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Church, and confirmed twenty-five. From Charles- May the spirit of their fathers continue to animate ton I repaired to the Chapel in Frederick county, their bosoms, and may the children of other minisand preached to a pious and devout assembly. Af ters imitate their noble, their laudable example ter completing the object of my visit beyond the The Church in Wilmington is also in a prosperous Blue Ridge, I crossed into the county of Loudoun, condition. I preached in that place to pious crowd. and visited the parish under the care of Mr. Dunn, ed auditories, and confirmed 133 persons. Newpreached twice on the Sabbath, and once on Mon-bern is also rising in importance. The congrega. day, to large and attentive congregations, and con- tion have determined to erect a new Church, upon firmed twelve. From Loudoun I repaired to Prince the plan of that in Fayetteville. 1 preached in William, and preached at Hay Market. From Newbern five times in three days, confirmed 52 thence I went to Fauquier, consecrated a new church,|| persons, and administered the Lord's Supper to a delivered a discourse adapted to the occasion, and large body of pious communicants. I visited Washassisted in the administration of the Lord's Supper.ington, Greenville, and Tarborough, and preached From Fauquier I passed into Culpepper, and preach-several times in each place. ed to a large congregation. From Culpepper I went to Orange, and preached on the Sabbath to a large and attentive assembly. From Orange I went to Albemarle, but as some mistake had taken place relative to my appointment, I was not presented with an opportunity of officiating. Having thus finished my spring tour, I returned to Richmond. Remaining at home a fortnight, I again left my parish the last of June, on a visit to some of the lower counties. In New-Kent, preached to an attentive congregation in the old Parish Church ofing of the Almighty will rest upon our labours, St. Peter's. I then repaired to York-town and offieiated in the court-hose, and on the subsequent Sabbath preached in the Church in Williamsburg; administered the Lord's-Supper to the people, and then returned home.

Brethren, animated with the disposition of doing good, let us renew this day to God, and his church our vows of fidelity. We have pledged ourselves to exert every nerve in the prosecution of the cause in which we have embarked, and let us re. deem that pledge by an indefatigable attention to our duty. Let us continue to love one another. Let us pray for our mutual success. Let us speak the same things, and proclaim the same truths.Peace will then be within our walls, and the bless

Going forth in the strength of the Lord God, and making mention of his righteousness, and his only, the powers of darkness must yield to the force of divine truth. The gospel will triumph over all its enemies. The kingdom of the Messiah must and The claims of Hanover to my pastoral attention, will prevail, until the earth shall be filled with the summoned me into that county, in which district knowledge of God, as the waters cover the sea. preached in the course of the week, in fonr places To assist in the accomplishment of the divine proof public worship, and lectured at Dr. Carter Berke-mises, we have been called to labor. Attired in ley's. My visit to that parish was again repeated the armour of the Gospel, God will be on our side, after a little time, when I administered the Lord's and will render our efforts successful. The memSupper, and preached as usual to a pious and atten-bers of our churches will hold up our hands, and tive congregation at the Fork Church. The state of that parish, composed as it is, of individuals endeared to me, by a thousand tender considerations, induced me to visit it a third time, when I preached in two of the Churches, administered the Lord's Supper. and lectured at Mr. Francis Nelson's.

pray for the advancement of the hallowed cause.Who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good." Brethren of the clergy and laity, you carry with you my warmest prayers and benediction May Jehovah be your portion, and underneath you, may he place the everlasting arms of his love.


ty and obscurity to be conspicuous promoters of
science and benefactors of the human race.
"Honor and shame from no condition rise,
Act well your part, THERE all the honor lies.",

The last autumn I left Richmond, on a tour to the northern section of the diocess, preached in Fredericksburg in the evening, and continued my journey as far as Alexandria. In that city I preach-Of eminent characters who have risen from povered five times in three days, to overflowing pious congregations. From Alexandria I passed into Prince William consecrated a new Church, preached to a pious people, and administered the Lord's Supper. From Prince William I again repaired to Fredericksburg, at which place I preached twice, and assisted Mr. M'Guire in the administration of the Lord's Supper. From thence I went to Ported in the capacity of a footman to a lady, from which Boyal, where I also officiated, and then returned to Richmond. In addition to the duties above specified, I have visited Chesterfield several times preached once in the Church of Falling Creek, and also upon two funeral occasions.

