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MAY, 1828.

It is now fourteen years since the Baptist Irish Society was established; nor have its labours, though feeble compared with the magnitude of the attempt, been in vain. Had its earliest supporters and conductors been then assured, that within the course of fourteen years the Society would be the means of giving the elements of Scriptural instruction to 50,000 of the outcasts of Ireland, and that many of the scholars would be filling useful and reputable stations as servants, mechanics, &c. in society; that some of them would have become masters and mistresses in their schools; that Roman Catholic schoolmasters would be Readers of the Irish Scriptures, and the instruments of bringing many of their countrymen to the faith of Christ, there is no doubt they would have said, that will be a sufficient reward for our labour and expenditure. But, in addition to these facts, it may be stated, that by the preaching of the Itinerant Ministers many persons have been baptized, and several new churches have been formed; many, too, it is hoped, who were previously walking in the darkness of sin and superstition, are now walking in the light of holiness and truth.

The reader will perceive by Mr. Briscoe's letter, that the influence of the Roman Catholic priesthood is on the wane, as the denunciations even of a bishop could not prevent the parents from bringing their children to a Free School within a mile of the chapel.

It is a gratifying circumstance, too, that the subscriptions to the Society in Ireland, from gentlemen who reside in the immediate vicinity of the schools, and who are well acquainted with its agents, have every year increased. The amount is more in this than in any former year; indeed, various circumstances which have lately occurred, encourage the Committee to hope that the divine blessing rests on the exertions of the Society; and notwithstanding, in regard to their funds, they are kept in a constant state of dependence upon the providence of God for a daily supply, they have not been disappointed in their hope they may, they trust, adopt the paradoxical sayings of Paul-" As poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things."

From the Rev. Mr. Briscoe to the Secretaries.
Ballina, March 19, 1828.

HAVING just completed my quarterly in-
spection, I forward you the returns, the
Readers' journals, &c.; and shall proceed
to make some remarks on the state of things
in my district.

lippic against our schools, and every thing Protestant. One of my schools is situated about a mile from Easky; I had appointed the following Wednesday as the day of inspection, and both the master and myself concluded there would be but few children in attendance; but you will be surprised to learn, that on the morning of the day many of the parents went with their chilThe state of the schools is far more fa- dren to the school, and expressed their vourable than could have been expected, determination to send them in spite of all considering the determined hostility with which they have to contend. Every effort is made to put them down, but I hope and believe that they are too firmly established to be overthrown by the anathemas of a bigoted and an hireling priesthood.

Last Lord's day week my neighbour, Dr. M'H. paid a visit to Easky, and in the chapel, delivered (I am told) a violent phi

opposition. This, too, is the more remarkable, as the teacher has recently renounced popery, and is one of the two whom I baptized in the vicinity of his school, in December last. His name is R. M. and if you want a man for England, to read the Irish Scriptures to his countrymen, from all that I know of him I can recommend him. I have not yet said any

press and to oppose the progress of the Gospel and the blessings of education, their defeat is certain, and their downfall sure. The tide of truth is flowing, and shall flow, until it covers the earth with its blessings, and the light of saving, sanctifying know

thing to him on the subject, nor shall I till I hear from you. I shall be sorry to part with him. It is pleasant for Christians to dwell together, but then it is probable the Gospel will be more widely diffused when the disciples are scattered abroad. That you may form some opinion of him for your-ledge, shall dissipate the gloom of ignorance selves, I inclose two letters which he addressed to me, and if in the expression of his sentiments and feelings, bis language is not quite technically correct, you will remember that it is not a long time since he emerged from the darkness of popery. He is a respectable scholar, of a studious turn, and in good hands would, I think, soon make, perhaps not a brilliant, but what is far better, an useful character.

The opposition we meet with seems materially to serve the cause it is intended to injure. I am actually teazed for copies of the Scriptures, and in most of the schools the children have repeated from three to twelve chapters. I have good congregations in all places where I preach, and am heard with attention when engaged in teaching from house to house.


and degrading superstition. The Itinerant Irish Scripture, and Sabbath Readers, and School Teachers, have been very diligent, and are entitled to the confidence and support of the Society.

