunk within me! I passed along un- found myself for ever exiled: I heard noticed, till I arrived at the garden my mother's cries for her abandoned gate that adjoined my paternal man- child: my mind pictured horrors: sion. A melancholy silence seemed I tottered towards the door to call to prevail: no one was to be seen: for mercy and forgiveness, and fell the moon, just risen, cast a silver ra- senseless at the threshold. diance upon the foliage; I walked, How long I lay thus I know not. musing, for a few moments: how When I came to myself I was cold changed, methought already, from and comfortless; the dews of the that time when I walked in peace on night had fallen upon me, and my this very spot with my beloved pa- limbs trembled: my poor Fido, my rents. The thought was resolution, faithful spaniel, was lying by my and I hoped, once more, to find side, with his fore feet resting across within that little space my wonted my bosom, as if to preserve there the happiness. As I approached towards vital warmth. I felt as I had been in the house I perceived a light in a a dream. Confused thoughts rushed small parlour, where I had often sat across my mind: Henry-fathermy work, and watched the set- mother-an outcast. I started up ting sun as it shed a golden lustre over and strove to enter: but no: all was the landscape. I advanced slowly; fast; all was dark and silent within. the window-shutters were half closed: I went round to the other side of the and I could just perceive my mother house, where my mother slept: there sitting, with a handkerchief up to was a light in her chamber: even this her eyes: God! how my heart smote seemed to comfort me: but my sighs me! my father was pacing up and and wailings were audible; they down the room in seeming agitation. reached a mother's ear: her window While I thus stood gazing, with eyes opened softly, and I saw, for the last that swam in tears, my favourite time, that honoured form which bore spaniel had discovered me, and was me: involuntarily. I fell upon my whining at my feet: his noise brought knees, held forth my hands in a supout one of the female servants, who, plicating manner, and stammered out seeing me, exclaimed, with a shriek the word "forgiveness." She took of joy, "Oh! my young lady!" In the ribbon from her head, and threw an instant afterwards I was sobbing it towards me as a token of pardon, with repentance on my mother's pa- and exclaimed "God protect thee, ternal bosom. But my father-Ah! my Julia." More she would have rash severity! tore me from her said, but my father's voice called her arms, proclaimed me infamous, and hence. Ten thousand times I kissed forbad me his house! Oh man! of the precious pledge, and have since what materials is thy heart com- preserved it as a holy relic, that shall posed? Is it to ape a Roman name charm me in the hour of death. that thus ye shut your feelings against Hope now forsook me; I left the approach, and seem to triumph in the garden, and wandered I know not


with crime: I was soon taught this bitter lesson. You will consider these, perhaps, but weak palliatives; let no one dare, however, to condemn me for falling till they have withstood the same weight,

I shall

whither, till the morning dawned minds of the million, is synonimous upon me. I repaired to the house of a dear friend, who, I knew, would be a mediator between me and my of fended father. When she heard my story she wept with tenderest pity, bade me be comforted, and spoke with confidence of my father's for- A life of prostitution is a life of giveness, when he should know that unmitigated wretchedness: but my was yet innocent. She left me career in infamy has been short. I with strong assurances of success; write this on that bed from which I but returned with anguish to tell me shall never rise again: the constant that nor prayers, nor tears, nor intrea- agony of an upbraiding conscience ties, could soften that inexorable heart. has preyed upon my vitals, and I Thus abandoned, I looked round hail with joy that moment which is to see whither I should turn my for- to free me from misery. lorn course. To stay in my native stand before my judge, and my father place was impossible; I must fly shall stand there too: my crimes somewhere. London was the spot shall be read aloud, and every one where best we may be forgotten, and fall like a thunderbolt upon his ear: thither I resolved to go. In the me- my punishment shall be declared, and nial employment of a servant I hoped he too shali fall beneath the frown of to find a refuge from necessity. Yet, God; for, not a vice has stained my ere I quitted for ever, scenes twined life that draws not its origin from his round my heart, by the remembrance cruel severity. Forgive me, Sir, that of the happiest hours there passed I have thus trespassed on your time; that ever gladdened the human heart, but there are those who may, perI took a last farewell of them. I haps, reap advantage from the narrastole at midnight once more to my tive of the dying beloved home, walked over every London, H-y-street, place that had been dear to me, Dec. 11, 1807. looked with tearful eyes upon the little room where was my library, and in which I had wept o'er fictitious woes less than my own; and, as I turned away, bade them adieu for ever!





