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citing the most ludicrous ejaculations of surprise. We then ordered the boat to be launched into the sea, with a man in it, and hauled up again, at the sight of which they set no bounds to their clamor The ice anchor, a heavy piece of iron, shaped like the letter S, and the cable, excited much interest; the former they tried in vain to remove; and they eagerly inquired of what skins the latter was made.

||rying his purpose into effect, however, he did not lose his propensity to thieving, as he seized and endeavoured to carry off the smith's anvil; finding he could not remove it, he laid hold of the large ham. mer, threw it on the ice, and following it himself, deliberately set it on his sledge, and made off. As this was an article I could not spare, I sent a person to recover it, who followed him, hallooing, and soon got pretty near him. Seeing that he must be By this time the officers of both ships had sur- overtaken, he artfully sunk it in the snow, and rounded them, while the bow of the Isabella, which went on with the sledge, by which we were conwas close to the ice, was crowded with the crew; vinced that he knew he was doing wrong. The and certainly a more ludicrous, yet interesting seaman, on finding the hammer, let off the pursuit, scene, was never beheld, than that which took place and returned, while he went off, and was seen no whilst they were viewing the ship: nor is it possi-more that day. Shortly after another of them, ble to convey to the imagination any thing like a who had received a present, consisting of a small Just representation of the wild amazement, joy and hammer, and some nails, left the ship also, and putfear, which successively pervaded the countenan-ting his acquisition upon the remaining sledge, ces, and governed the gestures of these creatures, dragged it away with him, and disappeared. who gave full vent to their feelings; and I am sure Among other amusements afforded to the officers it was a gratifying scene, which never can be for- and men on board, by their trials on the inexperigotten by those who witnessed and enjoyed it. ence of the natives, was the effect produced on Their shouts, halioos and laughter, were heartilythem by seeing their faces in a magnifying mirror. joined in, and imitated by all bands, as well as the Their grimaces were highly entertaining, while, ceremony of nose-pulling, which could not fail to like monkies, they looked first into it, and then be increase our mirth on the occasion. That which hind, in hopes of finding the monster which was exmost of all excited their admiration was the circum-aggerating their hideous gestures. A watch was stance of a sailor going aloft and they kept their also held to the ear of one, who supposing it alive, eyes on him till he reached the summit of the asked if it was good to eat. On being shown the mast; the sai's which hung loose, they naturally glass of the sky light and binnacle, they touched supposed were skins. Their attention being again it, and desired to know what kind of ice it was. called to the boat, where the carpenter's hammerDuring this scene, one of them wandered to the and nails still remained, they were shown the use of main hatchway, and, stooping down, saw the serthese articles; and no sooner were they aware of jeant of marines, whose red coat produced a loud their purposes, than they showed a desire to pos-exclamation of wonder, while his own attitude and sess them, and were accordingly presented with || figure did not less excite the surprise of our tars, some nails. They now accompanied us to that part who, for the first time, discovered some unexpectof the bow from which a rope ladder was suspend-ed peculiarities in the dress of the natives. ed, and the mode of mounting it was shown them; but it was a considerable time ere we could prevail on them to ascend it At length the senior, who always led the way, went up, and was followed by the rest. The new wonders that now surrounded them on every side caused fresh astonishment, which, after a moment's suspense, always terminat-and myself, were at the same time employed.ed in loud and hearty laughter.

The most frequent ejaculation of surprise was Heigh! yaw and, when particularly excited by any more remarkable object than the rest, they pronounced the first syllable of the interjection many times with peculiar rapidity and emphasis, extending wide their arms, and looking at each other at the end of the exclamation with open mouths, as if in breathless consternation.