ROBERT DONSLEY-An eminent bookseller and ingenious writer, on his first setting out in life, act

station, however, his abilities soon raised him; for one of his early productions being shown to Pope, the manner of its execution so strongly recommended its author to the notice of the poet, that he continued a warm friend and patron to Dodsley until his death.

It will not be thought irrelevant, brethren, to notice at this time, my late excursion through the WILLIAM CAXTON.-The first who introduced diocess of North Carolina. The Church in that the art of printing, with metal types into England, state is rising in all the vigor of youth. A new served his apprenticeship to a mercer, whose mas édifice has been lately erected in Fayettville, an or-ter having died, leaving him a legacy of 34 marks, nament to the town and a credit to the exertion of (no inconsiderable sum in those days) he went its founders, which I consecrated to the service of abroad to settle, where having acquired the mysAlmighty God. I confirmed in that place sixty per-tery of the new invention of printing, he afterwards. sons, and admitted the Rev. Mr. Shaw to the order of Deacons. Among the list of worthies, who have exerted themselves in the building of the Church In Fayetteville, I find the names of Cameron and Winslow, the sons of two of our deceased clergy. Il

returned to England, and printed what is called by all the typographical antiquarians, to have been the first specimen of the art in England, dated 1474. JAMES FERGUSON-This ingenious mechanical philosopher and astronomer, was an extraordinary

phenomenon of the self-taught kind. His parents | Mississippi River, perhaps up Red River, for the being in low circumstances, he was placed out as a purpose of civilizing and christianizing the natives. servant to a farmer, who employed htm in keeping || Several are expecting to go on this spring, and exsheep, in which situation he acquired a surprisingplore the country; and, if they meet with sufficient knowledge of the stars; and his abilities being dis-encouragement, to return and remove to the colony covered by some neighboring gentlemen, one of a year from this spring. It is probable, that 30, them took him home to his house, where he learn ed decimal arithmetic, and the rudiments of alge bra and geometry, from the butler. In process of time, Mr Ferguson attained so much celebrity for his scientific knowledge, mechanical invention, and discoveries, that he was admitted to read lectures before the king of England, from whom he obtained a pension, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, without paying the admission fees or an nual subscription.

40 or 50 families may be obtained to go. They calculate to take with them two or three ministers and as many school masters. Thus they will carry with them the principles of civilived society. May God bless their undertaking."

Extract of a letter, dated Bombay, Dec. 25, 1818. "The crop of cotton of the past season is almost inexhaustible. The exports from this place amount to 244,709 bales during the year, viz. to England DR. HAWKSWORTH--An ingenious writer and au- 95,800, France 16,000, Portugal 14,900, America thor of the Adventurer, was bred a watch:maker; 32,000, China 85,100, a quantity more than double what it has ever been before, and there is now on but he afterwards applied to literature with so much success, that the merits of one of his works pro the Bombay Green, and in ware-house, upwards of cured for him the degree of LL.D. from the Arch-30,000 bales, which will of course be exported, bebishop of Canterbury: And for his compilation of fore the next crop comes in, which there is no reaan account of Discoveries in the South Seas, he is son to suppose will be less abundant than that of said to have received 6000l. sterling. He after-the past year.” wards became an East-India Director.

SIR RICHARD ARKWRIGHT-The ingenious inventor of the Cotton Mill was at one time of his life, literally a penny barber at Manchester; and yet by uncommon genius, and persevering industry, he invented and perfected a system of machinery for spinning cotton that had been attempted in vain by many of the first mechanics of the 17th and 18th centuries; and which, by giving employment to many thousand families, increased the population, and was productive of great commercial advantages to his country.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Our own illustrious countryman, was originally bred to the business of a Printer; but scarcely emerged from infancy, Franklin became a Philosopher; and by the continual exercise of his genius prepared himself for those great discoveries in science, which have associated his name with that of Newton, and for those politi. cal reflections which have placed him by the side of

a Solon and Lycurgus.

