Those comprising the first group shall cease in their duties at the expiration of the fourth year, and those comprising the second group at the expiration of the eighth year. It shall be decided by lot which of the two Senators from each province shall belong to either group. The law will provide the procedure for the formation of the two groups into which the House of Representatives shall be divided for the purpose of its partial renewal. Sixth. Ninety days after the promulgation of the electoral law, which shall be prepared and adopted by the Constitutional Convention, the election of public officers provided for by the Constitution shall be proceeded with, for the transfer of the Government of Cuba to those elected, in conformity with the provisions of Order No. 301 of Headquarters Division of Cuba, dated July 25, 1900. Seventh. All laws, decrees, regulations, orders, and other rulings which may be in force at the time of the promulgation of this Constitution shall continue to be observed, in so far as they do not conflict with the said Constitution, until such time as they may be legally revoked or amended. DOMINGO MÉNDEZ CAPOTE. José M. GOMEZ. JOSÉ DE MONTEAGUDO. M. MORÚA DELGADO. PEDRO G. BETANCOURT. ELISEO GIBERGA. GONZALO DE QUESADA. EMILIO NUÑEZ. R. MANDULEY. ALEJANDRO RODRIGUEZ. RAFAEL M. PORTUONDO. JOSÉ LACRET MORLOT. ALFREDO ZAYAS, Secretary. ENRIQUE VILLUENDAS, Secretary. HALL OF SESSIONS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION, Havana, February 21, 1901. [Translation.] Honorable MILITARY GOVERNOR OF CUBA. HAVANA, June 13, 1901. HONORABLE SIR: Replying to your official letter dated on the eighth (8th), whereby you forward to the undersigned the report of the Ĥonorable the Secretary of War, dated May 31st last, I have the honor to advise you that at the session held yesterday, June 12th, by the Constitutional Convention, there was taken the following RESOLUTION: The Constitutional Convention, in conformity with the order from the military governor of the island, dated July 25th, 1900, whereby said convention was convened, has determined to add, and hereby does add, to the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, adopted on the 21st of February ultimo, the following: APPENDIX. ARTICLE I. The Government of Cuba shall never enter into any treaty or other compact with any foreign power or powers which will impair or tend to impair the independence of Cuba, nor in any way authorize or permit any foreign power or powers to obtain by colonization or for naval or military purposes, or otherwise, lodgement or control over any portion of said island. ART. II. That said Government shall not assume or contract any public debt to pay the interest upon which, and to make reasonable sinking-fund provision for the ultimate discharge of which the ordinary revenues of the Island of Cuba, after defraying the current expenses of the Government, shall be indequate. ART. III. That the Government of Cuba consents that the United States may exercise the right to intervene for the preservation of Cuban independence, the maintenance of a government adequate for the protection of life, property, and individual liberty, and for discharging the obligations with respect to Cuba imposed by the Treaty of Paris on the United States, now to be assumed and undertaken by the Government of Cuba. ART. IV. That all the acts of the United States in Cuba during the military occupancy of said island shall be ratified and held as valid, and all rights legally acquired by virtue of said acts shall be maintained and protected. ART. V. That the Government of Cuba will execute, and, as far as necessary, extend the plans already devised, or other plans to be mutually agreed upon, for the sanitation of the cities of the island, to the end that a recurrence of epidemic and infectious diseases may be prevented, thereby assuring protection to the people and commerce of Cuba, as well as to the commerce of the Southern ports of the United States and the people residing therein. ART. VI. The island of Pines shall be omitted from the boundaries of Cuba specified in the Constitution, the title of ownership thereof being left to future adjustment by treaty. ART. VII. To enable the United States to maintain the independence of Cuba, and to protect the people thereof, as well as for its own defence, the Cuban Government will sell or lease to the United States the lands necessary for coaling or naval stations, at certain specified points, to be agreed upon with the President of the United States. ART. VIII. The Government of Cuba will embody the foregoing provisions in a permanent treaty with the United States. With the testimony of our greatest consideration, very respectfully, the President, DOMINGO MÉNDEZ CAPOTE. PROVISIONAL ELECTORAL LAW FOR THE CONSTITUTION OF A REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT FOR THE ISLAND OF CUBA. No. 218.] HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF CUBA, Havana, October 14, 1901. The military governor of Cuba directs the publication of the following order: I. An election will be held throughout the island on December 31, 1901, which is hereby declared a legal holiday, at which there will be elected Presidential and Senatorial electors; members of the House of Representatives; governors of provinces and members of provincial councils, as hereinafter provided for. II. Another election will be held throughout the island on February 24, 1902, which is also hereby declared a legal holiday, at which there will be elected the President, Vice-President, and Senators as hereinafter provided for. III. PROVISIONAL ELECTORAL LAW FOR THE CONSTITUTION OF A REPUBLICAN GOVERNMENT FOR THE ISLAND OF CUBA. CHAPTER I. ELECTORAL RIGHT. ARTICLE 1. All male Cubans over 21 years of age will be electors for the offices of Representatives, governors of provinces, members of provincial councils, electors for the election of Senators, President, and Vice-President of the Republic, except the following: 1st. Those judicially disqualified by reason of crime. 2nd. Those mentally incapacitated, having been previously judicially so declared. 3rd. Those belonging to the land and naval forces that may be in active service. 4th. Those confined in charitable institutions. CHAPTER II. CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILITY. ART. 2. All Cubans who know how to read and write and who are in the full enjoyment of their civil and political rights, possessing the following requisites, are eligible: (a) For governors of provinces or members of provincial councils: 1st. To be a native or naturalized Cuban with eight years' residence in the island, counted from the date of his naturalization. 2nd. To have reached the age of thirty years and to be a native of the province or to be a resident therein for more than two years. 3rd. To be the head |