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young woman, and had not altogether an easy Christian path to tread; for she stood alone amongst her relatives, who were all worldly, and careless of their souls' welfare. We feel very thankful that her death was so very bright; for there were many of her relations and friends round her at the last. May that death-bed scene sink into their hearts. One or two do seem to have been impressed by it. We have hopes of the other poor woman, Mrs. B- -, but her death-bed was not so bright a one. Poor woman, she had not been lawfully married, and that must have weighed upon her mind, shutting out much of the brightness and joy she might otherwise have had. Her death was unexpected. What is to be done with our women? This is by no means a solitary case of unlawful wedlock. I have had the burden of this matter upon my mind for some months, but feel it so difficult to deal with. It is so hard to tax the people with it, and then, if the woman is willing to get lawfully married, perhaps the man is not. Something OUGHT to be done. I wish that I could clearly see what. In a London district like this (as I suppose in all other districts), there seems so much to be done, and so much that is left undone, that one is often tempted to ask amidst the vast amount of evil, whether one is really doing any good at all. If it were not that we could feel God working with us, it would indeed be hopeless.

"B. C."



Bournemouth, 1872.

THANK God for the moorland acres

Still left in our Isle so fair—

Thank God for their breath of freedom
From the murk of the city air;

For the bloom of their lilac heather-bells,
For their spreads of golden gorse,

For their carpets of fern,

For their fringe of firs,

And the tread of their springy moss.


Thank God for fragrant fir-tree shades,
When sunshine floods the sky,

And paints along their aisles and glades
Its network tracery.

If e'er the winter winds are wild
Upon this sheltered shore

Here must they sleep,

For they ne'er can sweep

Across this peaceful floor.


Thank God for our outlook seaward,
Where the pearl and azure play ;
Thank God for the rippling wavelets
That kiss the quiet bay;
'Tis a snowy surf that borders

Its coves of golden sand,

Where the brown bright brook

Comes down the chine

Clear as in mountain land.


Thank God for the silver moon in heaven,

And for her track of light

Athwart the ocean's darkened breast,
And athwart the hush of night;
Thank God for the holy sunrise calms,
For the scarlet sunsets' glow,
For each tender tint

That doth glance and glint

On the answering sea below.


Thank God for the towers of purple cloud,
As they catch morn's ruby light,
For that fore-glow, and eve's after-glow

That wanes into the night :

These lift our hearts above the earth,

Heaven's gates ajar we see.

And if such the palace door,-
Oh! Ye that are 66 gone before,"

What must the Presence be !


But not yet we list the angels' psalms :
Refreshed in heart and brain,

We turn from lights and shades and calms,
To the City's bounds again.

In the work-day world the Master waits,
That His sheep which are lost we win
From the sin and the strife

Of their outcast life

He waits that we bring them in.





"Miss F― has told you in her letter that she is still constantly visiting from house to house all classes of Jewesses at Jerusalem. We know who can alone break up the fallow ground of the heart. But this good worker is casting in the seed of the kingdom, and that with all diligence and patient perseverance.

"She says 'she finds a friendly disposition towards Christianity to be on the increase.' This is a great deal to say, when we consider the sphere of her labours, no commonplace ground, or commonplace people either. I often accompany her in these visits, and can bear testimony to the tact and wisdom displayed in selections for reading, or the passages of Scripture quoted, as well as to the earnest, gentle manner in which the work is done.

"Frequently in passing along the streets a Jew will follow her, and with the warm mode of salutation peculiar to the East, entreat her to go and see some poor sick friend of his, and will not leave her until seated by the bed-side of the sufferer for whom he has interceded. Women and children often do the same. This gives occasion to speak by the way words which may never be forgotten. Perhaps an aged, forlorn widow, tottering for very age, and leaning for support VOL. VIII. NO. 11.

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apon her staff, meets us, and begs us to come and see where she lives. She is anxious to be visited; for she is old and poor, and 'nobody cares for her.' She is reminded of some of the prayers of David, such as 'Hold Thou me up, and I shall be safe,'-showing the Psalmist's faith and trust in God, and told of the love and trust in the Messiah of all who believe in Him. Many a word spoken whilst walking by the wayside is a sweet sound and a new one to the poor old creature, who looks up and smiles, as she now thinks, 'Then somebody will after all care for me!"" M. D.

"Jerusalem, 1872.

Miss F-says: "I have observed that among the Jewesses there are many stories current relative to the wonderful works of Jesus. For instance, they say that on one occasion He walked on the sea, at another time raised a dead man to life, and many other things corresponding to facts related in the New Testament; but still most of them will perversely persist in ascribing them to the power of magic. A small number admit that He may have been a prophet. Not one have I yet met who denied His miracles.

"They also admit that a Messiah is to suffer for the sins of the people; and a great many believe that He is always suffering for them in some part of the world, some say in Rome; but in general their ideas on this subject are much confused, as they do not take very much interest in it. They principally look forward to the reign of the Messiah, when they believe every one of them will surely be redeemed from all misery and trouble, on the ground that they are the children of Abraham, the chosen of God. However, for the most part, they are now willing to listen to what is said or read about Christ, which in itself is a great point gained. And occasionally I have some very interesting and encouraging conversations with one and another, which comfort me on my way.

"It is now the time of sowing; and we shall also reap, if we faint not. We must pray and labour on, until the Spirit be poured out from on high, and the wilderness become a fruitful field, and blossom as the rose.'

"I very much wish I had a few copies of the Old Testament Scriptures in Judeo-German for distribution; for there are a good many Jewesses who can read that language, and the socalled Bible, which is put into their hands, has a great deal of very base alloy, founded on the sacred histories; in many cases altogether distorting the narrative, and having a very contrary tendency to that of Scripture. Some of the elderly Jewesses who can read, consider it a good deed to let their less privileged sisters have the benefit of their reading; and accordingly on Sabbaths and holy days, small knots of women may be seen here and there gathered round one of these readers attentively listening to what they consider sacred writings, but which sometimes is nothing more than some foolish Rabbinical story, not unfrequently of a degrading character; so I think a circulation of their own Scriptures among the women would prove beneficial.

"Of their prophecies the females, with perhaps a few exceptions, are deplorably ignorant. A few days ago an Ashkenaz Jewess, to whom I am in the habit of reading the Scriptures, asked me for a copy of the Old Testament in Judeo-German, which she wanted for the Jewess who on the Sabbath-day reads. to her and others. I was sorry I could not comply with her request, as I did not possess a copy of the Old Testament in that language: but I offered to give her a New Testament.

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"I dare not take that,' she replied; for, as you know, I cannot read myself, and my reader is a very strict Jewess: but a copy of the Old Testament I should much liked to have taken to her. The New Testament I can hear from you.'

"I read the Scriptures to the above-mentioned woman in pure German, which language she and others understand quite well; but there are only one or two Jewesses here who can read it the greater part only learn Judeo-German.

"Some time ago a very intelligent Ashkenaz Jewess whom I was visiting, asked me to give her a New Testament in Judeo-German, which I held in my hand. Of course I very willingly gave it to her, and she appeared well pleased to possess it. I did not see her again, as very shortly after she left Jerusalem. May the Lord bless the perusal of His Word

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