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54 est tenu de rembourser à l'Office expéditeur le montant de l'indemnité dans un délai de trois mois après notification du paye


Ce remboursement s'effectue sans frais pour l'Office créditeur, soit au moyen d'un mandat de poste ou d'une traite, soit en espèces ayant cours dans le pays créditeur. Passé le délai de trois mois, la somme due à l'Office expéditeur est productive d'intérêt, à raison de sept pour cent l'an, à compter du jour de l'expiration dudit délai.

L'Office dont la responsabilité est dûment établie et qui a tout d'abord décliné le payement de l'indemnité doit prendre à sa charge tous les frais accessoires résultant du retard non justifié apporté au payement.

Toutefois, les Administrations peuvent s'entendre pour liquider périodiquement les indemnités qu'elles ont payées aux expéditeurs et dont elles ont reconnu le bien-fondé.


Responsabilité pour les envois recommandés en dehors des limites de l'Union

La responsabilité en matière d'envois recommandés à destination ou en provenance de Pays étrangers à l'Union ou en transit par ces Pays est réglée selon les dispositions suivantes:

a) pour le transport dans le ressort de l'Union, d'après les stipulations de la Convention;

b) pour le transport en dehors des limites de l'Union, d'après les conditions notifiées par l'Office de l'Union qui sert d'intermédiaire.

ance with Article 54, is bound to reimburse the dispatching Administration for the amount of the indemnity within a period of three months following notification of the payment.

That reimbursement is made without expense for the creditor Administration by means of either a money order or a draft or in money valid in the creditor country. At the expiration of the period of three months the sum due to the dispatching Administration bears interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum, counting from the date of expiration of the said period.

The Administration whose responsibility is duly established and which has at first declined to pay the indemnity must bear all the additional expenses resulting from the unjustified delay in making the payment.

However, the Administrations may agree among themselves to settle periodically the indemnities which they have paid to the senders and the justness of which they have recognized.


Responsibility for registered articles outside of the limits of the Union

Responsibility for registered articles addressed to or coming from countries foreign to the Union or passing in transit through such countries is gov erned by the following provisions;

(a) For the conveyance within the jurisdiction of the Union, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention;

(b) For conveyance outside of the limits of the Union, in accordance with the conditions made known by the Administration of the Union which serves as intermediary.


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1.-Les correspondances recommandées peuvent être expédiées grevées de remboursement dans les relations entre les Pays dont les Administrations conviennent d'assurer ce service.

Sauf arrangement contraire, le montant du remboursement est exprimé dans la monnaie du Pays d'origine de l'envoi.

Le maximum du remboursement est égal à celui fixé pour les mandats de poste à destination du Pays d'origine de l'envoi.

Les objets contre remboursement sont soumis aux formalités et aux taxes des envois recommandés.

L'expéditeur paie, en outre, une taxe fixe qui ne peut être inférieur à 20 centimes, ni supérieure à 50 centimes, et et un droit proportionnel de 1⁄2 pour cent du montant du remboursement. L'Office expéditeur a la faculté d'arrondir ces taxes, d'après les convenances de son système monétaire.

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1. Registered articles may be sent collect on delivery in relations between countries whose Administrations agree to conduct that service.

Barring contrary agreement, the amount to be collected is expressed in the money of the country of origin of the article.

The maximum C. O. D. charge is equal to the maximum amount fixed for money orders addressed to the country of origin of the article.

Collect on delivery articles are subject to the formalities and rates applicable to registered articles.

The sender also pays a fixed charge, which may not be lower than 20 centimes nor higher than 50 centimes, and a proportional fee of 2 per cent of the amount of the C. O. D. charge. The Administration of origin has the option of rounding off those charges, in accordance with the conveniences of its monetary system.

2. The amount collected from the addressee is transmitted to the sender by means of a C. O. D. money order, which is issued free of charge.

The Administrations may agree upon another procedure for the settlement of the sums collected.. They may, in particular, undertake, under conditions to be agreed upon, to turn them over to a postal account-current in the country of destination of the article.


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Responsabilité en cas de perte de Responsibility in case of loss of


La perte d'un envoi recommandé grevé de remboursement engage la responsabilité du service postal dans les conditions déterminées par les articles 50

et 51.



The loss of a registered C. O. D. article involves the responsibility of the postal service under the conditions laid down by Articles 50 and 51.


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nity, provided that an application has been made within the the period provided by Article 47, Section 2, and unless the noncollection is due to fault or negligence on his part, or unless the contents of the article come under the prohibitions contemplated in Article 41.

The same applies if the sum collected from the addressee is less than the amount indicated, or if the collection has been frauduently made.

1 In any case the indemnity may not exceed the amount to be collected on delivery.

2. By the fact of the payment of the indemnity, the responsible Administration is subrogated in the rights of the sender for all eventual recourse against the addressee or third parties.


Sums regularly collected. Indemnity. Payment and recourse

The obligation of paying the amounts regularly collected, as well as the indemnity referred to in the preceding Article, falls upon the Administration to which the office of origin of the article belongs, with the reservation of its right to recourse against the responsible Administration.


Period for payment

The provisions of Article 54 concerning the periods for payment of indemnity for the loss of a registered article are applied to the payment of the sums collected or the indemnity for C. O. D. articles.


Détermination de la responsabilité

Le payement, par l'Office expéditeur, des sommes encaissées régulièrement, ainsi que celui de l'indemnité prévue à l'article 62, se fait pour le compte de l'Office destinataire. Celui-ci est responsable, à moins qu'il ne puisse prouver que la faute est due à la non-observation d'une disposition réglementaire par l'Office expéditeur.

Dans les cas d'encaissement frauduleux à la suite de la disparition dans le service d'un envoi contre remboursement, la responsabilité des Offices en cause est déterminée selon les règles prévues à l'article 55 pour la perte d'un envoi recommandé ordinaire.



Fixing of responsibility

The payment by the dispatching Administration of sums regularly collected, as well as of the indemnity provided for by Article 62, is made for the account of the Administration of destination. The latter is responsible, unless it can prove that the fault is due to the failure of the dispatching Administration to observe a provision of the Regulations.

In the case of fraudulent collection as a result of the disappearance in the service of a C. O. D. article, the responsibility of the Administrations involved is determined in accordance with the rules provided in Article 55 for the loss of registered articles in general.


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