Thomas Bush, one of the Society's Itinerant Readers, is the boldest man I ever saw in the cause of truth; he reminds me of Luther. He and Stephen Ryan are superior men in their situation, and perfect masters of the Irish language. I can speak well of all employed by the Society. The Readers have conversed with, and read the Scriptures to thousands, in the English and Irish languages, principally in the latter. The more remote the people live from the priests the more delighted they are to hear the Scriptures, as their minds are not so strongly poisoned against the truth and the Protestant religion. Neither do they hear so often the discussion of politics from the public altars, nor the measures of Govern

From the Rev. W. Thomas to the Secretaries.ment condemned, as all denominations of

Limerick, March 17, 1828.


I HAVE reason to thank the Lord that I have been restored to resume my labours, though not yet to full strength. I have been out, inspecting the schools and preaching. The schools are much better attended than I could expect. I cannot help expressing my surprise that any attend them, when I consider the unprecedented proceedings of the priests. They are not satisfied with thundering, denouncing, and scandalizing from the altars, but they go to the people's houses, where they proceed in like manner. When they are dying they deprive them of the rites of their religion, and yet the people will continue to send their children to the schools, and admit the readers into their houses, and hear the Gospel preached. Many have, and others are getting tired of the priests; the time is fast advancing, I hope, when they will throw them off altogether. Nothing can exceed the people's desire to hear the Gospel and to educate their children; they frequently express the greatest gratitude to the worthy friends who afford them the opportunity. The priests are the only hindrance; I conscientiously believe they are the principal cause of all the misery which afflicts the country. It is not from prejudice to any class of men, or denomination of individuals, I think this; but from the observation of their conduct.

Notwithstanding all their exertions to sup

Protestants are identified with the Government.


P.S. With this I send a statement of the Schools and Readers' Journals for the present quarter.

From an Irish Reader to the Rev. W.


I HAVE this month travelled through parts of the counties of Tipperary, Galway, Clare and Limerick, striving to seek and to save that which is or seems to be lost, and to bring those who sit in the region and shadow of death to the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, and to restore those who like sheep are gone astray to the shepherd and bishop of souls.

I have visited the Boriscain school and find it prosperous. I had a long conversation with a watch-maker, who at first opposed me; but the Lord I trust gave me a mouth and wisdom which silenced him, and kindled such a spirit of enquiry in his breast that I trust all the holy water will not have power to extinguish. I met another man who after some conversation expressed such a desire for a Bible that I gave him my pocket Bible, for which he took some silver out of his pocket and offered to pay me, but I told him that "freely I had

received," and therefore, "freely I would give." He took the book and kissed it, and prayed for many blessings from the Lord to rest on the society who sent me, and on my labours. I also travelled through several small towns, and thickly inhabited villages in the county of Galway, and with my blessed Master's assistance I humbly trust I convinced many of sin, and as conviction is in my opinion a step towards conversion, I look to him who searcheth the hearts, and knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, for the blessing, fully convinced that Paul may plant and Apollos water, but God giveth the increase.

I have also itinerated extensively in the county of Clare. I met in Newmarket on Fergus a man who with hands and eyes lifted towards heaven, thanked God when I assured him that you were quite recovered, and said he never felt more lonesome than when you left Newmarket, and that he himself, wife and children felt bound to bless with their latest breaths Mrs. Thomas, for her attention to his daughters while she lived in that country. I also had frequent interesting conversations in Ennis for a great part of three days and nights, also at Tullo, &c. I called at a school near Conofin, and found on a Saturday evening sixty or seventy children gathered, singing and making melody to the Lord. I asked one of them several questions, which he answered according to the oracles of God.