Having lived to assist in giving laws to his country at home, and after having written many useful tracts for that rank of people who have not much leisure or opportunity for study, he retired from this mortal scene, leaving the following remarkable epitaph to be inscribed on his tomb stone: THE BODY

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The Grand Jury of Newcastle county beg leave to represent-That they are deeply impressed with the distressed and calamitous situation of the agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing interests of the state: That in their opinion these evils have arisen from a failure of crops, and an unfavourable balance of trade, the result of excessive importations of foreign goods, exceeding, to an immense amount, the value of our exports-thus draining the state of its specie, and circulating medium; de. pressing the value of real estate, and increasing poverty and distress.

The only practical remedies for these evils, in the opinion of the Grand Jury, are, a regular and strict economy in the expenses of the people-a retrenchment in the use of imported goods, and foreign luxuries; a steady attention to the improvement of our agricultural products; and the encouragement of a market at home, by fostering and protecting domestic manufactures.

To a serious consideration of this important subject, the Grand Jury would most earnestly invite the attention of the citizens, more especially of this county Unanimously agreed to, and ordered to be printed. ARCHD. ALEXANDER, Foreman. Attest, S. H. BLACK, Clerk of G. I.

May 19, 1819.

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ST Louis, April 28. We have had the satisfaction to obtain from Messrs. Phillips and Graham a copy of their report to the Secretary of War upon the practicability of canal communications between the lake Michigan and the Illinois river. It is published in this day's paper, and we hope will have the effect ef exciting the American statesmen to finish the great work which nature has almost accomplished in that place. The ground between the lake and the river is with in the limits of the state of Illinois, but the disposition of the soil belongs to the United States. The Indian title being extinguished, the next thing is to survey and sell the land. But would it not be right for the United States to open the canal first and sell the lands afterwards? A town scite also selected and sold out in lots might be a part of the national policy The objection that this would be digging a canal in the wilderness, would not lie; for New York and New-Orleans are not wildernesses, and it is these cities and all between which require this canal. In fact the Canal Clinton (for by that name posterity will call it) will have but half its value until the Michigan and Illinois are united. And while the Havanna belongs to a fo. reign power, we can only hope in time of war to communicate between New-York and New Orleans by this route In a mercantile point of view (for there are some politicians who can decide no ques tion without taking it into the compting house) it would be better, for the United States to open the canal first, and sell the ground afterwards. The difference in the price would certainly pay for the canal, and leave a profit to the government. Town lots, in this age of town making, would also have their attractions. Merchants and statesmen would see in this point the Byzantium of North America; a city which commanding the outlet from the north ern seas into the valley of the Mississipi, is to have a prodigious influence in future times upon the commerce and the poliey of this great republic. This interesting report confirms a fact well known in this country, but hardly credited in the atlantic states to wit, that vessels now pass in high water between the Illinois and Michigan:--and states that which has not before been seen in print; to wit, that the waters of the lake are driven by the eastern wind accross the portage into the Illinois river, and hence to the gulf of Mexico! This astonishing fact is given by gentlemen whose information was obtained on the spot and whose credit is above sus-ing the canal however, two difficulties would be picion.-Enquirer.

ever determined from certain data that the level of

of the lake: from Fort Dearborn they are in like manner seen on the bank of the Plein. Standing on any intermediate point between the lake and the river, and the judgment is at a loss to say to which side the ground declines; and whether the level of the Plein or the lake is the highest. It was howthe lake. From this view it would seem that the cutting of a canal in this place between the Plein and the lake would be a work of neither skill, diffi culty, or expence. Small, however, as the labor would be under this view, it is still diminished upon closer examinination; and by finding that an arm of the lake called Chicago puts out in the direction of the Plein, and that an arm of the Plein also called Chicago, puts out in the direction of the lake. They approach within two miles of each other; so that in common water there is only dry ground to that extent between them. The character of their two arms is essentially different; that of the lake being about 60 feet wide and from 10 to 4 feet deep; that of the river being in high water from 4 to 6 feet deep, and in places a mile wide; and in low water either dry or reduced to a gutter. Be tween the head of these two arms is also a gutter, which is dry in the dry season of summer and fall; and full of water in the spring; and when thus filled with water, the boats of six or eight tons engaged in the Macinaw and Mississippi trade run through, backwards and forwards; so as to make no portage between Macinaw and the Mississippi; this gutter judging from the appearance of others now forming, was at first a path worn out by the feet of those who carried things across the portage, and afterwards deepened by the attrition of the water until formed into a little canal, and its direction depends upon the course of the wind; objects have been seen to float out of it from the same point to the river and to the lake. It is incontestably true that an east wind will drive the water of the lake through this gutter into the Plein, and that water from lake Michigan has been discharged by this outlet into the Mississippi, and thence into the gulf of Mexico. It is equally incontestable that the waters of the Plien have been driven by the same channel into the lake: and that these phenomena may now be witnessed at any time when the waters are high and the winds blow hard. It follows therefore, that to finish the canal began by nature in this place, would require, as we have already said, but iittle of skill, time or expence. On open.

