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merchandise imposed by the act of December 1814. The communication of intelligence between the different parts of the country it appears to the committee to be the just policy of our government to facilitate and encourage; and although it might have been right to exact a revenue from it, under circumstances which made it necessary to apply every resource to the defence of the state, the present situation of the Treasury may well allow of its repeal. The duties on licenses to retailers admit, in the opinion of the committee, of a modification, which, by proportioning the price of the licence in some degree to the business of a retailer, shall render them as productive as the new rates, and less oppressive than the old ones. But as such modification could only apply to licenses for 1817, the committee propose to make it the subject of a future report.

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6,150,000 $15,778,669

To this estimate of annual expenditure might be added the amount of about $1,850,000, apThe permanent laws now in force may be ex-propriated to the payment of the principal of the pected, after the expiration of temporary duties, to produce a nett annual revenue of $25,278,840 The direct tax a nett amount of

The sale of public


Licenses to distillers,

gross amount, 1,200,000



Licenses to retail







2,675,000 2,514.500 n amt.

Duties on furniture and


On manufactures 1,311,000


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public debt; which, with the $6,150,000 applicable to the payment of the interest, constitute the sinking fund of $8,000,000. But perhaps an easier view of the subject may be afforded by stating seperately the whole sum which it is proposed to apply to the payment of the principal of the public debt, exclusively of the interest.

If the annual revenue, under the law proposed, be $25,369,500, and the ordinary annual expense be $15,778,669, there will be a balance of $9,590,831, which may be applied, as Congress shall direct, to national defence, to internal improvement, and to the extinguishment of the public debt. The considerations which have been already adverted to as enjoining the policy of pro. viding for the extinguishment of the public debt as soon as the resources of the country and the conditions of its contracts will permit, induce the committee to propose that to that object may be annually appropriated seven millions. after the year 1816; which added to the sum appropriated to the payment of interest, will form a sinking fund of $ 13,150,000, and extinguish the pub-25,278,840 lic debt in less than twelve years. This approSuch is the estimate of the annual revenue priation would still leave an excess of annual rewhich by law is declared to be pledged " to pro- venue above the estimates of ordinary expenditure vide for the payment of the expenses of gov-furnished by the Secretary of the Treasury of upernment, for the punctual payment of the pu- wards of two millions and a half, to be applied to blic debt, and for creating an adequate sinking any other branch of the public service. fund." If the recommendation contained in the report of the Secratary, with the modifications proposed by the committee, shall be carried into effect, there will be deducted from this revenue of $25,278,840



4,111,000 3,864,340 n amt.

The committee have confined their observations to the receipt and expenditure of a permanent peace establishment The modification of the plan of the Secretary of the Treasury which they have proposed, will produce too small an effect upon the

The nett amount of duties on furniture and watch-receipts of 1816 to require a distinct exposition

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of them, and the deficiency in the receipts of 1816 (which is suggested in the Treasury report,) cannot disturb the calculations which have been submitted to the receipts and expenditures of succeeding years, since the estimated deficiency is less than seven millions, and outstanding revenue on the first of January 1817, will be about twenty millions. If however the demands upon the treasury in 1817, in consequence of Congress assuming the payment of expenses incurred during war which it has not yet sanctioned, or from any other cause, shall be increased beyond the present estimates or beyond an amount for which the unapropriated revenue may provide, the sinking fund may be charged for the year 1817 with the payment of the treasury notes which may be issued under the laws now in force. In prevent

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mg an addition of new funded debt, it will perform its office as usefully as in extinguishing the old debt.

1. Resolved, That it is expedient to continue in force, until the 30th day of June next, and until an act shall be passed establishing a new tariff of duties, the act entitled " an act for imposing additional duties upon al foods, wares, and merchandize, imported from any foreign port or place, and for other purposes," passed on the 1st. July, 1812.

3. Resolved, That it is expedient to continue in force the ac entitled "an act laying a duty on imported salt; granting a bounty on pickled fish exported, and allowances to certain vessels employed in the fisheries;" passed on the 29th July, 1813.

