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ing the extent of the authority thus conferred on the favourite, proceeds in the following terins:-"In all these respects you are empowered to communicate whatever orders you may deem proper for my royal service, which, being signed with your hand or by the secretary of the admiralty, must be punctually obeyed, and executed by all persons without exception, to which they shall be addressed. I further declare, that as well in order to maintain the brilliant lustre of the exalted dignity of generalissimo of my armies and admiral-general of my maritime forces in all my dominions, as on account of your extraordinary merits and services, and your most singular personal qualities, you are of right, and by my command, in writing and speaking, to be styled Most Serene Highness,' and to possess all the prerogatives, honours, immunities, and franchises, belonging to that elevated title. Finally, I command all my councils, chanceries, audiences, and the other tribunals of my kingdoms, and all other persons whatsoever in my dominions, to obey and execute your orders in every thing that relates to my service and to the execution of your office, paying the same respect to you as to myself in person, and assisting you with their advice and aid, whenever you require the same; and that as often as you shall judge it necessary, you shall receive from the ministers and officers of marine, such information as you may require, in order to ascertain the state of the whole, and thereupon to take such measures as you may deem proper."


port with the Spanish vessel I captured on
the 23d, on entering the Straits eleven of
the enemy's privateers stood out to recon-
noitre us so near, that I gave chace to them,
on which they dispersed. We were coming
up with two very fast, when the largest
stood to the westward, with the intention
of cutting off our prize. Having allowed
her to get a sufficient distance off shore, to
prevent her regaining it, I hauled up, and
after a chace of two hours, captured her,
close to Cape Trafalgar. Her name is the
Nostra Senora del Carmena alias La Caridad,
mounting two 12-pounders, two 4-pound-
ers, and two large swivels, having on board
thirty-five men out of her complement of
fifty. I have peculiar satisfaction in an-
nouncing this capture, being one of the
Straits. I afterwards captured a small felucca,
largest of that class which infest these
the Spanish packet from Tangier to Tariffa,
having a mail on board.

I have the honour to be, &c.

Copy of an Inclosure to Sir Home

Diadem, Monte Vide, N.N.E. 5 leagues,

July 30.

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Home Popham.

Leda, off Monte Video, Sept 9, 1806. SIR-In obedience to your signal to slip, at 10 A M. we made sail in chace of brigantine standing towards the river St. Lucia; at two P.M. Point del Espinello bearing N. about four miles, and conceiv Dispatches were received at the ing ourselves near the rock La Panela, Admiralty and War-Offices, on the tacked ship, with an intention of making a 27th of January, from Sir Home Pop- short board to prevent the enemy from ham and Liet. Col. Backhouse, giving gaining the river: shortly after the chace, an account of the capture of Maldo- not being able to weather the rocks off nado, and the island of Goretti, in Video; tacked, and made all sail towards the point, she bore up, and ran for Monte the river Plate, on the 30th of her, and at half past three drove her on October, 1806. Maldonado is an ex- shore, close under the Pointa de las Yagues, cellent harbour, and the island of when she hoisted Spanish colours; anchored Goretti is very strong. in four fathoms within gun-shot, hoisted out Jan. 31, 1807.Copy of an In- the large cutter, pinnace, and launch, and elosure to Lord Collingwood. sent them manned and armed, to endeavour His Majesty's sloop Minorca, Gibraltar Bay, to bring offor destroy the enemy; Lieutenant December 29, 1806. Parker and Mr. O'Grady, Mate, in the large cutter; Mr. Lascelles, Mate in the pinnace; and Lieutenant Stewart, and Mr. Sterne,

MY LORD-I have the honour to acquaint you, that on my passage to this

Midshipman, in the launch with a carronade to cover the boats.-During the time they were pulling to the vessel, we fired from the ship, to prevent, if possible, the enemy from collecting. At six P. M. the cutter and pinnace returned; Lieutenant Parker reports his having boarded the enemy; she was pierced for 14 guns, had none on board, and deserted by the crew. From the heavy sea and state of the vessel, found it impossible to get her off, or destroy her by fire; he therefore cut the cable, and left her to drift further in amongst the breakers. The wind veered more to the southward after the boats left the ship; the Jaunch unavoidably sunk and was lost, and in the act of taking out her crew, above 200 men, who had before concealed them selves behind the sand-hills, commenced a fire of musketry on the other boat, and unfortunately wounded Lieutenant Stewart and three men, who were with much difficulty brought off.