The three men remaining were now handed down to my cabin, and shown the use of the chairs, which they did not comprehend, appearing to have no notion of any other seat than the ground. Be||ing seated, we attempted to take their portraits, in which Lieut Hopner, Mr. Skene, Mr. Bushman,

During this attempt, fearful it might alarm them, we amused them with questions, collecting from them at the same time the information we thought it desirable to obtain, and directing Sacheuse to ask those questions which the hurried nature of this visit permitted us to recollect as most essential, and of which the result will appear hereafter. Our drawings being completed, and interrogations ended, they began to be very inquisitive, asking the use Their knowledge of wood seemed to be limited of every thing in the cabin; we showed them paper, to some heath of a dwarfish growth, with stems no books, drawings, and various mathematical instruthicker than the finger, and accordingly they knewments, which produced only the usual effect of not what to think of the timber they saw on board. astonishing them; but on being shewn the prints in Not being aware of its weight, two or three of themCook's voyage, of the natives of Otaheite, they atsuccessively. seized on the spar top mast, evidently tempted to grasp them, evidently comprehending with the view of carrying it off; and as soon as they that they were the representations of human beings. became familiar with the people around them, theyThe sight of a writing desk, a bureau, and of other showed that desire of possessing what they admir-wooden furniture, also excited their astonishment, ed, which is so universal among savages. The only thing they looked on with contempt was a little ter rier dog, judging, no doubt, that it was too small They were now conducted to the gun-room, and for drawing & sledge; but they shrunk back, as if afterwards round the ship, but without appearing in terror, from a pig, whose pricked cars, and fero-to distinguish any thing particularly, except the cious aspect, (being of the shetland breed) present- wood in her construction, stamping on the deck, as ed a somewhat formidable appearance. This ani- if in evident surprise at the quantity of this valuable mal happening to grunt, one of them was so terrifi material. In hopes of amusing them the violin was ed, that he became from that moment uneasy, and sent for, and some tunes played; they, however, appeared impatient to get out of the ship. in car-paid no attention to this, seemed quite unconcern

but apparently from the nature of the materials only, as they seemed to form no idea of their uses.

vernment. Feeling, as I presume we all do, a just sense of the importance of the trusts committed to our care, and of the obligations we are under to see, not only that the republic receive no detriment, but that its best interests are promoted, we may safely engage in the discharge of our respective duties.

ed, either about the sounds or the performer-a sufficient proof that the love of music is an acquired taste, and that it requires experience to distinguish || between that and other similar noises. A flute was afterwards sounded for them, which seemed to ex cite somewhat more attention; probably from resem bling more nearly in shape the objects to which they were accustomed; one of them put it to his Our Constitution is virtually and essentially in the mouth and blew it, but immediately threw it away hands, and at the disposal, of the People. This is On returning to the cabin, some biscuit was produ- not merely the language of our Constitution: It is ced, and a piece eaten by Sacneuse before present- a doctrine that lies at the foundation of republicaning it to them. One of them took a piece also into is n. And the conservation of our liberties, as dehis mouth, but immediately spit it out with apparent fined in our great social compact, is intimately condisgust. Some sult meat that was afterwards offer- || nected with the intelligence and virtue of the peoed produced the same effect. We now ascertained ple. But man is born neither wise nor good:their names, that of the eldest being Ervick, and Knowledge and virtue result from instruction, and that of the two others, who were his brother's sons, discipline and effort. The senses of the human Marshick and Otaniah. Some juggler's tricks were|| kind early and eagerly seek their appropriate Jobafterwards exbibited by Mr. Beverly, which seem jects of gratification The passions, easily excited ed to disconcert them, as they became uneasy, and in childhood and youth, are prone to, and grow expressed a wish to go on deck. We accordingly || stronger with, excessive indulgence; while tue pow. accompanied them, and, by pointing to the pieces ers of reason, necessarily associated with experi of ice that were alongside, attempted to discover to ence in their progress, are slow and late in being what extent they could count, for the purpose of fully developed. Hence the danger of habits being ascertaining the numbers of their nation. We formed injurious to society and destructive of indifound, however, they could only reckon to ten; and vidual happiness. Hence the usefulness and imporon enquiry, therefore, if their country possessed as tance of early tuition; and hence likewise the intermany inhabitants as there were pieces of ice, they est which the public nas in providing means for replied "Many more;" a thousand fragments were, cultivating the minds and forming the manners of perhaps, then floating round the ship. youth. Agreeably to these sentiments, the Constitution enjoins it as a duty on the Legislature and Magistrates, in all future periods of the Commonwealth to cherish the interests of Literature and the sciences, public schools, and grammar schools in the towns. Should the existing laws be found insufficient to provide for the primary education of


