SCHED. 2. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS ACT, 1883. TRADE MARKS. H. FORM OF APPEAL TO BOARD OF TRADE ON REFUSAL * The SIR, I HEREBY give notice of my intention to appeal against your decision upon my application to register a Trade Mark No. in Class for state and I beg to submit my case* for the decision of the Board of ment of the case to be written Trade. I am, sir, Your obedient Servant, To the Comptroller, Patent Office, Trade Marks Branch, 25 Southampton Buildings, In reply to your request I hereby transmit the prescribed fee for the registration of the Trade Mark No. in Class I am, sir, Your obedient Servant, To the Comptroller, Patent Office, Trade Marks Branch, 25 Southampton Buildings, London. SOHED. 2. TRADE MARKS. To be dated and signed at the end by the opponent or his solicitor. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS ACT, 1883. J. NOTICE OF OPPOSITION TO APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION. [To be accompanied by an unstamped duplicate.] oppose the Registration of the Trade Mark advertised under the above number for Class in the Trade Marks Journal of 188 No The grounds of opposition are as follows : , page To the Comptroller, Patent Office, Trade Marks Branch, TRADE MARKS. SCHED. 2. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS ACT, 1883. (a) Or We. Here insert name, full ad dress, and description. REQUEST TO ENTER NAME OF SUBSEQUENT PROPRIE- I, (a) hereby request that you will enter (b) (b) My or our. Register of Trade Marks as proprietor (c) Or names. (d) I am, or We are. (e) Here state whether Trade Mark transmitted by death, marriage, bankruptcy, or other operation of law, and if entitled No. (d) in Class entitled to the said Trade Mark and to the goodwill of the business concerned in the goods with respect to which the said Trade Mark is registered. (e) And I do solemnly and sincerely declare that the above several by assignment statements are true, and the particulars above set out comprise state the particulars thereof, every material fact and document affecting the proprietorship of as, e.g., "by deed the said Trade Mark as above claimed. dated the day of 188, made (ƒ) And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believbetween So-and- ing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act, 1835. So of the one part." (f) This paragraph is not required when the declaration is made out of the this United King ing the declara. To the Comptroller, tion. (h) Signature and title of the authority before whom the declaration is made. Patent Office, Trade Marks Branch, 25 Southampton Buildings, London. N SCHED. 2. TRADE MARKS. PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS ACT, 1883. L. REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATE OF REFUSAL TO REGISTER In the matter of an Application for Registration of an old Trade Mark, No. in Class SIR, I, of the Applicant in the above matter, hereby request you to furnish me with your Certificate of Refusal to register the said Trade Mark. |