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REGULATION made by Her Majesty's Assistant High Commissioner for the Western Pacific, to prohibit the Supply of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosive Substances to Natives of the Western Pacific Islands.

[No. 1.]


[April 5, 1893.]

1. In this Regulation the expression "Western Pacific" means and includes any of the following islands or places, namely :— (1.) The groups of islands known as

The Union Islands.

The Phoenix Islands.
The Ellice Islands.

The Gilbert Islands.

The Solomon Islands not included in the German Protectorate. The Santa Cruz Islands.

(2.) All other islands in the Western Pacific Ocean (with the exception of the Tongan and Samoan Islands) not being within the limits of the Colonies of Fiji, Queensland, or New South Wales, and not being within the jurisdiction of any civilized Power.

The expression "the waters of the Western Pacific Islands" means the waters within three miles of any of the islands or places included in the Western Pacific Islands.

The word "arms" means every kind of fire-arms, and any part or parts of fire-arms.

The word "ammunition" means every kind of ammunition for fire-arms and any material for the preparation thereof.

The expression "explosive substance" means gunpowder, nitroglycerine, dynamite, gun-cotton, blasting-powder, and every other substance used or manufactured with a view to produce a practical effect by explosion.

The word "native" shall mean and include any native of any island in the Pacific Ocean other than a person of European descent.

2. British vessels within the waters of the Western Pacific Islands shall not carry arms or ammunition. But this prohibition shall not be held to prevent or forbid the carriage by any such vessel for the protection of the same and of the persons therein, and other wise for the ordinary lawful purposes of such vessel, of arms and ammunition in quantities not exceeding those herein specified, viz. :

One rifle or shot-gun and one pistol for every member of the crew of such vessel, whose names shall be on the articles, and for every bona fide passenger (other than a native) on board such vessel.

One hundred rounds of ammunition for every such rifle, shotgun, or pistol on board;

Cannons or swivel guns forming part of the ordinary equipment of any such vessel, together with 100 rounds of ammunition for every

such gun.

The carriage of arms and ammunition as cargo, consigned to, and intended only for the use of, a person (other than a native) resident within the Western Pacific Islands, shall be deemed to be an ordinary lawful purpose of such vessel, provided always that the total amount of arms and ammunition carried on board such vessel shall not exceed the above specified quantities.

3. British subjects within the Western Pacific Islands shall not give, sell, or otherwise supply any arms, ammunition, or explosive substance to any native.

4. Any British subject who shall carry, or aid or abet the carriage of, any arms or ammunition in any British vessel within the waters of the Western Pacific Islands, except as permitted by this Regulation, shall be guilty of an offence against this Regulation.

5. Any British subject within the Western Pacific Islands who shall give, sell, or otherwise supply, or aid or assist in supplying, any arms, or any single fire-arm, or any ammunition, or explosive substance, to any native, shall be guilty of an offence against this Regulation.

6. Any person guilty of an offence against this Regulation shall, on conviction thereof, be liable to punishment as follows:

(1.) Imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, and with or without a fine not exceeding 102.; or


(2.) A fine alone, not exceeding 107., without any imprisonment. 7. Regulation No. 1 of 1884, intituled "A Regulation to prohibit the supply of Arms, Ammunition, and Explosive Substances to Natives of the Western Pacific Islands," is hereby repealed; but any offence against such Regulation, committed before the coming into force of this Regulation, may be dealt with and shall be punishable as if such Regulation were still in force.

8. This Regulation shall come into force on the 1st day of June, in the year of our Lord 1893, and may be cited as "The Arms Regulation, 1893."

Given this 5th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1893.

By command,

WILFRED COLLET, Secretary to the
High Commissioner.

* Vol. LXXV, page 609.

NOTES exchanged between Great Britain and France, renewing for the year 1893 the Modus Vivendi of 1890, relative to the Catching and Preparation of Lobsters on the Treaty Coast of Newfoundland.-London, March, April, 1893.

The Earl of Rosebery to M. Waddington.


Foreign Office, March 4, 1893. In accordance with the agreement arrived at in our conversation on the 22nd ultimo, I have the honour to state that Her Majesty's Government are willing that the modus vivendi of 1890,* relative to the catching and preparation of lobsters on the Treaty Coast of Newfoundland, which was renewed during the fishing seasons of 1891 and 1892, should again be renewed for the fishing season of the present year.

On receiving from your Excellency formal notice that your Government desire this agreement, Her Majesty's Government will consider this exchange of notes as an agreement between the two Governments, and will give the necessary directions to carry the agreement into execution on behalf of Great Britain.

M. Waddington.

(Translation.) M. LE COMTE,

I have, &c.,

M. Waddington to the Earl of Rosebery.


French Embassy, London, April 4, 1893. In reply to your letter of the 4th March, I have the honour to state to you that the Government of the Republic consents to the renewal for the year 1893 of the modus vivendi of 1890, relative to the catching and preparation of lobsters on the "French Shore" in Newfoundland.