3. Resolved, That it is expedient to continue in force the act entitled "an act laying duties on sugar refined within the U. States;" passed on the 24th July, 1813

4. Resolved, That is is expedient to continue in force the act entitled "an act laying duties on notes of banks, bankers, and certain companies; on notes, bonds, and obligations discounted by banks, bankers, and certain companies; and on bills of exchange of certain descriptions;" passed on the 2nd of August, 1813-and also the act supplementary thereto, passed on the 10th day of December, 1814. 5. Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal, from the day of next, so much of the act entitled "an act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by duties on sales at auction, and on licenses to retail wines, spirituous liquours, and foreign merchandize, and for increasing the rates of postage," passed on the 23d of December 1814, as imposes additional duties on postage.

6. Resolved, That it is expedient so to amend the act entitled "an act to provide additional revenues for the defraying the expenses of go vernment, and maintaining the public credit, by laying a direct tax upon the United States, and to provide for assessing and collecting the same," passsed on the 9th of Jauuary, 1815,


act entitled "an act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on various goods, wares, and merchandize, manufactured within the United States," passed on the 18th of January, 1815, and also the act entitled "an act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by layign a duty on gold, silver, and plated ware, & jewelry, and paste work, manufactured within the United States," passed on the 27th of February, 1815, from the same day.

Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal the act entitled "an act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government, and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on household furniture, and on gold and silver watches," passed on the 18th of Janary 1815.

10 Resolved, That it is expedient so to amend the rates of duties upon imported articles, after the 30th of June next, as that they shall be estimated to produce an amount equal to that which would be produced by an average addition of 42 per cent. to tle permanent rates of duties.

11. Resolved, That the deficiency arising from the reduction or abolition of any of the duties here. tofore pledged by law for the support of the government, for the payment of the public debt and the establishment of a sinking fund, shall be supplied by appropriating to those objects, a sufficient amount from the product of the taxes or duties proposed to be continued or increased.

12. Resolved, That it is expedient that from and after the year 1816, an addition shall be made to the sum of 8,000,000 of dollars, now annu. ally appropriated for the payment of the interest and principal of the public debt, so as to make the whole sum to be appropriated annaally to that purpose, 13,500,000 dollars.


to reduce the direct tax to be levied for the Report of the Director to the Pre ident of the

year 1816, and succeeding years, to three millions; and also to amend the act entitled "an act to provide additional revenues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit by laying a direct tax upon the District of Columbia," passed on the 27th February, 1815, as to reduce the direct tax to be levied therein, annually, to 9999 20-100. 7. Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal the act entitled "an act to provide addition] rev. enues for defraying the expenses of government and maintaining the public credit, by laying duties on spirits distilled within the United States and Territories thereof, and by amending the act laying duties on licenses to distillers of spirituous liquors," passed on the 21st of December, 1814, excepting only the 16th, 18th, 19th and 24th sections thereof, from and after the 1st day of April next, and from the same day to add 100 per cent, to the amount of the duty which all stills now subject to duty are liable to pay.

8. Resolved, That it is expedient to repeal, from and after the 18th day of April next, the

United States:

MINT OF THE U. STATES, Jan. 1, 1816. SIR-I have the honor, at this time, of laying before you, a report of the operations of the Mint, during the last year.

From the statement of the treasurer, herewith transmitted, it will appear, that during that period there have been struck at the mint. In gold coins, 635 pieces, amounting to 3,175 dollars:

In silver coins, 69,232 pieces, amounting to 17,308 dollars; making in the whole 89,867 pieces, amounting to 20,483 dollars.

The high price of gold and silver bullion, for some ime past, in the current paper money of the country, has prevented, and, as long as this shall continue to be the case, must necessarily prevent deposits of these metals being made for coinage, to any considerable amount. But a fresh supply of copper having lately been received at the mint, we have again resumed the coinage of cents; and it is believed that we shall, in the course of the year, should no fai

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lure in the expected supply of copper take place, be fully able to coin fifty tons weight, amount ing to nearly 47,000 dollars; and that, with a regular supply of copper, which can readily be procured, on terms highly advantageous to go. vernment, we can continue to coin fifty tons per annum, as long as it may be judged expedient.