Lieutenant Parker and those with him, appear to have acted with great zeal, and had the weather been more favourable, I make no doubt they would have done themselves great credit, and had to contend with a visible instead of an invisible force.

I cannot conclude this without men tioning that it is the second wound received this war by Lieutenant Stewart, in the service of his country; and I trust their Lordships will consider him entitled to their protection, his last wound having occasioned the loss of his left arm, much above the elbow joint, but I am happy to say he is now in a fair way of recovery. Inclosed I have the honour to transmit a list of the names of the wounded. I am, &c. (Signed) ROB. HONYMAN. List of Wounded-Lieutenant William Stewart; William Cumber, John White, seamen; and Abdula, ditto dangerously.

necessary, and cover the boats, which were dispatched under the direction of Lieutenant Pearse, assisted by Mr. Lash, the master, and Mr Moffatt, master's mate; through whose animated exertions the privateer was got off without sustaining the smallest damage. During the performance of this service, the enemy collected on the sand-hills, and kept up a brisk fire of musketry wi hout effect. The lugger is Le Brave of Dunkirk, carrying 16 guns, and is reputed one of the fastest sailing vessels of her description; she had captured the Leander, a collier brig of Shields, and an English galliot, laden with rum on government account; the masters and crews of which were found on board of her. The Leander was retaken by us that afternoon, as well as the Guardian, of Bridlington, which had been captured by Le Revanche privateer, off Flamborough Head, along with four others, all from the Baltic. I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) P. STODDART. Transmitted by Admiral Russell. His Majesty's hired Cutter Princess Augusta. Yarmouth Reads, Jan 1, 1807.

Feb. 3. Transmitted by Lord Keith. His Majesty's sloop Cruizer, at Sea, Jan. 28. MY LORD-I have the honour to inform your Lordship, that on the 26th in-, stant, at two A. M. as we were stretching from the island of Walcheren towards the Galloper Shoal, and only four leagues from the latter, a lugger was seen passing our weather beam on the opposite tack; being both under easy sail, no alteration was made until out of sight, when the wind veering to the west, enabled us to fetch into her wake; after a long chase, we forced her on shore three miles to the westward of Blankenberg, at which time her captain and a considerable part of her crew made their escape. I anchored about half gun-shot off, to scour the beach, if

MY LORD-I have the honour to inform your Lord hip, that on the 27th inst. Lowestoffe bearing west by north 45 miles, at half past eleven P. M. I fell in with a French cutter privateer, and chaced her to the S. S. E until half past two A. M. on the 28th, when having got alongside of her, and firing some guns and musketry into her, she lowered her sails, and hailed that she had s ruck.

She is called the Jena, commanded by Captain Francis Capelle, with 30 men, mounting four guns, and has on board a great number of small arms; had sailed from Flushing twelve days ago, and made two captures; one of which, a large Prus sian ship, with a valuable cargo of timber, bound to London, I recaptured on the same morning.

I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) J TRACEY, Lieut. and Com. Feb. 10. Transmitted by Lord Keith, His Majesty's Sloop Kite, Downs, Feb. 7. SIR-I beg leave to inform you that last night, about half past eleven, the North Foreland light bearing W. by S. distant about four leagues, I fell in with and cap tured, after a chace of one hour and a half, a French lugger privateer, Le Chasseur, commanded by J. F. Fourmentier, pierced for 16 guns, two only mounted, the remainder being in the hold. She is a very fast sailing vessel, only three months old, sailed from Calais yesterday morning, in com pany with another privateer of the same description; had not made any capture since she last sailed; her complement of men was 52, but had only 42 on board

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SIR-His Majesty's ship under my command captured, on the 25th ult in lat. 42 deg. N. long. 11 deg W. Il Brilliante Spanish lugger privateer, of four guns and fifty men, out two days from Vigo, on a four months cruize, and had captured nothing.

