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Considate of the United States,

Algiers, April 16, 1816.

F. Gard, of Bordeaux, to Samuel L. Mitchell, of

BORDEAUX, April 9, 1816.

Sir-By the arrival in this bay of the United States squadron under com. Shaw, on the 3d inst. SIR,-You will, perhaps, be surprized at a li the ratification of the treaty of peace concludedberty I take in addressing you; but being governbetween the United States and Algiers, in Juneed by motives of humanity, and encouraged in my last, was received. Difficulties have since arisen, design by some military gentlemen and merchants which however have been settled, until the plea of the United States, now in this place, I beg leave sure of the government can be known here. This to call your attention, for a moment, to the situa I give you for the information of those concerned tion of the unhappy persons in your country who in the trade of the United States in the Mediter- have the misfortune to be deaf and dumb. Afranean, and request that you will give it the publi-flicted myself with these infirmities, and feeling, city which the case requires. Should any thing different from this state of things occur in the mean time, I will inform you of it by a circular. I have the honor to be, with due respect, sir your most obedient servant,

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Sir-The undersigned, commanding naval officer in the Mediterranean, considers it his duty to inform you, that the treaty of peace which was concluded on the 30th June, 1815, between the United States and the regency of Algiers, was, on the 8th inst returned to Mr. Shaler, our consul at that place, who in consequence thereof, took up his residence on board this squadron.

with great sensibility, for all those in the same situation, I have enquired of the American gentlemen, who have visited our institution, in Bordeaux, for the instruction of the deaf and dumb, whether there existed any similar establishment in the United States.-Being informed that no such school had been established with you, and learning, that, among your deaf and dumb, all those who have not the means of coming to Europe were deprived of instruction, I feel an ardent desire to devote my labors and existence to procure for them the inestimable blessing of the education of which their organization is susceptable, and which is so indispensible, both for their own happiness, and to render them useful members of society.

I was educated myself in the institution of the deaf and dumb, in this city, and having acquired, by long application, a perfect knowledge of the A negociation was commenced and carried on most approved method of instructing this unforfor some days, under the protection of a white flag,tunate portion of society; I have, for these eight which resulted in a re-acknowledgment of the years, exercised the functions of teacher; I have above treaty, with a promise that no hostile step also acquired a tolerable knowledge of the Engshould be taken; and that he, (the dey) would lish language. If the American government or await the result of instructions from the president benevolent individuals of your country are dis of the United States on the points in dispute. posed to favour an institution in the United States, Should the dey, however, violate this promise, II would willingly go there for that purpose. I can assure you, and I beg you to acquaint all cap- can procure satisfactory testimonials of my moral tains and owners of vessels who may be within character, and of my capacity for teaching the the limits of your consulate, that the squadron un- || deaf and dumb, from respectable military and der my command is fully competent to assure the commercial gentlemen of the United States, who most perfect security to our commerce in these honor me with their friendship and esteem. seas. I have the honor to be, &c., shall entirely depend upon the wisdom and judgment of the American government, or of the individuals who undertake to assist me, in the present establishment, to fix the mode and plan of its organization.

JOHN SHAW. Col. Aspinwal, consul of the U. S. at London, &c.


The two following letters, copied from the Advocate of this morning, will be read with pecu

liar interest:


Our institution here is calculated for sixty poor students, at the expense of the government, which pays for each 600 francs (about $114) per annum, and 24,000 (less than $5,000) for professors, and Letter from Wm. Lee, Esq. Consul of the United sundry other changes, to which is to be added States at Bordeaux, to Dr. Mitchill, of this city. the expense of a suitable building, beds, linens, DEAR SIR,-I beg leave to enclose you a letter &c. making the aggregare expense about one 1000 from Mr. Gard, professor at the deaf and dumb francs annually (S190) for each individual. The college in this city. He is considered, in this rich pay the expense of their children—and if, country, a phenomenon; for, though deaf and as I have been told, a considerable portion of the dumb, he is familiar with every branch of litera-deaf and dumb in the United Statea have the ture and science. He wrote the enclosed himself, means of paying for these instructions, the expense and brought it to me to correct; but I thought it to the government or a private society would be best to make no alteration in it. I can assure you inconsiderable; for myself, I do not claim great he is considered far superior to the Abbe Sicard, emoluments, my desire and object is to serve an who has acquired so much celebrity in Europe afflicted portion of humanity; iny ambition is to for instructing the deaf and dumb. Being but secure a comfortable subsistance for my family. twenty-eight years of age, and of excellent con- I have the honor to be, with high respect sir, stitution, he has a large margin for improvement, your humble serv't, and would probably live to see his proposed institution carried to the highest perfection. I have the honour, &c.



