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For MARCH, 1808.


"We shall never envy the honours which wit and learning obtain in any other cause, if we can be numbered among the writers who have given ardour to virtue, and confidence to truth."-DR. JOHNSON.


JOHN WHITELOCKE. O proceres censore opus est, an haruspice nobis ?

West Indies: it remained some time among the Windward islands, when

it was sent down to Jamaica. N whatever way a man becomes Mr. Whitelocke's promotion was notorious he becomes an object not very rapid, for in the year 1787 of curiosity. The name of Mr. he was only a lieutenant in the army, Whitelocke, which, but for his con- and then quartered at Chatham, duct at Buenos Ayres, might have where he held some kind of garrison been confined to the pages of the army rank in the depot. At this period list, and the immediate circle of his captain Lane was senior officer, Mr. friends, is now spread over the whole Brownrigg was second, and Mr. Kingdom, and inquiry is on tip toe to Whitelocke third in rank. It was learn something of his history. To about this time that he married a sis gratify this eagerness is the object of the present memoir.

Mr. Whitelocke can boast no il lustrious line of ancestry, and had his career been glorious, this would have added rather than detracted from his merit. His father was employed in some domestic or confidential situation about the person of the Earl of Aylesbury, and his lordship, from regard to his services, extended his protection to his son.

ter of Mr. Lewis, the present first clerk in the war department, another sister at the same time being married to Mr. Brownrigg.

At the breaking out of the late war in 1793, we find him Lieutenant Colonel of the 13th regiment of foot, and then at Jamaica with his regiment. Previously to this the disturbances in St. Domingo had obliged General Williamson, the governor of Jamaica, to be much on the alert, and had John Whitelocke was born about even induced him to keep the troops the year 1700, and received a grain- in a state of readiness for service, as mar school education at the town of several deputations had been sent to Marlborough; he was afterwards him from St. Domingo, requesting brought to town and placed at a mili- military assistance. tary academy in the neighbourhood of Chelsea, then kept by Mr. Lochee. Here he remained till 1777, when the Earl of Aylesbury procured him a pair of colours in the 14th regiment. This regiment was then quartered in Chatham barracks, and here he formed some of those connections that were afterwards of service to him, particularly with the present Quarter Master General Brownrigg, who was then a lieutenant, and afterwards an adjutant in the same regi


The regiment remained in England till the early part of the year 1780, when it was ordered to the UNIVERSAL MAG, VOL. IX.

While waiting for orders from England the troops were appointed for the expedition, and the command was given to Lieutenant Colonel Whitelocke, who sailed from Jamaica with a force of about 700 men under the protection of Commodore Ford's squadron, in order to proceed to Jeremie in St. Domingo to give protection to the unfortunate inhabitants, who were suffering under all the horrors of civil commotion, and of the insurrection of the slaves.

We shall not here detail the opera tions that took place against St. Domingo, as that has been already large

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ly done in Vol. II. of the Universal fall; leaving to you the choice of Magazine, pp. 106 et seq. 205 et arms, either on foot or on horseback. seq. One event, however, we will our situation as my enemy, on the venture to re-capitulate, as it involved part of your country, did not give you Colonel Whitelocke in much oblo- a right to offer me a personal insult, quy at the time, and in our opinion, and as a private person I ask satissets the noble disinterestedness of an faction for an injury done me by an enemy in an amiable light. individual."

Colonel Whitelocke, however, did The speedy possession of Port au Prince, the capital of the colony, was not accept the challenge, and we are deemed a matter of much import- at a loss to conceive how he could ance and the Colonel, therefore, justify the action in his own breast, was induced to make some primary or at least, the declining its conseattempt for its surrender without quences. It may be said that in war waiting for reinforcements, and for all stratagems are fair: so they are: but this was an insult, not a stratathis purpose he made the offer of a sum of money to the officer com- gem: and it was such an insult as no manding. truly dignified mind would offer.


Another, and more successful attack took place about this time under the auspices of Colonel Whitelocke, who, bearing that Rigaud, a Mulatto Chief intended to make an attack with 1,500 men on the post of L'Acul de Leogagne, sent out a detachment of 400 men under Baron de Montalembert to intercept them.

