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MAY, 1822.


Tucker of Virginia, Tucker of South Carolina, Upham,
Walworth, Whipple, Williams of North Carolina,
Williamson, Wilson, Wood, Woodcock, and Worman.
And then the House adjourned.


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ring the recess of Congress, to examine into the different departments of the Government; but the House refused to consider the same.

Mr. SAWYER again moved to take up the joint resolution proposing an earlier day for the commencement of the next session of Congress, but the House refused to consider the same.

Mr. Cook submitted the following resolution,


Ordered, That the Committee on the Judiciary be discharged from the further consideration of all such matters and things to them referred at the present session upon which they have not reported. Mr. SERGEANT, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was, referred a bill from the Senate to relieve the people of Florida from certain ordinances, reported the same without amend-urer, in every bank in which the public money has ment; which was ordered to a third reading. Mr. EUSTIS, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported the Senate's bills for the relief of Clarence Mulford and Joseph D. Boyd, with a recommendation that they be postponed; and, on motion of Mr. E., they were ordered to be laid on

the table.

Mr. EUSTIS, from the same committee, to whom was referred a resolution concerning loans of powder and lead, made a report thereon rather unfavorable to the officers who made the loans; which report, on motion of Mr. E., was ordered to be laid on the table.

Mr. EUSTIS moved for the printing of the report and documents.

This motion gave rise to a conversation, in which it appeared, from the statements of Mr. WALWORTH and Mr. MATTOCKS, that a majority of the whole number of the committee (that is, 4 out of 7) were opposed to this report, although a majority of the members present this morning (that is, 3 out of 5) had agreed to it. Mr. COCKE suggested that a majority of all the members present of the committee were certainly competent to report on any subject referred to a com


The House refused to print the report and documents; and Mr. MATTOCKS then moved to proceed to the consideration of the report, but the

House refused to consider it.

The Committee on Military Affairs, and the Committee on the Public Lands, were discharged respectively from all petitions and other matters before them, which have not been heretofore disposed of.

The resolution laid upon the table yesterday by Mr. FULLER, calling for information from the President of the United States in relation to a letter from Jonathan Russell, Esq., late a commissioner to conclude the Treaty of Ghent, referred to in a late Message from the President, was then taken up.

After some conversation between Mr. FLOYD, Mr. FULLER, and Mr. COCKE, as to the propriety of again asking of the Executive a paper which he had already once declined furnishing, the question on adopting Mr. FULLER's motion was finally agreed to without a division.

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to prepare and lay before this House, as early in the next session as may be practicable, a statement showing the amount of money which appears to have stood to the credit of the United States, or its Treasbeen deposited at the end of each quarter, since the first day of January, 1817; distinguishing between special and general deposites. A particular and minute account of each transfer of the public money from one bank to another, which has been made within the aforesaid period, and the reasons and motives for making the same. A detailed account of the special deposites that have been made in any of the banks; the time when made; the description of the notes so deposited, and the reasons for making the same; together with any contract or contracts under which these deposites were made. The precise amount and an exact description of the unavailable funds of the Treasury; what part thereof was unavailable at the time of deposite; how long any part thereof remained on deposite before it became unavailable, and why it became so. Showing the respective accounts and relations of the United States with each bank; together with all correspondence in possession of the Department with each of those banks in relation to any of the foregoing objects.

The resolution was ordered to lie on the table one day.

Mr. BUTLER, from the committee appointed on the 22d of April last, to inquire into the contract between the War Department and Elijah Mix, of the 25th July, 1818, and report whether the same was made in pursuance of law; and whether the said Mix has performed his covenant; and such other facts as they may deem proper relative to said contract,―made a report thereon, which was read, and ordered to lie on the table.

A Message, was received from the PRESIDENT
To the House of Representatives:

In compliance with the resolution of the House of
Representatives, of the 23d of April, requesting the
President of the United States to cause to be commu-
nicated to that House certain information respecting
the lead mines in the State of Missouri, I herewith
transmit a report of the Secretary of War.

WASHINGTON, May 7, 1822. The Message and documents were laid on the table.

