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Public Works.

In November, 1906, the position of Water Commissioner was created which was changed to Superintendent of Public Works on March 1, 1907, when the water and sewer systems were turned over to that department. The work of this office includes the maintenance and operation of the water and sewer systems and paving of the cities of Panama and Colon; the collection of water rents from private parties supplied with water from the water systems constructed for Commission purposes in the Zone; the inspection of plumbing in Commission buildings in the Zone; the construction of roads and trails and other improvements in the Zone; the operation and maintenance of slaughter houses and markets in the Zone, street lighting and maintenance of public buildings.

During the dry season extending from December, 1906, to May, 1907, 37.31 miles of roads were constructed in the Zone. These included a 7-mile trail from Panama City into the Zone, following the old Cruces trail; a 5-mile trail from Pedro Miguel to Arraijan; a trail from Empire toward Chorrera; a trail from Bas Obispo toward Cruces; a macadamized road from Culebra to Empire; a trail from Empire to Gorgona, and a 3-mile trail from Mount Hope to the interior of the district of Cristobal.

The present Superintendent of Public Works is Mr. George L. Campen.


Canal Zone The Canal Zone is divided into two customs Customs. districts known as Ancon and Cristobal, with the ports of Ancon on the Pacific side, and Cristobal on


the Atlantic side. The steamship lines entering the port of Ancon are the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Compania Sud-Americana de Vapores and the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. The first two companies run regular passenger and freight service between Ancon and Valparaiso. The Panama Railroad Steamship Line runs a regular passenger and freight service between Cristobal and New York, and in addition there are many freight boats bringing coal and various other supplies to the Isthmus for the Canal Commission or for other consignees. No duties, tolls or charges of any kind whatever are imposed by the United States on vessels entering the ports of Ancou and Cristobal, and no collections are made by the Panamanian customs authorities on materials or supplies for the use of the Canal Commission, or the Panama Railroad, in accordance with what is known as the Taft agreement, under Executivo order of December 3, 1904.

Canal Zone The internal revenue of the Canal Zone Internal Revenue is from the distillation of native rum. There are about 12 distilleries situated in the Canal Zone, and these work about fifteen days every two months. The charge for distillation is in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Panama, which charges $12.00 per month per litre for a continuous apparatus, and $6.00 per month per litre for a simple apparatus. During the year 1906, there was collected from this source $7,026.75; for the first there quarters of 1907, ending September 30, there was collected $2,987.88.

Canal Zone Lands This Division has to do with the lands and and Buildings buildings belonging to the Isthmian Canal Commission within the Canal Zone, and the renting of agricultural and building lots to private concerns or individuals. The price for the rental of agricultural lands is $3.00 per hectare per annum, a hectare being about two




Quality Right up to the Mark. Give us a Trial and be Convinced

Address all inquiries to the above at Culebra, C. Z.

and two-fifths acres. The charge for the rental of building lots varies in accordance with the desirability of location, and the village in which the lot is situated. The amount collected during 1906 for land rent, was $8,597.29; for building rent, $318.95; for the first three quarters of 1907, ending September 30, land rent, $6,653.20; building rent, $427.25.

Canal Zone Posts The Postal Division has seventeen postoffices, as follows: Aneon, Station A. Ancon, Corozal, Bohio, Bas Obispo, Culebra, Cristobal, Empire, Gatun, Gorgona, La Boca, Las Cascadas, Matachin, Paraiso, Pedro Miguel, San Pablo, and Tabernilla. There are in this service one director of posts, fifty gold, and twenty silver employes. Registry and money order systems have been installed in every postoffice, and direct service is being given to all points, both foreign and domestic. The money order business was established in June, 1906, and has been on a steady increase from its inception. The money orders issued payable in the Canal Zone and other points will reach a monthly sum of $350,000.00. Postage sales for the calendar year of 1906, amounted to $42,197.04, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1907, to $67,559.77. In accordance with Executive order of December 3, 1904, the stamps used in the Canal Zone postal service are stamps of the Republic of Panama surcharged with the words "Canal Zone," which stamps are


U.S.Post Office and canal offices-Cristobal, Panama. Isthmian-American & PRR. News Agency & Advertising Burean. A Bienkowski

purchased of the authorities of the Republic of Panama at 40 per cent. of their value. During the year 1906, there were registered in the Zone 75,218 domestic and foreign letters and parcels. During the period January 1, 1907, to June 30, 1907, there were registered 53,600 domestic and foreign letters and parcels.

The entire revenues collected by the Revenue department during the calendar year 1907, amounted to $186,644.64 divided as follows: Distillation tax

Land rents....

$ 3,770 68

Building rents..

Liquor licenses

Administrative districts.

Money order fees...






Postal sales $67,559.77 net Zone Revenues 60 per cent..... 40,535.86

Total Zone revenues


Administration The Collector of Revenues, is ex-officio Adminof Estates istrator of Estates and administers on estates of deceased American employes of the Isthmian Canal Commission and of the Panama Railroad Company whose es tate do not exceed $500 gold.

The Division of Revenues. Customs, Posts and Lands is under the supervision of Col. Tom. M. Cooke, with headquarters at Ancon. The deputy collectors are Mr. H. A. Gudger, Ancon, and Mr. E. L. Baker, Cristobal.


The Police Department was organized in May, 1904, after the taking over of the Canal Zone by the Americans. It has jurisdiction over and covers the entire

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