I was much pleased at this capture, as there were several sail in sight when I chaced him, some of which might have besome his prey.

neraf Belliard, the chief of his staff. The general saw there the Prince of Hohenlohe. The language of the Prussian officers was much changed. They loudly demanded peace.

The confusion in Berlin is extreme. All the good citizens who groaned under the false direction given to the politics of their country, reproach the fire-brands kindled by England, with the sad effects of their intrigues. There is but one cry in all the country-against the Queen. The enemy appears to be endeavouring to rally behind the Oder.

The Sovereign of Saxony has thanked the Emperor for the generosity with which he has treated him.

Fifteenth Bulletin.—Wittenberg, Oct. 23. Here is the intelligence we have collected concerning the causes of this strange war.

General Schmettau (dead, a prisoner at Weimar) drew up a memorial, written with much force, in which he established, that the Prussian army ought to regard itSelf as dishonoured; that it was, notwithstanding in a state to beat the French; and that it was necessary to make war.

I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed) R. CORBET. His Majesty's Ship Neriede, at Sea, Nov. 21. SIR-Yesterday, whilst under separation from the convoy under your orders, General Ruchell (killed) and Blucher in lat. 47 deg. N. long. 10 deg. W. I cap. (who only saved himself by a subterfuge, tured after a chace of some hours, El and by abusing the French good faith) Veloz Spanish corvette, pierced for 20 subscribed this memoir, which was drawn guns, fitted out at Bilboa, with 10 guns up in the form of a petition to the King. Prince Louis Ferdinand of Prussia (killed) mounted, and 75 men, to carry dispatches, some passengers of distinction, and a cargo supported it by every species of sarcasm. of flour on government account, to the The flame spread through every head. The Caraccas. She is a beautiful vessel, was Duke of Brunswick (wounded very badly), to have been full armed abroad, and since a man known only to be without a will, her capture has kept way with the Neriede on all points of sailing.

and without decision, was enrolled in the war-faction. In short, the memoir, thus R. CORBET. Supported, was presented to the King. The Queen undertook to dispose the mind of the King, and to make known to him what was thought of him. She reported to him that he was not thought brave; and that if he did not make war, it was because he was afraid of putting himself at the head of his army. The King, really as brave as any Prussian prince, gave way, without ceasing to preserve the opinion, that he committed a great fault.

BULLETINS OF THE FRENCH ARMY. Fourteenth Bulletin.-Dessau, Oct. 22, 1805.-Marshal Davoust arrived on the 20th at Wittenberg, and took by surprise the bridge on the Elbe, just as the enemy were setting fire to it.

Marshal Lasnes is arrived at Dessau. The bridge was burnt. He set people to repair it immediately.

We should signalise the men who have The Marquis Lucchesini appeared be- not partaken of the illusions of the war fore the advanced posts, with a letter from partizans. These are the respectable Field the King of Prussia. The Emperor sent Marshal Mollendorf and General Kalkthe Grand Marshal of his Palace, Duroc, reuth. to confer with him.

The Emperor, already master of the Magdeburgh is blockaded. Marshal communications and magazines of the Soult has his posts round the city. The enemy, wrote, on the 12th of this month, Grand Duke of Berg has sent thither Ge- the letter which is annexed, which he

Letter to the King of Prussia, carried by Monsieur De Montesquieu, captain, who set out from Gera, the 13th of October, 1806, at 10 o'clock in the morning, and arrived at the camp of General Hohenlohe at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

"Sire, My Brother,

"I have only received upon the 7th your Majesty's letter of the 25th of September.

sent by the orderly officer, Montesquieu. The horizon was already very cloudy; the This officer arrived on the 15th at the quar- cabinet was not willing to see this envoy: ters of General Hohenlohe, who kept him he was told, that perhaps there was little there, and took the letter of which he was safety for his person, and they engaged him to return to Hamburgh, there to wait the event.

the bearer.