Other military operations took place, in which Colonel Whitelocke was concerned, and in which much commendation was bestowed upon his services by General White, and be returned to England with dispatches on the 16th of July, 1794.

This general officer, named Layeaux, was of the ancient Noblesse, and though of small fortune had been long in the royal army, and even commanded a troop of dragoons, previous to the revolution. Some have blamed Colonel Whitelocke for making this attempt, and for improperly supposing that the General could be bribed; others have asserted that his orders were improperly executed, and that it was merely the fear of discovery induced the General to refuse, by which he obtained additional fidence from, and additional respect in the republican army; however, it certainly appears that an officer was After so long an absence it is natusent with a flag of truce, bearing a ral to suppose he might wish for some letter in which there was an offer of interval of repose and domestic com5,000l. to surrender the place. La- fort; and we do not therefore find veaux having read the letter, asked that he proceeded again on foreign the officer, to declare upon his ho- service; but having some interest by nour, if he knew what it contained; his matrimonial connections, he was the officer having assured him he did soon placed upon the home staff, he not, Laveaux told him it was well, got the rank of Brigadier General, as otherwise he would have ordered and afterwards became successively him to have been instantly hanged. Major and Lieutenant General, with The letter was then read to those of foot. About the year 1797 he was the colonelcy of the 89th regiment who were present, and Laveaux is appointed second in command at stated to have given this answer.

Portsmouth, and in 1800 had the com mand of the depot at Carisbrooke, in the Isle of Wight, conferred upon him; a trust of much exertion and

"You have endeavoured to dishonour me in the eyes of my troops, by supposing me so vile, so base, and flagitious, as to be capable of betray- considerable responsibility. ing my trust for a bribe; this is an affront for which you owe me personal satisfaction, and I demand it in the name of Honour. Wherefore, previous to any general action, I offer you single combat, until one of us

When we considered the situation in which Mr. Whitelocke lately stood, we necessarily felt it a delicate and difficult task to narrate the circumstances of his life; for though we have, from every principle

of candour and humanity, forborne to Whitelocke's career which has made give currency to a thousand reports him notorious. that are in circulation against him, The business of South America yet we hold a part of justice to de- must exhibit a strange appearance to clare, that there was perhaps no of the world, and will be regarded with ficer of rank in the British army who stranger feelings by posterity. One was so universally spoken of without officer tried by a court martial for esteem. In every command, and in gaming the conquest, and another for every situation which he has held, losing it! The footing which had his conduct has been such as to call been made on the banks of the Plata forth no sentiments of regard to- by Sir Home Popham and General wards him. It will doubtless be Beresford was to be secured and exurged, that every man is exposed to tended by subsequent armies, and the insinuations of malice, and the al- General Whitelocke sailed to take legations of falsehood; and that he the command of these in 1807. Of whose duty it is to enforce the duty an expedition which has eventually of others, must often appear harsh been so minutely investigated, and when he is compelled to run counter detailed to the public in such a vato individual feelings and inclinations. riety of ways, it will not be expected All this is true; but it must at the that we should say much. The same time be remembered, that causes of the failure are now fully Mr. Whitelocke has not been alone illustrated; to recapitulate even the in his stations of responsibility; and heads of them would demand a that many are the generals in our greater portion of space than the army, who know at once to win the pages of a Magazine can allot: and affections of those whom they com- to garble them in a disjointed and inmand, and yet to enforce a strict accurate manner would be to delude obedience. In fact, no man is uni- our readers with a shew of informaversally reprobated without being, in tion without the substance. Those some respect, really culpable. The who are anxious upon the subject, writer of this article has had opportu- (and what Englishman is not ?) will nities of conversing with officers of do well to peruse the two octavo all ranks in the army, and he can volumes of the trial as taken down truly affirm, that he never heard and published by Mr. Gurney: we Mr. Whitelocke's name coupled shall content ourselves by observing, with the language of praise, in their that the expedition having complete. mouths. We are bound to say thus ly failed, in consequence of a most much, because we do not wish to shameful and infamous line of conmake the pages of the Universal duct on the part of the commanderMagazine subservient to courtly arti- in-chief of that expedition, General fices; or to salve over with the Whitelocke was put under an arrest honied words of adulation the sores on the 9th of November last, and of any man. All truth is valuable; afterwards tried on the following but all moral truth inestimably so. charges: Biography, which ought to give the First Charge That Lieutenant Gevery man, is false to her highest trust neral Whitelocke, having received inwhen she prevaricates; and with the structions from his Majesty's princisame feeling generosity that we will pal secretary of state, to proceed for record, and have recorded, the vir- the reduction of the province of Buetues of our contemporaries, with the nos Ayres, pursued measures ill-calsame manly independence will we culated to facilitate that conquest; proclaim their errors when they come that when the Spanish commander before us. We are actuated by no had shewn such symptoms of a dispo party feelings of any description: we sition to treat, as to express a desire to steer our course straight forward, communicate with Major General anxious for applause, but determined Gower, the second in command, upto deserve it by a fair character. on the subject of terms, the aid LieuWe shall now proceed to an teuant General Whitelocke did reaccount of the only action in Mr. turn a message, in which he demand

