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Surely I shall not be accused of un- that is ever painted on their cheek) is due enthusiasm, when I declare, that itself a beauty: and nothing can be in the language of these solemn and more truly poetical than the first two fateful beings, I observe that wild and lines.

awful application of imagery which While Consumption speaks Angethe fancy-created forms of Shaks- lina enters, and delivers a soliloquy peare has hitherto alone possessed. It full of poetical beauty, in which is an humble task of the imagination she mourns a faithless lover, and re"to body forth the forms of things joices in the consciousness that unknown," compared to that more the grave will soon close over her exalted one of giving to them thoughts sorrows. The initial lines are beauand language as unearthly as them- tiful:

selves. A hundred poets might have «With what a sint and dejected pace conceived a Caliban, but Shakspeare Dost thou, wan moon! upon thy way adalone could both conceive and iden


tify him by such expressions and such In the blue welkin's vault.—Pale Wan- . ideas as only Caliban could have;

der !


and this lofty privilege of the poet, Hast thou too felt the pangs of hopeless this "giving to airy nothing a local That thus with such a melancholy grace habitation and name," is, I am sure, Thou dost pursue thy solitary course! to be found in the preceding extracts Has thy Endymion, smooth-faced boy, from Henry.

The same grand and original fancy pervades the remaining part of his fragment. Melancholy suddenly ex


"Hist, sister, hist, who comes here?
Oh! I know her by that tear.
By that blue-eye's languid glare,
By her skin and by her hair:
She is mine,

And she is thine,

Now thy deadliest draught prepare.


In the dismal night air drest,
I will creep into her breast;
Flush her cheeck, and bleach her skin,
And feed on the vital fire within.
Lover, do not trust her eyes,-
When they sparkle most, she dies!
Mother, do not trust her breath,—
Comfort she will breathe in death!
Father do not strive to save her-
She is mine, and I must have her!
The coffin must be her bridal bed
The winding sheet must wrap her head:
The whispering winds must o'er her sigh,
For soon in the grave the maid must lie.
The worm it will riot,
On heavenly diet,
When death has deflowered her eye.
[They vanish.

Were I asked to point out a finer passage in poetry, I should scarcely know where to look for it. The melancholy accuracy of the picture (well known to those who have lost a dear friend in a consumption, who have watched their bed side, marked the last flutter on their lips, and have drank comfort from the hectic flush


Thy widow'd breast-on which the spoiler


Has nestled fondly, while the silver clouds
Fantastic pillow'd thee, and the dim night,
Obsequious to thy will, encurtain'd round
With its thick fringe, thy couch."

There is a peculiar harmony in the flow of the versification of these lines, and the language is simple, yet expressive.

Angelina then continues to bewail her fate, and fancies how, when she is dead, village maidens shall talk around a winter's fire, of her sad fate,

"And tell,

How painful disappointment's canker'd
Wither'd the rose upon my maiden cheek."

What a picture do these lines convey to the mind!. Is it inferior even to Shakspeare's description of Melancholy? And the expression

"Like a worm i' the bud, Prey'd on her damask cheek,"

Does not excite a more thrilling sensation in the bosom than these lines of Henry.

Let it be remembered, that the whole of this Eccentric Druma was

written before his sixteenth year, and then reflect what must have been the powers of his mind!

W. MUDFORD. London, March 14, 1808. [To be continued.]



Mr. BURDON ON ENGLISH and GRE- bury, Gloucester, and Lincoln. The CIAN ARCHITecture. former gives you only ideas of heaviHE superiority of English over ness, weight, and depression, while Grecian architecture in build- the latter appear to have an airy elasings intended for the exercise of de ticity that could with equal ease have votion must be evident to every one been carried up to the clouds. They who has visited our first cathedrals seem so light that they might be and compared them with many mo- blown away, and are yet so solid that dern parish churches, or even with no wind can shake them, so that the St. Paul's, which is the only cathedral skill of their different artists was equal in England built in the Grecian stile, and eve; superior to their fancy; and In the former we have one grand had they not been executed, one whole, striking the spectator at his should have thought their execution first entrance with awe and wonder; impossible, and the things themselves in the latter we see only a number of hardly possible to be conceived, so different and small posts put together, much do we survey them with wonit is true, with order and regularity, der and delight.