The camp of the King of Prussia was about two leagues behind. That prince should, therefore, have received the letter of the Emperor at six in the evening at the latest. We are assured, however, that he did not receive it till nine o'clock in the morning, on the 14th; that is to say, when the battle was already begun.

The Queen was always to be found at the head-quarters at Weimar. It was necessary at last to tell her that circumstances were serious, and that on the morrow great events for the Prussian monarchy might occur.

Lord Morpeth, sent by the Court of London, arrived on the 11th at Weimar, charged to propose considerable subsidies,

The French columns are already marching upon Potsdam and Berlin. Deputies from Potsdam are arrived to request protection.

The Imperial head-quarters are now at Wittenberg.

Sixteenth Bulletin -The Duke of Brims. wick has sent his Marshal of the Palace to the Emperor. That officer was entrusted with a letter, in which the Duke recom mended his States to the protection of his Majesty. The Emperor said to him, “If I were to demolish the city of Brunswick, and if I did not leave one stone upon another, what would your prince say? Does not the law of retaliation authorise me to

I am sorry that you have been induced to sign a pamphlet of that kind*. I only answer your Majesty's letter for the purpose of assuring you, that I shall never attribute to your Majesty the things contained in it. Every thing in it is contrary to the charac ter of your Majesty, and to the honour of us both. I pity and despise those who have been the authors of such a production. I received immediately afterwards the note of your minister, dated the 1st of October. It has given me the rendezvous for the 8th. As a true knight, I have kept my word, and am now in the middle of Saxony. Let your Majesty believe me, I have such a force, that all your Majesty's forces cannot keep the victory long doubtful. But why should we shed so much blood? For what purpose is it? I shall use to your Majesty the same language that I used to the Emperor Alexander, before the battle of Austerlitz. May heaven grant, that corrupt men and fanatics, who are more the enemies of you and your throne, than they can be of me and my nation, may not give you the same advice, to bring you to the same result!

"Sire, I have been your friend for these six years. I do not wish to profit by this kind of vertigo which animates your councils, and which has made you commit errors in politics, with which Europe is quite astonished, and errors, in a mi itary point of view, with which Europe will soon resound. If your Majesty had, in your note, demanded any things that it was possible for me to grant, I should have granted them: you have asked what would be dishonour to me, and therefore you might be sure about what would be my reply. War is, therefore, declared between us, and the alliance broken for ever. But why should we shed the blood of our subjects? I set no value upon a victory which is purchased by the lives of my children. If I were now beginning my military career, and if I could fear the chances of war, this language would be out of its place. Sire, your Majesty will be conquered: you will have compromised the peace of your life and the existence of your subjects, without even the shadow of a pretext. This day you are unbroken, and may treat with me in a manner suitable to your rank your Majesty may treat with me before a month is over, but in a situation very different. Your Majesty has permitted yourself to use irritating expressions, which have been artfully prepared. You have told me that you have often rendered me services. Well, then, I shall give you a great proof of the recollection that I have of them. It is now in your power to save your subjects from the ravages of war. It is hardly now be gun, and you may finish it, and Europe will be much indebted to you. If your Ma

This alludes to a letter of the King of Prussia, consisting of twenty pages, which was a mere rhapsody, that the king, most certainly could not have read or understood. We cannot print it, because, whatever relates to the private correspondence of sovereigus, remains in the port-folio of the emperor, and does not come before the public. If we publish that of his Majesty, it is because many copies of it having been made at the Prussian head-quarters, (where it was much admired) one copy has fallen into our hands.