Professor of the Royal School of Deaf and Dumb, at Bordeaux.


satin, taffets, levantine, and serge to be imported to Petersburg only, 25 per cent. ribbands (except for orders) to be imported to Petersburg only, 25 per cent; cassimere of all colors, 25; spectacles, 10 per cent. white crockery ware, 25 per cent. strings for musical instruments, 5 per cent. blankets and coverlets, white, to be imported to Petersburgh only, 25 per cent. mahogany, 10 per cent. beech wood, 2 per cent. diamonds and pearls, 1 per cent. prints and paintings, 25 per


We have just had the pleasure to receive Part 1 of vol. 1, of Delaplaine's Repository of the Lives & Portraits of Distinguished American Characters," and we hasten to announce its publication, because we know there are many persons who, like ourselves, were painfully apprehensive, that owing to the want of encouragement, the want of funds, or some other cause, this national publication would not appear. It is three years since Mr. D. has devoted himself, and all his means, with the most persevering industry, to the accomplishment No. 2. Carpets, gold and silver, to be imported of this desirable work; and we are now grato Petersburg only, 25 per cent. razors, knives tified in the belief that it will be accomplished and forks, scissars, snuffers, penknives, &c. 25 in the spirit in which it was commenced. We per cent. files, saws, and other iron instruments, have not now time to speak of the style and execution of the several portraits in the present numper cent, beaver and otter skins, and other foreign furs, 25 per cent. French cambrics, to be ber, but pressed, as we are, for time and room,imported to Petersburgh only, 25 per cent. twist, we cannot deny ourselves the gratification to call public attention to the busts of WASHINGTON and


They are executed in Mr. Leney's very best manner. That of Hamilton is uncommonly fine. Those two portraits are worth the price of the whole number. The paper is good, and the typographical part, which is executed by Mr. Brown, does him great credit. We hesitate

not to recommend this national work to the tronage of the nation. Pride, patronage, and a palove of the fine arts, unite as motives to cherish this valuable publication.-[D. Press.


There is now to be seen in this town the singular curiosity of a young living alligator. The egg from which it was hatched was brought by a sailor from South-America to Greenock; and the person who now exhibits it, procured it when it was so small that it could be easily held in a person's hand. Not knowing how to treat it, he kept it without food for about six months, during which period it must have procured nourishment from the water with which it was supplied. As soon as it was advertized in Edinburgh it attracted considerable attention, and, among others, it was visited by an eminent naturalist, who suggested a different, and, as it appears, a most successful mode of treating it. Since that period its growth has been rapid: its length at present is above three feet, and every day makes a visible difference in its size. It is thought that it will grow to the size of 20 feet, and still remain tame. It feeds upon herrings, oysters, or generally on any kind of flesh, and is kept either in the water, or in a sort of box, with a glass top, near the fire. It is remarkable for its sagacity; and if through the night it wants water, it will leave its couch, and make its way to the keeper's bed, when it will moan, and if by this means the keeper is not awakened, it will strike him with its tail until he attends to its wants. In like manner, when it grows cold from the fire going out, it makes its way to the keeper's bed, and putting aside the bed-clothes, lies down beside him, in order to procure heat.-New Castle Paper.




died and white, 7 1-2 silver rubles per po.; white kindacks, 25 per cent. paper, of all sorts, white, 25 per cent. ostrich feathers, 20 per cent. apples, 125 co. per 2 ankers; brandy, arrackshrub, 10 ro, s. per ankers; perfumery, 50 co. per bottle; porter, 20 co. per barrel.