but losing their effect by their minute- The beauty and convenience of ness compared with the size of the English architecture in the houses of whole. The simplicity of the Eng- the nobility and gentry of the realm reEsh stile is equal to its magnificence; quire little more than the eye to deterand when the circular arches and mine its superiority; the elegant pinnaheavy square pillars of St. Paul's are cles, turrets, and windows of an old compared with the elegant lightness English mansion, the variety of its and stupendous height of Lincoln, the parts, which are not limited by any former will greatly suffer by the com- dull rules of uniformity, and the ef parison; they hardly leave any trace fect of the whole give it an air of in the memory compared with the grandeur, which is never found in the magical effect of the latter, either neat trim and bounded proportion of when actually seen or remembered. an Italian or Grecian edifice. And There is in all large buildings a de- here I must desist from any further gree of sublimity which makes a strik remarks of my own; for when had ing impression on the mind, and got thus far I happened, by chance, leaves a lasting remembrance; but to look into the elegant quarto of Mr. when the beauty and variety of the Repton, on landscape gardening and parts are added to the grandeur of the architecture, I found all my ideas whole, the impression is ineffaciable, anticipated. I have therefore nothing and the pleasure can never tire by re- further to do than attempt to abridge petition. The large east and west or dilate his ideas, as his book is too window in our English cathedrals are expensive for the generality of reathe parts which add most to the sub- ders. limity of the whole: and in King's Houses in the Gothic or old EngChapel, Cambridge, the noble and re- lish form first became common in the gular size of all the windows forms a reign of Queen Elizabeth, or were beautiful contrast to the paltry case- altered from castles or abbies. Others ments of St. Paul's, which are even too, were built in that reign, with worse when compared with the size small deviations from the old form, of the building itself, of which the and are a kind of castellated mansions dome is the grandest conception, without retaining exactly the form of though not superior to the great the castle; and trom their irregular towers in many of our noblest cathe- construction afford a multitude of drals, nor even equal to them in conveniences, by having rooms of height. And this is another advan- many different sizes, which can never tage of the English over the Grecian be found in a regular Grecian edifice architecture, for who will venture to with two fronts, in which one side and ay that the ponderous domes of St. one end corresponds exactly with the Peter's and St. Paul's are equal in other, and the whole house is seen elegance, height, or lightness, to the when you see two rooms: such is spires of Salisbury, Grantham, and Harewood, such is Weddlestone, and Newcastle, or the towers of Canter- such are all the great houses built

after the Grecian model. Out of the miserable contrast does the spruce, mixture of these two kinds, the castle formal, new building at King's Coland the abbey is compounded, a style lege form, to the venerable, majestic, of building admirably adapted to all and elegant pile which frowns upon the purposes of modern convenience, it with all the haughtiness of insulted and uniting also the appearance of dignity. How poor is Downing ancient grandeur. The lofty, cold, College compared to All Soul's; and and spacious hall is no longer re- how ugly is the front of Queen's, in tained, but in its room is substituted Oxford, compared to Christ Church the most convenient and comfortable or University. Theatres and assem dining-room, sufficiently large to ad- bly rooms are buildings introduced mit the guests of ceremony and festi- into this country since the revival of vity, and not too spacious for the com- Grecian architecture, and are wholly fort of the snug family party; the unknown to the ancient English; and other apartments of a large Gothic as they are not designed either for remansion are all easily adapted to mo- sidence or devotion, there is no readern convenience. son why they may be constructed on The greatest objection to Grecian the Grecian or Italian model. Courts architecture in the construction of of justice are peculiarly our own; houses is, that it was never intended and like the venerable fabric of our for that purpose, most of our modern laws should be of the true Engli-h buildings being taken not from Gre- standard. No nation in Europe poscian houses, but from Grecian tem- sesses a style of building more entirely ples, theatres, and academics. To its own than England; Englishmen adopt these to the uses and conveni- therefore ought to study to practise ences of a modern house spoils both; and to admire it in preference to any the grandeur of the public building is other, not merely from national parlost by the minute division of posts, tiality, but from its own intrinsic or the convenience of the private beauty and convenience. And men building is sacrificed to the simplicity of fortune more particularly ought to and uniformity of the whole. The promote its adoption and improvenumerous windows of a modern ment by every means with which house are unsuitable to the magnifi- they are furnished; and when its cence of an ancient temple, which principles and mode of construction required to be lighted only from the are thoroughly understood, we then top, or by one row of windows; a may hope to see that the art of rearGothic abbey and a Grecian temple ing the stately piles of antiquity is not are very different things, the former lost, though for years it has been forwas once the residence of man, the gotten, and for this end the first thing latter never could be. requisite is to know what books conHaving now shewn the advantages tain the proper information. of English architecture in churches Sir W. Dugdale's History of the and houses, it remains to speak of Old Cathedral of St. Paul is one of colleges and some other public build- the earliest books which treats of ings. The English style of architec- Norman, or as it is improperly called, ture is peculiarly congenial to the Saxon Architecture. In 'Wren's Pauses and the character of a college- rentalia we meet with many errone the square courts, the hall, the chapel, ous notions on the origin of the Gothic the cloisters, and the private apart style, mixed with some useful informents, are all peculiar to this kind of mation. To the poet, Gray, the pubbuilding, of which there is no part lic is indebted for the first correct and that has the smallest resemblance to compendious Essay on this delightful any thing Grecian. Who ever heard science, in his preface to Bentham's of a college at Rome or Athens whose History of Ely Cathedral, published institution or architecture resembled in 1771. From that time the study those of modern Europe? Who then of our ancient English architecture will say, that when a new college is engaged the attention of the learned to be built it should not correspond and polite, and houses began to be with those which have before been built and altered on the old English for the same purposes?What a model, There were other writers