A message from the Senate informed the House that the Senate have passed bills of this House, of the following titles, to wit: "An act for the benefit of Reuben Hickman, Fielding Hickman, and Mr. COCKE then moved that the House now Joshua Cannon;" "An act further to amend thesevproceed to the consideration of the resolution pro- eral acts relative to the Treasury, War, and Navy posing the appointment of a committee to sit du- | Departments;" "An act confirming the claims to

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lots in the town of Mobile, and to land in the former province of West Florida, which claims have been reported favorably on by the commissioners appointed by the United States;" "An act to establish certain roads, and to discontinue others"with amendments to each; in which amendments they ask the concurrence of this House.

NAVIGATION OF THE POTOMAC. Mr. KENT, from the Committee for the District of Columbia, to which have been referred at the present session sundry memorials from inhabitants of the State of Pennsylvania, soliciting the aid and patronage of Congress in the improvement of the navigation of the Potomac river, made a report thereon, which was ordered to lie on the table. The report is as follows:

The Committee of the District of Columbia, to whom was referred sundry memorials from the inhabitants of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia, praying the aid of the Federal Government towards the improvement of the navigation of the river Potomac, have, according to order, attentively considered the object of the memorialists, and beg leave to submit to the House of Representatives, in relation thereto, the following report:

That, by the concurrent acts of the Legislatures of Maryland and Virginia, a company were incorporated in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-four, on the recommendation of General George Washington, for the improvement of the navigation of the river Potomac, and its principal branches, above tide water. The seventeenth and eighteenth sections of this act prescribed the conditions upon which the tolls granted to the company should be exacted, and a limitation to the duration of their charter. By a supplementary act those conditions were modified, and the period limited for the completion of the navigation of the river, in the mode prescribed, has been, from time to time, extended by subsequent laws of Maryland and Virginia.

MAY, 1822.

of the Federal Government, with their practical illustration by the structure of the Cumberland road, would seem almost to supersede the necessity of any comment from your committee on the importance of the navigation of the Potomac, or the power of Congress to provide for its improvement.

One of its southern branches, itself a considerable river, rises to the southwest of Staunton, in Virginia, and is capable of connecting, by a navigable canal, the geographical centre of that State, in territory the largest of the Union, with the market towns of the District of Columbia. Emptying into the Potomac above the chief obstructions of its navigation, the Shenandoah, like those navigable streams which descend from the northwest, through the limestone valleys of Maryland and Pennsylvania, depends, for an outlet to the ocean, on the improvement of the navigation of the main river to a considerable distance above tide water. These

branches, when the stem shall have been improved, are capable of affording, with the Potomac, an internal water communication, exceeding, in extent, six hundred and fifty miles.

The value of this navigation to the ample and fruitful territory washed by the tide, or drained by the tributary streams of this noble river-a territory comprehending four counties of Pennsylvania, seven of Maryland, and eighteen of Virginia-exceeding, in extent and population, some of the largest States of the Union, should not be disregarded. It sinks, however, into comparative insignificance, when this river is contemplated as a necessary link of the shortest chain of communication between the Atlantic and Western States. The enlightened policy which seated the Federal Government on the banks of the Potomac, indicates its peculiar adaptation to this purpose; and nature has facilitated its accomplishment by a rupture of the many ranges of lofty mountains, including even the great ridge of the Alleghany, in the direction which such a purpose requires. It is no longer questionable but that the head waters of the Ohio may be mingled with those of the Potomac, by a tunnel or subterranean canal, No legal inquiry has ever been regularly executed, not exceeding two miles in extent; and the produce so far as your committee are informed, in order to as- of the soil and industry of the West, after ascending certain whether the "Potomac Company have com- the Youghiogany, find a safe and commodious chanplied with the terms of their charter." After the ex-nel; thence to the valley of Savage creek, and through penditure of their subscribed stock, to the amount of it, the north branch, and the main river, to the Chesa$311,555; of the tolls of more than twenty years' peake and the Atlantic. collection; and of the farther sum of $174,000, borrowed by the company of the State of Maryland, of the banks of the District of Columbia, and of private individuals, it is universally acknowledged that the navigation of the river is most defective.

In all this period the stockholders have received but one inconsiderable dividend; and their stock will not command in the market, where, however it is seldom found, a moiety of its nominal value.