The knives had by this time been examined by the armourer, who thought they were made from pieces of iron hoop or from flattened nails; we therefore asked, if any plank or wreck had formerly been driven on their shore; to which they replied, that a piece of wood with some nails had come on || shore, and been picked up. We therefore conclu-children, especially of destitute orphans, and the ded, that the knives which had been left us had been formed from this iron, and consequently made no further enquiries.

They were now loaded with various presents, consisting of some articles of clothing, biscuit, and pieces of wood, in addition to which the plank that had been used in crossing the chasm was given to them. They then departed, promising to return as soon as they had eaten and slept, as we had no means of explaining to them what to morrow meant. The parting was attended with the ceremony of pulling of noses on both sides.

After they had reached and crossed the chasm, they were observed by some men who had been sent to accompany them, throwing away the biscuit, and splitting the plank, which was of teak, into small pieces, for the purpose of dividing it among the party-Soon after this, they mounted their sledges, and drove off in a body, hallooing, apparently in great glee."


Boston, June 1.-The two Houses being in Convention, his exellency the Governor came in attend ed by the Lieut. Governor, the Hon. Council, and Secretary of State, and preceded by the Sheriff of Suffolk, and delivered the following SPEECH: Gentlemen of the Senate, and

children of the poor and necessitous, pre-requisite to their admission into grammar schools, the deficiency has strong claims to the consideration of the Legislature. Our venerated forefathers rendered their memories imperishable by their care and solicitude in the cause of learning; and experience, instead of discrediting their literary institutions, has served to heighten their value.

In casting our eyes across the Atlantic, which for instruction may be admissible, we see exhibited in the most disgusting forms, the deplorable effects of ignorance and vice. Pauperism in some of the European States, we are informed, has become so extensive and overwhelming, as to occasion in many corporations, an enormous and almost insupporta ble demand upon individual income for the maintenance of the poors crimes, in the same States, almost without number, and of every grade of turpi tude, are at the same time disturbing the repose of private life, menacing the public peace, and mocking the most severe expressions of public vengeance.

On the subject of punishment, however, most of the governments in Christendom have come to a pause The frequent repetition of crimes in defi. ance of the most appaling and sanguinary punishments, has shaken a confidence in their efficacy, which custom and prejudice had so long and obstinately maintained. And the practicability of preGentlemen of the House of Represensatives; venting crimes, and reforming offenders by the force In assuming the several stations which have been of early education, and the iufluence of moral and assigned to us by the suffrages of our fellow citi-religious motives, is gaining credibility and advozens, we are led to recognise the goodness of di


vine Providence in conferring on the people of this Although Massachusetts has been distinguished Commonwealth, the blessings of peace and plenty, for her zealous efforts to rear her children to habits of general health, of good order, and of a free go-"of order, of usefulness and virtue, we have too




The Committee of both Houses, to whom were referred the Petitions concerning the separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts proper, and forming the same into a separate and independent state, and also sundry memorials against that measure, beg leave respectfully to Report: That they have considered the subject committed to them, with that deliberation which so momentous a question deserves, a question, whether this great commonwealth shall be divided, and the connexion which has so long, and so happily existed, shall be forever dissolved. They are sensible that nothing. should be done to hasten an event, so important

they would gladly strengthen and promote a union, which has, hitherto, been productive of so much good. This is not a question which concerns the District of Maine alone, but the whole commonwealth. The legislature of Massachusetts are called on to consent to relinquish their jurisdiction over. one third of her citizens, and the largest portion of her territory. But your committee have not been deterred by these considerations, from listening to the prayer of the petitioners, and from recommendhowever they may regret the present application.

