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preachers, and attended a great many funerals, and have given away many hundred tracts. Pray for us all.

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WHO WILL HELP A BURMESE FEMALE MISSION? MANY of our friends always express pleasure in reading Mrs. Ingolls' letters from Burmah, and her last one sent to the Editor contains a list of articles that would be helpful to her in her Mission-work. We print it to offer the opportunity of showing sympathy with this dear successor of the Judsons, and, if it is elicited, anything sent to 13, Hunter-street, directed for Mrs. Ingolls, will be forwarded without delay to its destination. Here is the guide to acceptable gifts

"You ask about the most acceptable things. I am very thankful to get things which I can give as rewards to teachers and pupils, and I note the following:

"Good pen-knives, paper-cutters, pencils, penholders, inkstands, fine tooth-combs, small black hooks.

"Good strong towels, any kind of cloth.

"Small strong boxes with key, painted tin, or hard wood.

"Sun-glasses are a great curiosity, those which have a place for a cord and ribbon about the neck.

"Small looking-glasses, about the size of a sheet of writing-paper, well made, and closed up for travel.

"Pocket compasses for pastors.

"Small silk pocket-handkerchiefs, fast colours, little frocks.

"Small and good brass padlocks.

"Black sewing silk, little shawls.

"Crochet cotton, crochet patterns, edgings and insertions. "Emery, thimbles, needles, steel pens, scissors.

"White and coloured cotton thread. A writing-case, with a good lock. "Black alpaca, three yards of which will make a jacket for a pastor. "If you have any friend who has a half-worn out copy of the 'Child's Bible,' I should like it so very much; and I should be so thankful for a strongly, plainly bound Bagster's Bible, with maps and references, for every-day reading here. The one you gave me is in Rangoon, waiting for the Lord's call. I used it with the great Burman Envoy, who came down with the King's sacred offering; and it was the means of his accepting a large portion of Scripture, and a volume of Burmese tracts, so it is a working book.

"Pictures from the Religious Tract Society are most useful.

1. Noah in the Ark.

2. Gathering of Manna.

3. Moses and the Tables.

4. Adam and Eve. 5. Deluge.

6. Gabriel and Mary. 7. Shepherds of Judæa. 8. Wise Men and Star. 9. Murder of Infants. 10. Christ in the Temple. 11. Raising of Lazarus.

'12. Widow of Nain.

13. Christ in the Garden.

14. Christ on the Cross.
15. Resurrection.

16. On the way to Emmaus.
17. Any pictures of Christ after the
Resurrection, the Ascension, and
Appearance of the Two Angels,
Prodigal Son, Ten Virgins, Wed-
ding Feast.

Large coloured prints from sacred subjects, for cottage walls, edited

by the Rev. Henry Rose, D.D., &c.

texts on the side of the picture.

Raising of Lazarus.

Widow of Nain.

The Man of Sorrows.


Light of the World.

These are pasted on cloth, and have

The Great Physician.


Resurrection, and any scene after the

"Any pictures of Adam and Eve, the Deluge and the Ark, and the Cross, Resurrection and Ascension, and Lazarus, can always call in listeners."


"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him."-PSALM cxxvi. 6.


"Chin-kiang, April, 1872.


"The time flies so fast that I can hardly believe it is more than a year since I last wrote to Thank God we can say that we have felt Him with us during all the time, and He has cheered us in our work by the knowledge that it is work for Him, though outwardly there has been much to cast down.

"After various removals the Lord has made the way clear for us to build little by little a good-sized chapel in a crowded street, and to have a dry comfortable house of our own, partly

over the chapel, partly behind it; we have also a little garden, and we can settle to our work so much better now that we have not the prospect of moving again. The house we were in formerly, though nice in many respects, was very damp, and our health suffered from it. Since last autumn we have been very well, and the occasional short journeys my husband makes to sell Bibles and preach in neighbouring towns help to keep up his health.

"Every afternoon when at home he has the chapel open, and numbers come. Lately we have been encouraged by the same people coming again, and sometimes they ask a few questions, which show that they have listened to a little at least of what they have heard; but in general the inattention and utter disregard shown by those to whom we speak is sadly discouraging, and we have to cry to the Lord to keep our faith from failing, and Himself to arouse these precious souls who are hurrying on to eternity, feeling no need of a Saviour, so occupied with present things, and so satisfied with their state.