ed, amongst other articles, the sur- operate with or support the different render of all persons holding civil divisions of the ariny under his comoffices in the government of Buenos mand, when engaged with the enemy Ayres, as prisoners of war. That the in the streets of Buenos Ayres, on said Lieutenant General Whitelocke, in making such an offen ive and unusual demand, tending to exasperate the inhabitants of Buenos Ayres, to produce and encourage a spirit of resistance to his Majesty's arms, to exclude the hope of amicable accommodation, and to increase the difficulties of the service with which he was entrusted, acted in a manner unbecoming his duty as an officer, prejudicial to military discipline, and contrary to the articles of war.

Second Charge-That the said Lieutenant General Whitelocke, after the landing of the troops at Ensanada, and during the march from thence to the town of Buenos Ayres, did not make the military arrangements best

the 5th of July, 1807; whereby those troops, after having encountered and surmounted a constant and well-directed fire, and having effected the purport of their orders, were left without aid and support, or further orders; and considerable detachments, under Lieutenant Colonel Duft and Brigadier General Craufurd, were thereby compelled to surrender, such conduct on the part of Lieutenant General Whitelocke, tending to the defeat and dishonour of his Majesty's arms, to lessen the confidence of the troops in the skill and courage of their officers, being unbecoming and disgraceful to his character as an officer, prejudicial to good order and military discipline, and contrary to the articles of war.

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calculated to insure the success of his Fourth Charge-That the said Lieuoperations against the town; and that tenant General Whitelocke, subsehaving known, previously to his at- quently to the attack upon the town tack upon the town of Buenos Ayres, of Buenos Ayres, and at a time when upon the 5th of July, 1807, as ap- the troops under his command were pears from his dispatch of the 10th of in possession of posts on each flank of July, that the enemy meant to occupy the town, and of the principal arsenal the flat roofs of the house; he did, with a communication open to the nevertheless, in the said attack, di- fleet, and having an effective force of vide his forces into several brigades about 5000 men, did enter into and and parts, and ordered the whole to finally concluded a treaty with the be unloaded, and no firing to be per- enemy, whereby he acknowledges, mitted on any account; and under in the public dispatch of the 10th of this order to march into the principal July, 1807, that he resolved to forestreets of the town, unprovided with go the proper and sufficient means for force of his troops had obtained, and which advantages which the bravery ing the barricadoes, whereby the advantages had cost him about 2500 troops were unnecessarily exposed to men in killed, wounded, and pri destruction, without the possibility of soners;" and by such treaty he unnemaking effectual opposition; such cessarily and shamefully surrendered conduct betraying great professional all such advantages, totally evacuated incapacity on the part of the said Lieu- the town of Buenos Ayres, and contenant General Whitelocke, tending sented to deliver, and did shamefully to lessen the confidence of the troops abandon and deliver up to the enemy in the judgment of their officers, be- the strong fortress of Monte Video, ing derogatory to the honour of his which had been committed to his Majesty's arms, contrary to his duty charge, and which, at the period of as an officer, prejudicial to good order the treaty and abandonment, was and military discipline, and contrary "to the articles of war.