much reason to regret the existence of vice, and the,, calculated to lighten the evils of suffering humaniperpetration of crimes. But on due examination, ty, or to promote the general prosperity and hapit will be generally found, that the latter have been || piness of the Commonwealth. committed by those who were not natives, or, if natives, by such as had neglected, or been denied, the advantages of early training and instruction. It is believed that the idea of producing a virtuous and happy state of society, by the influence of ear. ly education and discipline on the great body of the people, has rever been so distinctly cenceived, nor urged with so much force and effect as in this country. But changes await us; and we shall do well to endeavor to catch a portion of that spirit of prudence and foresight for which our ancestors were distinguished, by adapting the means of literary improvement, to the state of society, and detecting the bearings of present circumstances on the interests of future times. It is not unreasonable to expect that, among other causes, an increase of our commerce, and of large manufacturing establishments, will, as in all other countries, multiply the causes of moral deterioration. If there be just ground for these apprehensions, additional mea sures of precaution cannot be too speedily devised.and lasting in its consequences. On the contrary, On this occasion. I would present to your notice the great Penitentiary of the Commonwealth at Charlestown. I have been recently furnished with a summary, but very satisfactory, report of the present condition of that institution. It must be gratifying to you, as it has been to me, to receive assurances of the salutary effects of the act of Febru ary, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, for classifying the convicts, and other purposes, on their temper and behaviour. Besides the prevalence of good order, the expense of the institution has being such measures as they deem just and expedient, come less onerous to the State. The mild treatment observed towards the unhappy convicts in that prison, their wholesome sustenance, the great attention paid to their health and cleanlines, the means furnished to the younger part of them for being taught to read and write, and to all of them for religious worship, and moral instruction, seem to be well calculated to operate on ingenious minds, and lead them to permanent reformation. The report of the Directors will be laid before you by the Se cretary. In the month of October last, the Board of Visi-trict are four hundred miles from the seat of governtors of the Massachusetts General Hospital, exami-ment. ned the condition of the Hospital for the Insane at Charlestown. And it gives me great pleasure to be able to state, that an inspection of that establish ment afforded the vistors the most entire satisfaction. The local situation and generai arrangements of it appear to be perfectly adapted to the nature and the exigencies of such an institution. The manner in which the two buildings designed for the accommodation of the Insane, one for males, and the other for females, are constructed, is judicious.ent government. These are, probably, some of the ly contrived to ensure the safety and comfort of reasons, of an opinion now almost universal, that the afflicted patients. And the concerns of the es- the District of Maine must, at a day, not far distant, tablishment generally are so administered as to ful become a separate and independent state; and that fil the benevolent intentions of the Legislature in it is for the people there, to decide when it shall founding an institution so interesting to humanity, take place. The proceedings of former legislatures in modes the most simple, economical and effica-have encouraged the opinion, that Massachusetts cious. It may be satisfactory to you, gentlemen, would not withhold her consent to a separation, on to know that the consulting and visiting Physicians just and equitable conditions, whenever it should comprising some of the most eminent of the pro-appear to be the wish of a decided majority. fession in the State, have examined the institution, Are then the deliberate wishes of a majority of and given it their unqualified praise, as affording the people in favor of that measure? In May, 1816, the best hopes of alleviation and cure for the afflict-pursuant to a resolve of the legislature, the quesed subjects of mental disease. I cordially recom tion was proposed to the people; and there were in mend the institution to your fostering care: and favor of a separation 10,584-Against it 6,491. shall cheerfully concur with you in any measures In September, 1816, when there was a very full