No. 3. Cocoa 125 co. silver per po. chesnuts, 75 do. fruits, in liquor, 13 ro, silv. sago, 125 co. silv. rice 15 co. per po. hops, 125 co. ditto; dyed woolen yarn, 875 co. per po. quick silver, 25 co. s.; soot, 25 co. silv. sugar, 150 co. silv. sugar in loaves, 475 co. silv. salt, to be imported to the Baltic only, 15 co. si. cheese, 15 ro. s. whalebone, 250 co.; coffee, 3 ro.; indigo, 250 co.; cochineal, 750; wire, 30 co. vitriol oil, 150 co. Venetian soap, 1 wood,; Nicaragua, 1 ro. per bq.; watches ro.; nuts, 1 ro. per qd.; coals, 50 co. per br.; log(except what are prohibited,) 15 per ro.; stockings do. do. 20 ro.

French wine, 20 ro. a per hhd. do. in bottles, 25 No. 4. Cider, 36 co. per bottle soga, 50 co. do. do. English and Dutch, 150 30; vinegar, 626 co. co. per bottle; herrings, Swed. 20 co. per barrel; per hhd. cloth, except what is prohibited, 115 co. lemons, 60 co. per 300: mares and stallions, 25 s. per arsh.; birds, 25 co. per piece: oranges and nuts, 125 co. per 10 qds; tiles, 1 ro. per. 1000 q. ro. each; tin plate, 625 ro. per 450 sheets; cocoaThe duties in roubles are understood silver, a 4 to P. N value, according to the exchange. The per cent. is to be taken from the

of Lisbon, up to the 17th of May, since the peace: From Lisbon-There have arrived in the port American vessels,


Of this number 12 are from other ports in
Europe in ballast,

Leaves 87 which have arrived from the U.
S. with cargoes of flour, corn, rice,
staves, &c.

Add hereto 29 foreign vessels, also from
the U. S. viz.







Makes 116

Finances of Holland.-The expenditures of the Dutch government for 1816, are estimated at

No. 1. Silk goods of one colour, and plain, || 82,000,000 of florins; and the revenue at 75,008,000. without gold and silver, velvets, gross de tours, !! But the government would not augment the taxes

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nor require a loan for the deficit, in the hope that to try to extort confessions from them. O'Donthe expenses might be less than was calculated-oju had the nails of his hands and feet torn off by they more commonly exceed the calculation. the roots. His life is despaired of. Yandiola was chained to the ground and an enormous weight placed on his breast for 48 hours. They both persisted in their innocence to the last. Yandiola was not liberated from torture until he had become speechless and gone into convulsions. He now lies dangerously ill.

VIENNA, May 16.

According to accounts from Constantinople, it appears that troubles have broken out in Bulgaria and in Ramelia. The Porte expected soon to quell the insurrection-the instigator, Hassan, has had his head cut off and sent to Constontinople-the governor of Aleppo has also sent 26 heads, which have been placed over the gate of the Seraglio.

Three of the most distinguished artists of Dresden have lately died there, viz. the inspector of the gallery Riedel, professor Vogel, and the celebrated engraver Muller.

From a London paper.

Important to Mariners.-The following communication arrived on Saturday from Ostend, respect ing a new arrangement of the lights on that port: "A light has been for son.e time preparing in the Downs, to the east of that port, in a southeastern direction from that which already exists on the point of the Jettee, and is to be in use from the 1st of June. These lights, by bringing both into one, are meant to point out the best channel for entering the harbor, a circumstance of some importance to seamen who navigate this port. The lights in question will, of course, only burn during the period of the tide that the har

A Paris (newspaper) article, dated 24th May, SS-"During the short duration of the mad rebellion at Grenoble, Didier, (who instigated the rebellion at Grenoble, and was taken upon the Pi-|| edmontese territory) had assumed the title of In-bour is practicable." tendant General of the army of Independence; a man named Couchon, called himself marshal Grouchy; and a schoolmaster of La Mure called himself count Bertrand. These wretches had also cloathed a peasant in a dress covered with gold and decorations and they always appeared before him with their hats off."