Here follows the report

SIR,-In addition to the notes of Mr. Sullivan, the Surveyor, which describe the face of the country over which the lines were run, we beg leave to suggest some views which occurred to us on the subject of communication between the river Illi. nois and the Michigan lake.

By reference to the map herewith forwarded, it will be seen that the little river Plein coming from the north-west approaches within ten miles and a quar ter of lake Michigan, and then bending to the south west unites with the Theakiki at the distance of about fifty miles, and forms the river Illinois. The country between the lake and the Plein at this point of approach is a prairie (natural meadow) without trees, covered with grass, and to the eye a perfect level. From the bank of the Plein, stand ing on the ground, the trees are distinctly seen, with the naked eye at Fort Dearborn, on the shore

experienced. 1. The Plein would be found to be
above the level of the canal; its waters of course
would be diverted from its natural channel, and
pass by the canal into the lake. 2. Supposing that
evil remedied by a lock to lift vessels into the Plien,
yet the Plein during half the year does not contain
water enough to float a boat and so would not be-
come useful as a national highway. To remedy
this defect of nature in the Plein, two projects
subject themselves. 1. To sink the bed of the
Plien below the level of the canal, and thus in
crease the depth of the Plein as well by filling it
out of the lake as by collecting its waters into a
narrower channel. 2. To make the canal unité
with the Plein lower down in its course; a few
miles lower would be sufficient to give the water
of the lake a descent into the river, as the Plein
has a sensible descent in this place; in so much
that the people of Chicago call it "
the Rapids,"
having no other word to distinguish moving water
from that which stands still.

Of the Plein below its point of approach to the f which the presence of a public vessel of the United lake we would remark that it has hardly the attri-States was capable of affording. butes of a river, being in most places without current and without banks, lying as a sheet of water in the prarie sometimes a mile wide, and so shallow that the tall grass appears almost every where above its surface.

"I am very sensible to your kind and flattering expressions; particularly at this moment, when my character is assailed in some of the newspapers, for a conduct which I had trusted would not have incurred any public reproach; for, however much my wishes were on the side of the Patriots of South || America, I felt it incumbent upon me, in my official conduct, not to compromit, in my intercourse with them, the reputation of the flag under which I serve."


Having said thus much of the facility of communications by the Chicago, we would now observe that several others routes are perfectly practicable. 1. From a point in the lake south of Chicago, to enter the Plein below mount Juliet, at or near what is called lake du Page, but which is only a dilatation of the waters of the Plein. This route would lay over level prairie through a multitude of small lakes or ponds which have neither name nor place in any It has often been made a question, what was the map. 2. By a canal leaving the lake near its south native country of the Potato? and it is easy for us end and uniting with the Theakiki, just above its to participate in the curiosity respecting the origiconfluence with the Plein. Both of those canalsginal of a root that makes so important an article would be fed from the lake, would require few or on a Yankee table. In the Delaware Watchman no locks, would go over ground of the same soil, the following account has been given, as settling would be 50 or 60 miles long, and join the waters the question. By the way, when JOEL BARLOW so of the Illinois at points from which it is constantly sweetly sung the charms of Hasty Pudding, we navigable. A third route was spoken of, but not could wish he had also introduced by its side the seen by us. It would lie between the Theakiki and lovely Potato, the St. Joseph of the lake. Information says that it has been practised by French traders.