It is, in fine, now ascertained, that, without further and very considerable aid from the States immediately interested in the navigation of the Potomac, or from the General Government, the great object sought to be attained by the improvement of that navigationa commercial intercourse, through this channel, between the Western and Atlantic States, will be entirely defeated.

Will the Congress of the United States interpose, and have they the power to prevent a result so deplorable?

A hasty survey of the general map of the United States, and a brief recurrence to the theory and policy

The patriotism which exults in the approaching connexion of the Hudson with the northern lakes; in the efforts of the Carolinas and Virginia, to unite, by short portages, the sources of the Santee and Pedee with those of the Tennessee and of the Roanoke and James rivers with the Great Kanawha, cannot but regard this central river of the Union with peculiar interest.

Notwithstanding all its claims to general favor, the Potomac is, however, exposed to the serious disadvantage of being, throughout its whole course, the common boundary of States, whose enterprise and resources are attracted to other objects of internal improvement, some or all of which are rivals of this; and all its markets, once the property of those States, are, by the cession of the District of Columbia to the General Government, confided to the exclusive guardianship of Congress.

With an almost boundless authority over the District of Columbia, the Government of the United States acquired new, urgent, and daily increasing interests in the navigation of the Potomac.

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In the rapid improvement and consequent security of the seat of the Federal Government from foreign danger, are involved, not only the preservation of the property and lives of its inhabitants, the accommodation and comfort of its numerous public functionaries, but, in no small degree, the national character and honor. The most deplorable calamity of the late war would, doubtless, have been averted, had the Capitol of the United States been encompassed by the dense population of a large city-by such a population as would unquestionably succeed the contemplated improvement of the navigation of the Potomac. And if sordid views may be allowed to mingle with considerations of such inestimable consequence, it may be added that, with the growth of the numbers and opulence of a great commercial emporium, would, of necessity, arise a corresponding appreciation of the value of all the disposable public lands in the city of Washington; consisting of more than five thousand vacant lots, and now computed at near two millions of dollars; it is not unreasonable to suppose that their value would be quadrupled by a prospect of their early occupation and improvement.

Your Committee are aware that this calculation may be, indeed has been impugned, by referring to the value of the commodities which have hitherto descended the Potomac. The very origin of this report, in the present imperfect and hazardous navigation of the river, suggests an answer to this objection. It may be corroborated by another; the tolls of a single turnpike, in length but thirty-four miles, leading to the town of Alexandria, have exceeded in one year twenty-five thousand dollars, or very near a fourth of the annual interest of a sum sufficient to complete the navigation of the Potomac, from its tide-water to the Cumberland road. This great and costly work, itself, so honorable to the wisdom and beneficence of the United States, awaits this improvement to yield all that it has promised to the Union.

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From a navigation so impeded and so dangerous, all bulky commodities are, of necessity, excluded, and yet it is from the transportation of such articles that the chief part of the revenue of any canal is derived. In the table of tolls, annexed to this report, it is apparent that the entire estimate of the commodities which ascend the Potomac, although they comprise a greater value in less bulk, bears but a very small proportion to the amount of those which descend the river; while these must be regarded as of very inconsiderable value, when compared with the numerous and diversified productions of the extensive and fertile country which should find its market on the banks of this river.

Can it be owing to any other cause than the defective navigation of the Potomac, that the buildings of Washington are cemented with the lime of Rhode Is land, and warmed in winter with the mineral coal of James river? The last is dug and raised, at much cost, transported twelve miles over land to the port of shipment, and thence conveyed by a circuitous navigation of five hundred more to the District of Columbia. The former is calcined by fuel of a value, enhanced by its scarcity, and its vicinity to a market, in which it is applied to various uses, and it is afterwards transported, even farther than the latter, with the superior hazard of the sea, augmented not a little by the peculiar character of the commodity itself. What would be the tolls upon the transportation of these necessary and bulky commodities, beds of which, inexhaustible in quantity, and excellent in quality, are found in the vicinity of each other, near the surface of the earth, and on the very margin of the Potomac, if a navigable canal connected Cumberland with Washington; and how rapidly would the demand for them increase with the progress of the population and wealth of the markets of the Chesapeake? The consumption of salt, by which the East would pay, in part, for these valuable minerals of the West, in the extensive grazing country of the Alleghany and its parallel ridges, would give increased activity and profit to this intercourse. In the channel of communication between the works of Onondaga and the waters of the Ohio, this heavy commodity is now subjected to a most circuitous water conveyance, by vessels of different capacities and draughts, and that transportation itself is interrupted by several portages.