Has the time arrived, when it is expedient that the legislature of Massachusetts should consent to the separation of the District of Maine? Shall the ties which have so long united us, be severed, and Maine take her rank as an independent state? Your committee believe that an opinion has long pre vailed, in all parts of the commonwealth, that, at some future time, this event must take place.Maine is separated from Massachusetts proper, by part of another state. The extremities of this dis

Maine exceeds in territory, most of the states. Her population is, probably, three hundred thousand. In wealth and commercial importance, she would now hold an honourable rank. There is a great extent of sea coast, with capacious bays, and large navigable rivers. More than one ninth part of the tonnage of the United States, is now owned in the District of Maine. There are immense tracts of land, the settlement of which may, per. haps, be better promoted by a local and independ

vote, the number in favor of a separation was 11,969 || on just and equitable principles. All which is resAgainst it 10,347. pectfully submitted. (Signed) By order of the Committee, JOSIAH QUINCY, Chairman.

TOPOGRAPHY OF BATON ROUGE. Situation. In latitude 30 30, N. longitude 18 11 from Philadelphia.

Lying on the eastern shore of the Mississippi, high delightsome, and healthy, being the first bluff or highland above high-water mark, as you ascend that mighty river from its mouths. This bluff, although free from stone, is, notwithstanding, sufficiently firm to withstand the violence of the river; is elevated about 30 feet above high water mark, the top of which is almost a perfect level, excepting a few small hollows, or drains, evidently worn by the water precipitated from the clouds. There is, however, an almost imperceptible descent easterly of the river, from the top or verge of the bluff,

Although on every trial, a majority has been found in favor of a separation, your committee have deliberated, whether they ought, so soon, to propose the question to the people again; and they would not have considered it expedient, had they not reason to suppose that a great change, in public opinion, had taken place. They have endeavoured to discover the feelings and wishes of the citizens of Maine, from all the evidence they could obtain, and they have ascertained that all the senators, and more than one hundred and twenty representatives from that District, are in favor of a separation, and about twenty representatives against it They believe also, that the elections were, in a great degree, influenced by this question. There are before the committee more than one hundred and thirty petitions from towns and districts, for a separation; and only five remonstrances against it. Many towns opposed to a separation in 1816, have now sent representatives and petitions in favor of that measure. Your committee believe there was a general ex-barely sufficient to carry off the water. The land pectation, that the subject would be brought before is excellent for gardens and buildings, at least two the legislature, and that those opposed, have had an m les back from the river, and will admit of cellars opportunity to remonstrate. Shall then all this evi- of any depth, and affords excellent water by digging dence, arising from various sources, of a change in 15 or 20 feet. In the northerly part of the town is public opinion favorable to separation, pass unnoti-a piece of ground belonging to the United States, ced by the legislature? While the committee would eight arpents in front and seven deep, on which feel great reluctance in recommending any measure stands the remains of the old Spanish fort, its walls which might be considered as encouraging a sepaof earth about eight feet high. About five arpents ration, while on the contrary, they would desire north of this public lot, is a bayou, into which, in that the union between Massachusetts and Maine high water, the river sets back about one mile. might be perpetual, they are constrained to believe From this bayou, southerly, the bluff bounds the riit their duty, again to ascertain the deliberate wish- ver about 25 arpents, running S. 10 00 E. where it es of the people. They believe, that to reject so makes angle with the river, say 30 E. The town many petitions, flowing from all parts of the Dis.plat extends 16 arpents farther south, making in the trict, so far from having a tendency to allay the de-aggregate 41 arpents in front, and as far in depth sire for a separation, would excite agitation and dis- as future population may require. content. It would become a question of violent The Mississippi, about 4 miles above the town controversies and party commotions, inconsistent winds from the west, strikes the bluff nearly at with that spirit of calm inquiry and solemn delibe- right angles, wheels to the right, runs south 10 00 E. ration, which ought to prevail on this great, mowith the bluff one mile, where a bayou comes inmentous subject. Should the consent of the legis. from thence to the first mentioned between bayou, lature now be withheld, the subject would, proba-just above the town, is a narrow bottom between bly, be presented again, under circumstances much the river and bluff, about a quarter of a mile wide, less auspicious; for the present peaceful state of the and 3 miles in length, and which is overflowed in commonwealth, is most friendly to a proper consid-high water. The Mississippi continues nearly the eration and decision of the question. A time of more general tranquility, cannot be expected.