"Its cheeks all glowing with a tempting red ” You will perceive sir, that we have not spoken Interesting discovery.-Dr. BALDWIN, late Surgeon of the nature of the soil through which these seve of the frigate Congress, has decided the controver ral routes, would pass. Not being our business to sy respecting the habitat of the Potato, Solanum Tusearch for and report upon the practicability of wa-berosum. He found this vegetable growing abun ter communications, our observatios were limited dantly on the north side of the Rio de la Plata, in to what fell under the eye while engaged in anowild uncultivated situations, unknown to the inhather duty. And in making this report to you it isbitants, who do not even cultivate this valuable our object to excite enquiry, not to furnish plans plant, now so generally attended to in most parts of practical projects. We shall therefore only say of the civilized world. on this point that, the country in general and the bed of the Plein, exhibited much loose stone, pebble, and firm ground.

It is found growing among the rocks on Monte Video, and in the vicinities of Maldonado, in the sand hills on the river shore, aa well as in low To conclude, the route by the Chicago, as fol- moist situations, near streams of water. The larlowed by the French since the discovery of the Il-gest tubers were not more than half an inch in dialinois presents, at on season of the year an uninter-meter.- Concord Gaz. rupted water communication for boats of six or In the "Historical Remembrancer," we find eight tons between the Mississippi and the Michi- the following record on the subject:-" Potatoes gan lake, at another season, a portage of two miles; brought to England from America, by Hawkins, at another a portage of seven miles, from the bend 1563, introduced into Ireland, by Sir Walter R&of the Plein to the arm of the lake, at another aleigh, 1586; not known in Flanders till 1750. They portage of fifty miles, from the mouth of the Plein to the lake; over which there is a well beaten wagon road, and boats, and their loads are hauled by oxen and vehicles kept for that purpose by the French settlers at Chicago. With respec, &c.



Secretary of War. Washington City.

were natives of a province of Quito, and are named from the village of Potate, in the assiente of Hambato, in that kingdom.”

Invention-Mr. Schmidt, an inhabitant of Mecklenburgh, has lately invented a machine which ploughs and harows the land without human assistance, It is put in motion by four large wind-mill sails. The inventor has presented a model of it to the duke of Mecklenburgh, and intends to submit


Captain Biddle-The Messrs. Perkins, of to the Mecklenburgh agricultural society for ex ton, have addressed a letter to Captain Biddle, expressing their acknowledgments for the protec tion he afforded in preserving their ship from cap Mr. Frazer, one of the assistants to the British re ture by a Spanish squadron at the port of Valparai-sident at Delhi, and a gentleman of great abilities, so. In reply, Capt. Biddle says:

has undertaken a journey to the sources of the ri vers Sutuleje and Jumna, which promises much interesting information.

"GENTLEMEN-I had the pleasure to receive, yesterday, your obliging letter of the 10th instant, addressed to me at l'hiladelphia. The assistance I rendered to your ship, the Levant, when in danger of capture off Valparaiso, it was my duty to render, Tin Mines in France-In the mountains of Blond, Itwas a duty which I performed with a great cheer- (Haute Vienne) which had not been heretofore exfulness, as during my late cruize my endeavorsamined, tin mines have been discovered, and the were constant and zealous to afford to the persons richness of the vein ascertained. Till this time, no and property of my countrymen, all the protection | tin mines have been wrought in France.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

British Calicoes-A statement of six of the lar-
gest calico printers in England, from January 1st,
1818, to January 1st 1819.
Robert Turner, jun. and Co.
Haworth, Hardman, and Co.
Simpson, Fox and Co.
Fort and Brothers,
Hargraves and Dugdall,

150,000 pieces
145,000 do
138,439 do

122,222 do

118,000 do

P. S. The above are taken from their returns to the excise, and will average about 35 shillings sterling.

The ships Hecla, and Gripa, were to sail on the 14th of April, from Deptford, on a voyage of discovery to the Arctic Circle.