The circulation of these copper coins, and of those heretofore issued from the mint, (amounting to 251,646 dollars,) and which must be still nearly all in the country, would, it is presumed, soon supply, in a great measure, the place of the small silver coins, which have now almost totally disappeared.

I have the honor to be, sir, with the greatest respect and esteem, your most obedient ser. vant, R. PATTERSON.


President of the United States.

By the President of the United States of


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Documents accompanying the Message of the President, transmitting to the Senate the Treaty of Peace with Algiers.

U. S. Ship Guerriere, Bay of Algiers, July 4th, 1815. SIR-We have the honor to refer you to the official reports of commodore Decatur to the navy department, for an account of the operations of this squadron previous to our arrival

WHEREAS it has been represented, that many uninformed or evil disposed persons have taken possession of, or made a settle-off Algiers on the 28th ultimo. ment on the public lands of the United States, which have not been previously sold, ceded, or leased by the United States, or the claim to which lands, by such persons has not been previously recognized and confirmed by the United States: which possession or settlement is, by the act of Congress passed on the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seven, expressly prohibited; and whereas the due execution of the said act of Congress, as well as the general interest, require that such illegal practices should be promptly repressed:

Having received information that the Algerine squadron had been at sea for a considerable time longer than that to which their cruihad been sent from Gibraltar to Algiers to insers usually extend, and that a despatch boat form them of our arrival in the Mediterranean, we thought that they might have made a harbor, where they would be in safety. We there fore, whilst they were in this state of uncertainty, believed it a proper moment to deliver the President's letter, agreeably to our instructions. Accordingly, on the 29th ultimo, a flag of truce was hoisted on board the Guerriere, with the Swedish flag at the main. A boat came off about noon, with Mr. Norderling, consul of Sweden, and the captain of the port, who confirmed the intelligence we had before received, and to whom we communicated information of the capture of their frigate and brig. The impression made by these events was visible and deep. We were requested by the captain of the port, Mr. Norderling declaring he was not authorized to act, to state the conditions on which we would make peace; to which we replied, by giving the letter of the President to the Dey, and by a note from us to him, a copy of which (No. 1) we have the honor to transmit herewith. The captain of the port then requested that hostilities should cease pending the negociation, and that persons authorized to treat should go on shore, he and Mr. Norderling both affirming that the minister of marine had pledged himself for our security and return to our ships when we pleased. Both these propositions were rejected, and they were explicitly informed that the negociation must be

Now, THEREFORE, I, JAMES MADISON, President of the United States, have thought proper to issue my proclamation, commanding and strictly enjoining all persons who have unlawfully taken possession of, or made any settlement on the public lands as aforesaid, forthwith to remove therefrom; and I do hereby further command and enjoin the marshal, or officer acting as marshal, in any state or territory, where such possession shall have been taken, or settlement made, to remove, from and after the tenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen, all or any of the said unlawful occupants; and to effect the said service, I do hereby authorise the employment of such military force as may become necessary, in pursuance of the provisions of the ties, as far as they respected vessels could not cease. They returned on shore. On the folact of Congress aforesaid, warning the of-lowing day the same persons returned, and infenders moreover, that they will be prose- formed us that they were commissioned by the

carried on on board the fleet, and that hostili

Dey to treat with us on the proposed basis, and their anxiety appeared extreme to conclude the peace immediately. We then brought forward the model of a treaty, which we declared would not be departed from in substance, at the same time declaring that although the United States would never stipulate for paying tribute under any form whatever, yet that they were a magnanimous and generous nation, who would, upon the presentation of consuls, do what was customary with other great nations, in their friendly intercourse with Algiers. The treaty was then examined, and they were of opinion that it would not be agreed to in its present form, and particularly requested that the article requiring the restitution of the property they had captured, and which had been distributed, might be expunged, alleging that such a demand had never before been made upon Algiers. To this it was answered that the claim was just and would be adhered to. They then asked, whether, if the treaty should be signed by the Dey, we would engage to res tore the captured vessels; which we refused. They then represented that it was not the present Dey who had declared the war, which they acknowledged to be unjust, conceding that they were wholly in the wrong, and had no excuse whatever, requesting, however, that we would take the case of the Dey into consideration, and upon his agreeing to terms with us, more favorable than had ever been made with any other nation, to restore the ships. which they stated would be of little or no value to us, but would be of great importance to him, as they would satisfy the people with the conditions of the peace we were going to conclude with him.