do at Brunswick what he would have done If the House of Brunswick lose the sove in my capital? To threaten to destroy reignty of its anscestors, it can only be cities may be merely the act of madness; ascribed to the author of two wars-who, but to attempt to deprive a whole army of in one, would have sapped the Great Cabrave men of their honour to propose to pital to its foundation; and who, in the them to quit Germany at stated marches, other, attempted to dishonour two hunis what posterity will hardly credit. The dred thousand brave men, who, perhaps, Duke of Brunswick ought not to have might be conquered, but who would never committed such an outrage. Men, who be surprised out of the path of honour and have grown grey under arms, should re- glory. Much blood has been shed in a spect the honour of military men; it was few days. Great disasters press upon the not in the plains of Champagne that that Prussian monarchy. How blameable is the general acquired the right to treat the man, who, by a single word, might have French colours with such contempt. Such prevented them; if, like Nestor, rising in a summons only dishonours the soldier who the midst of the councils, he had said, makes it. That dishonour does not belong "Be silent, ye inconsiderate youth!→ to the King of Prussia; it attaches to the women, return to your spindles, and to Chief of his Military Council; to the the management of your domestic congeneral to whom, in difficult circumstances, cerns! And you, Sire, believe the comhe had confided his affairs. It is the Duke panion of the most illustrious of your preof Brunswick alone whom France and decessors; since the Emperor Napoleon Prussia can accuse of the war. The frenzy does not wish for war, do not place him in of which that old general set the example, the alternative of war or dishonour. Də encouraged a set of turbulent young men, not engage yourselves in a dangerous conand hurried on the King, contrary to his test with an army, 'that boasts of fifteen own disposition and conviction. Sir, tell years spent in glorious labours, and that the inhabitants of the country of Bruns- victory has accustomed to every sacrifice.” wick, that they will find the French gene- Instead of holding this language, which rous enemies; that I wish to soften the agreed so well with the prudence of his rigours of war with regard to them; and that years, and with the experience of so long a the inconvenience which the passage of career, he has been the first to raise the cry troops may occasion, will be against my of war; he has even been faithless to the inclination. Tell General Brunswick, that ties of consanguinity, in arming a son he shall be treated with all the attention against his father; he has threatened to due to a Prussian officer, but that I cannot place his colours on the palace of Stutgard, recognise a Sovereign in a Prussian General. and accompanying those proceedings with

jesty shall listen to those frantic persons, who, fourteen years ago, wished to take Paris, and who now have induced you to embark in a war, and in offensive projects equally inconceivable, your Majesty will do an injury to your people, that the remainder of your life will not be able to heal. Sire, I have nothing to gain in a contest with your Majesty: I want nothing, nor ever did want any thing from you. The present war is a most impolitic one. I feel that, perhaps, by this letter, I am irritating that sensibility which naturally belongs to every sovereign; but the present circumstances admit of no disguise. I tell your Majesty what I think. Let you Majesty moreover permit me to tell you, that it is no great discovery to Europe to learn that France is three times more populous, and as brave and warlike as the States of your Majesty. I have not given you any real subject for war. Let your Majesty then order this swarm of malevolent and inconsiderate persons to be silent, with that respect that is due to your throne, and restore that tranquillity that is due to yourself and to your dominions. If you will never again find an ally in me, you will find a man who is desirous of never waging any wars that are not indispensable for the interests of my people, and of never shedding blood in a contest with Sovereigns who have no opposite interest to me from industry, commerce, and political system. I pray your Majesty to see in this letter only the desire I have to spare the effusion of human blood, and to save a nation that, from its geographical posi tion, cannot be an enemy to mine, from the bitter repentance which it would have to feel, from having listened too much to those momentary passions which are so easily roused and appeased among all nations.

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Sire, my Brother, I pray God that he may have you in his worthy and holy keep"Your Majesty's good Brother, From my Imperial Camp at Gera, "NAPOLEON," Oct. 12, 1806.

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