"Often and often when we ask them-Where will your soul go when your body dies? they laugh, and say they don't know, treating the matter so lightly; but oh, how such answers seem to press the need of their souls all the more heavily on our hearts.


"One has during the past year been led to see the solemn truth that she needs a Saviour, and after long groping towards the light, the Lord has, we believe, given the light of His glorious Gospel' to shine into her heart, and she now professes to believe in Jesus; she is my own woman servant. We hope to see her baptized during this week; she is a great comfort to me, and quite a help in speaking to other women. I take her out with me over the hills which lie at the back of our house. I can walk there without being followed by crowds, as would be the case in the streets; and there are many cottages scattered on the hills, to which I hope to gain admittance when the people get accustomed to seeing me. In a few of them I have already been able to speak a few words for the Master.

"It is slow work, so slow compared to work at home, but one is so cast on the Lord in every step of it, that blessing

must come to our own souls; and in the harvest-day, we look to come with some sheaves gathered from Chin-kiang. The sowing and the weeping surely go together, but the same word that tells of these, tells of the coming again with rejoicing, bringing the sheaves with us.

"That sweet hymn, the 'Harvest Home,' is such a comfort to us, I never realized it as I have done lately. I have mentioned the journeys which my dear husband has taken with Bibles. During the autumn, and early part of the winter, he went generally twice a-week to surrounding towns and villages, and sold a great number of books, besides having many opportunities of speaking for Jesus; from these visits he would return in the evening. But besides these, he has been twice to Tsing-kiang-pu (a large city on the Grand Canal, more than a hundred miles from this), once to Tai-chow (a city about fifty miles away), and once down the Grand Canal to Shanghai. The first time he went to Tsing-kiang, for I went with him, we had a large boat, and were away nearly three weeks. We stopped at several cities and many villages, and some thousands of books were sold. Last August we went to Tai-chow in the midst of the hot trying summer. Mr. White sold some dollars' worth of books during the week we were away. On the way to Shanghai we went ashore at the cities of Tanyang, Chang Chau, and Wusie, besides some small towns, and we look forward to revisiting these places soon, as we expect to go to Shanghai in a short time. My husband enjoys itinerating, and is quite at home with the people and the language, but he does not like leaving home very often, as the chapel is then closed.

"I must not end without telling you about our Boys' School, which was opened two months ago. I had long wished for it, and feel so thankful that at last it is begun. We have twelve boys coming daily, and I so enjoy teaching them hymns and singing with them. We trust the Lord will cause the seed daily sown to fall into good ground, and so spring up.

"Now, dear Mrs. R, I fear this is a very selfish letter, yet I trust it may lead some Christians to pray for us and for the poor Chinese, who are truly sitting in darkness and in the

shadow of death, making no effort to reach the light; in fact, not conscious of the darkness.

"We saw Mr. Wylie here last summer, and Mr. W

sometimes has a few lines from him.

"Believe me, yours affectionately,

"W. F. WHITE."


THERE were certainly remnants of Israel in China long before the Syrians of the Nestorian Tablet, and to trace the fortunes of the chosen people of God after the series of judgments which removed them from Palestine is not merely a matter of historical interest. It concerns the future also. From the time the Ten Tribes were carried captive by the kings of Assyria they disappear from the pages of sacred history, except in the unfulfilled predictions of their prophets. How few of us in our daily reading of the Scriptures take the trouble to examine and discern which of them are manifestly unfulfilled? and also which passages concern the ten tribes of Israel, which the two —of Judah and Benjamin, and which the Gentile world. We have personally found that to underline these differences with coloured pencils is a great assistance to perception, taking the red for royal Judah, of whom " 'according to the flesh Christ came;" the blue for "the lost sheep of the House of Israel, to whom He said Himself He was "sent; " and the green for the Gentile world. The differences between those two "Houses" have long been confounded under the word "Jews," and now that a better knowledge of geography and universal international communication favour research, it is quite worth while to distinguish them; a violet hue might emphasize the passages in which the words "all Israel" connect the Houses of Israel and Judah. Meantime it is very interesting to inquire concerning the relation of anciently known or recently observed colonies of this peculiar people, and as the Nestorian Tablet has led us to China, we will not leave the "land of Sinim," from which Isaiah xlix. 12 tells us plainly that some of the "preserved of Israel" (see verse 6) are to come in the last days, without a digest of particulars recently made known concerning them. We had obtained many of these from Mr. Wylie in manuscript, but they are also published in a recent little book called "THE ORPHAN

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