Lady Hester Stanhope.-Lady Hester Stanhope, who belongs to one of the first families in England, merits a place among the most celebrated and intrepid travellers of the present age. This lady, the niece, the friend, and intimate companion of Mr. Pitt, was not less attached to him by conA private letter from Paris of 22d May, after|| formity of mind than by the ties of blood." She announcing the arrest of Caulincourt, (Bona- enjoys a pension from her country. Pitt, who, as parte's duke of Vicenza,) says" M. Manuel, so is known, died without fortune, left to his nieces, distinguished for his patriotism and eloquence poor as himself, a few lines in which he recomin the house of representatives, has also been ar-mended them to the generosity of the people of rested, together with 54 persons of less note.- England. After the death of her uncle, lady While with a view to quiet the Thuilleries, Paris Hester formed the project of travelling in the Leis kept in this state of perturbation, the religious vant. She first repaired to Malta, and from thence and political fanaticism of the South has broken proceeded to Constantinople. Wishing afterwards out with increased fury. to make a Pilgrimage to Palestine, she sailed for the holy land, but had the misfortune to be shipwrecked off the Isle of Rhodes. Cast on a barren rock she seemed destined to perish by hunger, but an English ship which appeared on the following day, took her on board, and conveyed her to Syria. There she travelled in all directions, accompanied by Mr. Bruce, who has just been "Government had received notice, it appears, tried for the part he took in the escape of Lavalette. of Vandamme's being in the vicinity of Paris. She spent many years wandering among the ruing Search was in consequence made in every quarter, of Palmyra and Hierapolis, and exploring the val and in one instance a detachment of gen-d'armes leys of Mount Lebanon. Living for whole months was ordered to surround an inn at Versailles, on rice and water, and accustomed to the frugaliwhere he was supposed to be secreted. These ty of Oriental habits from being feeble and debimen closely examined every person found in the litated, she became a strong and vigorous Amahouse, and being disappointed in their principal zon. According to letters which she has addresobject, they, to justify their inquisitorial proceed-sed to her family in England she is now at the ings, carried off, as suspicious characters, three individuals who happened to be unprovided with passports."

"We learn, from good authority, that in the course of last week a general rising took place at Nismes, which terminated in the massacre of a great number of the Protestants, and in the destruction of their dwellings. It is confidently stated, that at least one half of the city has fallen a prey to the flames.

head of three tribes of Bedouin Arabs who regard her as a being of superior order. She has had several children, whom she was fond of, brought to her from England; and she declares that she will Torture at Madrid.-Vicente Richard, a despica-never forsake that land of the sun, to breathe the ble enthusiast, suspected of plotting to produce a humid and cloudy atmosphere of Great Britain. counter revolution in Spain, was siezed and im[French paper. prisoned in Madrid on the 19th of February On the rack, he accused as his accomplices the exgeneral Renovales, Don Ramon Calatrava, Don Juan O'Donoju, and Don Juan Antonio Yandioli. Calatrava and Renovales fled, but Yandiola and O'Donoju, unsuspicious of an accusation so completely groundless, were arrested and thrown into dungeons. They were then put to the torture,

The Frankfort Journal contains the following relation of a curious stratagem had recourse to to impose on the credulity of the inhabitants of Alsace:-A peasant was going on Easter Sunday to church at Bloxheim. On the way he met a man on horseback, who called to him- Do you know' said he, shewing him a piece of gold, this face?"

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It is the king's'-' and this?'-'It is the emperor's!'-'Do you know the emperor ?- No, I neAll meaver saw him.'Well, then, I am he. sures are taken that I may soon remount my throne.' So saying he clapped spurs to his horse and disappeared. The peasant came to Bloxheim, cold the story in confidence to a few persons, but it spread rapidly, and in two days it was generally reported that Bonaparte was come back again. The Police discovered the source of this news, and caused several persons to be arrested.

abcess behind the shoulder of a young man of Kendal; the swelling was opened with a lancet.The bodies of those worms are divided into 13 sections, and each worm has 6 or 8 feet. The young man never perceived any enlargement of the place, or feit so much pain as to require examination, until within a week of its being opened.-ib.


From the Richmond Compiler.

Amidst the rumors of plots, and the political The Chancellor of the exchequer brought for- changes which reach us from the old world, it is small, still voice" of sciward last night the budget of the year. The sup.pleasing to catch the " plies of the year 1816, amount to 25,140,1862-The ways and means estimated at 27,306,271.— The soap regulations are expected to produce 200,0007; the taxes already laid on butter and cheese, 100,000. On the first year of the peace, a year always signalized by a heavy loan, he announced that there would be a reduction to the amount of nearly 3,000,000!.

[London paper, May 28.

The expedition to Africa seems to be be advancing with a prudence which promises success. Who has forgotten the enterprize and the fate of Park? Major Peddie is about treading in his steps-his end the same, but the season, and the means, are essentially different. Every thing is shunned, which was supposed to have defeated the expedition of Park.