The Lord has so far prospered my labours, that there were two protestants who were inclining to popery, prevented by my explanation of the Scriptures from falling into that horrible pit. I also visited several sick individuals who seemed to receive much benefit and strength of soul from my reading and humble petitions on their behalf. I trust that my efforts were no less useful in the county of Limerick; for in Fedemar and in Herbertstown 1 had several religious lectures. In Herbertstown a Romanist after he asked me several questions, said he felt fully persuaded and convinced that my explanation was right. I should not be at all surprised if this man and another, from the attention and their expressions, if they obeyed the call, "Come out from among them." I need say nothing of Camas, but that I was busy there every morning and evening, and in fact every hour except when asleep, during six days and nights.

the last month, but have laboured might and day, and from house to house, teaching Jesus Christ and him crucified, and as these labours of love seem to have been highly acceptable, notwithstanding the priestly opposition, I cannot but indulge the hope that they will appear to have been in some measure useful to souls.

Thursday, 14th ult. Went into Shan Gow's forge; there were five men there before me, and four more followed me in; they were conversing about temporal things, but I soon turned it into a spiritual conversation: the smith ordered the man at the bellows to stop. A man from the parish of Inniscaltraugh, who occasionally acted as clerk to the priest of his parish, made great efforts to shew that the Romish church was built on Peter, and in his blind zeal bit the stone trough which lay on the hearth, several furious blows with his walking staff, repeatedly asking me, did not our Saviour say to Peter, "Upon this rock I will build my church," &c. to all of which I mildly replied. He at length declared before them all, that he was not able to support his argument against me, and all who were present said the same. They appeared deeply interested in what was said. From thence I went to Scariff, read portions of the word of life there, and spoke on the word for upwards of an hour.

Friday 22.-Whilst Stephen Ryan and I read and reasoned with a man in a field in Balloboy, seventeen men and women came up, to whom we read and reasoned for about an hour. They were truly thankful and requested of us to visit their houses, and three or four of them told me that they frequently discoursed amongst themselves, on the things which I had told them last year. They live in the mountain.

Monday 25.-At Clounty fell into a debate with a great advocate of popery, in presence of his family and a few others. This man boasted of the great authority of the Romish Church; he asserted that our Saviour built his church on St. Peter, that St. Peter built on the Popes, and that the Popes built on the Priests; but I endeavoured to shew him that those do not possess the inheritance of St. Peter, who do not hold the faith of Peter. We find that the faith of Peter differs at the very outset from that of his pretended successors; they tell us that Peter is the rock on which Christ built his church. St. Peter on the other hand, in the 2nd chapter of his 1st Epistle, calls Christ himself the rock, "the chief corner stone of the Church, elect, precious, and says he that believeth on Him shall not be confounded," &c. There was an intelligent Romanist present who did not interfere. A similar discussion took place in I HAVE not been inactively employed during another house with the uncle of a priest, in


From an Irish Scripture Reader.

Moynoe Scariff, March 10, 1828.


presence of about sixteen persons. This man came to my cottage after mass yesterday, accompanied by two of the men who had heard my former discourse with him; Stephen Ryan and Anthony M'Namara bappened to be with me before they came, a few other Romanists came in after them, and surely we had a warm debate on the errors of the Church of Rome for about three hours. I could write volumes. THOMAS BUSHE.

From a Sabbath Reader. Ballyboy Scariff, March 11, 1828. REV. SIR,

at Raynahomana in the wilds of the parish of
Feacle for five successive days. Many
sheets of paper could not contain the full
account of various conversations and im.
pressions that appeared to be made on se-
veral persons in the various parts in which
I travelled since my last. M. BUSHE.

From the Rev. S. Davis to the Secretaries,
Clonmel, April 9, 1828.


I RETURNED from Cork yesterday, and found a letter from Mr. West which, states that the committee wish me to visit Wales for them. I shall do cheerfully as desired, and have no doubt of plenty of labour, though not perhaps the same profit as in

Scotland. I have collected 241. 9s. in

Cork, which is rather more than on any former occasion. I preached two Sabbaths at Mr. Burnetts, and the Baptists shut up their place to attend there. A lady who had no money put her brooch into the plate, and her husband afterwards gave me a sovereign for it. Our assizes are going forward here. You can scarcely conceive such a state of society as is developed at them. If the Christian Philanthropists of Britain could see our state, they would drain their purses to help our exertions.