The Newcastle of 56 guns, was to sail early in the spring for Halifax with Rear Admiral Griffith, who is to be the commander in chief on that station

One of the largest factories in Yorkshire, situated at Leeds, (says the London Times, of April 25,) erected by Messrs. Clayton and Garside, at the ex. pense of 60,0001. for the manufacture of flax, canvas, linen, &c. has been closed, and several hundreds of hands in consequence turned out of employ. It is said to be the intention of the late proprietor, Mr. Garside, to remove to the United States, where, in the vicinity of New-York, he intends carrying on similar manufactures on an extensive scale.



Royal Births. On the 26th March the Duchess of Cambridge, consort of the seventh son of the BriHanover. Also, on the next day, in the same kingtish King was safely delivered of a son and heir, in dom, the Duchess of Clarence, consort of the third son of the King, of a daughter, who died shortly after.


The Emperor ALEXANDER has established the University of Petersburgh.


Count HUMBOLDT is preparing the details of a new representative Constitution for Prussia. The new Ambassador from Louis 18th to the BriAccounts from Berlin of March 13th say, "Our tish Court, is the General LATOUR MAUBEURG. Bank has just been declared to be an institution independent of the States, as it originally was. Its paper is nearly at par value, though it gives only two per cent."

BOSTON, May 22. INDIA. By the ship Milton, which arrived yesterday from Calcutta, we have received papers to the 22d of Jan.

BOMBAY, Dec. 25-We understand that the Hon. Company's cruizer, Teignmouth, is under orders for Suez, and that our present Commander in chief with Lady Nightingall, will leave this country in her on the 2d of Jan.

PARIS, April 4-Yesterday, the King successiveThe pirates are said, during the late cruise, to ly transacted business with Marshal Macdonald, Duke of Tarentum, Grand Chancellor of the Legi- have taken, off Cape Ras al gat, a brig called the on of Honour, who is recovered from his indispo-Mary, loaded with arms, bound from Madras to Cosition; and Count De Cazes, Minister of the Inte


chin, and to have murdered all her crew except four boys; one of which is at present on board the The petition of the widow of Marshal Brune to Sophia, lately arrived from the Gulf; on whose authe King, has been completely successful. His Ma-thority, alone, the story rests. jesty has given orders to the Keeper of the Seals to institute proceedings in Paris, against those accus. ed of the assassination of the Marshal. In a note to the petition, Madame Brune stated, that as soon as her appeal should he favorably received, she would announce to the tribunal charged with the affair, the names of those whom she accused of being the murderer of her husband.

Crimes and Punishments in France. The Gazette de France gives the following statement of persons tried and convicted in France, during the years 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816 and 1817:

Tried, Acquitted,


1813 1814 1815 1816 1817
8042 5485 6551 9890 14084
2699 2083 2175 3083 4759

5333 3402 4376 6807 9325 Trade of Marseilles in 1818. Arrivals-8,516 vessels, the whole tonnage of which measured 901,920 tons, and were navigated by 75,100 seamen. partures-8,737 vessels, tonnage 1,048,320 tons, navigated by 87,860 seamen.


The assassination of the Marshal BRUNE, in the south of France, by some fanatics, it is said will occupy the attention of the Criminal Tribunal.


Another Edict of the Inquisition, prohibiting the publication of certain books, is in the press, and will shortly be published.

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A few weeks ago we noticed the depredation o of a Jackall, in carrying off an Infant from the side of her mother. A similar instance lately occured at Gunda Talla, in the Division of Mutchuah Bazar, where a Jackal, about two o'clok on the morning of the 29th ult. carried off one or two children that were sleeping on either side of their mother. She was disturbed by a tugging at her clothes, and got up to ascertain the cause, when she missed her infant of ten months old. She searched for it in vain, but at day break, found it in a ditch, about forty yards distant from her hut the flesh entirely torn off, and a limb or two only remaining.

CALCUTTA, Jan, 20.-It is said that the Cholera Morbus, having crossed the Bay of Bengal, is now raging in the kingdom of Ava.

Accounts from Rajpotana announce the death of Juggett Sing, Rajah of Jaypore, on the 20th ult. He was immediately succeeded by his nephew, Maun Sing, a boy of 9 years old.

Recent advices from Ceylon state, that the Go vernor of that Island, had emancipated all the slaves employed in the Hospitals.

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