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We consulted upon this question, and determined that, considering the state of those vessels, the sums that would be required to fit them for a passage to the United States, and the little probability of selling them in this part of the world, we would make a compliment of them to his highness in the state they then were, the commodore engaging to furnish them with an escort to this port. This, however, would depend upon their signing the treaty as presented to them, and could not appear as an article of it, but must be considered as a favour conferred on the Dey by the United States.

They then requested a truce, to deliberate upon the terms of the proposed treaty, which was refused: they even pleaded for three hours. The reply was, "not a minute; if your squadron appears in sight before the treaty is actually signed by the Dey, and the prisoners sent off, ours will capture them." It was finally agreed that hostilities should cease when we perceived their boat coming off with a white Hag hoisted, the Swedish consul pledging his word of honour not to hoist it unless the treaty was signed, and the prisoners in the boat. They returned on shore, and although the distance was full five miles, they came back within three hours, with the treaty signed, as we had concluded it, and the prisoners.


During the interval of their absence a corappeared in sight, which would have been captured if they had been detained one hour Jonger. The treaty has since been drawn out

anew, translated by them, and duly executed by the Dey, which we have the honor to transmit herewith.

Mr. Shaler has since been on shore, and the cotton and money mentioned in the 4th article, have been given up to him. They now show every disposition to maintain a sincere peace with us, which is, doubtless, owing to the dread of our arms: And we take this occasion to remark, that, in our opinion, the only secure guarantee we can have for the maintenance of the peace just concluded with these people, is the presence, in the Mediterranean, of a respectable naval force.

As this treaty appears to us, to secure every interest within the contemplation of the government, and as it really places the United States on higher ground than any other nation, we have no hesitation, on our part, in fulfilling such of its provisions as are within our power, in the firm belief that it will receive the ratification of the president and senate.

We have the honor to be, with respect, Sir, your obedient servants.


The hon James Monroe, Secretary of state.
No. 1)

The American Commissioners to the Dey of Algiers.

his highness the Dey of Algiers, that they have The undersigned have the honor to inform been appointed by the President of the United tiary to treat of peace with his highness, and States of America, commissioners plenipotenthat pursuant to their instructions, they are ready to open a negociation for the restoration of peace and harmony between the two countries, on terms just and honorable to both parties; and they feel incumbent on them to state explicitly to his highness, that they are instructed to treat upon no other principle, than that of perfect equality, and on the terms of the most favored nations: no stipulation for paying any tribute to Algiers, under any form whatever, will be agreed to.

herewith, a letter from the President of the The undersigned have the honor to transmit United States, and they avail themselves of this occasion to assure his highness, of their high consideration and profound respect.


In consequence of some complaints from the Collector at Shelburne (Nova Scotia) relative to American vessels, employed in fishing on that coast, the following instructions have been sent out to Sir Richard Keats, and to the British naval officers at Halifax.

Downing Street, 17th June, 1815. SIR. As the treaty of peace lately concluded with the United States, contains no provisions with respect to the fisheries, which the subjects of the United States enjoyed under the third article of the peace of 1783, his majesty's government consider it not unnecessary, that you should be informed as to the extent to which those privileges are affected, by the omission of any stipulation in the present


[No. 4.


treaty, of the line of conduct which it is in consequence adviseable for you to adopt.