same course one mile below the town, thence turns. to the right, making an angle with the meridian In the bill which accompanies this report, the 30 00 west, six or seven miles, so that, when standconsent of this Legislature is granted to the separ-ing on the verge of the bluff, you have a most en-. ation of the District of Maine, if it shall appear to chanting view of a section, at least ten miles in be the wish of a decided majority. Should that be || length, of that noble river, together with the beauobtained, the committee rejoice in the belief, that || tiful landscape of the adjacent highly cultivated the two great branches of the Commonwealth may country. It is always easy to bring boats and rafts now part in that harmony with which they have ever to a landing, as they are thrown to the eastern been favored, that the most friendly intercourse shore by the current, four miles above the town, will continue between them, and that they and their || and the bluff defends them from easterly winds. posterity, will cherish the remembrance of our Inhabitants. A mixed throng of French, Spalong and happy union. Nor is the hope less grate-nish, English, Irish, Scotch, Dutch and Americans. ful, that, if the requisite majority should not be ob- Free people of color, and a great number of slaves. tained, those who have wished for a separation, will Manners and Language, are so far, as yet, precheerfully acquiesce in the result-that it will be served in their original peculiarities, by the various long before the question is again agitated; that the inhabitants. whole Commonwealth will remain contented under the government which has hitherto protected and blessed them; and that all will unite in preserving and increasing the resources, and in promoting the common good of Massachusetts.

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Public Buildings. To this moment, neither their number or elegance can be boasted of, but there are some very useful establishments, such as one Roman Catholic Church, a Court House, a School House, a new market house, and a public gaol.

In the bill which is presented, the committee Parish of East Baton Rouge. Bounded west by have endeavored to secure the rights of the Com-the Mississippi, south by bayou Manchac, or river monwealth, and to propose arrangements, formed

berville, east by the river Amite, and north (from

The immense quantities of produce which is almost continually Boating on the Mississippi, and country populates, if it should be dear, must inevi

said river Amite) by a line running due west to the mouth of Thompson's creek. Its length from N. to S. about 25 miles; breadth from west to east 20 Time of first settlement. About the year 1722-tably preclude the possibility of a scarcity. The ten or twelve years before the Natchez massacre. Rivers The Mississippi, forming the western limit of the parish-the Amite, bounding the east -the river Iberville on the south-the Comite, about ten miles from the Mississippi.

Neither mountains, falls, or caves, are to be seen here; the only thing worthy of remark is the unin terrupted levelness of the country; the unevenness of which is barely sufficient to drain off the water. Soil-Superlatively fruitful.

Productions-Sugar cane, cotton, Indian corn, sweet and Irish potatoes-the country also affords abundance of beef, pórk, and large fowls.

Fruit Trees-Figs, peaches, cherries, &c thrive here, The orange tree would alao succeed, if properly attended to.

industrious poor can always be filled with bread, a circumstance of which the famished soul well knows the value. The facility with which produce may be raised and brought to the best market, secures to the rich their darling object.-Gazette.


The following proceedings in the British House of Commons, on the 26th of April last, will be found very interesting to many, if not all of our readers:

Dr. Phillimore moved the order of the day, for the farther consideration of the report on the Marriage Act Amendment Bill.

otherwise, he felt it to be his duty to move, as an amendment to the motion of his honorable and learned friend, that the Report be taken into further consideration on that day six months.