Iron everywhere abounds, and copper has already been found in the mountains drained by the Potomac. Their valleys yield luxuriant crops of hemp and flax, and the forests of oak and pine which climb their summits, are destined, it is to be hoped, to supply future navies with the means of raising the blockade of the Chesapeake.

If the relative expense of transportation, by land and by water, be properly estimated, the completion of a canal, from the tide to Cumberland, would have the effect of approximating the Seat of Government to within a few miles of the Allegany; while the extension of this canal, at some future period, would occasion that formidable barrier to disappear, in the intercourse of the Eastern and Western States. It is by such a canal that your committee propose to supply the place of the present defective navigation of the Potomac. As this river affords the shortest water line of communication between the tide of the sea and the eastern base of the Allegany, so is its current the most rapid, when compared with that of the other great rivers which have their sources in this chain of mountains. Wherever the science of civil engineering has been long and successfully applied to inland naviga- | tion, your committee are assured that the use of the natural beds of wide and rapid rivers has been superseded by a resort to navigable canals, extending along their margin, and fed by their currents until met by the tide. Without a recourse to this expedient, the ascent of the Potomac by a loaded boat cannot be overcome, it is believed, at an expense less than that which attends the transportation of equal burdens over like distances, along the ordinary roads of the adjacent country. The consequence must be, that every down-able products of the Mississippi, but make its return ward cargo is chargeable with double freight, exclusive of insurance against the repeated hazard to the boat, and the lives of those who guide it, of total destruction.

It was by this channel of intercourse, imperfect as it now is, that, during the late war, Louisiana supplied the Atlantic States with sugar; Tennessee with cotton; and Kentucky with saltpetre, that necessary material of defence. Were this communication as perfect as it can be rendered, an enemy, who succeeded in closing the mouth of the Mississippi, in order to paralyze the industry of the West, would have, also, to win from the fleets of the Union, the possession of the Chesapeake. Through this channel, in case of war with a formidable naval Power, the West would not only supply the East with the valu

for the wines of Africa and the various manufactures of Europe and Asia, in the cloths of Steubenville and the cutlery and glass of Pittsburg. Should such a

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war be as extensively conducted on land as on the ocean, the cost of the contemplated canal would be saved by the United States in a single campaign.

Your committee are aware that other channels of communication across the Alleghany may be greatly improved, and rendered tributary to the general welfare of the United States, both in peace and war; in the latter, by the additional security which they would afford to the commerce of the interior, and by the vigor which they would impart to all the operations of the Federal Government for the common defence. On the other hand, it will readily be conceded, notwithstanding the preference which may be given, by local interests, to other objects of internal improvement, that whatever facilities the commercial, social, and political connexion between the remote extremes, and the Seat of the General Government of so vast a Republic as the United States, must have the same propitious influence, as would result, were it otherwise practicable, from contracting the extent of its territory, without reducing the number, impairing the wealth, or abridging the comfort and happiness of its people. To all the friends of liberty in America, who regard the State governments as essential parts of the republican system, erected on a scale so broad as to create alarm for its duration, or who, with no less truth, regard the Union of those States as the bond alike of their freedom and independence, every measure which has the effect of diminishing the extent of the one, while it multiplies and strengthens the ties of the other, must be viewed with earnest solicitude. But another inquiry remains-Has Congress the power to insure its success?

So numerous and so various are the benefits accruing to every nation from inland navigation, so urgently have the United States been invoked, by the character and genius of their institutions, to diffuse their advantages over a territory, which nature has eminently fitted to receive them, that a former Congress sanctioned by their voice, a system of internal improvement coextensive with the wants of the nation.

Your committee are not unmindful of the impediment which arrested the progress of that system, and could not expect success in their present effort, in behalf of one of its objects, if the proposition which they are about to submit to the House of Representatives were liable to similar objections. The commit tee have studiously sought to guard against their application, and confidently hope that they will be found to have succeeded.