THIS celebrated engineer was a man of singular character. When he had a plan to form, he usually went to bed, and lay there working it out in his head till the design was completed. It is recorded of him, that being asked in the House of Commons for what he supposed rivers were created, he answered after a pause, to feed navigable canals.


I will not, Sir, detail to you the rest of my miserable life. In London I found that the purest intentions were of no avail without friends. I offered myself wherever I thought I could get employment; but I was uniformly rejected, sometimes with contempt, sometimes with ridicule, and sometimes with insult. The little money I had was soon expended, This prince was passionately fond and I had now before my eyes the of hunting; and he made it a point of horrid prospect of a wretched death. honour never to be outdone in any From self-annihilation I shrunk back leap, however perilous. A certain appalled: not from any dread of the Mr. Cherry, who was devoted to the future, but from irresolution to in- exiled family, took occasion of this, flict voluntary pain. When life is to form perhaps the most pardonable held upon contingencies, the props design which was ever laid against a of virtue are shaken: while there is a king's life. He regularly joined the prize to struggle for, the labour is royal hounds, put himself foremost, asswaged; but when contumely im- and took the most desperate leaps, in putes the vices which are yet unacted, the hope that William might break it requires fortitude to stem the cur- his neck in following him. One day, rent of temptation. Poverty, in the however, he accomplished one so



imminently dangerous, that the king and university were both in a perwhen he came to the spot, shook his plext inquest after the thieves, then head and drew back. did Sir Henry shew his father's letter, and by it such light was given of this This fish is now somewhat scarce work of darkness, that the five guilty in Worcester; but there were such persons were presently discovered quantities formerly, that there are and apprehended, without putting many old indentures now in Wor- the university to so much trouble as cester, by which it is covenanted, the casting of a figure." And yet so that apprentices shall not be com- great an alteration has taken place in pelled to eat salmon more than twice the public mind, that there are now a week, as is now the case with the three persons, one male and two fe ploughmen in Devonshire, and the males, in durance vile, for only copyfishermen's boys at North Shields. ing an example which was set them by the most learned characters in the first university of Europe, not inore than two centuries ago.


The Polonaise is little more than a march in file (as nearly as may be in a figure of eight) to music, soft and slow, bordering upon the solemn. It a gentleman who has stood out, is desirous of coming in, he approaches the leading couple, claps his hand, and the hand of the lady is yielded to

A Full and Interesting Account of
the BRAZILS, &c.
[Concluded from p. 23.]


him, himself being liable to be dis- THE form of their laws is called placed in a similar manner. During

cariacao, the witnesses coriente, the march, is made every now and and the person accused cariade. A then a certain step, trifling, yet diffi- man is here seized, imprisoned, and cult to take a movement of the feet the depositions taken against him; 50 obscure as scarcely to be observed. and after continuing a certain time, There is another dance, also peculiar (whose greater or less duration de to the country, which is singularly wild. pends upon money and interest) he is It is styled the Cracoviac. Its figure examined. His answers, whether of is more complicated than the last. denial, confession, or information, This dance is also performed by a are written and signed: he is then great number of couples, by a large remanded back to his confinement. company, who, instead of marching, Some farther time elapses according kip round the room to music, gay and to the magnitude or insignificance of airy, making a step in which one heel the affair, when the cariacao takes is kicked against the other with a hop. place; the accused and accuser are They all arrive in a body at a parti- confronted, the accusation is read, cular part of the room, where the and the prisoner is desired to give his whole company, men and women, answers on its truth, and what he has give a sudden, loud, shrill, and fright- to defend it. After these are noted, ful scream! then in an instant turn the first examination of the prisoner about, begin skipping as before, and is repeated to the witness, whose reclapping their hands to the move- marks on it are also taken down, and ments of the tune. the papers are signed by both parties. This is transacted by a judge, or miIsaac Walton, in his Life of Sir nister, and two clerks, whose signaHenry Wotton, relates, that when ture is added, to authenticate the Sir Henry was studying at Oxford, whole. The papers then pass to the his father, then dean of Canterbury, court of justice, who decide finally dreamed that the university treasury on the question, and pronounce was robbed by five townsmen and sentence; from which, in some cases, poor scholars, and immediately wrote appeal lies to the grand court in Lis to his son, from Kent, the nature of bon, or it is referred to the clemency bis dream. 44 This letter, (says Mr. of the prince. Walton) coming to his son's bands Their legal procedure for the very morning after the robbery is the following:-The first applica was committed, and when the city tion is made to the judicial power, UNIVERSAL MAG. VOL. IX.



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