upon this subject before the Essay of ended in the reign of Henry the 2d. Mr. Dallaway appeared; but as their Then began the early English, which writings are chiefly comprehended in continued till the latter end of Edthe Essay on Gothic Architecture, ward the 1st, at which time the pure published by Taylor, I will not name English commenced, and continued them, but refer to that useful com- till the end of Henry the 5th. With pendium, though I must remark that Henry the 6th began the florid Engthe editor would have rendered the lish, which finished with the art in book more useful and less trouble- Henry the 8th. some had he abridged the different Essays, and given the substance in one regular treatise.

A few errors of the press are to be noticed in the former number:-Page 127, for " Romans," in a parentheMr.Dallaway, in 1801, published his sis, read "Normans;" in the same Anecdotes of the Arts in England, in page, for "painted," read "pointed;” which, under the head of architec- in p. 128, read "pointed" also for ture, he attempted a classification of "painted."

I remain, &c.

Hartford, near Morpeth,

March 13, 1808.

Authentic Memoirs of THOMAS ASHE, Esq. the American Traveller, and the Discoverer of the stupendous Remains of the Mammoth, and other incognita and non-descript Animals.

the different eras and styles of build- I am sorry, for many reasons, it is ing, and combated the popular and not in my power to accept the invivulgar naine of Gothic, after the ex- tation of your correspondent, Mr. ample of Mr. Carter, whose elabo- Bates, who may possibly be a very rate and truly scientific works first jolly fellow; I am not; and therefore threw light on that long darkened he might probably find me a very topic. His History of English Archi- dull companion. tecture, now published in folio, is a complete study for an amateur; and his elevation and sections of Durham cathedral, with the rest of those pub.. lished by the Society of Antiquaries, are a treasure of knowledge to the artist. Mr. Murphy's account of the Church of Batalha, in Portugal, is another book well worth the attention of all the admirers of Gothic Architecture, as tending to shew the affinity between the English style and that which is called Gothic, particularly on the continent. In 1806, Mr. Dallaway published his Observations on Gothic Architecture, of which the first rudiments have been already noticed; the book is yet incomplete, but it is a useful manual for those who have read no other, and for every young beginner in the study. He Mr. Ashe was born on the 15th of has, I think, divided the English July, 1773; is the son of Jonathan architecture into too many distinct Ashe, Esq. and of Miss Margaret æras: for, in my opinion, there are Hickman. The first nearly allied to but five grand divisions of the whole, the Ashe A'Court's, of Wiltshire, and and while I give them as they appear the latter to the noble family of In-. to me, it will serve to correct a mis- chinquin.