Two proposals have already been offered to the House, in the course of the present session of Congress, by the Committee on Roads and Canals, in relation to the Potomac. Neither of them interferes with the plan for the improvement of the navigation of that river, which this committee have presumed to recommend. One of them, embraced by a resolution for the appointment of commissioners to survey the route and estimate the expense of a navigable canal, seems to your committee to be, in a great degree, superseded by the annexed report of the Principal Engineer of Virginia, to the Board of Public Works of that State; and as an incorporated company already exists, with ample authority to make the contemplated improvement, there does not remain any apparent necessity of waiting for the prosecution of this work, until a more extensive system of internal improvement be devised by Congress.

The committee simply recommend the combination

MAY, 1822.

of the proceeds of sales of the public property in the city of Washington, which, according to the original plan of the city, was designed to be sold, with such sums of money as the Legislatures of Maryland and Virginia and the citizens of those and of the adjacent States may voluntarily subscribe, for the purpose of extending a navigable canal from the foot of the Little Falls of the Potomac, to the commencement of the Cumberland road. They propose to annex to this public and private subscription, the condition, that the Potomac company shall previously assent, with the approbation of the Legislatures of Maryland and Virginia, to such alterations of their present charter, as will admit the United States, those States, themselves, already interested in the stock of the company, and the new subscribers, to participate, on fair and equi table principles, in their future revenue. These alterations would, among other obvious effects, provide for the payment of the debts of the company, and for the reduction of the nominal, by some liberal reference to the actual value of their present stock.

In order to obviate the necessity of selling the public lots in the City of Washington, before the contem. plated improvement of the navigation and commerce of the District of Columbia shall have caused the anticipated appreciation of their value, as well as to complete the canal in the shortest possible time, without drawing immediately for large sums upon the public Treasury, the States of Maryland and Virginia, and the individual subscribers of new stock, your committee propose, that the United States shall borrow, on the public faith, and a specific pledge of all the public lots reserved for sale, a sum, receivable in semi-annual instalments, sufficient to complete the entire work in three years, from the date of the first instalment.

Referring to the annexed report of the Chief Engineer of Virginia, and computing the total cost of the contemplated canal at two millions and a half of dollars, your committee recommend that an amount of stock, in the capital of the company, not exceeding half a million, be reserved to pay the debts of the Potomac Company, and to reimburse the present stockholders, including the States of Maryland and Virginia; and that the above loan be limited to two millions of dollars, and applied to defray the expense of the additional works required to complete the canal.

Your committee have reason to believe that two millions of United States stock, bearing an interest of four per cent, payable semi-annually, and irredeemable for twenty-eight years, could be sold, in Europe or America, at par. To provide for the payment of the interest, and the final reimbursement of the principal of this debt, it is proposed, that the United States shall subscribe one million of dollars to the stock of the Potomac Company, on the conditions already suggested; the States of Maryland and Virginia six hundred thousand dollars, and individuals the remaining four hundred thousand; that, on the stock thus subscribed, there shall be charged an annuity for twenty-eight years, of six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually; four per cent. of which shall be applicable to the payment of the interest on the two million loan, and two per cent. to the creation of a sinking fund, to be invested, from time to time, as received, in productive stock, in order to provide for the redemption of the principal of the loan, at the expiration of twenty-eight years.

Such is the scheme which the committee presume to recommend for extricating the Potomac Company

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from their present embarrassments, and accomplishing a work which, unassisted, they cannot effect, although of inestimable importance to the public.

Complicated as this scheme may, at first, appear, it involves, in its prosecution, the exercise of no other powers on the part of Congress, than, 1st, the power of selling the public lots in the City of Washington, which were acquired expressly for sale. 2diy, That of borrowing money on the public faith, and a specific pledge for its repayment; and, lastly, the application of the public treasure to an object of general welfare; or the investment of it in the stock of an incorporated company, expected to yield an annual income.