Sir Robinson opposed the bill at considerable length, as disturbing a law which was passed for the Cimate--Temperate, mild, and healthy. The purpose of obviating the great inconveniences preatmosphere, however, is charged with a greater viously existing. He did not conceive that the preproportion of humidity, than inland mountainous sent Marriage Act required alteration; and if it did, countries. Diseases, bilious fevers, and debilitating he was persuaded that the alterations suggested by complaints, are by far the most prevalent. Every his honorable and learned friend, would be highly family who are industrious and temperate, are injurious. Conceiving that Parliament ought not to healthy. legislate on a subject of so important a nature withSpeculation. To do justice to the rising great-out deliberate inquiry, either by a committee, or ness of future Baton Rouge would be a task to which the limited abilities of the writer can lay no claim. It requires no gift of divination, however, to predict its future importance. Situated as it is upon the first eminence above high water mark, Mr. Sarjeant Onslow contended that the principle 250 miles from the sea, upon the margin of the of the bill was good, but thought that there were great reservoir of the Western waters, or parent some of the provisions which might be advantageousof rivers,' the longest in North America, constitutedly omitted, and also that there were some deficienby the united streams of almost numberless rivers, many of which are the greatest and longest in the United States, flowing through a vasily extensive and luxuriantly fertile country-laving the shores, and fecundating the soil of every climate, from 49 to 30 north latitude, comprehending a width of two thousand or two thousand five hundred miles from east to west, the vended produce of which must pass or be deposited in this place-its being equally free from the possibility of invasion-all which for tunate circumstances render it morally certain, that it is destined, some day, and that at no great dis tance, to be the greatest and most flourishing town in the nation, and the capital of the state.

cies which might be advantageously supplied, if the honorable and learned gentleman who had moved the amendment would agree to the re-commitment of the bill.

The Solicitor General argued against the bill, as an innovation on an established and beneficial law. To the principle of it he was decidedly hostile; and he maintained that it could not be agreed to by the house, unless they abandoned that most important provision of the Marriage Act by which the marriage of minors without the consent of their parents and guardians was declared to be null and void.

St J. Mackintosh characterized the Marriage Act as a most tyrannical and oppressive law. Ongina. But when the healthiness of the climate, the ting in an individual who was incompetent to give richness of the soil of the surrounding country, to-it a legal form, the execution of the act had, in the gether with the facility with which art might aug-first instance, been found impracticable, and it bad ment the means of communication by water, in been twice referred, but in vain, to the Judges for every direction-I say, when all these advantages due amendment. It then fell into the hands of Lord are taken into one view, the astonished spectator Hardwick, who, in consequence probably of the is lost in admiration, and secks in vain for the cause violent opposition and personal controversy in which has thus far held it in obscurity. Nature, in which it involved him, was p:cqued into a support her partiality here, if she has not exhausted her of the measure, which it was not likely so distinstores of bounty, seems to have most profusely la- || guished a character would otherwise have given to vished her richest gifts, which indeed are more a bill such as he (Sir J. Mackintosh) had described. conspicuous than even the unaccountable neglect In two lines of that act five capital felonies were or inattention, or rather stupidity of those, who, created.-One of its most revolting features was, heretofore, have had the management of its conthat it visited with the most severe punishment incerns, and who have had it in their power to do dividuals utterly innocent of crime; that it inflicted better justice to its merits. a less severe, although still a severe, punishment on individuals who were the least guilty; and that it not only allowed the most guilty individuals to escape with impunity, but in many instances gave them a reward for their treachery and cruelty. The unfortunate children of the marriages against which the act was directed were declared illegitimate; the unhappy wife was sent back into the world, depri

Notwithstanding its many natural advantages, a great proportion of the parish of Baton Rouge is still suffered to rest in a state of nature. It is confidently believed that no section of the Union holds out so many and so great allurements to emigrants, either agriculturists or manufacturers, whether

poor or rich.

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