Third Charge-That the said Lieutenant General Whitelocke did not make, although it was in his power, any effectual attempt, by his own personal exertion, or otherwise, to co

well and sufficiently garrisoned and provided against attack, and which was not, at such period, in a state of blockade or siege; such conduct, on the part of the said Lieutenant General Whitelocke, tending to the disho nour of his Majesty's arms, and being

contrary to his duty as an officer, pre- behaviour on former occasions, like a judicial to good order, and military criminal at the Old Bailey, who calls discipline, and contrary to the articles witnesses to prove that there was of war. a time when he had not got the

A warrant was accordingly issued knack of stealing, We thought it, for the assembling of a court-martial, however, somewhat singular, that which was held at Chelsea Hospital, he should refer to his conduct in commencing Thursday, January 28, St. Domingo as the herald of his and continuing, by adjournment, till fair name; had he forgotten the Tuesday, March 15, 1808. Of this soldier-like, the manly, the brave atCourt Sir William Medows was pre- tempt to bribe Laveaux? Lieutenant sident, and the Hon. Richard Ryder, General White too was called in to Judge Advocate. The proceedings speak to his gallantry at Port au were minute and voluminous; every Prince; and his eulogium being gi thing was brought forward that could ven, Mr. Whitelocke then addressed in any manner be connected with the the Court as follows: trial; the examinations of the witnesses occupied nine and twenty days, and the most patient and persevering attention was bestowed by the Court, All this tedious minuteness, this legal protraction, may speak well for our cautious equity; but speaks badly for our military character. Who would not wish for a Roman or Spartan period, when such notorious and obvious delinquency becomes hemmed in with the forms of a court of justice, and the instantaneous feelings of retributive morality, the quick acknow ledgment of guilt, are suffered to evaporate and be frittered away by a poor adherence to forms and modes? The prompt decision of a Roman tribunal would have been more consonant to justice and the wounded honour of military glory.

"Mr. President, and Gentlemen of the Court, here I close my evidence; it only remains for me to thank the Court for their patient attention to my defence. I am satisfied that no prejudices can operate here to my disadvantage; and that my errors, whatever they may have been, will be considered by this Court with impartiality, with candour, and, if it be necessary, even with indulgence. To their judgment I submit my honour, and character, and every thing dear to me in life."

The Judge Advocate immediately afterwards addressed the Court in a correct and argumentative speech. He replied, in particular, to some insinuations that had escaped Mr. Whitelocke, respecting the manner The evidence for the prosecution in which he had exercised his funcbeing closed, Mr. Whitelocke en- tions, and shewed, that he had, in tered upon his defence, which he read reality, acted with every gentlemanly from a written paper. He began by and feeling reserve which his duty stating the satisfaction which he felt permitted. Mr. Whitelocke, inin being at length able to address the deed, acknowledged afterwards his Court and the mortification which he error. We shall extract the perorahad endured, from the manner in tion of this address, which relates to which his conduct had been canvass- the allegation of Mr. Whitelocke, ed in the daily prints, and in separate that he capitulated from motives of publications, previously to his being humanity towards the prisoners! put under arrest. He then proceeded The language is bold and energetic; to the immediate subject of enquiry the ideas such as become a Briton; before the Court, premising with and had Mr. Whitelocke so thought, some observations upon the state of and acted in correspondence with the country he was sent to conquer, his thoughts, England had been and the disposition of its inhabitants. saved from disgrace, and himself from He answered each of the charges se- infamy: parately; and in which it is impossible for us to follow him through a hundred closely printed octavo pages. He also brought testimony of his good

"But there is another part of General Whitelocke's defence upon this subject which I cannot pass over in silence; I mean, the strong stress

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