In 1804 Mungo Park was invited by the secre ROME, May 12. tary of state for the colonial government, to unOur relations with the house of Austria are for dertake an expedition into the interior of Africa. some time closely united, which we attribute to The great object in view was, to trace the river the necessity of preserving the Roman shores from Niger, whose outlets had never been explored the Barbarians. The powers of Italy have con- by the Europeans. Many oonjectures had been cluded with the African pirates treaties more or entertained. The opinion of the ancients was, less humilitating: the court of Rome will with- that it had no connection with the ocean, but draw itself from them, it is to be presumed that spread itself into a considerable lake, like the Austria will no more submit to them, and the En-Caspean sea. Major Rennell, the celebrated geglish vessels will not be always here to protect our coasts, so that we have great interest in forming close relations with Austria.

ographer of the present age, has adopted this opinion. Another supposition was, that it falls into the Nile, constituting the western or White We are assured that his holiness, to save the branch of that wonderful river. A third idea was, Italian people on the sea-shore will make an ap- that it branches itself into a variety of streams, peal to all christian princes; and it is said that which fall into the Atlantic ocean, at the northseveral have seriously assented to the necessity of ern point of the Bay of Guinea. But the most repressing a system of robbery so scandalous.plausible opinion is, that it turns to the south Some people say, that there is an intention of colo- and ultimately terminates in the river Congo, nizing Africa, by destroying the Barbary powers, which is described as "one of the most magnificent streams in the world, running with a rapidfounding a new kingdom in those countries, and acknowledging for king of the new monarchy theity of 5 or 6 miles an hour, and a width of nearly prince royal of Etruria, whose knowledge exceeds his years. The crown will be guaranteed to him by the powers of Europe and the grand seignior.

The order of Malta will be re-established in

an English mile, for many hundred miles above its mouth, and a depth of not less than 50 fathoms." Mr. Park was most strongly of the latter opinion.

Africa, and form a military order in the new kingbanks of the Niger was delayed so long that it Most unfortunately for Park, his journey to the dom; it will furnish officers for the army, enjoy its prerogatives as far as they will be compatible with interfered with the rainy season. He left England the new order of things; and it will become an on the 30th January, 1805, touched at one of the integral part of the state. The African ports wil! Cape de Verds, in March, to procure the asses be opened to the commerce of the European pow-requisite for the caravan, and on the 28th March ers. Commerce and civilization will draw im-reached Goree. The plan was, to send with him mense advantages from the execution of such a pro- a detachment of troops, to protect him from inject. terruption-and some "seamen and carpenters to construct vessels for the navigation of the river." From the garrison at Goree his troops were to be

Kites. It is recommended to ship owners to have at least one kite put on board those bound to foreign ports, &c. as in case of being driven on shores or rocks in the neighborhood during gales, the kites being let off with ropes attached, would Barry them on shore, and enable those persons on shore to assist those on the wreck, at a time when the wind and sea might not permit them to leave the land, or obtain ropes from or communication with the wreck any other way.-Lon. pap.

Worms.-Five living white worms, from 1 1-4 to 1 1-2 inches in length, and equal to a large crow quill in circumference, have been taken out of an


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spoke of the rainy season with horror, as being | extremely fatal to Europeans; and our journey from Gambia to the Niger will furnish a melancholy proof of it.

States schooner Firebrand was lately despatched from New-Orleans to demand the release of one Mr. Dupplesses, an American chizen, whom his black majesty, the Emperor of Hayti, had im

"We had no contest whatever with the natives,prisoned. He was released accordingly. It is said nor was any one of us killed by wild animals, or any other accidents; and yet I am sorry to say, that of forty-four Europeans who left the Gambia in perfect health, five only are at present alive, viz. three soldiers, (one deranged in mind) Lieut. Martyn, and myself.

that about five acres of land recently slipped into
West Canada creek, from the side of a hill near
Herkimer.-The subscriptions to the national
bank in this city amount to $1,293,000.-Mrs.
Carson, whose husband was lately murdered by
Smith, also her husband, her mother, Mrs. Baker,
and two men, once convicts, have been arrested
and committed, for a conspiracy against the go-

son's district are Maj. Peter, Charles Kilgour, and
G. Carrol, for a seat in Congress-it is to be
hoped the former will be successful.
Resignations, &c.