The committee will not swell this report, already too far extended, by arguments to demonstrate, that all these powers are vested, by the Constitution, in the Congress of the United States, either expressly, or by natural implication They involve neither the incorporation of a private company, nor the condemnation of the lands of individuals, within the territory of any State, for national purposes. They do not extend the jurisdiction of the General Government over the persons or property of the citizen, nor purpose to derive, from the assent of any one or more States, any power which has not been granted to the Federal Government by the people of the United


Your committee forbear to answer all the objections which this, like any other plan of internal improvement, may be expected to encounter. They are contented to set against such objections some of its peculiar advantages; that, connected with the Cumberland road, it will complete a great national object, calculated to perpetuate the Union, and to promote the prosperity and glory of the United States; that, while it accomplishes this object in the short compass of three years, its cost will be distributed over the revenue of eight and twenty; that this cost will be greatly reduced by the credit which enables the American Government to negotiate" its loans at so low a rate of interest as four per cent.; that, by the completion of the entire work in so short a period, that loss of interest on unproductive stock, which most canal companies have encountered, and which, in some similar enterprises, has exceeded the principal of their stock, will be prevented; that if the dividends of the Potomac Company shall, after the completion of the canal, yield six per cent. per annum to the stockholders, they will, from that moment, have nothing further to pay for their stock; and after the lapse of twenty-eight years, or possibly a shorter period, they will be found to have paid but nine per cent. of its par value, for a property which, in all human probability, will have more than doubled that value. One of the most prominent and best features, perhaps, of this plan, for accomplishing an object of general welfare, is, that it combines in its execution private with public wealth, and thus effects such a co-operation of individual interest with public good, as will insure, in the original construction as well as the subsequent repairs of the canal, vigilance, economy, and fidelity, in all the disbursements of money, qualities so often required in vain, in the expenditure of public money, on public account.

Should the loan, on which this plan eventually depends, be negotiated abroad, it will be, because it leaves for more profitable application, in America, the sum which it is designed to withdraw from other channels of wealth and enterprise. If it charge a debt upon posterity, it must be again repeated, that it is

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to complete a work, as durable as that Union to which the people of America must look, now and hereafter, for the security of all their political and social happiness. Your committee submit the following resolution:

Resolved, That the Committee on the District of Columbia be instructed to report a bill in conformity with the principles contained in the preceding report. PUBLIC ARMORIES, &c.

The resolution laid upon the table yesterday by Mr. FLOYD, calling for information from the President of the United States respecting the condition of the public armories, arsenals, their cost, &c., was taken up.

Mr. FLOYD observed that this was an important subject, with the nature and extent of which, neither himself, nor, he believed, he might add, the House, was well acquainted. From the year 1816 about $200,000 had been annually appropriated for our armories; but how it was applied, or whether and how far the militia had been armed in consequence of it, he was not prepared to say, and wished to be informed. The largest army on earth, he observed, of men, women, children, and sutlers, might have been armed from the appropriations that had been made for this object.

Mr. SMITH, of Maryland, made some explanation of the subject, in which he expressed his entire conviction that the armories of the United States had been managed with fidelity, ability, and economy. Yet, for the satisfaction of gentlemen, he had no objection to the resolution.

Mr. FLOYD observed, in reply, that he had no objection to the arms. They were the best, in point of skill, and strength, and workmanship, he ever saw; but he thought it expedient and necessary to obtain further information on this important subject.

The resolution was then agreed to.

Mr. TUCKER, of South Carolina, moved that when the House adjourns, to-day, it adjourn to This motion was meet at six o'clock to-morrow. opposed by Mr. TAYLOR, but was carried-yeas 68, nays 33.

On motion of Mr. SMITH, of Maryland, a resolution was passed, instructing the Clerk of the House to pay an assistant, (Mr. Fletcher,) employed in his office, and to continue his services.

Mr. NELSON, of Virginia, submitted resolutions for making certain allowances to the messengers of this House, for extra services, and also to the youths employed in the service of the House, on the floor of the House; which, after some conversation, and amendment, were agreed to.

ration of the resolutions submitted by him some Mr. REED, of Maryland, called for the considedays ago, calling on the Secretaries of the Departments, and the Postmaster General, for an account of the situation of their respective offices, &c., to be reported at the next session of Congress; but the House refused to consider the same.

Mr. TUCKER, of Virginia, called for the consideration of the resolutions heretofore submitted by him: 1st, for an increase of the number of the Committee on the Military Expenditures; and 2d, to direct the Judiciary Committee to inquire into

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