On this occasion I am directed by my Government to urge that your Lordship will obtain from Parliament the powers necessary for giving effect to the arbitration that has been agreed upon, and for insuring beforehand that the decision of the Arbitrators shall be carried out. The House of Commons had passed a Resolution by which they undertook to furnish Her Majesty's Government with the means of carrying out these decisions, in the event of the Legislature of Newfoundland refusing themselves to pass a Bill similar to the one introduced by Lord Knutsford and passed by the House of Lords.

* Vol. LXXXII, page 993.

The latest incidents that have occurred in the Newfoundland Legislature show conclusively that nothing is to be expected from that side, and that they will never consent to pass a Bill granting to Her Majesty's Government the powers secured to them by the Bill of Lord Knutsford. I must once more remind your Lordship that in a question essentially international, since it concerns the interpretation and execution of solemn Treaties, the Government of the Republic can only deal with the Government of Her Majesty, and could in no case recognize either the executive functions or the judicial powers instituted by the Colony. Consequently, in giving their consent to the renewal of the modus vivendi for 1893, the Government of the Republic entertain the firm hope that the Government of Her Majesty will soon be able to terminate satisfactorily the provisional situation which has already existed too long. I have, &c.,

The Earl of Rosebery.


SWISS NOTIFICATION of the Modification of Article XVI (a) of the International Postal Union Convention signed at Vienna, July 4, 1891.*- Berne, October 31, 1893.

Berne, le 31 Octobre, 1893.

LE 19 Avril dernier le Bureau International a soumis aux Administrations de l'Union Postale Universelle, au nom de l'Administration Française, la proposition reproduite ci-après, tendant à modifier l'Article XVI de la Convention Postale Universelle :


"L'alinéa (a) du § 1er de l'Article XVI de la Convention Principale est modifié comme suit:

"(a.) Aux papiers d'affaires, échantillons, et imprimés, qui ne sont pas affranchis au moins partiellement, qui contiennent des lettres ou notes manuscrites ayant le caractère de correspondance actuelle et personnelle, ou qui ne sont pas conditionnés de façon à permettre une vérification facile de contenu."

Il résulte du dépouillement du vote, que le Bureau International vient de faire opérer, que la proposition de l'Administration Française, dont le texte est reproduit ci-dessus, a réuni la majorité nécessaire pour devenir exécutoire.

Par Circulaire du 19 courant le Bureau International a porté ce résultat à la connaissance des Administrations Postales intéressées. Conformément aux dispositions de l'Article XXVI, § 4, de la Convention Postale Universelle du 4 Juillet, 1891, nous avons

* Vol. LXXXIII, page 513.

l'honneur d'informer votre Excellence de la modification dont il

s'agit. Elle entrera en vigueur le 1er Janvier, 1894.

Agréez, &c.,

SCHENK, Président de la Confédération.

RINGIER, Chancelier de la Confédération.

LOI de la République Française, portant modification de l'Article 8, paragraphe 3, et de l'Article 9 du Code Civil, relativement aux Déclarations effectuées en vue d'acquérir ou de décliner la Nationalité Française.-Marly-le-Roi, le 22 Juillet, 1893.

LE Sénat et la Chambre des Députés ont adopté,

Le Président de la République promulgue la Loi dont la teneur suit:

ART. 1er. Le paragraphe 3 de l'Article 8 du Code Civil est ainsi modifié :


"Est Français:


"3. Tout individu né en France de parents étrangers dont l'un y est lui-même né; sauf la faculté pour lui, si c'est la mère qui est née en France, de décliner, dans l'année qui suivra sa majorité, la qualité de Français, en se conformant aux dispositions du paragraphe 4 ci-après.

“L'enfant naturel pourra, aux mêmes conditions que l'enfant légitime, décliner la qualité de Français quand le parent qui est né en France n'est pas celui dont il devrait, aux termes du paragraphe 1, deuxième alinéa, suivre la nationalité."

2. Les individus auxquels l'Article 8, paragraphe 3, modifié, réserve la faculté de réclamer la qualité d'étrangers et qui auront atteint leur majorité à l'époque de la promulgation de la présente Loi, pourront réclamer cette qualité en remplissant les conditions prescrites dans le délai d'un an à partir de cette promulgation.

3. L'Article 9 du Code Civil est modifié ainsi qu'il suit : "Tout individu né en France d'un étranger et qui n'y est pas domicilié à l'époque de sa majorité pourra, jusqu'à l'âge de 22 ars accomplis, faire sa soumission de fixer en France son domicile, et, s'il l'y établit dans l'année à compter de l'acte de soumission, réclamer la qualité de Français par une déclaration qui sera, à peine de nullité, enregistrée au Ministère de la Justice.

"L'enregistrement sera refusé s'il résulte des pièces produites que le déclarant n'est pas dans les conditions requises par la loi, saaf

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