"From this account, I am afraid that your lordship will be apt to consider matters as in a very hopeless state; but I assure you I am farvernor of Pennsylvania.-The candidates in Hanfrom desponding. With the assistance of one of the soldiers, I have changed a large canoe into a tolerable good schooner, on board of which I this day hoisted the British flag, and shall set sail to the east, with the fixed resolution to discover the termination of the Niger, or perish in the attempt. I have heard nothing that I can depend on respecting the remote course of this mighty stream; but I am more and more inclined to think that it can end no where but in the sea."

Gallant spirit! thy situation was hopeless indeed. In a few days thy illustrious career was cut short. On descending the Niger, Park was assassinated near the village of Yaour.

The following members have resigned, de-
clined, and died since the last session, viz.
A. C. Hanson, Fed. Md. declined.
Charles Goldsborough, do.
Benjamin Tallmadge, do. Con. do.
Benjamin Hardin, doubtful, Ken. do.
Samuel M'Kee, do.

James Clark, Rep.

A. T. Throop, do. New-York,


do. resigned.



P. B. Porter, do. do.
Thos. Golston, do. Virginia, dead.
John McLean, Ohio, resigned, appointed Judge.
Thos. Burnside, Penn. do,


The Edinburg Review (47th number) details the facts, from which the preceding is compiled; and adds, that " every thing in the narrative bears witness to the fatal effects of the wet sea- The following members from New-York have son, and equally proves the possibility of leading been dropped by their constituents, in conseto the Niger a force apparently inconsiderable,quence of voting for the compensation bill and but large enough to prevent insult from small bodies of the natives, and to protect a trading caravan against all ordinary risks."-It also remarks, that if the Congo "be the same river with the Niger, the co-operation of an ascending or descending party would offer great facilities and advantages; while, if it should turn out to be a different stream altogether, the access to the interior would thus be doubled."




other causes, to wit: Messrs. Adams, Adgate, Betts, Birdsall, Birdseye, Brooks, Cady, Crocheron, Gold, Grosvenor, Hammond, Kent, Lovett, Moffett, Savage, Schenck, Ward, Wilkin, and Yates.

Compensation Bill again.

We regret to discover that the Virginia papers are engaged in eulogising Mr. H. St. G. Tucker for voting against this bill, and afterwards refusing to take the extra compensation. We regret it, because the cause of truth requires a full develope. ment of the transaction, and it becomes us to Algiers. It is reported that Algiers has de- give it, that others who acted more boldly and clared war against England; but why, it is not independently in this business, may not become known-the report, however, is generally credit- the exclusive victims, while those who played a ed.-The Princess of Wales, like the wandering double game are eulogized and retained. We are Jew, has now taken her departure for Alexandria informed by persons who were present during in Egypt-no doubt, to see the pyramids and the debate, that Mr. Tucker advocated the bill mummies of that country. She seems to have a when it was first offered, in a speech of considergreat curiosity, and, like all the English ladies,able length, and voted against every proposition appears to be very fond of the Turks.

France. It seems that great preparations are making in the Champs Elysus in honour of the Duke and Duchess of Berri, to the latter of whom the city of Lyons will present 24 magnificent silk robes, of their finest manufacture.-It is rumoured that Bonaparte has again reached Paris-not believed.

Spain.-Richard Meade, Esq. of Philadelphia, while acting as vice consul at Cadiz, was seized and cast into a dungeon in the castle of St. Catalina, by the authority of the Spanish government.


Mr. Redheffer has again called for an examination of his perpetual motion; and a respectable committee has been appointed for that purpose, who are shortly to assemble and declare whether it be a self-moving power or not. The United

that tended to defeat it; but that as soon as he ascertained the yeas and nays would be taken, he opposed the bill, on the following day, with equal violence. It is true that he refused to take the extra compensation; but he was shrewd enough to have it entered on the treasury books to his credit, which will enable him to draw it if he be not re-elected, and if he be, it can be done, and the transaction never known beyond the walls of the treasury department.

It has been mentioned that a lot of cattle was lately sold in Kentucky, which averaged 77 dollars a head, (payable in paper fug) since which a statement has been made, that nineteen head of cattle were lately sold in Montreal for 3,000 dollars, which gave an average of 130 dollars a head, and the purchase money gold and silver.

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