AS the literary world express much

solicitude to know something of Mr. Ashe, the discoverer of the stupendous remains of various incognità or non-descript animals, and the author of a Memoir on Fossil Bones, Travels in America, &c. &c. I have taken the liberty to send you the annexed sketch of his life and views.

take I have committed in the com- At ten years of age he was sent inmencement of these remarks in a to France to complete his studies, former number of your Magazine. and follow the exercises of a military Saxon, Norman, and English are career. Before such objects could be the three divisions of modern archi- well accomplished, he had to join the tecture fond in England; the first 83d regiment, under orders for Inbegan soon after the Romans left the dia; but that regiment being disbaudislands, and continued till a short time ed for mutiny, he was left at liberty before the conquest; the second be- to prosecute his studies, and to repair gan shortly after that period, and toDublin, in the character of an ensign,

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on half-pay. However he was not Vienna, which he executed in the suffered long to remain inactive. The short space of six weeks. suavity of his manners, and the intel- The manner in which Mr. Ashe ligence of his mind, attracted the at- performed this and various other sertention of the Marquis of Bucking- vices, made him looked up to as a fit ham, the then lord lieutenant, and he person for a place of unremitting inreceived an appointment in the castle, dustry and confidential employ. In at the board of Education, which he consequence, he was sent to Ireland, filled with infinite credit till the mid- in the eventful period of 1798, in the dle of the administration of the Earl quality of Assistant Commissary Geof Westmoreland, when he resigned. ueral to his Majesty's forces, serving A desire of cultivating the belles-let- in that talent against a powerful body tres, and a passion for travelling, in- of rebels, then armed in the field. duced to this step: and he return- The integrity and zeal with which ed to France during the finest time of this arduous duty was fulfilled, not the Bourbon Court. In Paris he ad- only obtained for Mr. Ashe the pubdicted himself chiefly to the study of lic thanks of the army to which he the French poets, and gained so per- was attached, but the grateful ac fect a knowledge of the language as to knowledgments of the provinces in translate the beautiful poem of He- which he served. Being suspected, Joise into very elegant French verse, however, of having shewn too much He afterwards travelled through respect to the interests of the people, France, and stopt in the neighbour- Government, at the conclusion of the hood of Avignon, where he wrote campaign, viewed him with an ungrathe charming little work called "Les cious indifference, which caused him Nymphes de Vaucluse." to abandon his country in disgust,

From Avignon he passed into and to repair to America, where he Italy, where he studied the paintings travelled, without intermission, for of the best masters, ancient and mo- the space of five or six years. The dern, with such assiduity, that he qua- impression made on him in that couplified himself to distinguish the works try, is sufficiently manifest in his late of each particular school, as well as intelligent and interesting work. The those of each particular master. From death of his father once more occa Rome, however, that emporium of sioned him to visit his native country, taste, and long the revered and ad- but his stay was short. He again set mired school of the fine arts, he had sail for America, with the intention to turn his eyes to the shores of his of exploring its remotest regions, for own country. War was proclaimed the sole and express purpose of ascer against France. He left Italy, and taining the history of the mammoth, joined the Duke of York's army as a and of other non-descript animals; volunteer, at the camp before Dun- specimens of whose bones he had prekirk; but he was so severely wound- viously collected in various parts of, ed that he had to proceed to England that extensive clime. for the recovery of his health. This

Conscious of the erroneous opinions necessary object effected, he accepted which had been entertained respect. a situation in the Commissary depart- ing the stupendous animal remains ment, on the Corsican Staff, but hav- found in Russia, Siberia, aud Ameriing put into Lisbon in a leaky vessel, ca, he bent his mind to that investigaand been detained at Gibraltar by con- tion, and went in search of such matrary winds, he did not reach that terials as he knew to be necessary for island till the eve of its evacuation, the foundation of abstract truth and and consequently did not exercise his reasonable hypothesis. The absence trust. He passed home by the way of of such materials lead the ingenious Italy, the Tyrol, and Germany; em- author of "Notes on Virginia," to barked at Hamburgh, and landed at various beautiful visions, but to no Harwich, after a journey of great in- salutary or solid fact. From the same terest and lengthi He repaired to cause the celebrated Dr. Hunter, and London, had a conference with Mr. many others, wasted infinite science Batt, and was sent on a commission to on some favourite theory; and the

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