Received by Mr. Burls.
Thomas Key, Esq. Water Ful- £


s. d.

I HAVE exerted myself in every possible way since my last, to spread abroad the knowledge of the blessed gospel of the grace of God amongst my own poor spiritually misguided countrymen. M'C. the curate, I understand, gives lectures every night in the chapel of Scariff, since the commencement of Lent, and as I am told by numbers of his own flock, not a night does he let pass without exclaiming against the readers of the Irish Scriptures, and peremptorily charging and commanding his flock not to buy or sell, speak or have any sort of deal. ing with such enemies of their pure and holy church. I have lately had a very interesting night in Thomondgate. Fifteen persons present from various parts of the country; they approved of my conversation, and expressed themselves thankful. At County I read three chapters in two houses in the native language: these people have always the greatest welcome for me, and though the priest has frequently warned them against me, yet they seem to take no notice of his anti-scriptural commands. I have visited Rahien in the parish of Tomgrany, and read portions of the Irish Scriptures to a family, and several others who paid every imaginable attention. The woman of the house expressed a hope that what they then heard would be the means of preventing her husband in future from cursing and swearing as he was always in the habit of doing, and that what she then heard did her heart more good than all the Masses she ever heard, and added that priests were the greatest robbers that ever she knew; that the priest had charged her 2s. 2d. for anointing her little boy, and would not leave the house Subscriptions received by W. Burls, Esq. till she was forced to pay him. Nothing 56, Lothbury, Treasurer; Rev. J. Ivimey, 51, could surpass the expressions of gratitude Devonshire Street, Queen Square; and Rev. of the poor people in the mountains of Ca- G. Pritchard, 16, Thornhaugh Street, Secrepabawn, for three visits I paid them ; also | taries.

Howarth, by Miles Oddy, Esq.
Rev. W. Nichols, Collingham
A Friend at Laverton....
East Dereham, by Rev. J. Wil-

Rugby Female Penny Society..
Bewdley, by Rev. G. Brooks
Received by Mr. Ivimey.
Mr. John Deakin, Birmingham,
Rev. Mr. Murch, Stepney
Donation from Do...........





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Erratum. In the last Chronicle, for Mrs. Ferair, read Mrs. Ferney.



THE Treasurers of Auxiliary Societies, and other friends who may have Monies in hand on account of the Society, are respectfully reminded that the Treasurer's account for the year will close on the 1st of June, which renders it necessary that all payments intended to apin the Appendix to the next Report, should be made in the course of the present month. It is requested that the respective accounts may be sent, properly balanced, to the Secretary, No. 6, Fen Court, Fenchurch Street, accompanied by the lists of Subscribers, &c. in alphabetical order. Due attention to this Notice will prevent delay in the closing of the Society's accounts, and consequently facilitate the early publication of the Report.

The Annual Sermons for the Society will be preached, Providence permitting, on Wednesday, June 18, and the Annual Meeting held, as usual, on the following day. Full particulars of the respective services will appear in our next Number.




"The preceding sketch will enable our readers to form an idea of the numbers who hear the gospel in our Bengalee chapels in Calcutta, in the course of a month, from a single missionary. The sketch is for the month of May, and the numbers put down,

From the "Auxiliary Mission-we are informed, are uniformly under, raary Herald," for June 1827.

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than overrated.

The numbers here put down amount, it may be seen, to rather more than a thousand. It should be remembered, however, that these do not include all that entered the chapel during the time of service, but only those who were present at the time of calculation; and that by successive departures the congregations were repeatedly renewed. Let us add to this estimate, also, the number which may be supposed to hear the gospel from other missionaries in Calcutta and its immediate vicinity; and the sum total amounts to a large aggregate.

From the above statement it is evident, that a knowledge of the gospel is spreading among the inhabitants of this metropolis, to an extent not generally imagined. Such being the fact, we may confidently expect, that before many years have rolled away, a grand and happy revolution in the sentiments and conduct of this idolatrous people will have been produced. To this anticipation it may be objected, that hitherto conversions to Christianity have been very few. Should this be admitted, we must confess, that with us this objection has little or no

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