You cannot but be aware, that the third article of the treaty of the peace of 1783, contained two distinct stipulations, the one recognizing the right which the U. States had to take fish upon the high seas, and the other granting to the U. States the privilege of fishing with in the British jurisdiction, and of using, under certain conditions, the shores and territory of his majesty for purposes connected with the fishery of these, the former being considered permament, cannot be altered or effected by any change of the relative situation of the two countries, but the other being a privilege derived from the treaty of 1783 alone, was, as to its duration, necessarily limited to the duration of || the treaty itself. On the declaration of war, by the American government, and the consequent abrogation of the then existing treaties, the United States forfeited, with respect to the fisheries, those privileges which are purely conventional and as they have not been renewed by a stipulation in the present treaty,) the subjects of theUnited States can have no pretence to any right to fish within the British jurisdiction, or to use the British territory for purposes connected with the fishery.


in orchards too close, twenty feet was thought
Our ancestors erred greatly in planting trees
by them to be a proper distance.
branches of each tree would touch the next,
seemned not to consider that in a few years the
But they
and thus by interfering with each other, pre-
vent them from bringing blossoms and fruit,
few years become like a wood, and prevent
At that distance a plantation of trees must in a
either grass or vegetables from being cultivated
under them. Not in such a situation will three
of 40 or 50 feet.
trees produce as much as one, if at the distance

be taken to fix on a situation sheltered as much
In planting an orchard, care should always
north east winds.
as possible against the violent_north west and
Plant the largest growing
trees, such as Priestly's, on the north side, and
so descending towards the south that there may
tall trees may not overshadow the smaller.
be a regular gradation of height, and that the

to be planted at less distance than in rows at
Apples and pears, for an orchard, ought not
35 feet apart.
about 40 feet, and each tree in the row at 30 or
Pears alone may be 30 by 25,
erect than apples. Cherries, the larger grow-
and these in general, spread less and grow more
ing sorts at 30 by 20. -Peaches, apricots, and
nectarines, at 15 feet.

The root is generally forced into a small hole, slightest attention either to pruning or manuand afterwards left to chance, without the ring.

The ground designed for an orchard should be in tillage one year at least before planting; and if well manured, so much the better for the trees. The holes should be dug a foot deep, aud to receive the influence of the atmosphere. at least five feet over, and left to lie a few days

Such being the view taken of the question of the fisheries as far as relates to the United States, I am commanded by his royal highness the Prince Regent to instruct you to abstain || most carefully from any interference with the fishery, in which the subjects of the United States may be engaged, either on the Grand Nothing in the various parts of agriculture bank of Newfoundland, the Gulf of St. Law-sequently neglected, as the planting of trees. and gardening is so lit le understood and conrence, or other places in the sea. At the same time you will prevent them, except under the circumstances hereinafter mentioned, from using the British territory for purposes connected with the fishing vessels from bays, harbours, rivers, creeks, and inlets of all his majesty's possessions. In case, however, it should have happened that the fishermen of the United States, through ignorance of the circumstan ces which effect this question, should, previous to your arrival, have already commenced a fishery similar to that carried on by them pre vious to the late war, and should have occupied the British harbours, and formed establishments on the British territory, which could not be suddenly abandoned without very considerable loss, his royal highness the Prince Regent, willing to give every indulgence to the citizens of the United States, which is compatible with his majesty's rights, has commanded me to instruct you to abstain from molesting such fishermen or impeding the progress of their fishing during the present year, unless they should, by attempts to carry on a contra band trade, render themselves unworthy protection or indulgence, you will however not fail to communicate to them the tenor of the instructions, which you have received, and the view which his majesty's government take of the question of the fishery, and you will, above all, be careful to explain to them that they are not in any future season to expect a continu-pruned close to where they are produced, as ance of the same indulgence.



If you are to buy the trees, procure them from the nearest nursery you can, for the sooner trees are planted, after being out of the dried, they need not to be cut off, but if dried, ground, the better.-If the small fibres are not they should be trimmed off, otherwise they will as they almost always are in carrying a distance, mould and do certain injury to the tree, and often entirely destroy it.

which will give them a disposition to run hori-
Always keep the roots as long as convenient,
zontally, from which the roots being more un-
der the influence of the sun, the sap is richer
sery men, in taking up trees, are, in general,
and produces the sweetest, fairest fruit. Nur-
spread of root.
not sufficiently attentive to give them a good

are irregular and cross each other, and all
All bruised and broken roots-all such as
downright roots, should be pruned smooth off.
As to the top, the small branches should be

also the irregular ones, which cross each other; and all such as have by any means been broken or wounded, should be cut down to the next good eye, but by no means take off the main

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